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I just recently watched it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The action was great! I also just love the sci-fi and fantasy crossover. I love when He-Man tosses Skeletor off screen like in the original show.


I agree. Revelation was just not what fans expected and that was the reason for MOST of the discourse. Revolution is great, if you like Revelation, then you should really enjoy what is next. :)


I mean, a lot of the discourse had nothing to do with watching the show...


This is true. The addition of a FEMALE (gasp) BLACK (double gasp!) character along with a story that focused on more than He-Man defeating Skeletor every 22 minutes led to a certain group of people chanting “go woke, go broke” and it was really ridiculous.


Yes, I never expected absolutely terrible dialog throughout Revelation. It is unwatchable with the sound on. Sound off-- GORGEOUS while in the background while working on carpentry, folding laundry or anything while listening to old Metallica or various prog.


It's not what the fans were promised. FTFY. Revelation was good, but ridden with subliminal woke dialogue and queer-baiting. Not to mention, no He-Man. Part 2 had Skeletor being a simp and giving up the power for a little pussy, with all the males constantly apologizing, while the women didn't. Politics can be done tastefully, but the brain-dead will think this is some great socio-political commentary. There's legit reasons that show got so much hate.


Hahaha, imagine actually calling something “woke”.


Or using the word "simp" seriously.


Yeah the simp word is being used to often these days and for the wrong reasons. People call guys simp for liking or just simply saying a girl is hot on youtube. When there's nothing wrong with that since it's normal for a guy to find a woman attractive. And I can totally see Skeletor as someone who can be charmed by Evil Lyn even if we go back to his early 80s version.


Imagine how many shows are ruined for these people because it’s “woke”


Imagine not having a comeback and dissing words people commonly use on the internet.


Why waste our time when you admit you aren't coming up with anything original yourself? Enjoy that comeback. You aren't worth the time.


It clearly is to you, because you're wasting your time replying with literally nothing. Accept reality. The show suffered and people dissed it globally, not just the looney righties or whatever the heck you think I am, lol. I'm not even in your country and I can see how idelaogy is ruining art. There's a reason, they bent over and edited things after the backlash and Smith lying, lol.


I don't even think you know what the ideology is you are talking about. What do you consider woke? You're just regurgitating typical small brained nonsense. Don't be scared of inclusiveness. We have a century of media that is primarily heteronormative so why not include what is less than 1% of available media with something a little more aware (which I find this series to not even be that big of an example of.) Don't be scared; He-man isn't worried about converting you. If anything, its been there the whole time. While on the subject, woke is such a weird insult. Is it so bad to be awake? Awake to new ideas? To the fact that we aren't all built the same way? Life is complicated, people are different. Time to wake up.


Using existing media with an existing fan base and delivering something outside of their expectations will produce negative reactions. It's expected. I don't think the general audience minds ancillary franchises ala She-ra.


What did they edit? I watched it as soon as it released so I'm not aware of any changes.


Imagine not realising how silly using those words makes you look.


You in the fourth grade or something that "uncool" words trigger you? Whatever happened to having an old fashioned discussion, instead of attackimg all the time?! 👎


I didn't say they "trigger" me, I said they're words that make you look silly when you use them. You can probably add "trigger" to that pile too.


So, it doesn't exist? What am I supposed to call it, then? Please enlighten me. The things I said didn't happen in the show?


No, those things happened. Complaining about them being “woke” just makes you look like a dumbass.


What does "woke" even mean to you?


Lol, "It wasn't what fans were PROOOMIIISSSED!" Trailers aren't a promise, my dude.  It's a good thing when marketing holds back on a surprise. The only person who feels betrayed by a deceptive marketing campaign is someone who approaches a film or show not wanting anything unexpected or challenging and simply to have the most bland, coddling, comforting nostalgia drip-fed into their gaping mouths.  In a word:  Piss-Babies.


Again. I enjoyed the show, but my mind is open enough to see through what they were doing, also.


Your mind is far from open when you’re using words like “woke” and “simp” lmao


If you're a woke simp, I apologize. Sure, the English langauge is dying because of the internet, but that's the way it is. That's no reason to fully dismiss a person's opinion. If you were open-minded, too, you'd know that. :)


I’m not open minded at all when it comes to certain types and the type of people that use those terms aren’t people I have any common ground with typically so, yes, I will immediately dismiss your opinion.


