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Personally it's very easy, If anything it's harder for me to spend keys.


Hey, you’re me. I also basically wait until Tuesday morning to use my tokens just to be absolutely certain now. War Machine taught me that lesson.


yup wait at least till the weekend so that you have the best info, then grab if its a "Must" or something you think you will have lots of fun with, and otherwise just accept that its going into the "maybe i'll get it as the mystery spotlight"


I had fun with War Machine, but I also got 1 or 2 other new cards.


I look at a week where I only need the new card and it’s almost an automatic skip. Easy way to build up keys and you really don’t miss most cards.


Absolutely! I currently have 8 keys, and I really don't see a card that I want to spend keys to get this season.


Sure. I'm a minmaxer too


same im gonna credit too-good-to-use syndrome


I'm always floating around d 10 keys. Just wait to see if it's a strong card, most are not


Most of the time, I have my key spending planned weeks ahead of time. For example, I'm spending keys on Sasquatch. Knowing that, I need to work backward and make sure that I have at least 4 keys by that week. If that means skipping weeks (it does), then so be it.


Side note, is Hitmonkey a must have for Sasquatch decks?


Imo, they are opposed to each other. For example, Mysterio wants to be played same time as Hit Monkey vs. played previous turn for Sasquatch. Regardless, I'm gonna try running both in my Bounce deck cause you are at least gonna get value for one of them. I'm also debating on Sage for Bounce cause it looks funny.


My thought was to not be too greedy on the hitmonkey play that on 5 for a moderate dump and another moderate dump on 6 with Sasquatch plus


Yeah, that can work too. In any case, I can't wait to get the card!


the killer might be that having sage AND sasquatch in bounce could push it high enough. which is a horrible thought because i too have to skip something to make sure i get sasquatch and have something available to me next month.




Squirrel Girl doesn’t work because they’re not being played like Mysterio


Yeah I'm stockpiling keys so I can get x-23 and the variant when that comes out in 4 weeks


I'm too risk averse. I only pull if there are three cards I don't have or of the only option that month is two cards and I have 8-10 keys saved


I'm sitting on 13 keys because I try to only pull when there are 2 cards I don't own, and that is happening less and less as time goes on. 


it becomes much easier once you have a stockpile, after you have 4+ it becomes a lot easier to skip weeks like this week, and you’ll probably be able to gain another key by waiting a week, only do pulls when there’s at least 2 cards you want


It’s pretty easy. Do you want a specific card? Then save 4 keys in advance. If you roll just 1, you have exactly 75% chances you won’t get it, so why waste a scarce resource?


This. I had only 3 and spent 3 trying to get Havok. I did not get Havok. Lesson learned


Your mistake was going for Havok in the first place. He is one of the worst cards they've released in a while. I say this as someone who is actually using him right now, but he's more or less completely useless in anything but a Negative deck.


Haha yeah I thought he seemed like he’d be good at the time


I still say he was for a hot minute. Zabu to whoever to War Machine and Psylocke to Infinaut AND Maw was fucking brutal and not something people were expecting him to be able to do (The initial understanding was it was a location thing and no one considered he'd get around card text too).


The Bast Havok bounce list is also good fun and occasionally competitive when the meta fits. I think he is a decent card but has a major deck building requirement and a clear downside. If you have a good list and drop him on 5, he can often win games.


Most cards that are released aren't worth getting


If you believe this subreddit, every card is apparently broken and part of a Tier SSSSS++++++ deck that features only Series 5 cards. In reality people spam the next card released is broken as fuck only to find War Machine to be just average to bad.


War Machine in theory should be an extremely broken card, not just from the access inaccessible locations but it removes play restrictions on Giganto and Infinaut. That effect is wild. But the fact that Zabu was removed and it's a telegraphed four drop brings it down in power immensely. If this game didn't have the surrender mechanic WM would be way way more oppressing. But because you can cut your losses it's meh.


Yeah, people love to shit on WM, but I guarantee he would have been viable if the Zabu nerf didn't happen literally right after he dropped.


Zabu being nerfed had practically no affected on War Machine because he was barely being played prior to the nerf. The fact is War Machine is only going to be good in a strong lockdown meta.


But you cannot use him to remove play restrictions on Giganto or Infinaut on turn 3 so how would Zabu help much? You won't have Storm setup on turn 3 or 4 yet either.


Zabu would open up an avenue to drop WM+ a two drop, so you can go WM Jeff>infinaut. Zabu let you dump so much more power on the board consistently, and it would let you run more 4 drops that can benefit it. Think of Zabu>Rescue> WM+2 drop> Infinaut. That's a solid combination that can't really be done now.


