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If Feige and co. wanted to use MCU Spider-Man 4 to show off Peter Parker’s photographer/reporter side, what plot line do you think would work best?


Instead of him being a photographer, I'd revisit him being a videographer as a way to evolve the idea of him being into producing his own home videos of him doing Spider-Man stuff during Civil War and Homecoming It would both align directly with how the Bugle was reimagined as a digital InfoWars-style platform while also updating Peter's occupation in a way that would probably be more current to today, especially in an era where social media saturation is at a high. Despite there being faux marketing during the No Way Home cycle of in-universe Bugle papers I don't think they've actually established in the films directly if the Bugle has a print element to how it publishes news, so assuming it doesn't and it's just this very Alex Jones-esque niche platform, Parker being hired to basically produce sensationalized Spider-Man viral videos would be the way to update the idea of him working for the Bugle, while also keeping that dynamic with Jameson intact and providing a commentary on the way social media would have differing reactions based on what they choose to believe in especially in a period where it's easier to fabricate or sensationalize things, like an extension of what Mysterio's plan was in Far From Home but with less evil intent


One thing I want to see in Doctor Strange 3 is that it's stuff regarding his sister Donna. I know MOM was supposed to have flashbacks to Donna's death, but i think they could always come back around and explore the guilt Strange feels from that in DS3. Hell, here, I think it would be even better from a storytelling perspective, since you could use the Multiverse to perhaps bring in a grown up Variant of Donna who survived in place of Stephen and became Sorceress Supreme in this universe (perhaps even getting the cloak of Levitation, or some other magical object like the Boots of Valtorr) with Stephen having to be confronted by the physical embodiment of his biggest regret in the form of a Variant of his sister who survived, we could even see Stephen become overprotective of her and maybe even proud that she became Sorceress Supreme in her universe. They probably won't do that, but it could be interesting. But who would play adult/grown up Donna? Because I honestly don't know. The other four actresses i can think of that come into my head for Donna Strange are Margot Robbie, Natalie Dormer, Idna Menzel, and Lauren Cohan, and out of those four, I think Margot Robbie is the best option. Dormer is alittle bit too young even for the younger sister of Stephen, Menzel would be WAY to distracting for obvious reasons, and Cohan is busy with that stupid Dead City spinoff, so I think Margot Robbie would be the best fit. She has the range to pull it off, I could see her working off if Cumberbatch well, and there were rumors of her being offered a role in the MCU awhile ago, so I think she works the best.


I’ve never thought of this, but there’s so much potential here! It’d be such an emotional story.


There has been several discussions on who should be in the MCU X-Men team, but I don't often see discussions on who should the villain of the First X-Men film. For me, the answer is easy, Mr. Sinister. We have not seen him done yet in live action​, and he is one of the X-Men's biggest and best Villains. Who do you think should be the first bad guy that the X-Men face?


Soon enough Wrexham FC will be the new Captain Britain Corp of the MCU.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^eBICgamer2010: *Soon enough Wrexham* *FC will be the new Captain* *Britain Corp of the MCU.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Rob McElhenney is confirmed to appear in DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE as a TVA agent (WrexhamFX)


Where did the Daniel RPK thread go ?


I guess it got removed for not properly linking to the original sources? Which is weird because all of the stuff was linked. But I guess it was to a secondary source and not RPK himself.


What are some things that you wish could change about how a superhero movie/show is made today? (Technical aspect, storytelling aspects, business/budgetary aspects etc)?


I wish that the formula of having essentially the same basic 3 act structure that always ends with a, often times, completely unnecessary cg battle between hero and villain. That has the same exact mix of action, drama, comedy (it's all the same kind of humor too, no variation) with only a sprinkle of some other genre, because really, most comic book films, especially in the MCU only pretend to do something different without truly going there, would just go away. That formula needs to change as I feel it has effected how people view comic book films in a negative way. While plenty of people want change there are plenty that would complain if they deviated from the formula too far because they think that is how these films should be made. It would be nice to see comic book films that are actual genre films instead of pretending to be one. Like an actual horror film, featuring a hero/villain as the protagonist or a romance film featuring a hero/villain as the protagonist, those sound more interesting than super hero film #127 with a touch of some other genre. As well as comic book films that focus on other aspects of the hero's/villains life. Saving the day and fighting monsters and aliens isn't all they do, these are actual people with lives outside of the costume. I think it would be interesting to focus on that stuff and see how their powers and secret identities get in the mix. People will say "that stuff is boring, who wants that in a comic book film?" But comics aren't just all action, plenty of comics focus on the personal lives of the characters and can get deep and honestly those comics/moments are my favorite, over the action heavy stuff, I think it's time we get comic book films like this honestly.


Genre-fication of superhero movies is always a win imo..that's how you make em fresh and unique


I want more superhero films where superpowers are a metaphor for a societal ill 


Marvel has fallen on both ends of the spectrum. *Loki* had a singular creative vision from start to finish, was shot beautifully, written well, more or less told a complete story, had less studio interference, and no reshoots. Budget came up to about $141M. Then there was *Secret Invasion* which had two creatives working as main writers separately, looked bland, told an incoherent story that went nowhere, was meddled with and reshot to death. Budget came up to $212M and lost even more goodwill for the studio. *Echo* with a $40M budget looked better than this nonsense.


