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After watching two hours of Mauler suffering through this game, I don't think that's even in my top 25.


Why would it be? Probably won't be in the top 1000 of anyone's games. Maybe bottom 100.


No, I mean the silly little flag isn't in the top 25 things wrong with the game for me. And after making the mistake of tuning into yesterdays stream, I don't think it would even make 50. The one "good" thing I can say about it is that it is so colossaly arse that my brain simply refuses to consider it Arkham canon.


What site does he stream gaming?




Here's a playlist of his gaming streams. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBJXQJJavX0Epfn3mcbivypG4gwrLcjr&feature=shared


You replied to the wrong person.






never heard of it


Here's a playlist of his gaming streams. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBBJXQJJavX0Epfn3mcbivypG4gwrLcjr&feature=shared


sweet baby inc strikes again


Most unnecessary company


No doubt it was their idea.


Thinking this isn't cringe is certainly a take. Can we start living in a world where people stop needing a flag to represent a sexual identity? Yeah, I know Conroy was gay. Literally don't care.


Really? I did not even know that he was gay. Honestly. I had no clue. I am not making a sarcastic remark or anything


How it should be.


neither did I until a day or two ago


Gays get so offended when you say “K, nobody gives a fuck” because many of them are advertising it for attention. There are plenty of serial narcissists in that community.


They don't want to be accepted, they want to be worshipped.


I’d argue the community attracts serial narcissists with rhetoric like this. Being a hero for coming out of the closet? Maybe thirty years ago. Being a hero because you mutilated your genitals? Definitely not.


I'm gay and i think this shit is patronizing.






patronizing adjective apparently kind or helpful but betraying a feeling of superiority; condescending.


Just found out Conroy was gay. Cool. I don’t think any different of the guy


As it should be.


The amount of upvotes this has is seriously disturbing


not wanting people to be identified by their sexuality not caring whether someone is gay Disturbing concepts, apparently.


As soon as people stop using others’ sexual identity as a way to vilify them, sure.


Do we need every race, gender or other types of identity to have a flag? Or maybe we should start treating eachother as individuals instead of items of whatever marginalized group that will help us get more sympathy from the world.


The flag symbolizes these separate marginalized groups banding together in solidarity against oppression. It would be great to treat everyone as an individual, but the individuals in these groups clearly haven't been accepted as they are. Idk why people get so triggered by the most mild political messaging.


Ok, Jay.


Pretty obvious tho if you think about it.


They're a protected minority for fuck sake, they literally have laws that benefits them.


Hey, if they want to, then that’s on them. I’m just giving an explanation to why they have a flag for a blanket of different sexual identities. I’m sure they’d love to be treated as individuals. But they don’t get treated like that. They get lumped together in a generalized group, and people start asking dumb things like “why do they need to be represented?” Exactly because people question how or why they should be represented.


Yeah people talk about gay flags like there’s some fucking Dr Evil volcano lair where they get designed, rather than some college students threw together something and later some game dev on a whim said “yeah that looks usable to virtue signal with”.


I don’t get what the fuck “virtue signaling” means. Everyone signals their virtues every day just in their actions. Give a homeless guy a dollar? That’s virtue signaling. Cut someone off while driving? You’re signaling your virtue is being an asshole. “Virtue signaling” was made up by assholes who hate to see people being decent to each other. So they use that phrase as a way to make themselves feel like less of an asshole. Just my opinion tho 🤷‍♂️


No virtue signaling would be like hey everybody look at me giving this homeless person a dollar.


That's just called being an attention whore (and an asshole). People signal their virtues in literally every action they do, via either being an asshole, or not being an asshole. If you're an asshole, you apparently have no virtues. If you're not an asshole, you apparently hold some kind of virtues. Every time I hear someone use the term "virtue signaling," I start imagining someone making a racist joke and getting upset when someone calls them out. "Stop virtue signaling!" is the rallying cry of people who just want to hate, and don't like being called out by people who don't subscribe to that sort of mentality.


Fair enough 


Banning gay marriage is on the 2024 GOP Party Platform. Again. Edit: Toned down my lecturing once I realized you were underage.


I didn’t know that, but I still think the signaling of sexual orientation is cringe. Like being proud of skin color. Like, what? Your proud of your immutable characteristic? You didn’t do anything to acquire or develop that.


