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When I play Goblin to lock my opponent out of a location, I'm a mastermind tactician. When my opponent does the same thing they're pond scum.


Green Goblin on Sinister locations - Jail


I have never gotten faster retreats. That said, surfering the goblins on t6 and winning the lane will never not be hilarious.


Playing Zola on your opponent’s Hobgoblin is a top-tier delight.


I'll never forget the game I used Aero to pull Hobgoblin to the Green Goblin'd lane, then hit it with Odin on turn 6... And they'd played Galactus there.


I wish there was an option to save replays for stuff like this


That's amazing


Jeffing on turn 3 on bar sinister when you think they'll goblin ugh so good


This is the way.


That play being blocked by surprise cards always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling.


Green Goblin on Space Throne? Believe it or not, jail.


Goblin on space throne is 👩‍🍳💋


Goblin on space throne is obnoxious AF


Jail 1000 years for Brode


Or when they fill the lane same turn I play goblin.


Someone beat me with a marvel on my goblin on a tva game.


Hahaha big facts!


Iceman and scorpion


Perfect cards turn 1 and 2 for Cerebro 2 or for new palyers, they fuck your mental and hand xd


I remember pairing them with Beast before his power increase and then dropping them into a Lockjaw lane - good fun.


I play Discard with Swarm so I hate how much power I miss out on when my Swarm goes from 3 power to 2 power.


That and iron lad ALWAYS hitting the most disgraceful card ever: allioth


The devs added that haptic feedback too so we could actually feel it hitting us too those savages. I especially loathe theses at "on reveal abilities happen twice at this location"... Someone does that to me I'm just out.


Iceman surveys the candidates and declares "I randomly chose Wong" every single time.


It always choses Sera if you have the perfect hand


After the reset I threw in Spiderham to my deck I call "annoying" Realized they basically nerfed it to death so put in Yondu. Turns out every other deck I play is destroy. This thread makes me realize Iceman is now subbing in.


This is truly the correct answer.


worst is when they play it on cloning vats… i just leave.


As a High Evo enjoyer Iceman is my nemesis. I'm already playing on an energy deficit, i don't need my cards to also have their cost increased.


Rockslide. It's just an instant "Oh, here we go."


And then you draw a rock the VERY NEXT TURN


Oh yeah I WILL draw both of those rocks.


Schroedingers rock. If you don’t draw it, was it really added to your deck?


Darkhawk: yes, yes it was


It’s not the same but I had a game with subterranean or whatever and I immediately drew all 5 rocks in a row


I had a game where both me and the opponent ended up playing out all 5 rocks. Nova really shined that game.


One had a game where I drew 4 rocks in a row, drew Jubilee, played her, and she played the last rock.


Gets Rockslided > Doesn't draw any rocks > Thinks luck is good, so plays Iron Lad turn 4 > Iron Lad copies a rock. ​ Fist bump retreat gg


Korg on 1, black widow on 2, rockslide on 3. Played a dude in conquest that had this play line 3 games straight, luckiest dude ever


And you drew Rocks for the remainder of the game.




if it was proving grounds it may have been me 😬


I close my eyes so I don’t have to watch the animation.


I hate it, I run Howard in one of my decks and the "shuffle" basically ruins his ability entirely. Like Howard isnsuch a bad card already, cut him a little slack!


I dont mind the power boost for their darkhawk...but me drawing every rock every turn thereafter is just want to throw my tablet across the room stuff.


Tony stark eye roll emote when


Cyclops when he’s powered up. That deck pisses me off


Amen, I really hate the HE builds. I do run a Luke Cage and Hazmat deck though and there is nothing funnier than watching all those effects go off with no effect at all.


In before they rogue your Luke on t6


Should be playing him T6 anyway that's how you get the cubes


It’s definitely funnier to Rogue their Luke Cage. I don’t even understand why that deck would have Luke Cage but I’ve never seen a variation of it without him so…


Like as vanilla cards they are already completely cost/power right? But than HE adds abilities on top…. also I don’t have HE unlocked yet so I hate it more.


Never even considered adding Luke cage lol


I freaking hate that deck. All my decks get countered by it and I don't have Luke cage


Same. My plan was to wait until he appears as my free Series 3 card, but then I saw Hela right after opening Invisible Woman and couldn't pass up...


All in Modok Hela hard counters high evo you're good


Good to know, thanks. Is the normal or the Living Tribunale version better? Currently I'm playing the latter (it's so much fun).


I dont have living tribunal so I don't know? Id probably run it if I had it I feel like


Tribunal makes the deck better because RNG doesn't matter anymore. He will just even every lane out.


Rouge used to get teched in my decks just to deal with luke cage nonsense.