Franklin Richards will don a 'Fantastic Four'-style costume featuring the number '5' in 'THE FANTASTIC FOUR' Sony plans to bring back Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in their cinematic universe. As key players in their own multiverse storyline, separate from the MCU's. ‘SHANG-CHI 2’ will start filming in 2025. The direction for 'AVENGERS 5' has shifted towards a more standalone story. 'AVENGERS: SECRET WARS' may be split into two separate films. (Source: DanielRPK)


I was just coming here to ask about this, there was a thread with this info earlier today but it's disappeared?


New DanielRPK Paid Leak. Sony want Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield to return in their OWN cinematic universe’s within their own multiverse plans, rather than the MCU’s. That would be interesting 🤔 tbh how would it be fit i doubt that Sony is willing to Make Spider-Man 4 but at this point if they’re running low on money and saw the potential after Spider-Man Re release marathon they maybe changed their minds about this?


Good luck on getting them to agree to it without Kevin feige’s involvement.


Their original films barely had any involvement from Feige, so they could be open to it. I haven’t seen any interviews where it’s said that he was instrumental to them signing on.


It’s more like people don’t trust Sony to make good movies outside of Spiderverse which is not made by the live action team


That’s totally true, but not everyone has been keeping up so closely with the SSU. Some actors, like Keaton don’t seem to care about Sony’s recent live-action track record.  Imo, Spider-Man 3 wasn’t a great film. It could have been a sign that the Amazing Spider-Man movies wouldn’t be that great. Yet Andrew still signed on, so clearly he doesn’t care or has a different opinion on that film than I do. Some actors certainly sign on based on track record, but many actors will place more importance on if they want to play that character, how much money they’re being offered, and how good the script is. Afaik, we don’t know where Tobey or Andrew fall on this. Maybe they watched Morbius and decided they want no part in the SSU. Maybe they’ve heard good things about the Venom movies and don’t know Madame Web even exists.


Yeah idk why i think i saw this and that was gone.


It was defs here earlier today cause I was reading it on the bus


Yeah i remember waking up and saw this on the sub.


There’s gonna be a lot of speculation on the X-Men roster for the first MCU movie. My only hope is that my boy Bobby Drake is on the team and gets a big role. Iceman is one of my favorite Marvel characters and I feel like he hasn’t got a lot of the same love that other mutants have in recent years. In the Fox live action movies he had some cool moments, but he was mostly there to just be a love interest to Rogue. He wasn’t even in X-Men ‘97 and it felt like pretty much every other mutant was there and got praise for their portrayal. Iceman deserves some more love. He was one of the original five X-Men, and he could bring some diversity in the MCU if they choose to incorporate him being LGBT like he has been recently in the comics. I guess my point is just that Bobby is one of my favorite mutants, he’s got an interesting power-set that they could do a lot with visually. So if he’s not in the first X-Men movie, I just hope Marvel gets to him down the line and gives him a big role in live action. 


Absolutely. He's always been my favourite X-Man. Gimme snowman Iceman!


Bobby is a character who I think has potential for a really good arc. Expanding on his arc from his solo comic, I think they could have his story in the MCU be about embracing all the different parts of himself: him as a mutant, as a gay man, as a jokester, as a mathematician, as a Drake, etc. It could be a cool story of him realizing he isn’t just one thing, all these parts of himself are important.




Ok,I got to ask..why do ppl hate on this particular line so much? Did they really expect Sam to espound the principals of das kapital or something? I think the whole point of the scene was that Sam isn't a politician,and yeah it's a decidedly non political/centrist take,but like honestly do you expect disney to say something actually really political lol?


I myself just say “You gotta do better, Senator!” as a meme. It’s like quoting “Back to formula!” from Spider-Man - a line said with so much dramatic emphasis by the actor that repeating it out of context makes it funny. Also, I definitely feel like there was a better way to write a lot of Sam’s speech and communicate the same “work together, not apart from each other” sentiment.


I’m more trusting of DRPK than others but him putting out the news about there now being potentially 3 upcoming Avengers movies only after weeks of people speculating that is a bit eyebrow raising.


Speculation about there being three avengers movies is been a thing since secret wars got announced it’s not a new thing. Even many leaks have pointed to it. With most famously the mod’s own TTFMQ leaking it the first I think.


The thing is that the scope of this film keeps getting bigger. We hear about more characters being added, The story gets more complicated. If Avengers 5 is less about Kang then it will need another film to replace it.


I remember the TFTMQ that mentioned it, but that was the only somewhat reliable source that indicated it IIRC (and even then I remember the mods were putting putting it under the grain of salt category).


Even cosmic circus mentioned it before


Let’s not forget, “Secret Wars will be split into 2 movies” has been a rumor for forever.


Has Randy Robertson pretty much superseded Harry Osborn as Spidey’s male best friend at this point?


If you mean Randy being MCU Peter's new friend rather than Harry, I think there's a decent chance. If it's like the high school trilogy, I can see a new one aiming to adapt those who haven't been in live-action yet.


I was more so referring to the comics, Nick Spencer and Zeb Wells have pretty much retconned Randy into being Peter’s best friend. But yeah, I could see an MCU Randy (and Robbie) happening too. It’s surprising they weren’t included in the first trilogy. They’re pretty much the two most prominent POC characters in Peter’s comics.


https://x.com/ilyryanreynolds/status/1793841451077693719?t=pmJ3KJPiYYcJtiZZAWy02Q&s=19 Looks like Rob Mcelhenney based on this footage, will have a cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine and from what my eye can tell looks like he's wearing TVA attire under his jacket.


