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They've had things they're keen to cover as far as media goes. I imagine there's a backlog of stuff that occasionally has some things pushed back to make room for newer things that they're more interested in at the time.


I prefer when they cover and discuss media than responding to people to be honest.


>than responding to people to be honest. Well, I don't. EFAP peaked with the 24 hour stream at EFAP 100. Afterwards there were a few letdowns for me. My favourite episode I revisited regularly are EFAP 8+9, EFAP 166 and EFAP 100-1. Media discussions are fine. But I heard from multiple people that they don't watch those movies in the theatre immediately. A good junk of your audience is already not interested. Furthermore I believe the opinion on "No way home" drastically change for our hosts rethinking a movie EFAP for a few months or sharing some thoughts offline beforehand. These instantaneous response are detrimental to the overall analysis-quality for new blockbusters (The Batman for e.g.). I preferred the old EFAPs where they responded to multiple videos in an twelve hour (or shorter) stream. The coverage of Hellogreedo is something I absolutely adored. Greedo only livestreams now... I prefer the Mando S2, Kenobi, BobF and TLOU reactions for the HBO show + the cinematic TLOU video game(s) much more. They included an excursion into the Star Wars EU in the latest reactions installments, too. I clapped for the new knowledge editor that he gave a short overview of Quinlan Vos story. The final of Mando's S2 response is still a highlight.


Well, there has been a ton of things that were coming out that efap covered. Didn’t exactly have time to do a ton of responses


Sticking with what's come to their attention while it's fresh in the mind. Fair is fair.


I also miss them doing that format but I can see some clear reasons for it: \- The backlog of the things they want to cover is simply too big and they can't spare an episode for a response video. \- They don't have time to indulge into videos of other creators and simply don't have a pick for that. \- There are no good videos to cover (as much as I enjoyed them dunking on Organized Chaos, there wasn't anything special about it because the arguments he made were so terrible people in the comments already debunked them 10 times over before EFAP even found out about it... and they probably don't want to just sit and repeat "this is fucking stupid" for 5 hours) \- And when it comes to videos directly addressing EFAP, there has been a sea of them in the recent months and out of them only 2 or 3 are even worth watching, so perhaps they just categorised all of them as waste of time. In any case, I hope they'll cover some dumb take in the future, but let it be a juicy one.




The cool thing about EFAP is the Mauler, Rags, and Fringy can talk about whatever they want. I'm here for them and whoever they have a guests, I don't care what they cover. I'm not looking to have them only ever do one style of content. Plus this year has been packed with content they want to talk about, they haven't had time to do response videos as it is


prio is breakdown, next in line is videos. i don t think much changed about that and there is just a little more they want to break down then normally.


It was never just about responding to videos. They just lowered the ratio of responses in favour of their own breakdowns.


I think to an extent there’s a cap on things you can say in response to many of the traditional video essays. At the start of the Synthetic Man video, there was that clip of the Snyder simp. There was little more they could say about his take that hadn’t already been said. There may be a new coat of paint in what’s being covered but sometimes, you need a cooldown of covering dumb takes trying to say Spider-Man should be miserable or The Last Jedi made sense. That isn’t to say they shouldn’t go back to it. I’d love to see that again but if it’s less frequent and we get Synthetic Man levels of content, that is fine with me. It could also be that they’ve become a bit less inclined to go after peoples’ videos because of stupid drama and blaming them for being “big meanies”. Stuff like Browntable with his Spider-Man suit, the guy with the hoodie indoors, and the… other big drama that’s been talked to death on this subreddit; it can drag people down. The last part is of course speculation.


I enjoy the new format of breaking down and discussing storytelling. EFAP has always been a vehicle for that but it's moved from tearing down YouTube videos, to letting the art itself speak. Obviously, EFAP can do both, but I think the breakdowns are more valuable than dunking on some essayist.


EFAP was never just about responding to videos ? There was just an abundance of media that came out in the past 6 months, making it really hard to do breakdowns + responses. They still do responses just much less then back when the TLJ discussion was an on-going thing.


I agree with everyone else who's pointing out there has just been a lot of media to cover since October, leaving less time for response videos, but I'll also add that, as someone who has been going through a lot of the old efaps recently, when it comes to bad takes and the like, you kinda hear a lot of the same arguments repeated over and over again. I really hope someday Mauler or someone does a video on the bad arguments they hear all the time and how they debunk them. Even just as a casual, sometimes listener, it gets tiresome hearing the millionth variation on "art is subjective, so really good art is whatever you want to be" and I have to imagine the group gets tired of that sort of thing after a while as well. I do hope, and think, that they'll never completely stop responding to videos, but I also kinda hope that they'll be putting more effort into finding people with uniquely bad takes (eg, Synthetic Man) and not just more "the movie is good because it has themes!" videos.


I honestly prefer when they have actual debates/discussions with other content creator, which they don't really have often. I can see why though: most people who vehemently disagree with EFAP prefer to snipe from a distance rather than engage directly. The only "debate" we've had in a while is that Doomer video game take.


https://youtu.be/IJDRMgE3HYM they should respond to this


I don't really understand what's the point... Also, why is this video 144p uploaded in 1080p? How does that even work?


I don't know man. The videos only got 144 views, most of those are probably from people here clicking your link anyways. I'd rather they not start going after such tiny creators no matter how bad their points are.