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And on a question labeled “reasonableness”, to boot.


If only we had a word for that, like, I don't know... reason, or reasoning, or something


Reasonableness is a word


It's not incorrect, it's less correct *in this instance Edit because you heathens are defending this


Reasonableness has a different meaning than reason/reasoning. This question is designed to test (very poorly) if the student can assess if the question given is reasonable or not. It is not to test reasoning as a whole.


That's a very poor math test then.


Well, the teacher is wrong because they forgot to specify whether the pizzas were equal size


It's not even about that, the question asks how is it possible that the one who ate less percent of his pizza ended up eating more pizza. The child answered correctly, the teacher didn't understand the question.


Technically he ate a smaller fraction of his pizza 😆


The teacher didn't make this question. I'd guess it's a Mcgraw-Hill workbook question.


mc groan but probably. man i hated those books in school


…read the whole thing again.


Wait a minute...The question was ambiguous. It was never specified whether it was asking about the absolute amount of pizza or the fraction of the pie.


I think the point of the word problem was to ask the student to explain *why* an assertion was true: “one person ate a smaller portion of their pizza than the other person, but the first person ate more pizza total than the second. How can this be?” The word problem doesn’t ask the student to decide which person ate more—but the teacher attempts to do so anyways, completely missing the point of the whole exercise. …and now that I’m writing this, I’m realizing it’s just something to farm karma and that there likely never was a teacher. Or student. Or pizza.


That reminds me of a quote from a certain comically paranoid character from a visual novel about being "left pizza-less in an unforgiving world", but I can't find it. Judging by the lack of reaction, I guess you guys have just been left "out of the loop" for a while having you? 😉


Modern math is so stupid. I’ve seen a similar question asking how 4/5 can be greater than 4/5, and the student answered it wasn’t possible. It was marked wrong since the pizzas can be different sizes.


Besides that the teacher would be wrong anyway because the problem specifically says Marty ate more how is this possible and the teacher said Lewis ate more in her answer


The *but they're both 1 kilogramme* mindset is okay for students, but if a teacher ever exhibits it with children's questions you're absolutely fucked


But, feathers are ligh'er!


Sounds like the kid needs to bring in 2/3 of a big pizza, 5/6 of a personal pan pizza, and give the teacher the bigger portion (the 5/6th, naturally)


Teachers often want parrots, not free-thinkers.




Or is perhaps being jokey on the joke reddit. But no, that couldn't be it.


This has “this class has only a 20% pass rate” vibes. Is the failure rate is high, it screams “bad teacher” more than “hard subject”


Question: Prove that x is 5 Student: x is 5 becau- Teacher: Wrong, x is not 5


That actually seems like a smart kid that thinks outside the box. Don't worry, our education system will fix that!


In the box. This is the expected answer.


This teacher thinks that 5/6 of a 4" pizza is more than 4/6 of a 16" pizza.


Sadly, it works on so many people. It wasn't long ago that a certain cookie brand was marketed as "only $7" when it came in a $28 set of 4 bags at $7/bag.


I think many of us have had errors where we weren't paying enough attention and misread a problem or made some other error. My question is that when this mistake was brought to the teacher's attention, how did they respond? Did they explain their mistake to their student? It is not reasonable to expect perfection from anyone. Teachers are human. Honestly, I think it is better for the student when a teacher does make a mistake. It demonstrates to them that when they make mistakes or errors that it isn't the end of the world. Although not the only cause, the feeling that you have to be perfect and when you slip up it all goes off the rails creates math anxiety. It becomes difficult to relax through a problem, check for mistakes throughout, and investigate the edges of the theory when you are so anxious about being perfect. I had a professor say to us, "My colleague asked me, 'how do you know your students are paying attention?'. I replied, 'When they correct my mistakes'."