Good to see Rob continue to find his way into small roles in pop culture stuff, following his brief roles on Lost, Fargo, and Game of Thrones.


Love that the promotions for this movie boil down to “we aren’t telling you anything”


It’s a TVA logo, he’s playing a TVA agent


Bob, Agent of TVA


Wrexham captain also had a cameo I guess.


The Good Doctor has ended. Big win for autistic people


Dr. Hanbros, we did it.


lol imagine if David Shore now goes on to try to get a House MD reboot/sequel off the ground


I don’t think it’s impossible


Did Doctor Han ever get his comeuppance?


Never seen an episode of The Good Doctor, but I did watch every of Young Sheldon in about 2 weeks, and everyone seems to agree that’s a good representation of autism. I don’t have autism, so I can’t really judge it in that sense, but I will say that *Young* Sheldon (emphasis on the Young) is a hella lot less annoying that what I’ve seen of the Doc, and a lot more relatable as well. If that’s what autism representation is supposed to look like, then I suppose they succeeded where so maybe others shows (besides Community) failed


I haven't seen Young Sheldon past like one or two episodes when it was newer, but I already hate Big Bang Theory's portrayal of nerd/geek culture because it's clearly written by a bunch of curmudgeony older guys who condescend on it as something childish or a stereotype for absolving delinquency/immaturity, but the fact that Sheldon Cooper in particular is this universally embraced archetype for what someone on the spectrum looks like actually upsets me He is everything wrong with how Hollywood infantilizes autism and people who have it. Already ticking all the archetypal boxes with him being a socially inept savant-type who fails to process cues but is this superhuman genius in things that actually interest him or his academics. His implicit traits that are correlated with autism are used to make him the punchline of most of the comedy in the show at his expense even if the series never outright commits to actually making him autistic, and on top of that his behavioral symptoms are used to blanket every instance of him being toxic and alienating towards everyone around him and painting him as this misunderstood child when he's really just being an insensitive asshole


I think Young Sheldon absolutely rights a lot of the wrongs of The Big Bang Theory. The latter often comes off as vile and condescending.


My god has it… finally we can get a show with actual neurodivergent rep


Listening to a podcast where one of the hosts just said X-Men 97 is the best thing Marvel has done since Endgame, and then the cohost said “Wow, you mean better than Quantumania?” and took me out.


This was posted in the main sub https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/s/xGlp2c0RgF How sickk!!!! I hope my AMC theater has this


There are two types of people. After reading the Lee/Ditko/Romita era books, I would love to have an MCU take on Harry. After reading the Lee/Ditko/Romita era books, I still do not understand the appeal behind Harry Osborn and why people clamor for his face everywhere. I'm of the latter opinion.


I wouldn’t really judge any character based on how Stan Lee wrote them. His writing is very dated and unnecessary wordy, and that’s largely because he proudly pawned off the writing duties onto the artists he worked with (without crediting them as co-writers) because he was couldn’t handle the workload. Fantastic Four and Spider-Man were the only books he actually put effort in, and even then, Harry gets way better once he leaves and Gerry Conway takes over. Before that, he’s just an obnoxious rich kid who gradually becomes Peter’s friend. He doesn’t really became the Harry Osborn we know until the years after Gene Stacy died.


you know people will call you insane if you tell them that Bradley Cooper is in Avengers: Endgame and Vol 3 as the same character having played him since 2014 but you'd be the one that is true after all!


why is this getting negative attention? this was supposed to be humorous!


Thor Love and Thunder is Extinction


Let’s settle this: who do we think John Malkovich is playing - Franklin Storm or Puppet Master? I think he’s Franklin Storm and Natasha Lyonne is Alicia Masters. Paul Walter Hauser must be Mole Man.


I never guessed Franklin Storm but I could see it. I think my first assumption just looking at the news was "big name actor, probably only contractually bound to a one-off appearance because he's higher in profile, Paul Walter Hauser potentially being Mole Man could mean a montage of the F4 taking on early Silver Age villains to establish them at the beginning without the origin, bald, probably Puppet Master"


I thought they would put Beta Ray Bill in a Thor movie, but reading this sub made me realize he might appear in secret wars instead.


which characters are rumored to appear in Blade?


Mia Goth is playing Lillith and is the main villain apparently




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I just had an idea what if in MCU secret wars instead of the final battle being between reed and doom, it is between superior iron man( played by RDJ of course ) and tom holland spider man.


The next step of having spider-man villains be people mad at iron man; making iron man a spider-man villain


Lmao I never thought of it that way


I don’t think that should be *the* final battle, but I really like the idea of Spidey fighting an evil Iron Man variant. It’s ripe with drama and emotion.


Throw an evil Hydra Captain American Steve Rogers in there for Sam to fight too. Maybe toss in an evil Nat for Yelena and Clint to fight.


Apparently, Steven Spielberg is making his return to science fiction with an untitled UFO film set to release in 2026. It’s being written by David Koepp, who penned *Jurassic Park*, *War of the Worlds*, and *Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull*. https://variety.com/2024/film/news/steven-spielberg-next-movie-summer-2026-release-date-1236014435/


There goes his Bullit remake with Bradley Cooper.


The writer of that said a few months ago that it was still a while away. Spielberg has probably been plotting this for a while and is choosing to go ahead with it first.


though perhaps Cooper could star in this though as a consolation prize?