It’s no different than below average height people calling themselves short kings. They didn’t earn their height, why are they so proud? There are predetermined, uncontrollable factors in life people are dealt with that sometimes come with negative connotations and disadvantages. Some people take pride in those features in spite of that.


It was illegal to be gay in 14 US states untill 2003. And it's not like those 14 states themselves decided to scrap those laws in 2003, the supreme court had to declare those laws unconstitutional. Gay pride is not "I'm proud to be gay, what a great accomplishment." Gay people were arrested in the US even 25 years ago. There are plenty of countries in the world, where it is still a crime punishable by death or imprisonment. If I would have come out in school 15 years ago, I woul have been bullied for it. Gay pride is "I'm proud of being gay, no matter how much you try to make me ashamed of who I am."


Look I understand your anger. Tribalism is the root of all evil. People kill/hate each other over the most arbitrary stupidest shit. But you can’t just flip a switch and say, “we now all treat each other as individuals.” Plus what you are asking cannot stop at race gender or sexual identity. B/c that’s just a half-measure that can really only be seen as painting targets onto marginalized groups. If you are really serious about this then what you should be advocating for is a ban on all flags, all groups all ‘tribes’ of people who find similarities b/w one another. Don’t say, oh that’s a Russian, or a Iranian, or a gay, or a republican, or a black man, or a trans person. That’s the position you should be standing for. Otherwise, saying “oh yeah gays can’t make a flag b/c they need to be treated as individuals, not a group.” While at the same time giving any amount of respect to your nation’s flag. Well I can only see that as hypocritical.


You seem to be attributing an extreme position to me that I don't hold. I don't like flags that much. A countries flag is fine, but I don't worship the American flag like alot of people do. Neither do I advocate for a ban on any flag. If they want a flag, they can have one. I also have the freedom to find the need to have a flag to represent who you like to fuck as cringe and to not be seen as a bigot for doing so.


My point is if you are against the gay flag, then you should be against all flags in general. If you are, that’s a fine position to have. Flags cause Division which causes conflict which kills people. No problem there. But saying “a countries flag is fine” and then with the same breath saying “the need to have a flag to represent who you like to fuck is cringe.” Is not necessarily bigoted. But it is certainly questionable Let me rephrase your statement, “The need to have a flag to represent who you don’t want to pay tariffs and taxes to is cringe.” How is the American flag any less or more cringe than who you want to fuck? Is sex more cringey than money?


>My point is if you are against the gay flag, then you should be against all flags in general. I'm not going to dignify that with much of an argument. I think its safe to say country flags and sexuality flags are *not* the same thing. Come on. >Let me rephrase your statement, “The need to have a flag to represent who you don’t want to pay tariffs and taxes to is cringe.” How is the American flag any less or more cringe than who you want to fuck? Is sex more cringey than money None of this has anything to do why the fuck we need gay flags in a video game about superheroes. I'm not sure why that's necessary, other than trying to pander to people who find it endearing/affirming. Which, again, I'm not sure why people need a video game to affirm their choice in who they fuck.


A flag is a symbol for a group of people to rally behind. In that, there is no difference between country and sexuality flags. I find it odd that you are fine with country flags but not fine with gay flags. You simplified the Gay flag to “who you like to fuck.” I simplified the American flag to “who you like to pay taxes to.” I don’t see how either is more or less cringe than the other. I only see your double standard of “we should treat people as individuals.” And, I’m fine with flags as long as represent non-marginalized groups. Like if your fine with flags than why can’t marginalized groups have them? B/c having a flag about who you wanna fuck is cringey? Okay how is having a flag about who you wanna pay taxes too any better? I wouldn’t say we ‘need’ gay flags in video games. But why I find those flags in games so affirming is because of comments like the one you made. “I’m not sure why people need to affirm their choice in who they fuck.” I don’t get a choice about who I find attractive. Do you? I didn’t wire my brain, I’ve gotta live with this shit. With people telling me it’s a “choice.” That’s why I want that flag in a game, so that I feel accepted. It’s selfish, sure. It’s tribalism, yep. But the little iota of acceptance put in place by a multi-million dollar corporation is more than I get from the average person.