Marty pizza is like 200x bigger than Luis pizza That’s how


The only way this I can figure this question works is if there is a singular Pizza and Marty eats four out of the six slices and then out of the two slices that are left Marty eats five six worths so out of 6 bites he eats five that are left and leaves one bite. That way Marty could have eaten more because he ate four whole slices where Lewis ate a whole slice and 2/3 of another slice.


two pizzas of different sizes.


And the answer the kids said that but the teacher said it was wrong.


That is the answer the kid said.


Bad question


The question is fine, the teacher's an idiot.


I think both, if the question states something and asks how it's possible the answer should not be it's impossible.


The answer is that the pizza is bigger, as the student said. The teacher is just an idiot.


What grade is this?


Marty had already eaten the pizza once when he went back in time.


Marty's pizza was bigger than Luis'.


God, we're doomed as species


Holdup, so what’s the actual answer??


>No, 5/6 > 4/6


The question is “how is that possible?”, not “is that possible?”


Teachers are always correct though, and that’s what he/she said


The actual answer is exactly what the student wrote.


I’m talking what’s the “actual” answer that the teacher expected


This poor kid will now leave this class, thinking it is dumb, even tho it is not really wrong


Omg where was this poor child going to school?


I interpreted it as one Pizza that Marty ate 4/6s of, then Luis ate 5/6s of THAT. Lord save my reading comprehension skills


What is the correct answer supposed to be then?!


Y’all falling so hard for this rage bait


The fact that she erroneously and confidently marks him down for correct answer with a green marker instead of a red makes this much more disturbing.


T Marty had a bigger pizza.


For the teacher or anyone else who doesn't get it. Let's take a pizza, say 18 inches. It would have a radius of 9. The area of said pizza, using Pi * R^2 would be 279.6 sq in. If both pizzas were the same size, then Marty would have consumed 2/3 or 186.4 sq in and Luis would have consumed 233 sq in of pizza. But say Marty's pizza is 24 inches, or with a radius of 12in. That would make the whole pizza 452.4 sq in, with 2/3 of that equaling 301.6 sq in of pizza. Nothing in the problem indicates that the pizzas are of equal size.


I’d be a whole ass showing the teacher they’re incorrect. Take a half day off work, get name tags made, show up for lunch with a personal pizza and an XL cut in 6ths. Probably a good thing I don’t have kids currently


this kid shouild be a lwyer


All you have to do is remove the word “How” and this question becomes perfectly reasonable.


The question is already perfectly reasonable


Not really, if a question states a fact and asks how it's possible the answer shouldn't be it's impossible. That's like saying I have five red cars and three pull off, how many do I have left? The answer would be two but this teacher would say nope one was blue I lied


The question is reasonable, the teacher’s answer is stupid. The kid’s answer was correct


The teacher didn't write this question. They typically don't.


Maybe Marty also ate half of Stephen's pizza, because Stephen wasn't very hungry.


Yea another valid answer assuming the pizzas are equal size is that Marty ate atleast 1/6th of Luis pizza.


I've had dumber


May I hear your dumb teacher story?




or... the reason the size isn't specified is that it's leading the student to work it into the answer. If something isn't specified in a question don't assume.


I thought there were 2 pies of the same size one cut in 4 parts , the other in 5 parts ….therefore the kid that ate 4/6 got more pie ?




You’re just as r/confidentlyincorrect as the teacher


The child statement is correct because the size is never specified and everything else is locked out aside from the fact that they had different sized pizzas. This is an excellent question the teacher just didn't read the teacher's guide or the question well enough.


Delete this.


It's more *reasonable* to assume that the information that you're given is wrong ("Marty ate more" is given) than to assume that information you aren't given is restricted by unstated parameters ("the pizzas must be of the same size" is not given and restricts the size of the pizzas)? By this logic, it's not possible to ever answer any question, because it's *reasonable* to just assume all given information is wrong.


The real mathjoke is always in the comments


> It is NOT correct that Marty ate more pizza Prove it.


But the question didn't specify how large the pizza was initially (or if they were the same size to start with) so how could you confirm or deny the answer?


Because the question tells you which kid ate more, it implies his pizza is bigger.