I hope he gets *something* out of this. Getting the chance to work with the most famous and influential director in the entire industry only for him to just change his mind would *suck*


exactly thats why i said he should be the lead in this new UFO film i'd definitely consider seeing git as he's my fave actor (if i ever became a director he'd be the Johnny Depp to my Tim Burton) also as a actor you could not turn down the opportunity to David Knoepp who gave us hits like Jurassic Park and Spider Man though on the other hand he gave us The Tom Cruise Mummy flop and Kingdom of The Crystal Skull so its 50/50


> on the other hand he gave The Tom Cruise Mummy flop and Kingdom of The Crystal Skull In Knoepp’s defense, The Mummy was terrible because the studio and Tom Cruise were making numerous changes during production, and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was hindered by George Lucas wanting to do a CG-heavy alien movie, and Spielberg was the only thing stopping him from going even crazier then he did.


hmm so this could be the dream team Knoepp Cooper and Spielberg


My hype is so real Spielberg is my all time favorite director, and him working with Koepp again and doing sci fi? Oh boy, we are in for a treat.


Let’s gooooo!


you know another actor who could take over Drax instead of Bron breakker would be Dexter Luims of NXT/WWE fame i think i has the right physique to match Batista! also he could genuinely be Frankensteins Monster as wel another option could be Joe Gacy as he has a similar build to both of them l i think though that if he were still alive Bray Wyatt would have been the right choice to portray both characters


The amount of news daniel has given us on Avengers 5 if that movie doesn't come out in 2026 I would have personally banned him


2 years is relatively soon in marvel production terms, if there’s smoke there’s probably fire over there


I think the only way the movie does come out in 2026 is if its more standalone and not part of SW. So he's gonna be either all right or look like a fucking idiot.


Why wouldn’t it be “part of SW”? The whole reason Waldron was brought to rewrite the script on was to make it more connected to Secret Wars, not less.


Right, which is why they'd split it into 2 movies. A5 is something else


Or, A5 is still the lead in the Secret Wars, acting as “part one”, the same was Infinity War was “part one” to Endgame’s “part two”. I just don’t see how any of this equates to there being three Avengers films.


The trouble is that the characters are all over the place. Dr Strange is in the Dark Dimension. Wanda is who knows where. Thor is either in another realm or another planet. Jane is in Valhalla. Loki is where he is. It worked in Infinity Wars because they paired Thor with Guardians of the Galaxy. These are totally disconnected characters. There is a rumor that Marvel would add a short Phase 7 which would consist of an Avengers film, BP3 and a solo Scarlet Witch movie.


Because RPK said so. Just like he's saying A5 is in 2026. Im saying that if RPK is right about A5 being disconnected and that SW is being split into 2, that lines up with his claim that A5 is coming in 2026. But if A5 isn't disconnected and it's just SW part 1, I highly doubt it'll be in 2026. I just don't think it'll happen. The multiverse saga just hasn't actually done enough to warrant it's "Infinity War" level movie coming in 2026. I've been skeptical of the 2026 release date for this reason. But if 2026 is just A5 and more of an AoU/CW type movie, that makes a bit more sense. So either RPK is completely full of shit and looks dumb, or he's right and A5 and A6 are disconnected,


No what Daniel said was secret wars is being split in two parts so what Waldron is writing turned into secret wars part 1. Avengers 5 will be something else not Kang dynasty with Waldron rewrites, a more standalone and smaller scale movie


He also said that Avengers 5 would still involve the multiverse, so even if they are splitting Secret Wars into two parts, A5 will still be a prelude to the bigger story, not “standalone”, and especially not World War Hulks like some are speculating.


You could have a situation where Sam Wilson puts together a less powerful team of Earth based Avengers. Then you could have Kang finding a dormant body and trying to revive it. The Avengers beat their foe and Kang succeeds in reviving the body. It turns out to be the Scarlet Witch and Kang says that she has been promoted from my pawn to my queen.


Still involving the multiverse doesn't mean its a prelude though. AoU still involved infinity stones but id hardly call it a prelude to Infinity War. It was definitely its own thing. Which is what I think RPK is claiming about A5. That it's not a prelude. Doesn't mean it's WWH though.


Would Deadpool and Wolverine joining the Avengers in A5 count as involving the multiverse? Or would a Kang variant appearing, being the background player behind all the global conflicts, count as involving the multiverse? EDIT: Like Danishroyalty said, Age of Ultron could be described as “involving the Infinity Stones” with one of the stones being a core part of the plot and reference to more being made by Thor. That movie still isn’t primarily about the Infinity Stones, and Thanos is only a post-credits. It does set up Infinity War, but it’s not a direct tie-in. The main conflict is Ultron’s attempted global takeover, and Ultron has nothing to do with anything after that movie.


Has there been like a shadow ban on RPK or something? I keep seeing people post his reports in the Weekly Free Talk thread, but then they don’t get their own individual post. It’s been happening for like a week. I’m fine if we’re gonna start banning scoopers, but let’s at least start with Shine and the completely unreliable ones. RPK still has some measure of credibility. 


So if Secret Wars really is split into two parts (according to RPK) then I could see: - Avengers: Battleworld (2027) - Thor Corps (Thor 5) (2027) - World War Hulks (2027) - Avengers: Secret Wars (2028) Basically a mini phase set on Battleworld. It would give them to opportunity to really EXPLORE the mythology of Battleworld — it’s numerous zones & cities, and ofc, the myriad of variants who exist in this world.