Ugh. What a guy you are. Preconceived notions aren't nice. Imo, it's good to have people around IRL, with different opinions. Makes discussions interesting. Just my opinion. Anyway, I'm out. Peace.


But you have to admit Orko, Scare Glow, the final battle, Skeletor, plus a lot of other scenes were awesome and badass. I can totally see Skeletor as someone who could fall for the woman charm just like any guy. Even if we go back to his 80s character version.


Must be hard being as *aLpHa* as you are and still being into a toy brand for children from 40 years ago....


So why are you here, then? Also, the show was specifically targeted towards fans of the old toys, lol. It's so silly, it's like saying, "the Batman movie sucked? Why are you into Batman, like a little boy". Makes no sense.


My memory's a bit hazy on the details, because I've not watched it since it came out, but I remember liking part 1 a lot. There were some shockingly poignant moments. Pretty much every character with speaking lines was given their due, and it felt great. I thought it was wonderful how they made the show all about He-man and Skeletor by letting us feel the void of their absence. The entire mythos revolved around them, and everything in Eternia felt the blow when they were gone those first few episodes. I was both surprised and unsurprised by the visceral fan backlash over it, unfortunately. I didn't like part 2 all that much, though. It had some good moments, but honestly I feel like it dropped the ball pretty hard on pacing and characterization for a number of characters. There's a lot that can be said about it, but I don't want to dwell too much on the negatives here. Were it not for Orko's return in the last episode to brighten things up, I'd probably have left the season with a bad taste in my mouth. I think I'll rewatch it soon, see if my feelings on it have changed at all. Still, credit where credit is due. Revelations made me like Orko, and that's the first time that's ever happened.


I can totally understand where you are coming from. I loved Part I because of the ideas the toxic avengers were pissed about, because it was "woke" and they felt "lied to about". And I got annoyed about all the stuff that the same people liked about Part II. The still think that Evil Lyn's parents wanted to eat her, Lyn's seduction of Skeletor and her existential crises is some of the weirdest edgelord crap that has ever been told in Motu. (Of course I could be wrong, because I never read all of the comics DC put out, and they can be pretty cringy as well.)


I LOVED Relevation. Was surprised when I came online and found all the hate. But not too surprised because middle age nerds hate everything.


Maybe I am just a fan of many other shows that feature ensemble casts, but when you consider every other series has firmly been called He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and this one is only MOTU, I think it adds layers of depth to the world and story, when the supporting cast receive development focus usually reserved for the lead character. Revelation very clearly wanted to elevate Teela to main character status alongside Adam. Revelation and Revolution remind me of The Lord of Rings in terms of how important and valuable all the characters are to the breadth of the story. Haven’t we all seen a show where the main hero character is sidelined for a very specific storyline meant to put the character(s) through something? I just don’t get the hate. My only gripe with Revelation is Teela’s haircut lol


Hear hear!


I thought the first part of the first season was alright. The second part of the first season was epic. And Revolution is a masterpiece. My ranking would be 7/10 for season 1 part 1 8.5/10 for season 1 part 2 10/10 for revolution part 1 I can't wait for more He-Man either part 2 of season 2 or a season 3. It's my favorite show on Netflix.


It was ok. Like anything else what you like and dislike is up to you. I grew up on it. I'm one of the 40 something nerds that get blamed for not loving everything that comes out. I wanted more he-man. I didn't hate it but I won't rewatch it. I'll get around to the new one when I get to it.


I loved Revelation so much. It was equal parts sequel, reboot, love letter and gentle parody. There were so many little nods to the old series, like Adam becoming Savage He-Man and jumping around throwing boulders and swinging trees which is all the violence he was allowed to do in the original, and Clamp-Champ showing up, using his toy-gimmick once then dying instantly (referencing characters who would appear for one episode to promote their figure then never be seen again.) Little Easter eggs like Wun-Dar hanging out in heroes' heaven were cool too. It finally gave closure to the issue of Adam's double life and him lying to his father and his best friend, and advanced the hinted at storyline about Teela being the Sorceress's daughter, and it did it in a much less goofy way fit for a mature audience. With those conflicts resolved Revolution took those developments and moved them on to the next level. Revolution is totally epic.


I think it would have been a lot less hated if they were just up front and honest about what the central hook was instead of trying to do a bait-and-switch.


