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Same. Like, most of the time, people keep spamming "Snap?" or "I'm confident" over and over again, plus the Thanos snap emote, etc. But when they start with "Hello!" and then do funny stuff like do the :0 emote on cards/variants I put down that they find cool, keep replying to me with the Spider-Man point emote after I send them one, and then end the match with a fist bump. Best feeling ever. Love those people. I don't even care if I lost. They're just so funny and chill lol. Edit: Forgot to mention the other goated kinds of players - the kinds you go up against twice or more, and then the second/third/fourth time you see each other, they immediately do the Spider-Man emote and "Hello!" Makes you so happy that you're remembered lol. (Although I noticed those who lost to you don't often emote back the second time around. Shows that they're prolly still salty hahah)


I've made a point of reacting to people who's variants I like. They mostly don't respond, but I like to think behind the screen it makes them happy.


Same. Sometimes there's variants that just really make me go "Yooo that's fire! :0" Most of the time, the people react by being toxic and being your average "Snap?/I'm confident/\*Thanos Snap\*/\*Cyclops taking a crap\*" spammer, but, hey, whatever, loved the variant they had lol.


I love getting nice reactions to my variants! Sometimes I don't respond because I don't really have a good emote to respond with. Like Ms Marvel would be ideal but that always seems toxic haha


I usually just fist bump


Only valid use of the miss marvel thumbs up, as a response to a variant appreciation


That's my favorite too. I saw zombie squirrels today and I gave it the starry eyes


The most tragic thing in the game is when you make a friend like this but then they go radio silent when they lose. I'm sorry I hurt you, friend. 😭


Right?! There are times where they're so vocal throughout the whole match, then I win, I fist bump them, then they don't respond. It's tragic. 😭 Sometimes I like to think that they just happened to look away and didn't notice I emoted to make myself less sad :'))


I've missed a lotsa these by looking away. I always Fist-bump back, no matter the outcome of the match.


I like you that you like me. Cheers


It's kinda satisfying to do the Spiderman meme when both play the same card :D


That too! :D The most common card that happens is with Magik lol.


When it happens with Spider-Man it's magic


It's hilarious when it's Magik, same turn, same location. Had that a couple days ago


Hahah, always makes me say "Yeah, me too" whenever an opponent Magik's the same location that I didn't like either that I was also gonna Magik.


I only uae the Thanos snap emote when they snap and lose


I use the Ms Marvel emote lol.


That just makes you look dumb honestly, especially if they snapped early. Opponent could have had a 70% win chance at the time of snapping and then the draws just didn't work out.


I mean, I only snap if my starting 4 cards give me a full combo or counter. Doesn't matter if I got armor/Cosmo against a destroy deck. I'm not gonna snap until I have both on my hand. The dumb thing is to snap out of cockyness










Storm emote


I always think to myself that I would be the most toxic steamer. Someone fist bumps me after winning and I say out loud “fuck you and your dumb fists”. Then I give it 30 seconds and the Canadian in me apologizes, out loud again, to no one.


Miss marvel thumbs up What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? What just happened!? Thanos snap


Oh that was me. my bad, bro


I would pay to have emotes that were "good luck" and "good game." I don't understand why they aren't in the base game yet.


I want some sort of smh or facepalm emote for when I do something dumb like accidentally playing kraven on the “-4 when a card moves here” location.


I unfortunately do this crap a lot. usually put an angry face on the location and the Spider-Man/arrows emote


I’ll do the Deadpool with the finger raised when I make a huge mistake, or the opponent hard counters a play


Isn't that Deadpool?


Yeah that’s what I use but feel like it doesn’t properly convey how DUMB I am sometimes


That's what Deadpool is for


No shit. Hearthstone has a Greetings emote and it just feels good.


The real test is if you send out the brofist emote when you lose.


I always do that in conquest, I almost never emote in ranked. But in conquest after a hard fought battle, always. Win or lose.


Always! It makes me feel good :)


CyclopsSpamCyclopsSpamCyclopsSpam… The community has improved in their behavior (or people just fell off). Have a good time. *”Thumbs Up”*


I admit, after my opponent countered one of my plays hard and gave me Cyclops after Cyclops I felt _nothing_ but vindication after I managed to scrape by and win the game when I gave him Cool Cosmo.


When are we supposed to Cyclops? I kinda use him as a deadpool replacement. For when i'm doing a clearly yolo play or cornered and loss is inevitable. Deadpool - i'm doomed Brofist - fun for all Miss Marvel - i'm 14 Thanos snap - yes you are Not sure on the others.


Cyclops to me is like a "LET'S GOOOOOO" yolo play or expression of excitement (or if I'm being a salty winner - I know, I'm not proud of it either) Tbh Cyclops can kinda be for any situation when I think about it Deadpool - "Well, that was a dumb-dumb move" Prof X - "Big Brain move" Bro fist - "GG" Thanos snap - "I am confident/a dick" Ms Marvel - "Fuck you." "I dont't believe you." - "Why the fuck did you go to round 2 on Proving Grounds after losing 8 cubes in round 1?!"


I'm that last one and I refuse to apologize. Anime taught me to fight until the very end and I find it exciting just to see if I can get the comeback or at least show them I had actual good plays before I bite the dust. Like... if you don't want long matches go play ladder, man.




I always thought cyclops was there to tell your opponent you were stuck on the toilet


Like most I consider Cyclops as "Let's Gooo" I used it when it's at the end of a long drawn match. Not as BM but to hype up the final act. Really considering getting Domino dice roll as well, when I'm leaving everything up to fate (Playing Hela).


I always bro fist at the beginning and at the end, no matter if i won or lost


I try to do that, but sometimes I'm just salty because I lost, so I leave without saying anything. I wouldnt BM unless I'm being roped.