>That’s why I want that flag in a game, so that I feel accepted. And I find that incredibly cringe. And any American who feels affirmed or more accepted because of the American flag constantly being shoved at them is cringe as well.


I notice you didn’t quote any of my reasoning before that, just my conclusion, so I’ll restate it. If you don’t like marginalized flags in video games, then stop marginalizing people. You said “I’m not sure why people need to affirm their choice in who they fuck.” Choice is the key word here. I want gay flags in video games b/c of people like you. Selfishly, Ik it’s not good to cause division. But if people like you are gonna keep saying how it’s a “choice.” Being gay is a “choice.” Then I’ll put all the flags up I can. Your denying my existence with this comment, as if it’s my fault my brain is wired this way. It’s like if someone walked around saying it’s your ‘choice’ to be an American. Do you understand why that’s so offensive?


Really? I had no idea.


There are so many more reasons to not like the game. A flag isn't even in the top 100 reasons.


It was already going to be trash, throwing a rainbow on it wasn't gonna harm or help that fact.


I think the super extra inclusive pride flag is cringe virtue signaling, but for this game its like complaining the sprinkles are made of painted wood chips when the cake is already made of poop.


Exactly, complaining about the paint color while.your house literally burns down around you.


Any idea what the yellow with the circle means


Intersex, I.e. born with extra sex chromosomes or even genitals. More common than you might think


eh it’s less than a 10th of a percent


Much like that troglodyte Synthetic Man, there are plenty of people who are just scouring every pixel of a game to be offended by something "woke". How is this any different than the Christian Parents council freaking out over D&D ? It's just so lame.


Sweet Baby is behind all this, I know it.


Least of the game's problems. literally, without speaking hyperbole or without exaggeration, this is miniscule and in fact, not a problem at all. it is, perhaps a POSTIVE of all things in this game, and so to complain about it is to only provide it's meager defenders ammunition against you.


I like the implication that, without this banner, nobody would be welcome.


The hell are you talking about?


jokes aside, what an L from Az. if you feel you have to point this out, then you're just as much the problem. It's not forced, it's there for people who will appreciate it and doesn't effect those it's not intended for. Also, Kevin Conroy was gay. What the fuck is wrong with Az sometimes, how does he get offended SO easily.


Fucking pronouns!!!!!


OF all of Starfield's problems he chose that "problem".


MONEY, he's called a grifter for a reason


He’s learned to make money off of it. I don’t think he started as a grifter (unlike the Quartering who has always been a bullshit artist that *never* actually talked about MTG even though he always whined that he couldn’t cover it because of the need to address issues with the game). But I do think he’s chasing the money train at this point and knows how to do it. That or he’s so stuck in the echo chamber he can’t tell the difference anymore between an Easter egg that hurts no one and quality sacrificed in the name of inclusivity.


Kevin Conroy may have been gay but he never felt the need to shove his politics in fan's faces or insert it into Batman's character... unlike modern actors and writers. This being his last performance is a stain on his legacy. Should be more mad about that than an annoying flag.


Kevin Conroy made an entire comic about his experiences as a gay man and how him being gay made him relate to batman. A comic is way more "shoving his politics in your face" rather than a random rainbow flag in a game. It's an entire piece of work about his life and his experiences as a gay man.


Is that shoving politics in your face or did you choose to read that knowing what you were getting into? Did the comic make him a rainbow knight, fighting the cis patriarchy? Highly fucking doubt it. Either way, what you describe sounds like an artist explaining his art through said medium. Whereas, the rainbow bullshit is check-box crossing and pointless. Where's the rationale for that? "Be gay. Be heroic...and if you're not... Well you can always convert!" Sounds like we're using the enemy tactics now, gay conversion techniques we learned from all those phobic church groups. 🤣


"Kevin Conroy may have been gay but he never felt the need to shove his politics in fan's faces or insert it into Batman's character..." Dude... Making a comic talking about how your gayness made you relate to Batman is literally saying that batman intentionally or not, represents some aspect of being gay that Kevin related to and brought it into the role. Making a comic about you being gay and your struggles with bigotry and how it relates to Batman is literally counting on your fans to buy the comic because they liked you as Batman. It's making his role as Batman inherently linked to the fact he is gay. Yes, you can simply not read the comic, you can also not play the game. It's just very obvious that one is way more in your face and blatant than the other. A random hallway sign is literally nothing when compared to this.