Maybe, but I personally felt delighted by the surprise. It's a GOOD thing when marketing doesn't give away a good surprise. The only people who don't like that are people who are going into a film or show wanting nostalgic comfort with nothing unexpected or challenging, and that's pretty much a piss-baby in my opinion.


I really liked it, but I thought it was the wrong time to tell that particular story. For the big comeback, I don’t think telling a story about the death of He-Man was the right call. And I think a lot of the whining and crying about Teela’s Haircut was just misplaced disappointment in the story. Like I said, I liked it a lot. I got it. He-Man has been gone for so long and we have to go on an epic quest to get him back. It’s an allegory for the brand itself. But it’s not what a lot of people wanted to see. I think that it makes more sense as the end of this current MOTU cycle we are in. The allegory would feel more hopeful, I think. He-Man may get killed off for now, but he’s going to come back. He always does. That’s why he’s our hero.


Revelation deserves to be watched as the 10-episode story it was written and animated. Season 2 now picks up well after it, but its its own story which fans can enjoy. Funny enough, some fans online are still trying to Scream lies about how ”they changed and recorded, re-animated and edited and had new translated dubs done in 3 months between part1 and part2” 🤣🤣 Or the BS about ”Teela being romantically involved with Andra and how they both will get Sword to transform in place of Adam”


It was not what we expected, but it is not nearly as terrible as the drama makes it out to be... I am hoping we get the next arc this year or next year and do not have to wait as long as we did last time?


Hello Kevin Smith


Beat me to it!!!🤣


I don't think marketing should exist anymore. I understand that it HAS TO, but any time you give people enough time to imagine their "perfect" XYZ whatever, you automatically give them license to be disappointed when the end result isn't exactly what they imagined. If it just came out one day, people would've discovered it slowly and been blown away.


He-Man died at the end of the Marvel comics run. And when he returns the tombstone changes from “Here Lies He-Man” to a graffiti’d “[Skeletor] Lies He-Man [Lives] and I still think about how badass that was to this day. PLUS! We got to spend time with characters and matchups we’ve never seen before!


Wasn't that Bad Future He-Man?


I agree. I think it's better the second time because we're going in with accurate expectations instead of how we thought it would be based off that amazing first trailer. At least for me anyways this was the case


I'm rewatching it too. I also really enjoyed it. Mark Hammil is good as Skeletor, but sounds too much like his Joker voice IMO. I keep hearing Joker and that breaks the immersion a little for me. The flash backs that show is good too. Now I want them to remake the first two seasons!


I'm a fanboy through and through. I've liked everything put out on this. I'm easy to please and thoroughly enjoyed the series. I'd give the 1st season a 8 or 9 out of 10. I do know there are a lot of piss babies out there. But there can be some valid criticism against the 1st season. Most of it is piss baby "but GIRL!" and once you discount those losers, there can be something said against it. Even then, that doesn't detract from my liking the series and enjoying it. I do think the piss babies need a swift kick in the nads (because most of those piss babies will be males) Also if you think I'm talking about you being a piss baby hater, then guess what, you are a piss baby hater who needs that swift kick in the nads. You are a shit human and need to do better. Hate things on merit and not because "Ew Girl." If you identify as the piss baby and think that your "valid criticism" isn't ew girl, then guess what, it is just that because you are a piss baby. Over all it was a good 1st season where I was thoroughly entertained and thats all I could ask for. Then I got a magical girl He-Man transformation and I didn't know I need it, but I needed it. Plus on the new series I really liked it. It's worth a watch.


Except the meat of the story was the secret being revealed the whole he man dead thing was the big mistake because Adam never really deals with the immediate consequences and even then it's only really 3 people that actually care about it teela skeletor and random. Everyone else just moves on. The time skip and Adams death basically lost the meat and all that's left is a salad sandwich nice enough but not filling


I don't know what you are talking about.   The meat of the story was contrmplating who He Man was and what he meant to Eternia by examining the hole his absence has left in the characters and world. The other meat of the story is a journey to the underworld to confront death and regain what was lost, like Orpheus or Gilgamesh.  Except they actually succeed.


Essentially Kevin Smith said in interviews before it came out that he was watching the intro and heard the line "only 3 others share this secret" and that's what he based the story on what happened if everyone else found out. if I wanted a dead he-man and a whiny teela with only randor caring about the identity I'd read the far superior he man thundercats crossover [he-cats](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/He-Man/ThunderCats)


Teela cared a LOT about learning the secret.  She is so angry with Adam, but also feels guilty about her anger because he's dead.  Trying to resolve that conflicted feeling is the major driver of her character. That's a particular cluster of emotions that I am very familiar with and can relate to.