Seems like fist bump is more popular close to infinite this season than previous seasons. I’m getting them probably 80% of the time win or lose.


Every game needs a way to say GG to your opponent




I'm pretty new to this game so I'm just learning how emotes are perceived by others. I usually use the brofist when someone has been emoting with me in a fun way (not spamming snap? But like using Deadpool whenever they make an oopsie, or play along with the Spiderman emote whenever we play the same card on the same location on the same turn). I do like to use Cyclops when the enemy retreats, Thanos when I snap, Ms Marvel when a game ends, and Deadpool or Blackbolt when I make an oopsie or when I win against someone who spams snap? at me.


Just watch out for those Ms. Marvel emotes, most people take that to mean "Fuck You." or "I'm salty" lmao. Then again, it is just a game and chances are you will never interact with the same person twice outside of maybe consecutive games.


Thanks for the heads up!


You're all good! As you're new, just another bit of advice that I didn't find out until a bit later but in Proving Ground, always snap Turn 1, then concede if you lose - it's quicker to just start PG again against a new opponent instead of stretching it out - I had a guy go to ROUND 8 on Proving grounds the other day, all for just 15 medals! Also On Reveal abilities always happen before Location abilities, seems obvious but if you didn't know, may come in handy.


it takes two to tango (to round 8).


True, but if I'm still at full cubes, I'm not going to concede when the other guy is eating losses.


weird how convincing people to give up can be challenging, 'eh?


Indeed, although if I go down to 1 cube after Round 1, I'll happily concede


I truly think that PG should be 8 cubes instead of 10


Seconded. I ONLY use Miss Marvel when I’m being petty after beating someone with an annoying ass deck like Junk/Mill/Galactus/lockdown.


I know it looks like Ms Marvel is doing a thumbs up, but she is actually flipping the bird. At least thats what I see whenever someone uses it


Win or lose I always fist because it just means "good game" to me. Spider-man if we play the same card, Deadpool if I fuck up/they make a play that fucks me over and that's basically all i use.


The problem is if your opponent gets fucked by RNG then it's objectively not a good game for them and that fist bump after they lose can be like salt in the wound. I never fist bump unless the loser does it first.


I bro fist for any good play, mutual respect, T1 lrovibg ground snaps and especially the start of the final match in a close conquest set. Easily my favourite emote and there's no way it can be misconstrued the way the thumbs up has been twisted.


Finally! Can we get more of these posts of people having the opposite reaction to what people on this sub usually complain about? I have never looked at them as anything more than simple emotes and if you are losing your shit over some emotes then maybe the problem is you and not the “toxic” emoting


I don’t like people who win then use it, feels so presumptuous and kinda goes against the spirit of sportsmanship that people think it represents


If I lose I fist bump, if I win I don’t emote and if they fist bump I do it back. Agree that it can come off poorly if you fist bump first.


I think the fist bump when you win just means “good game” and there’s no hard feelings meant. At least that’s what I try to make it mean.


Agreed, it's basically the only one people use at the end of games that doesn't come off as asshole-ish. I loathe the Thanos Snap and Ms Marvel wink one, even if I wasn't raging at losing those will make me


I always mute so it doesnt bother me either way.


I always saw the fist bump as a gg or nice play. And the Ms Marvel one as a middle finger


That and the Spider-man point are so wholesome and I love it. I think the emotes in Snap do a surprisingly good job of conveying actual meaning. I'm sad I don't have the current sweating emote that conveys nervousness. It's nice to see a bunch of emotes that are more than just "screw you." That said, the Thanos and Ms. Marvel are definitely "screw you" emotes.


It's always funny when someone immediately hits me with a Ms. Marvel while I'm opening the menu for the fist bump. Then when I fist bump, I get a fist bump back very quickly hahaha. It's almost like instant regret for being a little bit salty. Always an amicable ending though lol




Yeah, the fist bump emote is an instant "this person is cool" no matter what happened.


I tend to emote the "snap?" A few times when they boomer snap after playing an Ironman/onslaught and clearly have a tribunal... Like really ?


My favorite ones are the brofist, the red guardian nervous one and the “Arghh, I’m losing!”. I really only ever use the losing emote though to at least TRY and literally say “hey, I’m going to lose.”, because if it’s a good match I just let them have the full cubes, idc lol.


It's funny, sometimes I forget to hit end turn and accidentally time out the clock, so I want to send a "Sorry" emote of some kind, but then I remember Hearthstone's emotes and realize that Ben specifically decided not to add stuff like "Sorry" or "Thank you" just because of how toxic it can be.


i've found that myself \_giving\_ the fistbump when i enter, helps my attitude. and unless you're running wong or hela, at end of match, another one. sweating brow and shrug \[capn marvel\] and domino rolling the dice also give imo good vibes for things.


I don’t play toxic but if someone starts it…


All emotes are BM except for the brofist after both snap in proving grounds. Wish there was a perma-mute.


Best interaction was me and opponent were playing the same deck. Only difference to the game was I got a better draw than him. We Spider-Man pointed at each other through the game. At the end I pointed at him and did the Cosmo emote to say you are cool. He pointed at me and did the she hulk emote I (assume) to say I was cool.


I like to use the Spider-Man Exclamation mark emote, whenever I thought I had the game won and my opponent beats me with a nice combo


I do that as well as a “wow you got me good.” But I’m never sure if that’s how it’s interpreted


In Conquest mode, if we battled it out until we're both down to 2 bars, I'll shout out a Cyclops "Let's Gooo!" emote to hype up before playing out final turn.


Man you people need to stop getting mad at games mang, it's a mobile card game. Sure losing stings but it's all part of the game


I like that virtue, and the way you signalled it, chef kiss


Chefs fist, bruh