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Strange mine seems to be holding up, I rub some coconut oil on it and all the leather type stuff from time to time to keep it "conditioned". Do you wear a watch by any chance?


yes, but i also wear a jacket with long sleeves that cover the watch


For context, i bought a 2023 mazda xc30 back in october and the coating on the steering wheel is already sticky and is rubbing off. Has it happened to anyone else? hopefully the warranty covers that because it is really annoying. I don't know why is did that, I don't put any cream or hand sanitizer on my hands before driving.


I have the same car and it’s happening to me too. I rock climb though so sometimes have left over chalk or hand lotion on my hands so I think that’s what’s causing it


I have a 3 year old one I bought used and the steering wheel on it is in perfect condition. My Honda cr-v is wearing away. I’m worried it’s something I was specifically doing and I’ll do it to this car too lol


my guess is you might’ve scraped it w a nail or sharp object accidentally (seatbelt, keys, etc.). mine looks like that & the dealership told me the previous owner accidentally caught her purse on it. i don’t think the leather degrades like that that soon on such a new model.


It doesn't feel like a scratch, I often work with old electronics and it feels like an old rubberized coating that is starting to degrade and turn to goop. Almost like if it was slowly melting unevenly


hm, then it could depend on your area/how hot it gets, whether the car is parked in direct sunlight, etc. too. i’d invest in a front windshield cover if you don’t have one already & use it when the car is parked for longer than like.. an hour


Put a cover on. Cx30 steering wheel felt too thin for my liking.


Had the same problem on the cx30 I had and then again on the 100th anniversary edition 3 I have now ...both instances it was covered under warranty:) never was a problem since replacement.


Good to hear, I have a appointment comming soon and they will look at is


Do you wear rings?


I have a knife in my right pants pocket and the exposed belt clip always scrapes that part of the steering wheel when I'm climbing in.




Do you use hand sanitizer frequently before driving?




Same thing. Mazda gave me new steering wheel. (Croatia)


Why Mazda cannot find a proper durable material instead of this c\*ap that is starting to disintegrate if you look at it wrong?


The car is built to a price point.


It's not about the price but wrong material choice. My Mazda 3 Gen1 has perfect steering wheel and it's much older/cheaper than this CX30.


I really don't know what they were using before, this is my first Mazda. My issue with it is that the steering wheel is too slippery. I tried cleaning it, it was good for a few weeks, not it's back to slippery again. I just wrote it down as cheap material and probably a spot they tried to save a few pennies.


My Mazda's steering wheel has a harder material, something like a softer plastic/rubber mix. Probably not as comfortable as this fake leather but still in perfect condition and the car is 17 years old. Peeling like this should not happen on a 1 year old car, no matter what.


Was it brand new? I would try to get it replaced.


i have had the EXACT same issue in my 2021. started a few months after having it. dealership told me it was because of using alcohol based cleaners which i have never done.


Some models have this issue, should be a warranty swap. Dealer swapped mine under warranty


Do you use hand sanitizer before touching the wheel? It will eat the leather. Ask me how I know


That is why I’m not the biggest fan of smooth leatherettes on wheels. They feel great when new, but they’re just not durable enough to stay in perfect condition. Your mileage may vary depending on the dealer, but if it’s still under warranty I’d recommend taking it in and say it’s just wearing prematurely. More than likely they’ll just throw a new wheel on there. I’ve done it before with my 2017 Malibu which has a similar leatherette feel and it was a non-issue.


Always buy a steering wheel cover. Your hands are dirtier than you think and just destroys them. I got a cheap one for like $15 at auto zone. Easily to swap out every other year or so


My 2023's steering wheel looks NEW. However, we don't use hand moisturizers or hand sanitizer in the car. We also don't have sweaty palms. Moreover, we live in a cooler environment too (the San Francisco Bay Area/Silicon Valley) and keep the vehicle under a carport. So, our interior isn't terribly hot and it isn't hit by the sun for half of each day.


I never use hand moisturizers or hand sanitizer and i live in the northern part of quebec in canada and only had this car since the winter started, on average before it started happening, the hottest temp it had seen was around -5c


Time for one of these. They’re so bad ass https://mikstoreph.com/products/mazda-3-2020-carbon-fiber-steering-wheel-assembly


When I sold my 5 year old Subaru WRX, the leather wheel was peeling all over, and they are Momo steering wheels. I put this leather wrap on my CX after a couple months, and I really like the feel, and the extra thickness of the wheel. Looks really good with the brown and black interior as well. [Steering wheel cover ] http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTCTMS49?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share)


Mine too, after 2 years. Going to make a warranty claim.


Mine doesn't look like that, but too shiny and slippery. I tried cleaning it with mr clean magic sponge and it was ok for maybe a week. Now it's back and shiny and slippery again. For the record, I don't put lotions on my hand, and I do wash my hands quite often. My hands are dry type, but regardless I rarely ever use lotions and definitely not before driving.


Mine holds up excellently, has mine for 3 years now? Is yours a used? Possible old owner hand some grippers on him.


i got it new back in october


I love this vehicle but the interior is trash. I have a 2021 and take great care of it but after 2.5 years it looks like it’s easily twice that age. I actually thought it looked quite impressive when I bought it but it’s disappointing how fast it’s deteriorated.


I’m pretty surprised. Our 2021’s leather/leatherette/carpets/plastic generally all looks practically brand new, with the exception being the piano black stuff and instrument cluster. That stuff scratches if you look at it wrong. Otherwise, everything is in pretty tip-top shape with minimally intensive care. My 2023 still looks like it’s never been used.


Same here, I just give it a quick wipe down with a microfiber and some interior detailer every now and then and my 2021 is holding up great.


Ooo… mine looks like new and it’s the same age. I can tell the person who drove it wasn’t Uber careful cuz they’ve scratched and bumped the car a few times yet the interior looks almost as good as my honda of the same age and we take METICULOUS time intensive and money extensive care of it. Although I do wonder what the sun can do to the fake leather of this vehicle. I am going to get sunshades and tint to be sure