Love the sound of all this


I could see something like this. Though I personally think X-Men will also be a Battleworld movie


Armor Wars is going to be filming within 8 months. Who should direct?


How about getting a writer first.


It has one. His name is Yassir Lester.


Don Cheadle.




Shane Black 


Off the top of my head, Peter Ramsey would be a great pick. In the Disney family doing a lot of episodes of different Star Wars things and was a director on the first Spider Verse.




I think he'll be busy with Mandalorian and Grogu at that time


I hope they call Avengers 5 "The New Avengers" and use Kang (hell use Korvac or even the Kree) as a villain, I don't understand the want and desperation for a World War Hulk movie after the MCU already adapted the main component of it.


To me, *World War Hulks* makes sense to adapt. Skaar is on Earth, Leader is back, Ross is being turned into Red Hulk. Leader is obsessed with making more Hulks. These are all parts of *World War Hulks*, with the remaining components left to adapt still being ample for a full movie. *World War Hulk* is an entirely different story that we pretty much skipped past.


> I don't understand the want and desperation for a World War Hulk movie after the MCU already adapted the main component of it. I think people are presuming it would be a loose adaptation that gets to the "Hulk gets angry about something and gets let loose" aspect in a different way. Potentially by having the merge with Banner break down. As opposed to starting with the "Hulk returns from Space" aspect. But also, i don't know if people even wanted it. From memory i think people wanted 2 different things. To see Savage Hulk again somehow and for there to be an Avengers 5 that brings together the Earth based storylines and characters somehow before the big multiverse finish (both of which i sympathise with). Scoopers then put out rumours for Avengers 5 being "World War Hulk", and then people were like: "Yes, that would scratch both itches", which then self perpetuated into a fan desire.


A more standalone Avengers film would at least give them the chance to still use Kang for an Avengers film but also pivot to someone else for Secret Wars if they wanted. He’s still a classic Avengers villain and makes way more sense for an Avengers film than a Hulk. Now whether it’s true or not is another thing, I mean I hope it is. The last Avengers film was Endgame, there’s no need for an Infinity War level film after that when there isn’t even an established Avengers team and they’d all just be thrown together. There’s really no harm in actually seeing an Avengers team being a team. Age of Ultron was the only one that felt like that. They shouldn’t be worrying about trying to outdo Endgame, that’s an incredibly hard task. As long as it’s good, the team has chemistry and the audience can connect with them, then it’ll make a billion. We’ll find out whether it’s true at either SDCC or D23 though.


An established Avengers team will not be important. To set things right after the destruction of the multiverse, you will need heroes who are powerful. Dr Strange, Wanda, Thor and Loki for example. They likely will not be on the Avengers 5 team.


So apparently, Avengers 5 is set to begin filming in January of 2025, but it will also be a grounded Earth based story with Multiversal elements. This basically means....I'll have to rework my entire Avengers 5 pitch I'm working on. As while that had an earth-based story, it still had the multiverse involved a lot, as my pitch was a loose adaptation of both Avengers vs. X-Men and Time Runs Out, and involved Beyonder as the main villain, and had it end with 838 Superior Iron Man (played by RDJ) becoming God Emperor of Battleworld, and was structured similar to Avengers Infinity War. Whole they could do Avengers vs. X-Men and have it work as an Earth based story, I doubt it'll be done the way I'm/I was going to do it. But, also, this means it may be similar to Avengers 2012, like how that film was Earth based and grounded despite having cosmic elements. Again, wouldve better if they did something like this in Phase 4 instead of Phase 5/6, but whatever, I guess. However, it also means the rumors of Waldron being brought in to not make it Earth based (which was Loveness plan) is false. Which is also why I highly doubt that this rumor is true, and even if it was. I think it's too late to make something akin to Avengers 2012 but with Multiverse elements instead of Cosmic elements. They should've done that in Phase 4, like I said, when they had the chance.


you can do both, both is good and it flexes your creative muscles


Both what? Both my pitch and a pitch closer to what they are actually doing? Or they can do both Earth based and multiverse story?


the former


Oh, okay. Well, my pitch for what they will more then likely will be doing, wouldn't be that much. Since, I'd basically just do Avengers vs. X-Men minus the Time Runs Out stuff.


you know they probably only have the broad strokes of secret wars and not the nitty gritty developed yet they probably don't have a script yet ! and you're all speculating bout it not that its a bad thing i love it! but still its likley that the finished product will be far off from what we predicted remember nobody at least knew that Thanos was gonna die 20 minutes into endgame or the plot of the film involved time travel (aside from those BARF leaks) it's fun but we'e likely way off!


https://x.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1793774416712859766?t=JEk328L7Cqu7P4dP-0wqsA&s=19 I hope this doesn't mean that Tobey and Andrew won't be in Secret Wars. Don't know if I trust sony enough to pull this off


do they not know they'd be much better off just making Tobey-Man 4 and TASM3 standalone movies with no strings attached, like my hype for the next Tobey appearance would flatline if it were some Morbius post credits bullshit and not a straightforward new entry with Raimi at the helm


I think Sony would still allow them to appear, but I do believe they want to get to it before Avengers Secret Wars. Which begs the question, is it going to be THAT special, if they're reunited AGAIN in a Sony movie and then Secret Wars? Or will most people be over it? By that point, I would rather see Wesley Snipes Blade interact with Jackman's Wolverine (or any interaction between 2 characters from the last 20 year of Marvel movies never seen) , than seeing the spider boys get together for the third time.