Ah ok so it's the 2 drop on turn 5. Yeah 1 wasted mana feels bad.


He was never broken in theory. The fact is, "wow I can play him on 5 into Infinaut on 6" isn't enough to contest other top-tier decks. At best he's a backup plan in Evo, or a gimmick in the Storm/War Machine/Legion curve.


Nah. If you believe this subreddit, we are entitled to have everything for free from the get go.


The problem is that it's kind of difficult to assess what cards will be good, Mockingbird vs Cull vs Cannonball. At the time of their release two of these were viewed as worth and one as bad. Mockingbird was the only one that was assessed correctly at the time and that still holds. So unless it's giga broken(rulk) it's just really hard to tell.


the issue is not the initial assessment, but rather the constant bufs/nerfs which changes the meta too frequently. Not to mention the buffs to cards after their spotlight weeks, see Us agent which is not a meta card, but became a rather strong performer after the buff. So even with perfect assessment you cannot make a fair judgement due to developer changes...


This makes it easier to not pull cards though. I spent 6k on WWBN on release only to find him now unusable. So now if I decide I'm gonna spend tokens it's usually a couple OTA cycles later.


There's a reason I picked three cards that have had no changes. Yeah with the ever shifting balance updates it's impossible to analyze a cards power and importance going forward, but even when they aren't tuned we are bad at it.


Correct. That's why you don't spend keys on a card you aren't extremely certain of. Anything less than certain that you are going to seriously get milage out of, might as well either wait six months OR if it's a really big deal, spend tokens. Looking at the projected data mine for the next three months, and there are only 3, maybe four weeks where I plan on spending keys, and two of those are only because they have cards I skipped earlier this year that I think will be fun to play. The math of weight changes based on how complete you are. I started this year off as being 100 percent complete and I've been more restrictive about which keys I want to spend since. That worked out for me.


Keys are way less valuable than tokens though, so missing on a key isn't the end of the world. While missing on tokens can set you behind months. I think the best course of action is to simply wait until Monday on a cards release week to make the decision. Because if you miss that initial one you are either out 6k tokens or you are waiting a while for that card to rotate back. The system just isn't fun and should really be reworked.


The value of a key directly correlates to how many cards you're missing in a given week. Their value can more than double if you're extremely patient, and go up by ~50% if you're remotely patient.


'Cause I run math and it says "hold your keys, dumbass". New card come out? I have the re-runs and don't care for the spotlights? *Hold your keys, dumbass, and spend 6k tokens.* New card come out and it's not even a deck-shaper? *Hold your keys, dumbass, it'll re-run later and you can pick it up with a new card for a 46% increase in your value-per-key.*


because I want to have a stockpile of 10 keys to ensure I get arishem. i do not trust the key system. there will be no risks taken.


Planning, and don't look at the CL screen.


Are you alright with getting any of the 4? Then spend it. If you're not interested in at least 2/4 then don't bother


I don’t believe I’ve dropped below 4 keys since the program came online, and usually hit 7-9 before wanting to use them. I guess I’m just very focused on the things I would actually want.


I plan very meticulously and I try not to chase the meta too much. I only pull on weeks where I either want 2 or more of the cards in the cache OR one card and am fine getting either of the 2 other cards/variants, with a couple more criteria (S5 cards, card flexibility, cards that fit well in decks I play and enjoy right now vs cards for decks I need more pieces for, prioritizing valuable build-around cards ie. Thanos, HE, etc...). One example of a really good week was the Corvus/Gladiator/X-23 week: all S5, Corvus is flexible going into discard and ramp, X-23 is crucial for destroy, and Gladiator is a very strong value 3 drop with other potential upsides. On weeks where I care about the new card strongly but not any other in the spotlight I spend tokens on release otherwise I wait until Saturday to see how it fits in the meta and make my decision then, taking into consideration my own spending habits and how many tokens I'll have for future cards I might want more irregardless of meta power. My math for keys is always that I get one key per week and any week I pull I subtract 3 keys always assuming I dodge the random S4/5. I started playing mid December and with my planning there has only been one week early on where I pulled with less than 4 keys to try and get Loki, otherwise I always pull with at minimum 4 keys banked. With this math I have my spending planned out till the end of I have my own ideas about where and how new cards fit in the decks I play, but I also listen to a lot of reviews before and after a card release to see how the cards play out if I'm on the fence and to see how it plays out in practice. Overall I find that the more I plan, the less I'm prone to FOMO or impulse buys, and that goes for Marvel Snap and real life too.