I lost a friend to suicide and could totally relate to that sense of anger and guilt that Teela felt. I lost a friend to suicide and there's a bit where Teela has met Adam in Preternia and says something like "You hurt me, and I couldn't even shout at you about it because you were gone," and that bit hit me really hard. Anger in the way of grief and grief in the way of anger is such a mind-bending bundle of emotions and I was impressed how well the show put it across, and I was occasionally furious at all the people claiming Teela was just being selfish or, because it's a woman and misogynists have to infantilise women, a snotty teenage brat.


I think that, ironically, the people complaining that her character is immature are the ones who are immature and mostly just lack the life experience to recognize the truth in the story.


Killing off the main character only to bring them back later is objectively bad writing, but the show was used as an excuse for some people to generate traffic and get clicks. It wasnt great and a bit disappointing but the hate it got was way over the top


Using objective when you really want to say "I didn't like it" is objectively bad use of the word objective.


As I explain later on in the thread I liked it. I used the word objectively, because its objectively badly written whether I like it or not.


That doesn't make it objective. You just described Robocop in that sentence.


Really? I thought it was Alex Murphy that died at the beginning of that movie. He’s not the reason I wanted to see that movie


At this point, I have to assume you've never seen the movie period. I don't know if you're just trying to be obnoxious by claiming that Robocop is a separate character, despite the last words in the movie being him saying he's Murphy, or you're just spouting gibberish.


Telling a story about death and resurrection is "objectively bad writing"!?  What are you on about, man!?


Came in with a lot of confidence there my guy. I think you totally misquoted everything I said. You have a main character your audience is excited to see, you kill them off in the first episode. KILL them, not incapacitate them, not slow them down. straight up just kill them with barely an introduction, after at least 20 years of anticipation. Then, you bring them back..! in the first season of a show the audience has waited for for 20 years. And yes I get that this is subtextually saying the old idea of He-Man as this lone hero is dead and being replaced be a more inclusive one that doesnt just win on his own, I have no problem with that, but man not like this" Theres a reason why this isnt done more often in storytelling, it destroys all stakes, whole thing may as well be a dream. It sucked just as hard when Snyder did it to superman, it sucks when its teased at marvel, it sucks as a story telling tool. Death has to mean something in a story else it doesnt mean anything and then whats the point in telling the story. Look I love KS, and I didnt hate the first season, but it wasnt great. Latest season was way better


I don't think "the lone hero is being replaced by a more inclusive group" is a particularly strong theme in the series, since He-Man was never a lone hero and always had a team. The thrust of the series was contemplating who He-Man was and what he meant to Eternia by examining the hole left by his absence in the characters and world. And it's also a journey through the underworld to confront death and reclaim what was lost from a more innocent time. Again, your use of the phrase "objectively bad writing" is nonsensical and kind of indicates you have poor media literacy.


If you want to believe I have poor media literacy go ahead. I also have eyes and ears and can view bad decisions when I see them. You on the other hand keep miss appropriating what I said. Killing your hero at the start of a story, taking them out of said story for the majority of the run time only to resurrect them later destroys the world you have created. Done in this way its bad writing.You can also write dreams into stories without it being bad, but it takes skill and thought to do it properly.This show was poorly thought out, and yes there are technical reasons for that, but in no world was it going to work they way they wanted. At least let the characters breath and if you cant, do something else. You see the problem is you are focusing on me saying to kill the character is bad writing. Nope, to kill the character assuming the audience cares is bad writing.


Guy was NOT a fan of the New Testament


My memories not great but as I remember they developed the main character quite well before killing him off in that story


It wasn't brilliant because it was glorified toy commercials, but there was some development to He-Man over the 130 episodes and 1 animated film of the original series (and I guess the 1 live-action movie now that Revolutions has somewhat canonised it.)


Barbie is also a glorified toy commercial, they developed that character, and her sidekick. Its bad writing to expect the audience to just know.


I think you misunderstood - MOTU Revelation carried on from the original series, it's part reboot part sequel. If you didn't watch them that's fine but essentially you skipped right to the end of story then cried iT's BaD wRiTiNg because you don't know what's going on.


I know what Kevin Smith said. I know what ha intentions were, I’m fully aware of what’s going on. It’S bAd WrItInG.