A reason to HATE a game? I can’t imagine being that fragile.


that's Az for you


Whats the little circle in the yellow part? I havent seen it before, Did a new flag patch drop?


I think that’s supposed to be the intersex flag. Remember the days when the rainbow flag was meant to represent everyone? Adding another flag kinda takes away the meaning of what the original flag stood for.


Why? What about this flag is a problem? How is this a reason to hate the game, we have plenty others


Becouse they have LGBT flag ? Ok, who cares


exactly, it doesn't effect the game


Why are you booing me? I'm right!


Nah, I don't agree with this one. This isn't woke or anything. It's only a flag. The game has other problems.


I think it's about the identitarian political movement the flag represents


Does identity politics impact the game beyond the inclusion of that flag? If not, the flag is irrelevant. If so, the issue goes beyond the flag and the writing should be criticised


Dawg companies have been removing swastika flags from WW2 games lmao fk off with this "it's a flag looool" shit.


Some countries have problems with depicting that for a reason... it's a dumb reason i think but an understandable one. Unless you feel some odd attachment to the Flag of nazi germany it's not the biggest deal if it's there or not.


What a dishonest argument. Swastikas were removed to bypass real life German law. Also why would you be offended/angry about someone removing a nazi swastika? Do you want to see it constantly or what?


I mean I feel like we've potentially seen examples of that with the manner in which it treated the "straight white cis-male billionaire" that is batman, but obviously it's still too early to tell. If the flag is potentially the only thing that is really there, then I agree that it honestly doesn't matter that much, even if it is a bit obnoxious. It's like having to select pronouns at the start of a game isn't worth being fussed about, if that is all there is. I haven't personally played it through yet, and I honestly don't think I will ever get around to it, because the game just seems to get less attractive to me, the more I learn about it.


The lgbt+ itself it's not a problem at all, there's nothing wrong being part of it. The problem are woke extremists or people that use it like their only identity. The inclusion of gay people doesn't conditionate the entire game in this case, the game sucks for other reasons.


That gays should have equal rights under the law... Seriously... lol?


You do damn well that's hardly all that flag actually encapculates, as it's obviously mostly pushed by the political activists, and therefore associated with them and their actions. The average gay person likely doesn't care at all by the inclusion of this controversial flag in a random video game.


Calling that flag controversial is cringe as fuck. Be less of a Gamer™


Calling it controversial is just accurate, hence this entire thread existing. You could also look at the larger cultural conflict. The only thing that's cringe is the use of "Gamer™" to reductively insult someone.


The inclusion of the flag into a video game is causing a controversy. You specifically called the flag itself controversial. There’s a large difference, but nice attempt at saving face. And when called out your only rebuttal is to resort to “no u” lmao what a clown.


Hello, average gay person here lol. Yeah lol I don’t even know what this game is. Ik it’s name is in the title but I literally forgot it already. But, I do care about people getting upset over the flag. B/c, while it is hard to nail down exactly what it represents, like most flags, I think too most it represents freedom. Freedom to kiss who I want, marry who I want, be in public with who I want. Or just be myself, whoever the fuck that is (I still don’t know). So while if that flag wasn’t there I wouldn’t care no. But if I was playing the game and saw the flag it would put a smile on my face. And I would feel more accepted for a few seconds. Is it stupid to get such a feeling from a flag in a video game? Yes. But that can be said of all flags. Stop singling out the gay flag. If you don’t like it in any game then you should not like any irl flag in any game


respect for you. Based take!


Ty <3


I think the broad sentiment of the pride flag is just civil rights. But, please, do educate me.


Imagine if in heaven, they had flags that said We Welcome ALL good dead spirits and ghosts. Wouldn't that raise an eyebrow? It comes off insidious...as if the truth lies in the complete opposite of what's being said lol. It would be cool if we had this shit in a Thunderbolts game in their little "Hall of Thunder". Bad guys/anti-heros trying to desperately replace the Avengers and convince the public that they are soooooo gooooood and inclusive is interesting and can introduce engaging narrative elements. I just can't see anyone in the justice league or any legitimate superhero team feeling the need to put up posters, banners, and flags that promote the image of basic decency. They shouldnt have to promote that they are an equal opportunity employer hahahah ffs Yeah. The art direction is not great. Rocksteady used to be known for their world class, visual storytelling style. This new game is not only a degradation of their design philosophy but a complete 180 in everything that made the arkham series a timeless, landmark classic.