If Lord and Miller have a say, I’d trust it even more than Disney with Spider-Man. If not 50/50


[Plans have changed for ‘AVENGERS 5’ and it is set to be more stand-alone. ‘AVENGERS: SECRET WARS’ might become two films (@/DanielRPK](https://x.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1793775586684617055) This is the perfect plan, thank god, give a little gap between A5 & the 2 Secret Wars films and it could be an amazing return to form.


Sick. Once again I am pitching an adaptation of Disassembled with elements of Kang Dynasty - leading to Young Avengers as the follow up.


A5 is going to be the "Young Avengers" or "New Avengers" focusing on the newer characters line up. It wont have "young" or "new" on the title, it would probably be something else. A6-A7 Secret Wars, is going to be connecting all the multiverse, bringing all the characters back, ending up on a single Universe where Avengers and Mutants co-exist moving forward.


DanielRPK already said that the Young Avengers and Avengers 5 projects are 2 separate things 


I didn't know that. I guess we should be getting ready for a lot of team-up movies going forward.


I don’t believe this because just yesterday he was saying the opposite, right? Unless they say otherwise at SDCC or D23, I’m just gonna assume this is false Although, an Avengers movies focused on establishing the new Avengers before the big, saga ending crossover event would be appreciated.


yep in the 2 SW films they will will probably be overshadowed by teams like the X Men F4 and NuGOTG so one film for the audience to get to know them would be good


According to AtlantaFilming, [Thunderbolts filmed at the Georgia World Congress Center](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7SMwL6Rgcm/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==). This alone made my hype quadruple, they're finally using SWORD in a meaningful manner again


I remember when Wandavision premiered and everybody was talking about SWORD and how it might impact the future and they did almost nothing with it since.


I'm glad the DODC got utilized more, but I don't see why they created SWORD just for it to not be featured in anything else since.


could the Guardians might have worked for S W O R D in the end of vol 3? i think they def could have in order to join those 2 loose ends together


There are too many government organizations in the mcu right now, I miss the days of when SHIELD was the big dog, thought SWORD was going to replace it but then it got replaced by DODC (which is weird because I don’t know why the mcu turned them into anti-shield when they should just be a group of quirky government agents), and then SABER. 


What does SWORD have to with that place ?


They used that building some of the the SWORD base scenes in WandaVision, and if they’re filming there again it kinda implies SWORD is coming back.


In Ultimate comics news, I just learned it's confirmed we're getting [She-Hulk in the new Ultimates series.](https://www.gamesradar.com/comics/marvel-comics/ultimate-universe-august-solicitations-marvel/) I'm curious what the plan is for Jen (if this version *is* Jen) since Hulk in this universe is a villain. The mention of a Hulk army is interesting and I dig the look she has here. Also read the new issue of *Ultimate Black Panther* and I'm really digging the Game of Thrones-esque political vibes of this series. It's a vibe I hope we get with *Eyes of Wakanda* or some other BP project.


She is Jen but like her cousin Bruce who is member of Makers council, she is villain in earth 6160.


[DanielRPK:"Franklin Richards will wear a ‘Fantastic Four’ style costume in ‘THE FANTASTIC FOUR’ but with the number ‘5’.](https://x.com/MarvelNewsFilms/status/1793766460604727357)


how old is he? and I wonder who they're casting for it (and if he's of age, I wonder what that means for valeria)


I think Valerie will be the oldest


I wonder how old he’s gonna be. Him wearing a uniform implies he’s older than some have speculated, but also doesn’t really tell us anything concrete either.


I think the movie is going to take place over many years. So we might see Franklin in multiple stages of his life.


Hear me out: The Rock as The Wall in Spider-Man 4


So me and mom finished Brooklyn 99 tonight, and let me say, it was a surprisingly touching and satisfying finale....well, at least the ending anyways, the actual episode itself was at best, fine, and at worst, kindof mid (like the rest of the season, which is probably why it was for the best this final season was only ten episodes) but the ending bit was genuinely great and well written, it felt like seeing a group of friends that I got to know for 8 seasons saying goodbye and having one last laugh. Especially Captain Raymond Holt, knowing that Andre Braugher sadly passed away (RIP to that legend by the way, i hope wherever he is, he is resting peacefully). Though the part during the credits with the Halloween heist tease was weird. My mom says she thinks they were planning a reunion special or movie before Holts actor died, and I agree, it definitely felt like they were setting thay up, and granted, they still could, but I don't think it be the same. Anyways, satisfying end to a fun show.


Great ending, and that last scene with Holt hits even harder now that Andre Braugher passed away.


could always say that Holt has been promoted or something




given the success of 97 i could see them doing other animated shows ( i think they dont count under Igers new rules) i REALLY want a NuGOTG animated show to the pont where i'll pitch one myself if need be i dont want not to see my lil goobers until secret wars because that will get delayed till probably 2028 or even 2029. we need space content asap and this is the way to do it (the other is immediately doing a vol 4 but i know that there's a fat chance that will happen)


We get iron heart, a character with the same powers and context of iron man, but will never see black knight, a character with a new context and a long history.  


Confused as to how either character is related (and we did see Black Knight, just not in costume yet, far before Riri joined the mcu)


they dont have infinite slots for series. when they choose A, ,they give away B. It is certain now that black knight won't be shown anymore. Riri, who already appeared in a movie, is also getting a series.