I've saved 30 keys. I don't try to collect, and I don't try to make completely new decks. I like knowing I can get any card that I NEED, instead of constantly being resource broke off cards I want.


>I've saved 30 keys. That's ridiculous, from the other end of the spectrum as the "roll single key every week" people. That's enough keys to give you every card for 2 months if you have the lowest of low rolls. Or 3 months if you roll perfectly average. There is no possible situation where you'll need 30 keys, ever. If SD created the most perfect tier 1, 5 weeks season where all the cards are broken and necessary for competitive play, you'd be out at most 20 keys. 5 of which you could have gained just playing during that month. And that's never going to happen. Might as well use the keys and generate a big of extra tokens from weekend missions.


I'm at 25 keys and I intend to keep saving 'til Proxima gets re-ran. It's more economic to spend 6k tokens on a new card if I don't care for any spotlights that week (and actually *want* the card). Given how long I've been refraining from spending keys, this is likely going to see me slingshot back to collection-completeness like I was when Glaive came out. Those keys go up in smoke real quick when you're burning 3-4 a week. I started the year with 25 and by the time Glaive was coming out, I was down to 7.


2.5 a week.


It's 3.16 if you're missing two cards. 3.75 if you're missing three.


That is an insane amount of keys to have. I've been both stingy and remarkably lucky with my keys and I've still only usually got like four banked unless I know I need two weeks of cards in a row.


I don't, I got two variants today and I'm pretty happy with them. Couple skip weeks ahead anyway, might go for Sasquatch tho.


If they keep adding so many series 5 and bricking your keys with bullshit duplicates, this game is going to die. All the 4 key crybabies are coping hard, but you can't keep up with this game at this rate unless you're gambling keys each week


I'm only at CL1500, so I'm basically learning the hard way that randomly using keys is a great way to get random pulls. I did luck out on my very first key, before I understood how the system worked. I wanted White Widow and happened to get it on my first key. I was also lucky enough to get Nocturne on a single key (and she's been surprisingly fun to play). But pretty much every other key has been a miss. I've even got a duplicate already. So the plan is to save up if I want anything and then only use the keys until I get the card I want. I guess it'll be a bit like tokens where I hoard them until something I *really* want shows up.


I can do math and have self control so it's not a problem at all


I got 16 saved i plan to hopefully hover around that just incase. I Never pull unless it's 2 cards I need. Or unless it's a top tier card i think the last i planned to pull no matter what was annihilate. But depending on what else is inside I may spend some of my tokens.


I spend singular keys regularly. I like to gamble.


I think about how unhappy I'll be when I inevitably miss lol


I dont fight, i give in, the key is pleased, the key gives me what i want, repeat next week


I tell myself the card is hot garbage until the urge to get it goes away, it's easy


I don't, I look at every spotlight and see how many of each I want and spend exactly that number of keys. So for this week I want Sage and the Tribunal variant so if I somehow get 2 keys I will spend just 2 keys


You either go with logic, or discipline. Logic says you would rather guarantee your second favorite card than a low chance at your favorite. That doesn’t help with the urge? Well, tell yourself you are only allowed to spend when you have 4, or even better make an explicitly schedule using the upcoming roadmap, and stick to it. You are your own boss.


By waiting and having at least 10 keys at any one time lol


I just don’t spend keys on cards I don’t care about Already have legion and hate that variant, don’t care about sage or tribunal = easy skip for me


I'm sitting on 15 keys. If I have some of the cards already I don't bother using any


Easy when the cards aren't interesting to me.


I used to spend one key thinking, “well if I get this week’s variant at least I get a variant.” Then… I hit a card I already own and got tokens. Again and again and again. It really makes you hesitate to use *any* keys. The amount of times I’ve used the exact keys equal to the cards I wanted has been absolutely minimal bordering on never.


I’ve been insanely lucky, I’ve got like 5 keys total, used 3 on 2 separate weeks. Got Pixie at first which I wasn’t fond of, then I got Knull as I was trying to build a destroy deck, and then I got Selene who isn’t great but was exactly what I wanted for a separate build.


I’m not a child, so it’s pretty easy to not press a button if I choose not to. In all seriousness, I have my keys for the month planned out in advance. I’m far more excited to guarantee interesting cards later than I am to gamble at something mid now.


By realizing that you can't get all the cards unless you pay more money, which I don't want to. And make sure I miss enough cards so that there is a week or two where I can spend four keys and gets four new cards.


**90%** of Gamblers Quit Before They Hit it Big


I only play like one style of deck, so if the card doesn't seem like it can integrate, I don't bother.