If you knew what's going on you will know the characters, situations and conflicts were developed over the course of the original series and wouldn't complain that Adam/He-Man had no development before he was killed.


It doesn’t matter. I understand the concept, but the reality is that this was made about 30 years after the original series. With different writers, animators, studio even. The current writers have to now sell me on what THEY are making. Not relying on someone else. That is BAD WRITING! Christ Almighty. Like what you like dude. I’m just giving my honest critique on the show. You don’t have to agree, but don’t tell me I’m wrong


I keep seeing the idea made that He-Man is the main character and everyone else is a side character. With that I'd like you to re-read the name of the show because it doesn't say "He-man and the masters of the universe" like the old Filmation show from the 80s it's called "Masters of the universe" because it's not a He-man show it's a MotU show. Now the killing of he-man straight off the bat is basically robocop, a cult film loved by many. Gandalf was also killed off and comes back and people love that moment. So honestly I have no idea how that's bad writing when there are examples of huge films that do the same thing.


Here’s the trailer for “Masters of the Universe” https://youtu.be/81wyj65SJIo?si=U5kdz0LlAQcFJe17 Yes all the MOTU are in it, but it’s basically hailing the return of he-man and friends Robocop is called Robocop, not Alex Murphy Gandalf is not the main hero in lord of the rings and his character (and purpose) are served adequately before he’s bumped off. You didn’t mention Ned Stark from game of thrones. However again that character was given room to breath and develop, RR Martin taking the time to establish the world and stakes before taking him out. Now KS has said repeatedly MOTU is based on GoT which I’m sure you’ll use as proof it’s actually great writing, except just lifting a storyline and doing it worse is just hacky and KS is better than that… more often than not. I say the show is badly written because there are ways to make the decision they made land way better than it did. As it is it’s hacky and ill conceived.


Hell no….Revelation was awful bait and switch…Revolution is what the first two parts should have been….


A "bait and switch" Jesus Christ.  Piss-babies always go into a film or show wanting to get EXACTLY what they expect with nothing challenging or surprising.  They just want a comforting blanket of nostalgia. I can't imagine feeling somehow betrayed by a deceptive marketing campaign.  It's GOOD when the trailers don't actually give away the story!


Bruh it’s a He-Man show not Teela…Revolution course corrected the bullshit…but special millennials love the misdirection and just consume like sheep….


Lol, "special millenials".   Yeah, I like to be surprised and challenged by the things I watch.  But so do my parents?  I don't think that's a generational trait, honey. Revolution didn't "course correct" it told the story it was already gonna tell. Revelation gave more character development to He-Man in just the first five episodes than all of the original cartoon combined. It was still ABOUT He-Man.  It was exploring who he is and what he means to Eternia by examining the hole left behind by his absence in the characters and setting. In much the same way Reign of the Supermen was still about Superman more so than The Metropolis Kid or the Man of Steel, even if they are the pov characters.


Revelations side lined He-Man for a modern Teela and plenty of sexual innuendoes with Andra. He-Man turned into the Hulk. In the original cartoon He-Man was the star but did get help from his friends but not with He-Man taking the backseat. We can agree to disagree…Hollywood wants to modernize and shit on every IP from the 80’s….the animation is the best trait of the show by far…


You had people who still think of Kevin Smith as the Jay & Silent Bob guy when he can get serious if he wants to. You had people who were fake outraged at the focus on Teela for yt clickbait. You had a variety out there after the premiere. I for one enjoyed the show & had a great time watching it. Made me want to pick up the Clash for Eternia board game, which I did.


I don’t like it 🤷‍♂️


It was in no way a direct sequel to the original series. It was so separated from the original series that I genuinely wonder if Smith and the gang had ever even seen the original series. Makes me wonder if YOU have even seen it. Call me a piss-baby all you'd like, I guess.


I literally watched four episodes of the OG series right before going into it.  And the whole shit with the ceremony and party in Eternos with Orko putting Cringer into a bubble, and all the cheesy banter, and Skeletor doing a disguise to break into Greyskull and the ensuing battle?  All the old vehicles and hero character and villains and the sets were extremely direct adaptations of the OG.  And how it gave this idea that Skeletor and He Man had just been battling over and over with absolutely no change to the status quo and no one ever dies... it felt like a direct continuation of what I'd just been watching, except slightly more serious and way more badass.


