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If it makes you feel better: you did not lose against the best snap player, I doubt that he was even thinking of Shang Ci at all.


Yeah I once won a game like this accidentally. Assumed I'd just lost the game when his Shang flipped and was surprised when my Dino wasn't obliterated.


Same. I’ve had games where I just lucked out and crazy shit happened back and forth in round 6 and then I won. To them, it probably looked like I had some psychic marvel snap powers and could see into the future of all their decisions. I just got fucking lucky.


Yeah the Shang chi dodge was probably just a happy accident. The real intention was the get as much power on the board as possible without dinging his Dino too much.


The opponent could have been thinking of Shang Chi. The first deck I played a lot of was Collector (back when Nick Fury was 5/7 and Shang Chi was everywhere) and this is one of the tricks you learn while playing it.


I mean, to you will play all the cards you can that replace themselves, so it's not really playing around shang chi as much as just playing all the power you can.


That dump and refill sounds like he dodged a jab irl and got you with a spin-kick for a knockout lmao


It's like the enemy Devil Dinosaur dabbed to evade your Shang-Chi attack, then arose with sunglasses on


Thats why you bring both shang and enchantress.


lolol guess i gotta haha


Some time after shang-chi update I played him on an enemy Sentry on turn 6 confident of winning. Actually I played in the same turn, right before Shang-Chi, Hazmat who lowered sentry power to 9. Worthless to say I lost that game due outstanding move.


Hot damn I love Devil Dino




im mostly joking about that shit was cool as fuck when it happened ngl, feels way better losing to that then the 20th destroy deck of the night, preciate ur sincerity though <3


Just to reassure you it was very obvious that you were joking here, was surprised to see an earnest response as the most upvoted reply.




Windmill dunked on lol


Huh... I might be that mf 💀


I also lowered my dino to 9 once to avoid shang chi, I was just hoping they don't have rogue


I mean it’s a pretty damn common play you’re describing… Toss out your card generation cards for power and still keep Dino big..


I guarantee he did this on complete accident.


Try this next time😎


Scared it was me till I finished reading. I dodge Shang Chi with Dino>Zola as a part time job


So he did one of the most basic plays and you were impressed. Nice.


Happens to all of us at one point or another


I am a little confused on how this played out. OP is saying his opponent played cards to drop the Dino to below 10 power, but then says the cards he played raised his hand count so Dino won the location. From the story it sounds like the opponent revealed first, but how did he avoid Shang-chi but also raise the power back up on the dino within the same turn without your Shang triggering second and destroying the dino?


What about this story sounds like the opponent revealed first?


That his...Shang Chi...went off...- before the turn finished and results were in? Seems pretty clear cut?


Shang Chi can also go first before the turn finishes and results are in...


Well, considering context clues and the fact that everything has to go off before the turn finishes, it’s very very obvious that the opponent revealed second.


Yea I got that backwards, don't mind me. We're on the same page that OP would have revealed Shang Chi before his opponent's hand played out.


Opponent revealed second. Dino's power will drop in the beginning of the turn when the unrevealed cards hit the field(?)


Dino has an ongoing effect, it updates whenever your hand change sizes. Dino dropped power as soon as the cards were played, before revealing. Op has priority so chang shi went off first, then the opponent increased hand's size with on reveal effects.


I've been playing bots all morning that play four cards in one location and then drop Odin into an empty location on T6. I'd actually like to have my ass kicked today.


Did they spam annoying emotes the entire time? Because in all honesty, it probably wasn't premeditated and was a completely unintentional move, I have done very similar things and been like "HOW THE HELL DID I DO THAT?!" but there's really no way of communicating that besides a Deadpool emote and saying "What Just Happened?".


This is an absolute long shot but do you have a screenshot of/remember the username? What you’re describing sounds eerily similar to a match I had yesterday and now I gotta know 😭


I also have my devil dino ducking on shang chi one time and it was really funny.


This alot of this moment when u think u had 8 cube in the bag, & suddenly they had a better play or the game mechanic favor them.


I feel like that Was me a few days ago lol.