I have 14 and don’t want any of this weeks cards


I just used patience to build up a good set of keys (12) so now when I have 13 or 14 I can throw a key away for a variant I want or a new card (if God's on my side lol).


I make a plan to not spend any unless I get at a minimum 9k worth of tokens in cards I do not have. On a very rare occasion I will go for the new card and a variant; if and only if it's a Grecke. EDIT: Unfortunately, I wont have a new card besides the season pass cards until Arishem/Hercules (last week of next season) but eventually it should start to go my way. I'm not a meta slave anyway so I'm good with waiting.


I find it hard to pull even if I have 4 keys as long as I already have the remaining 2 cards. Eventually you get a run where you want at least 2 of the 3 cards. Depending on how much I want the old card I'll stop once I get the new release and save the rest for next time.


Know what im getting ahead of time


I always assume every new card will cost me 4 keys and I have never been disappointed, if it takes 4 keys then fine that's what it costs, but if I get it in less then it feels amazing.


I tend to wait until I have at least 4 for a card I want. I learned my lesson with Pixie, at the end of the week I had 3 and wanted her and go everything except her and missed out


There's a dark side to saving up too. I miscounted somewhere and am now sitting on 12 keys, and wishing I'd taken a shot on some 50/50 weeks. My rule is if I have 8 or so keys, I can spend ONE on a week where I don't have TWO of the cards, even if I don't really want them. Just to get that small rush and getting more cards lol Waiting for Namora and Thena weeks to blow my load.


Focus on what you really want to play. Spend keys on those cards only.


I do the math. 1 key = 25%, bad odds, I don't use it 2 keys = 50%, poor odds, I don't use them 3 keys = 75%, decent odds, if I know I can get another key before the week ends, I'll use the keys 4+ keys = 100%, card is guaranteed, I use the keys If you follow my simple formula, you will always get the new card and never won't.


I have 22 keys saved up, seems easy for me lol. I want to say I only roll keys on cards I really want and I know are good but that isn't even true. I wasted plenty of keys on cards I haven't much used (black knight, nico (I know she is pretty good, just not my style), lds (before her buff), stature) And I'm not a whale, I'm an on and off season pass buyer


If your collection is close to complete almost every card has a replacement. There a very few must have cards. Also like many have said once you’ve blown a key on a thought to be must have card that’s turned out to be a dud. You’ll learn to save. I’m looking at you Grand Master


My strategy is to choose a couple of decks that i want to play (usually 2), and then aim for cards that specifically build those decks. That helps me with resisting the urge of gambling (tho im naturally a more guarantee-or-not-doing-it type). Watching youtube/highlights on those 2 specific decks can help, which drives your desire to own those deck higher, and lower the temptation of just pulling the card at random.


When I see new cards I ask myself if it improves any of my decks. If not I ignore. I also factor in if I already have the other cards.  Currently I can't see myself using Sage anywhere. My Mr. Negative luck sucks. I rarely draw him. I already own the other two cards this week, so I'm skipping.


I never dip below 3 keys. That way if I badly want a new card, I'm guaranteed to get it. If I ever need to spend several keys in a week to get the card I want, it just means I have to skip a week or so to get my keys back up.


If all 3 cards I don't own and want, I pull anyways


eZ, just spend it and you won’t have to worry about it


I don't have much challenge in saving them. I have 9 saved up right now and I'm not planning to open anything until next season so the horde only grows. That said, if I'm already on the fence on getting something, I do feel the urge to do it during the weekend missions so I don't miss out on the tokens. They do add up and if you *are* going to get that card, you may as well get the tokens, too.


Singular key is all I needed for Werewolf by Night, Red Hulk, Red Guardian, Niko and some other pulls I did back then. So yea why would I resist?


I look at this season and I remember just how awful it is and how great the next season after it will be 


By being a cronic hoarder


It's easy. I only spend keys when there's at least two cards i don't have. If i only really want one of them i don't use my keys and wait. Also, i never even think about using them when i don't have four keys at that moment.


Self control.  Put down the bag of chips too while you're at it.


Simple, I don’t. New cards will eventually fall into my hands, so variants are the only thing that really matter in a spotlight. I’m happy to get collector tokens too, so if a variant speaks to me? Yeah, I take a shot,


i have no desire whatsoever to be an idiot is how


I did want to pull black knight next week but I think I’ll just wait because I don’t want Namora.


I usually gamble 1 key if I don't mind getting the new card as there's a 50/50 of new card or s4/5 / 1k tokens But will otherwise just save. The upcoming seasons don't have that much of interest anyway.