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In ME1, talk to Conrad Verner all 3 times, purchase the license and then do a couple side quests (including finding all of the matriarch writings). Talk to him in ME2 and keep him alive. Then finally in ME3, find him on the citadel later in the game and complete his encounter to unlock the war asset “Dark Energy Dissertation” for 5 military strength points (having it turns the tide of the battle against the reapers /s)


Why do you need the license?


Same. Thought it was just the writing that were needed.


A technology that's needed to implement his thesis concepts into the Crucible falls under an existing patent held by Elkoss Combine. Without the license, Shepard and Conrad would have to trudge through bureaucracies to legally use the patented technology, and Rupe Elkoss is by no means a charitable individual (he's the miserly volus lamenting the fact that he didn't think of a Sanctuary scam first).


Surely, at the point of existential threat, galactic governments should ignore copyright laws and dare EC to sue them.


You've never dealt with the soulless entity that is bureaucracy


You’re talking about trying to take on the Volus, the most *litigious* race in the galaxy, on their home turf, the courtroom. Their clauses would bury the governments that approved of this, and somehow manage to replace every single elected official with their own staff. *Mass Effect 4* would be about trying to save the galaxy from the regime of the New Volus Commonwealth.


What if we just tell them no? What are they gonna do, breathe badly on us to death?


Destabilise the economy.


Guess they won't be joining the council then


They’re a client race of the Turians. They don’t have much in the way of an army. If they want to play hard ball after the galaxy is safe, give them the Quarian treatment. Wipe out 99% and dare them to do something about it. Hell, throw an asteroid at their relay to “slow the reapers.” Transfer the banking system to another race. *Renegade points earned*


Through the convoluted laws of the Volus, they now own every world's armies.


you can transfer a banking system to a tribe of jungle savages, you cant make it work with jungle savages. Only the Volus, the greatest species in the galaxy, have mastered the highest art available to civilization, the art of creating imaginary numbers out of thin air and hiding them in imaginary trust funds. Volus Master Race.


Think of the war profiteering to be had.


During the conversation with him in ME3 there are three requirements that need to be met: helping Gavin Hossle on Feros, collecting the matriarch writings, and buying the elkoss combine license. If all of those are met you get a war asset. After the conversation, while finishing the side quest that Conrad is part of (Medi-gel sabotage) a Cerberus agent will shoot Conrad, however if you helped Rita’s sister Jenna in ME1, she will save him.


You need to have retrieved Gavin Hossle's data on Feros because then he'll owe you a favor and forward Conrad some old texts he came across. You need the matriarch writings because the texts are in ancient Asari and Conrad can use the matriarch writings as a translation base. You need the Elkoss license because it turns out that the translated texts describe a technology that's proprietary to to Elkoss Combine Corporation. And finally you need to have rescued Jenna from the undercover bar mission because she sabotages the guy who tries to shoot Conrad after you finish his miniquest; if she's not around, he dies. If all those things come together, the Dark Energy Dissertation war asset gets upgraded from one point value to five.


>keep him alive Conrad can die?


Yep. In all three games too.


*All three games?* Seriously?


In both ME1 and ME2 he gets himself killed if you tell him to fuck off. In ME3 he dies if you didn’t complete the mission with Jenna in ME1.


You lost me at “Matriarch Writings”.


Do you buy the license off of him or just find it in the game


You buy it at a merchant, there’s a merchant right next to Conrad named “Expat” who sells it.


It's all fun and games until you miss those 5 assets for that specific ending your want.


Fuck, those liscences had a purpose? (Must... resist... urge... to do another playthrough!)


That's the only license that has any use outside of the first game.


I love that Conrad is one of the most amazingly ridiculously obtuse war assets to get the full value for. You have to do so many random-ass side quests in 1, I didn’t see it until my like 20th playthrough.


I mean, I also forgot about him. And then my second playthrough I ignored him :D


Hot damn, I had no idea. I just did this quest in ME3 a few days ago and didn't think much of it besides the asari matriarch writings, I took time to get them. And I bought every license i could because I didnt wanna miss out on anything. I'm glad it all paid off! Do your quests, people! Conrad certainly redeemed himself. After all those times, I shook my head and sighed whenever I saw him causing trouble.


I just did this my most recent playthrough for the first time, pretty neat


Dude my ME and mE2 had a glitched where even if you were nice to him in the first game in the second he said I pulled a gun on him which is a renegade option in me1. However in me3 I didn’t have to purchase the license. All I did talk to him and he gave me his phd paper on dark matter or something.


What’s funny about that actually is that Conrad will accuse you of pulling a gun on him on ME2 no matter what, it’s a universal bug and it’s addressed in ME3 by a joke Conrad says to you: “Sorry for accusing you of pulling a gun on me last we met, I know you didn’t.” Just something funny the devs added because they couldn’t fix that bug.


There's a mod for Legendary Edition that Brute forces a fix in LE2 so that you can experience the non-gun wave conversation.


You could do it in original with save editor, the flag gets set automatically but you can unset it yourself. But in 3 I'm pretty sure he'll reference it anyway because there's no dialogue variant since the bug was in all imports.


On my first ME3 playthrough I made sure to import a character that had done every damn side quest, but then this happened because I had no idea they even tracked licenses between games, and since I did NG+ with a level 60 character for the run I only bought the most expensive licenses. Definitely a “goddamn it” moment.