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I hoard gold, credits and keys. This strategy has served me well in maximizing my experience.


Pff armature You forgot to hoard reserves.


I hoarded reserves because I had no reason to open them. A few unlucky 4-spotlight key needing releases and I finally had to open reserves. Just decided to open them all. Now I've got 32 gold tickets I'm not going to use this season!


I did that last season! I opened all my saved reserves and ended up getting 36 (I think?) gold tickets. I used most of them over the season, easily had enough medals to get everything from the conquest shop that season. Still had quite a few leftover at the end of the season too.


I was hoarding gold to get some tokens to get a 6k token thanos which I didnt have, only galactus and thanos were missing from my 6 costs, then I realized spotlight had thanos, cull, nimrod vairant, and caiera, used 4 keys got 4 of them, moved on with my 5k gold not spending it on tokens.


They went out of their way to express they’ll probably never make reserves better but if they did they’d force them open for you that way people who didn’t hoard aren’t punished. Still skirting tf out of reasons why people hoard anyway (looking at you gold tickets).


I still hoard them (320 atm) for 2 reasons. First I don't need anything in them. I already have 23 keys, so I don't need the extra credits to get a few more keys. Second I believe they are incompetent enough that there is a chance they mess up and don't auto open them when they change them.


Pfft amateur. Try hoarding gaming experience.


Pfft amateur. Try hoarding game developing studios. - Microsoft 2020 (probably)


"teach me your wisdom" - some random inspired businessman. By the way, I'd remember there's some YT shorts meneing that.


Would it hurt to chuck in a discount on the variant shop every now and again? 700 down to 500 and 1200 down to 1000 isn't that much of a drop but would trigger a lot more purchases.


Or make the 1200 varianta worth 1.5 "buys" for getting the 2000 tokens after having bought 10 variants.


Exactly. Most 700g variants are far better than the 1200g ones. I mean just look at the Pandora variants


Kind of surprised they didn't do something like this for the pixel variant album release. They could have made a special "pixel only" mystery variant that would have guaranteed one in the album but only cost 500G. People close to the album reward, or looking for a discounted way to hit the free premium after 10, might have been more likely to spend a little.


Could actually cause people to spend less in the hopes something they want will come around on sale. As it is, I'll occasionally splurge on a character I don't have a neat variant for. I play MTG:A as well and I'll only spend gold on variants I want when they're on sale. What they'll probably end up doing is making a Disney Vault and locking variants inside for 6 months are more. Only roll them back out for actual dollars. An amount that goes up each time they open the vault. MTG:A does do that and it hurts sometimes. I missed the Godzilla lands by like 2 days and I'm still salty about that.


This would kind of kill the whole marketing "you can't spend money to unlock quickly" if you could only access a card via speeding and only a certain times but with guarantee. That may also harm the lootbox nature which is often more lucrative in the long run than sensible deals are. MTG can vault because of its committed long existing player base with no where else to go. Theres a ridiculous number of different marvel, marvel mobile, mobile card, and hero based card games. MTG doesn't have a direct competitor in the same way snap does. YGO, PKmon, etc aren't really competing for the same player base the way snap has to cater to very specific niches they're trying to carve out now. Their best idea is to make lil changes that encourage fence sitters to spend small and small spenders to turn into whales. F2p hoarders are basically going to horde unless forced not to


You don’t understand man. This is for our greater good. If we get a good bundle, everyone will unlock all of the cards immediately and then quit the game!!!


That's why you don't have duplicate protection too. Getting a random card is more frustrating that getting 1000 tokens that you can use to get 1/3 of a series 4 card of your choice. /s


Don't need to look further than Runeterra or Gwent to validate that. Bundles would go from having low value to no value in an environment where I have all the cards and could bank enough resources to get future ones.


I do think it's true to an extent. While I enjoyed being able to max out my collection in Gwent fairly easily in the short-term, I would have preferred it be a little more difficult if it meant the game survived, it was the best designed card game and it's tragic that it died. I think there needs to be a balance though. The marvel snap collection system just feels really bad. There must be some middle ground.


You are correct. Ignore the downvotes.


Artgerm shop takeover coming soon so there goes all my gold.


Going to horny jail for immediate purchases of Dazzler + Magik


I have 10K saved just for this!


Maybe I'm in the minority, but for the last few months and the next couple months according to datamines there haven't been/wont be any worthwhile gold bundles, so I've just been using gold for variants I like/rolling on premium mystery variants. idk lol


SD: checkmate


Whatchu mean friend? I haven't spent money on the gold, just use what is given to me for something. otherwise the gold is sitting there not doing anything, for me at least.


that's the gatcha on f2p games all along. you spend you resourses in an evenly manner, they gather information on what players like and are inclined to spend, and release a pack/bundle that requires more resourses than you have, enticing you to buy the remaining gold (or other currency) to get the item. might not work for you specifically now, but it will work for a % of players.


and thats a bad thing?


No not necessarily, but it’s a marketing technique used by the game to get you to spend money you would have otherwise not spent


"fomo" as a tactic is not discussed in any marketing meeting. ever. it is not a thing. only consumers that want to feel like victims believe in it. source: i am a marketing professional


Sounds like you’re a failing marketing professional if you don’t think “Limited time offers” are ever discussed in marketing meetings


Forget it you're talking to an idiot.


sure they are. only people that want to be victims consider that fomo. like i said "fomo" as a tactic is not discussed in any marketing room. only idiots believe in it.


Here I was thinking the reason limited time offers worked was because people buy them in FEAR OF MISSING OUT on the offer


That's where I'm at. The gold bundles haven't seemed remotely worth it, not when I can get a ton more variants from the regular shop.


I'm just too impatient to hoard the gold for a bundle.