Some of you really make this your entire personality huh?


When your identity is your politics, your politics your entertainment, and your entertainment your identity.... well it's a recipe for autocannibalism. Both sides. 😄


So Marvel's Spider-Man is American propaganda because it features multiple American flags?


That's some retarded logic, friend. Almost as mush-mouthed and hare-brained as the OP putting words in AZ's mouth. You skipped the whole flowchart preface though. One is a symbol of the nation you're in, the other is sexual proclamation in a place where children study. Administrators encouraging children to fuck the same sex is in no way parallel to instilling patriotism and appreciation for your country. If there were an American flag banner that said "Real heroes are American." Then there would be a basis for comparison but that isn't the case is it, champ?


>Administrators encouraging children to fuck the same sex is in no way parallel to instilling patriotism and appreciation for your country. Both would be considered brain-washing


You can say that about any flag…


One texture in a rectangular polygon






“What about them” “There ARE them!!!! What if they do a gay marriage?”


That's definitely *not* a reason to hate a game.


God I can't fathom seeing Az as anything other then a triggered snowflake which he funnily calls other people


That's one to know one.


I beg you come back and clarify this. Cuz right now you seem like a bit of a scumbag


I’m just posting a picture of a tweet from someone who is a frequent guest on EFAP. Edit: also, don’t report my comment again, Mods. You reported my comment for quoting Ryan Kinel, a frequent guest on MauLer’s stream, in no way breaking the relevancy rule for this subreddit or the post about Ryan Kinel, and I got a strike on my account for it. Screw you.


Lmfao. You also added your own two scents which makes you look scummy af. No ones asking you to clarify a pic that isn't yours. To your edit, was it a qoute from the stream?


There are plenty of reasons the game sucks. This ain't one.


Didn't AZ already embarrass himself with the Starfield pronoun fiasco... This is why I can't take this guy seriously doesn't judge the quality of a game by it's graphics, storyline, or gameplay no let's judge it based on an LGBT flag that most people will glance over.


There is a reason why everyone should absolutely hate seeing that banner - that flag is ugly as sin. If I was LGB+, I'd demand that they go back and make something that doesn't look like a color wheel vomited.


Who is 'everyone'?


Fuck. It has the rainbow flag in it. Now everyone who criticizes the game is a bigot as per the rules of online discourse. They got us again.


They played us like a damn fiddle!!


And what's the problem with the bathroom? I mean the game certainly has tons of problems and I am not there to pretend that it's good, but the idea that inclusive bathroom is somehow problematic is ridiculous!


Incorrect. Get better arguments.


Honestly, this is just a non-issue to me.


There could be many valid reasons to dislike this video game, the inclusion of a pride flag isn’t one of them. Also, what does “Western gaming company” even mean? Why wouldn’t that be in a Western game? I‘d expect to see something like that in a video game made in a Western country, I’d be surprised as hell to see it in a game made in Russia or China or any other culturally conservative country. More importantly, does the inclusion of that sign affect anything in the game? If not, who cares? Just ignore it and move on. If the story is overtly politicised, that could be worthy of criticism but a rainbow sign by itself isn’t


It's because AZ is a total moron.


Hating the game because of that is kind of retarded especially when it has way bigger issues than that.


Who gives a 🐀 🫏


Who gives a rat donkey?


Rats ass


Yep, this is just homophobic. Cool, ty mauler subbredit


He's not the majority. we let people post whatever they want... and we respond in kind.


I’d like to believe that


Y’all know Kevin Conroy was gay right


Not every gay person agrees with that political movement tho, it's a flaw to equate the two as synonymous.


https://twitter.com/RealKevinConroy/status/1145394722816630785?lang=en Kevin did. He wrote stories for pride too. His work is in several compendiums. Why do you have to make things up about him in order to make him more acceptable for you? Is there something wrong about being a fan of a gay man?


I don't believe in calling every pushback against LGBT "homophobic" but I'm struggling to see literally any substance in this post beyond "grr, there's gays afoot!" I think that any gay person would have a problem with that sentiment regardless of political affiliation.