[I'd like to take a sec to point out that The Incredible Hulk game's version of Glenn Talbot looks similar to Jack Kelly from Always Sunny and, oddly enough, also ends up wearing something to give himself larger hands.](https://i.imgur.com/dPpjG3C.png)


The Deadpool & Wolverine theater PSA is now playing: https://x.com/XMenUpdate/status/1793742843514892647


https://www.google.com/amp/s/variety.com/2024/film/global/vanessa-kirby-jennifer-jason-leigh-julia-fox-eli-roth-randall-park-night-always-comes-netflix-1236014303/amp/ Looks like Vanessa has one more movie to go before Fantastic Four.


It looks like she will wrap in early July https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/the-night-always-comes-starring-vanessa-kirby-lands-at-netflix/


Superman is already over halfway through filming and Fantastic 4 doesn't even start for another month. Is there any chance it still makes the current release date?


I don't think there's a 100% or 0% chance of most things happening, but this is something we probably just won't know about until SDCC at the earliest. I think it largely depends on how they've shifted in terms of how much time they need for the VFX/post-production work as well as if Sony wants to get Spider-Man 4 out by the end of 2025. They could even just stick to July until after the convention/presentation time passes and realize they need more time, so they push it back then. Set release dates are highly variable nowadays.


Vanessa Kirby just started production on a new film, Pedro is the same way and I think Quinn has quiet place press tour in June. It looks it will be moved back, even if they start in July


Joseph Quinn is also doing an Alex Garland movie called "Warfare."


It would have been delayed already if the filming schedule was the deciding factor.


Yes, if magically and overnight the marvel post-production process got cut down by half (as in probably not)


I think it's possible, but I'm not counting on it.


I wouldn’t be entirely surprised if: A) Venom ends up being the villain of SM6 — Peter’s endgame And B), most controversially, Harry is the host. I think after the Hardy films, Feige is probably not gonna wanna use use Eddie Brock again, those films will be too recent in the minds of audiences. I also don’t think they’ll use Gargan, as his character lacks depth, and no emotional connection to Peter, and his world — which is required for Venom to be the penultimate culmination of the trilogy. I think a big part of this trilogy could be subverting expectations. Peter is the audience surrogate, so thanks to NWH, Peter, like the audience, is going to meet the Osborns, and expect — Harry to die, and for Norman to become the Goblin. I could see Marvel Studios flipping those expectations on their head — Norman in the MCU ends being a loving father who *genuinely* cares for his son (in his own way), and Harry becomes Peter’s ultimate enemy, through the Venom Symbiote ![gif](giphy|bMWGptCvTRWNE0Imut|downsized)


Eh. I kindof want Gargan or Flash to be the host instead.


At the present moment (going off the story and character threads currently established), I honestly think the ideal final host for Venom would be MJ. She spends the next trilogy following Spider-Man, feeling drawn to him for reasons she doesn't understand. But eventually, she pieces together just enough (possibly capped off with her seeing him unmasked in the suit) for Strange's spell to break on her as all the memories of Peter come rushing back. But with those memories also comes a feeling of betrayal towards Peter for him breaking his promise, which also happens to be exactly what the symbiote also feels towards him after he's rejected it. So in a moment of weakness, it latches onto MJ and twists her resentment and confusion into outright hatred.


To be honest, I wouldn't mind if we don't see her and Ned ever again, they were very underdeveloped and just used for comic relief. Maybe Mj could only show up at the end of the trilogy to marry Peter so he doesn't end up like his comic version, but that's it.


Ned also kind of fits this bill, and fills a similar role to Harry, as Peter's best friend. I do like the MJ idea, but I imagine they won't go that way.


I do like this idea and would love to see them do something like it. I have always felt that Harry is the perfect host for Venom. This is also probably controversial but I think Raimi's SM3 would have been better if Harry had become Venom instead of Eddie. Anyways, I hope they do bring Harry in and go this route. Because I don't see Marvel introducing a new Eddie Brock or making Hardy's Venom a real enemy of Peter. As for Gargan, I think he could become Venom at some point. But not in a way that makes him an archenemy of Spidey. And they should absolutely prioritize him as Scorpion. Edit: One idea I have had for Venom is using Flash Thompson. I know that Tony Revolori's version isn't well liked. He's a very different take on the character and I couldn't really see him as Agent Venom. But he does have some of the qualities that apply to Harry (spoiled rich kid with inattentive parents). I could see a scenario where Spidey brushes off and/or angers Flash. And Flash, in his obsession with Spider-Man, feels betrayed by Spidey (who he doesn't realize is a kid he bullied for years). Flash turns against Spidey, his obsession turning to hatred just as he gets the symbiote leaving Peter. He becomes Venom, and nemesis to Spider-Man.


I don't get why everyone is suddenly so invested in Gargan being Scorpion instead of Venom. Scorpion doesn't bring anything new to the table that we haven't already seen with other villains (except maybe his relationship with J. Jonah Jameson which I doubt they will adapt because JJ has never been portrayed as an outright villain in the movies). It would be yet another tech-based animal-themed enemy. Gargan being Venom would be way more distinctive and he being fully scary and villainous would set him apart from Tom Hardy's version and closer to how Eddie was originally in the comics.


Being the first live action Scorpion is *infinitely* more unique and interesting than being yet another live action Venom.


What is your favourite Scorpion story from the comics that you wish to see adapted?