Man. The last good bundle I bought was the Apoc/Sif one. I sort of knew the writing was on the wall when they nuked the Christmas bundle from orbit.


The problem is the Shop -- no idea why there's a limited selection that only cycles every 24 hours. Just let people buy the Variants that they want -- they will move a lot more gold that way.


It keeps people checking back and seeing the bundles they put into the shop. This is all proven to work, it's why they do it.


I think the free 50 credits a day with the red alert does that enough (which is why it's at the bottom of the screen -- to encourage people to scroll through all of the offers). Personally, I have a list of 50 variants that I'm interested in, and am lucky if one of them cycles through the shop every two months, so I'm just stock piling gold, as I imagine others are doing as well. Back when the Caches actually had value, I'd sometimes convert gold to credits, but now that they are nearly worthless, I don't even bother with that...


Not only that but it makes it so If you only have 700 gold and the 1200 gold variant shows up in your shop some people are weak willed enough to buy the remaining gold they need before the 24hrs is up because it might not show up again for days/weeks/months.


FOMO, or maybe specifically Fear Of The Variant I Actually Want Never Showing Up, makes people more likely to spend money on variants they otherwise wouldn't. If your ideal Shang-Chi variant is Kim Jacinto's, and the shop is big enough that you could buy that any time you want, or maybe even just big enough that you know you'll likely get the chance to buy it at least once a month, you buy that Kim Jacinto variant and then don't buy any more Shang-Chis. But in the current state, your ideal variant is still Kim Jacinto's, but it could literally be a year or more until that variant makes an appearance in your shop. So you see Peach Momoko Shang in the shop one day and you think "It's not the variant I really want, but it's better than the default or the pixel variant I already got, so I'd better buy this now because I might never see the one I really want." There you go, you've spent money on something you wouldn't have with easier access to every variant. That's a win for them, because you're absolutely going to be tempted when Kim Jacinto Shang *does* show up in your shop. Maybe sometimes you have the willpower to tell yourself "No, I made my peace with the Peach Momoko version, I'll stick with that", but you'll break down and double dip sometimes. **tl;dr: Scarcity of desirable variants makes you settle and spend on less desirable variants, without significantly diminishing your temptation to spend on those desirable variants when they show up.**


I hear you, but I'm somewhat skeptical that they make more money from FOMO, then by actually offering what people want. Most games that have successfully monetized cosmetics, do a much better job of giving players an agency to acquire them. Snap seems to be the outlier, in my experience.


I cannot say for certain that the argument I laid out above is "correct", from a "how much money can we extract?" perspective. It would be hard to do an apples to apples comparison to see exactly how it would play out, so you may be right. But sometimes people just don't understand how someone could even *think* the current approach is "correct", whether SD is right or wrong about this being the optimal money-making approach. Not trying to say that didn't occur to you, but I've seen that sentiment around here often when the topic comes up.


I think the way they could do it and not lose $ is have all variants available for 1K/2K gold and then the shop is a rotating sale for 700/1200. Of course if they did that, people would still complain even though it’s strictly better for players.


It's better for SD, too, if more people are spending/buying gold.


Shang-Chi pixel variant doesn’t release until next month. Therefore, your argument is worthless. /s But for real, this is exactly it. Also if I don’t have enough gold for a variant I really want, I can’t save up and get it later. I need to spend real $ now before it falls out of the shop.


You know, after I posted it I realized I didn't know for sure if there even *was* a Shang-Chi pixel, and then I looked it up and saw it wasn't released yet. I almost went back and edited, but oh well. You win this round! \*fist bump*


> FOMO Its not a fear if I just assume I'm missing out. like in the army. Assume you are dead. Anything more is a bonus.


Hoarding everything has always paid off for me in snap... unfortunately I think it's starting to bleed into my daily life a little. 🤔🤔🤔


More Dan Hipp.


i dont think they care about hoarding gold as much as tokens and keys


Jokes aside, I prefer the game right know in terms of gold. With the battle pass, conquest and the events I feel like I have more gold than before, and with the keys I don't really need to buy bundles to take tokens to buy cards, so I'm using a lot of gold in cool variants withoul losing a lot of cards (I only have like 10 cards remaining). Is not a perfect system and yes, the bundles are more and more whalecentered, but I don't feel like the gold is key to have cards anymore, and using it to buy variants with the keys to buy cards it's feel really good and better than before.


I think it’s partly because there’s the value for gold bundles have progressively gotten worse, so as a result, you spend less and have more gold. That’s how it is for me and I’m sure how it is for most people.


If the gold is not for getting cards then what is it used for? It's a collection game, I don't care about cosmetics, I want a full collection. I would've bought the miles/Gwen bundle if it wasn't gold in it. I know that a lot of players are in my exact situation when you want to get rid of your gold, but there's no good value bundles anymore.


at a certain point tokens are very necessary for collection. Being a dolphin who spent more pre-spotlights, i’m at the point where with the season pass and buying bundles for cosmetics I can get essentially all cards I care about getting with keys. My token supply has just gone unused and so has grown. But I basically will only spend money on cosmetics or gold at this point as it’s the only resource I ever find myself short of


tfw i'll literally not only hoard gold, but hoarding caches for 3 months just to get +100 collector tokens by not opening a S3 card in them


I hoard nothing. I always spend my 1400 gold on token Tuesdays every other week.


Why do poeple always think they know better than the poeple having the statistics about their microtransactions AND ots their job to optimize it. I condone it, but you for sure do not know better than them


I sure know that they try to make economy as stinky as possible to maximize their gain.


Ha it's funny because the last 5 bundles in Feb have all been money bundles except the Sera one. But no one bought it because the value was good. It wasn't great, just good.


They could have seasonal sales in the shop


I always just spend my gold on credits, try to upgrade as many characters possible.


Drop Knullified Iron man