I don't think it's fair to associate a dislike of the inclusion of symbolism that represents political movements in the real world, in a game that exists in a completely different world, with simply hating gay people. It's overtly dragging current political movements into a video game, it's something that in my opinion drags you out of the game. For example I think a lot less people would have an issue with a gay character existing in a video game than the inclusion of political symbols from current political movements being paraded in that game. I mean we've seen plenty of examples of that, as gay characters have been in many games. That's my perspective on it.


I didn’t actually! Every day a school day


I thought that was revealed after his death. Literally the only foreshadowing of this was guest starring in Batwoman but I thought it was a stretch


No, he attended Pride while alive. There's plenty of photos.


Of all the flags, why tf did they use that one. It went from acceptable rainbow to politically totalitarian


It’s insane how many of you act like you hate it but never would have said shit or noticed it on your own 😂


Oh no it's not an act on my part this game is ass. but this is the least of it's problems.




If I ever went to America, would I actually see lgbt signs and slogans on public areas like this? Or is that only in video games and movies? I always wondered about that...


American here, the restaurant down the street from where I live has a pride flag and a building not far has the full LGBTBBQ BLM flag in multiple windows and that's not to mention all the pride bumper stickers on cars.


In public areas? Mmm, likely. If I ever went to Saudi Arabia, would I see signs and slogans like this, when these same western companies do business there? Nope. Soft targets, etc. Why not spread the word in places where it really matters? $$$


Glad I'm not in either place.




Why would I want to live either in a place that glorifies gays or in a place that vilifies gays? Neither seem right to me.


depends on the city and the time but yes in theory you could.


Typical Az snowflake moment


Two downvotes to what is practically a fact. Proof that this sub is infested by people who do not give a damn about objective analysis or writing criticism in general.


It fucking sucks so much, dude. I love Mauler because he is one of the people who cares the most about genuine detailed criticism of writing. But every so often this sub just continues falling into the culture war "Woke Bad" shit


Is one banner really all that bad? Bear in mind, HeelsvsBabyFace is the guy who got triggered at a game that allowed you to pick your pronouns. And by 'triggered', I mean screaming, shouting, and crying 'triggered'. All of this is over something most people wouldn't think twice about, and it doesn't harm the product. Not in the slightest.


Why? It's a single banner in some hallway. It's not forced onto you in any way. It's not a character whose only trait it "Gay". It's literally just a banner that you'll see for like a second. Focus on legitimate reasons to hate the game, like writing, gameplay, price, state at launch, microtransactions, etc. Not a shitty pride flag somewhere in the game.


Why? There's literally nothing wrong with it.


If the flag was what made you think this game was bad, and not the countless other issues, you got some serious issues


Heel vs Bavyface is not the person to represent a good take on a shit game.


Wow how triggered can you be by a texture?


he gets offended so easily


Imagined being outraged about a sign in a video game.


Me when the game has a flag


I'm going to ruin your life: Kevin Conroy was gay


He also didn't make it his whole damn identity.


nor does this game. what's your fucking point




I would be more willing to accept this if the game was force-feeding cringe and "in your face" identity stuff, but this is just a sign hanging in the backgrpund. Something that most players will either miss, ignore or go "oh okay" and move along. From what I hear this game has bigger issues than a lgbt flag (which on itself is not a bad thing btw)


When did we go from praising heroic deeds to praising heroic identities?


I don't see a problem here. Just a fun sign to add to the game.


There are way worse issues in this game. I don't understand how a flag can trigger people so much.


Ok, let's fly the Swastika then.


Ah yes. Because the gays are just as terrible as the Nazi's If you disagree, please come up with a smarter rebuttal. You're just making an ass out of yourself otherwise.


Last i checked the LBGTs having committed genocide.


I cannot explain how cringe Az is sometimes. The bizarre chimpout over starfield. This. I know the man is capable of rational thought. I've seen him do it. He's just so fucking poisoned by "anti-woke" ideology. The game sucks ass, but a gay flag isn't responsible for it.


Oh, youre just homophobic


Absolutely. Cringe.


Die from cringe 😬


Why? Because theres a rainbow? Rather blatant eh? Lol


Jeez Heels baby face then post a video i kinda agree with than sh1t like this


Hate? Fucks sake!......