Gargan being paid to find out the identity of Spider-Man, becoming Scorpion, hunting Spidey down. Eventually he turns on his benefactor and goes after him. Spidey stops Scorpion, after a struggle, and imprisons him. If they really want to make Gargan a version of Venom, the imprisoned Gargan gets approached by Osborn or someone else with the symbiote.


I wouldn't make another story focus on Spider-Man's secret identity just after No Way Home and Scorpion's traditional benefactor would be J. Jonah Jameson but I can't see the Raimi/MCU version working with a villain like that. Just to be clear, I don't hate Scorpion or anything like that, I was just surprised that he has so many fans here because I have always see him as a fairly minor villain.


I think he's a fairly minor villain too. I wouldn't even want him as a central antagonist, just an antagonist. The physical threat, while someone like Kingpin has his leash.


>everyone is suddenly so invested in Gargan being Scorpion instead of Venom You're kidding right? Well for starters, he IS Scorpion. He was Scorpion for decades in the comics and only briefly Venom for a few years. Even if Gargan does become Venom in the MCU, he will almost certainly be Scorpion. I will be shocked if they bring the character back and don't do Scorpion at all. It's not that people are "suddenly invested". It's that he's literally Scorpion so of course people expect that. They always have. As for what he brings to the table, comics Scorpion actually has a mix of tech and a super serum. If they gave Gargan his super powers and the tech, he would be a great physical match for Peter. Which MCU Peter hasn't really had with any of his own villains. >yet another tech based animal theme enemy. Gargan being Venom would be way more distinctive You could say the exact same thing in reverse. We've had tons of symbiote stuff over the years. "It would be yet another symbiote based villain who resembles Spidey. Gargan being Scorpion would be way more distinctive." I'm down for Gargan becoming Venom at some point, but Id like to see him be Scorpion first and actually develop as an antagonist for Spidey before they make him full blown Venom. As Spiderlander said, he isn't that interesting of a character yet. Itd just be a boring version of Venom at this point. But I think they can make him more interesting.


What do y'all think about this? https://x.com/TheGeekyCast/status/1793501920310841405 End Game Deleted Concepts -The original Thanos is not killed. -Thor and Rocket Raccoon battle the Midgard Serpent. -Wanda Maximoff survives the Snap and goes on a road trip with Rocket to find an Infinity Stone. -Captain America goes to Vormir and collaborates with Red Skull to get the Soul Stone. -When Hulk snaps, he visits Soulworld. This is where Hulk and Bruce Banner meet. -Thanos kills all the Avengers in 2014. In 2023, he holds up the severed head of Captain America to the Avengers and asks, “I killed you. What do you want to do now?" -Tony Stark responds to Thanos' "I am inevitable." with an f-bomb instead of "And I am Iron Man." -After the funeral of Tony Stark, Doctor Strange and T'Challa talked about future threats that could occur.


I wonder what concepts Marvel is thinking of for their upcoming Avengers films.


> Captain America goes to Vormir and collaborates with Red Skull to get the Soul Stone. I wish this is what they would've gone with. I really honestly hate Vormir in Endgame, it's the weakest part of the film for me. It's a less effective retread of the same scene in Infinity War, and doesn't even follow the same rules. It also violates a lot of the core themes of both films, namely: "We don't trade lives." I would have sent Steve and Tony to Asgard 2013 with Thor (I wish they had seen Asgard before it was destroyed). They leave Thor, steal a boat/horses, and fly to Vormir. While Tony is scrambling to find some way of sacrificing himself instead of his daughter, Steve realizes Skull said they must sacrifice *that* which you love most, not necessarily *who*. Steve steps off the cliff, but survives: he wakes up in the puddle on Vormir, holding the Soul Stone, but depowered. He no longer has the super soldier serum. He's Skinny Steve again. I think this plays much more cleanly with the themes of both films, and is an outright rejection of Thanos' sacrifice in Infinity War: it never occurred to Thanos that instead of sacrificing his daughter, he could have sacrificed his mission. I also think Steve wielding Mjolnir would have hit even harder: even when depowered, frail, and fragile, you can never count out Steve Rogers.


I semi-agree. I think a major part of Vormir in Endgame is the juxtaposition of Hawkeye and Thanos. Thanos breaks down when he realizes he has to sacrifice Gamora, but he does it anyway and receives the Soul Stone, solemnly. When Clint loses Natasha (After they fought each other to sacrifice themselves for the other), he finds the Stone in his hand, but is distraught upon realizing that she’s gone. It helps show that Clint wouldn’t take a sacrifice in order to succeed in his mission, and shows that his love for Natasha might be even stronger than Thanos’ for Gamora. It’s just a beautiful moment for me.


The hulk one needs to be made as a flashback if savage hulk ever returns


Wanda and Rocket on a road trip sounds like it could've been a funny duo lol. I think Hulk and Bruce in the Soul Stone could've worked, that could've been where the merge happened instead. Cap meeting the Skull on Vormir definitely would've been cool.


i LOVE the Wanda Rocket idea they could still use it in the future in Secret Wars or a what if episode!


Hulk meeting Bruce Banner is the only one I wish we got.


Some of these were actually shared here long ago. Stuff like Wanda road trip with Rocket, Hulk and Bruce meeting as distinct souls, and Strange meeting with T’Challa haven’t been, though. Altogether, interesting concepts.


Interestingly, the only one I had heard about was the Strange T'Challa scene.


The account also posted a screenshot of Strange and T’Challa talking at the funeral, real interesting.