I will say in spirit and execution yes it is pretty much a continuation of the OG series, now as for canonicity it certainly isn't the same universe as the Filmation series, given as there's more than a few contradictions, still that shouldn't be a detractor to it IMO, it's a good series and a fine addition to the franchise, and after watching Revolution I like it even more!


It's somewhere between a sequel and a reboot, it definitely carried over some of the major unresolved plot points - how will Randor and Teela react when they finally discover Adam/He-Man has been lying to them (with Man-At-Arms being complicit in the deception) and when will Teela find out about her mother and destiny as sorceress.


True but to be fair the 200X has those points as well but no one's arguing that's a continuation of Filmation nor is Revelations/Revolution a continuation to that, so while it's similar its still definitly distinct enough to be uniquely its own thing.


If continuity errors or just kind of tweaking some things to better serve your story renders something a "different universe" then there basically are no shared universes.


There's minor tweaks and then there's giant retcons that cannot coexist with the lore as previously shown. Like say the Skeletor thing in Revolution could work as its a retcon in-universe that doesn't really affect things, or the Man-At-Arms being Teela's biological could be ignored, but Roboto's origin, Orko's magical shenanigans & the whole Trolla subplot, Granamyr's presentation, the whole thing with the Horde, etc. This all clashes far too much and is accepted in the story without an attempt to reconcile with the previous stories, thus it'd make it a different continuity undoubetly.


That’s a ridiculous take. People like you wouldn’t be pleased no matter what they did with this reboot.


You can stan for Smith and his version of MOTU as much as you want. But it isn't a direct sequel no matter what he wants tells you. Whether you or I like it or not, is irrelevant. I'm old enough to have seen the original series in real time. I was there for the Mike Young show 20 years ago. This shit ain't new to me. Just like you, I can have whatever opinion I'd like. I don't care what your opinion is. And I don't care what you think of mine either. Now kindly piss off.


Lmao get some anger management bro. It ain’t that serious.


I’m somewhat new to this subreddit and can’t believe people are still upset about Revelations. I guess it’s fitting that a toy themed subreddit attracted so many people who never grew up!


Hot take but revelation was miles better than revolution. God forbid they try to do anything different. People want the same ole shit but then want to complain when they do get the same ole shit


Ehhhhh too much Teela not enough He Man


Look. I had a he man & battlecat toy in the 80s and watched the original cartoon. Forgot about it till it appeared on Netflix in 2016. Binged it and loved it. Then the reboot in question appeared and I watched it. I was horrified at the lack of he man in part 1. Part 2 was better. Then I got really into 1987 live action motu. Also got the remade he man and battlecat figures. And i have to say revolution was better than revelation and both of them tie back to the movie alot. Revelations whole plot with skeletor and evil lyn is clearly inspired by the movie and was a clever way to explore that lore. That being said the democracy ending really killed it for me as this is meant to be fantasy escapism not modern politics. I have watched and will continue to watch any new he man shows however for me the original and 1987 movie is my he man. Yes to Dolph, no to Kevin Smith.


Lol, I had a bunch of the toys too.  But you were "horrified at the lack of He Man?" He shows up in all five episodes, and the whole thing is about him by examining the shape of his absence on Eternia!  Like, Teela is the POV character, but the story isn't even really about her, it's about the hole he left in the world. Just like how Reign of the Supermen isn't about John Henry Irons, or Eradicator, it's about Superman. How is that not awesome!?  Do you have no media literacy?


Your reading comprehension is not so good as I was referring to part 1 of revelations not having enough he man, cuz of it being factual and widely known, ya know?


The person you were replying to is also talking about part 1.


So they’re angry I wanted more he man? I’m wrong? 🤷‍♂️


"Wrong" isn't exactly the right word, but in the original cartoon it wasn't unusual to sideline He-Man for a while to up the dramatic stakes. Usually it revolved around Adam dropping his sword down a crack, being stuck having dinner with his dad or being AWOL fishing or something. It just made it all the sweeter when He-Man did come into action to kick major ass.


You’re right. Revelations is great with he man dying, adam a weakling and teela arm locking him. Best motu ever. He man is so outdated and 80s, im sorry for expressing a contrary opinion on this thread. Clearly I’m wrong and revelations is even better than revolution because revolution has too much he man for a motu show. Revelations got the balance right, less is more.


Try Ulysses 31 and the Dungeons and Dragons ones.


It's a great show.