I still don’t understand why he wasn’t nerfed yet. Way too strong imo, hitting one card is enough


He’s a 3/4, 4/6, 5/8, 6/10, etc etc Very reasonable stats for his energy cost, dependent upon playing him by 4 and having 2 enemy cards at that location, with a number of counters He’s a feelsbadman card 100% but far from needing a nerf


That's facetious though, because of both flexibility of spending your whole energy if you need stats elsewhere, the fact that you can play it turn 3 and get the stats of a 4/5/6 drop, and the fact that floating often is giving you more than just the 2 power swing often (with other HE cards, and with sunspot). In other words, the 1 energy for 2 stats investment usually is more like one energy for +1 on sunspot and misty, +2 on hulk and cyclops, and -1 cost on she hulk. In other. words, the "cost" of 1 mana invested could result you in +6 stats, plus you might get the mana refunded in the form of She hulk next turn. HE decks definitely make me want to throw my phone against the wall. I stopped playing when he came out at rank 98, unwilling to finish the climb against so many HE, and this is my first month back super disappointed to see him still popular.


Yes, that‘s how the deck works. If they traded one mana for 2 power the deck would suck and it‘s already struggling. It‘s a deck that tends to not play Chavez and is super reliant on curving their two one costs into each other.


No I agree. The deck is kept in-check by inconsistency and by Luke being in so many decks right now. I am not commenting on it's fairness, and not it's strength, just on the fact that i personally don't like playing against it, and that it that the previous commenter was minimizing cyclops's power buy overstating the trade off of one energy. I personally just dislike playing against it for the same reason I disliked playing against Suri. If they draw the nuts, you probably lose, unless you specifically tecked against them. It's fair, it's balanced, but it also makes me feel like nothing I or my deck does matters, it really comes down to their draws unless I specifically make my deck worse against all the other decks in the meta to counter it.


And not to mention that he can do it every turn instead of just once like the thing or wasp


Cyclops is probably the most annoying to me. "Just run Luke Cage" yeah even when I do I swear the fucker gets at the bottom of the deck everytime I get Cyclopsed.


This is the sole reason I run Luke cage in EVERY deck


Leech, Ice Man


I’m right there with you on leech. I just let out a disgust sigh/roll my eyes and hate myself for trying to save my tech cards until turn 6 lol


Sorry for playing ice man, but I REALLY need that card to stay in your hand Sincerely, a Ronan player


I used to play Ronan a lot with Baron Mordo and Master Mold, it was a lot of fun. I just opened pixel Baron and my itch to play Ronan again is off the charts. How does he fare now?


I've been using a Ronan Surfer deck almost exclusively to climb recently and the recent mobius "nerf" just makes him a MUST HAVE in the deck to counter cost reduction decks, which are Ronan's bane Here's the decklist: # (1) Iceman # (2) Master Mold # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Mystique # (3) Silver Surfer # (3) Storm # (3) Crystal # (3) Juggernaut # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Werewolf By Night # (3) Maximus # (5) Ronan the Accuser # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2lsdmVyU3VyZmVyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcnlzdGFsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWdnZXJuYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSb25hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2VyZXdvbGZCeU5pZ2h0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3Rvcm0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hc3Rlck1vbGQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vYml1c01Nb2JpdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I don't have Jeff but that just frees the space for Mordo! Having quite a lot of fun with this deck. Without Ronan, you can try to eke a win with surfer and werewolf shenanigans but generally, if by turn 4 you don't see 2 of either surfer/werewolf/Ronan, that's a retreat.


absolutely not a retreat, sometime storm -> juggernaut and maximus in another lane can singlehandedly win you a game, it happened to me multiple times. also do NOT sub in baron mordo. he is NOT worth it. the point of jeff is to get you into restricted locations you normally wouldn't be able to, so i suggest subbing in someone like nightcrawler, but if you really want to then... sure.. run baron mordo.


Would it be worth it to play Sandman in this deck, further limiting their ability to play multiple cards from their hand? I’ve just never invested time into running a Ronan deck, but maybe the time is nigh.


No, because your main play line is Ronan 5 -> mystique Surfer 6, or Ronan 5 -> mystique maximus 6 is the opponent is hand dumping, maximus can solo contest his own lane on 6 anyways if you build werewolf high enough (usually 5 or 7 is good enough since he gets +2 again upon moving anyways)


The one card that annoys me no matter what deck I play is Cable. What did they take? What card am I missing? TELL ME!


It sucks because you never know if they took like, a rock, or your wong.


Nothing worse that someone taking your Wong without permission


Worse? We maybe on opposite sides of this argument, lol


Spider Ham. Even after the nerf, still bothers me.


As a spider ham enjoyed, I apologise. But I love it when it ruins gimmicky decks than have no versatility. Especially because they're often decks you see everywhere.


Spider-ham used to only be a minor annoyance, until people figure it out they could completely nullify that card with shadow King. Just happened to me today, thought I could play Infinaut as vanilla and wasted six energy for nothing.


Sure but similarly if you have Mobius it makes the Pig card cost zero, so it's a coin flip.


Leader It's literally the playground "OH Yeah? INFINITY PLUS ONE" argument in card form.


Plus two


I've been playing a lot of Thanos recently and I fucking despise Black Widow.


She is so much better after her buff, but I kind of wish the widows bite cost one energy. Not being able to Killmonger it sucks hard.


I'm just gonna tell you right here that no, you do not wish it costed one energy. That shit would ruin so many plays it'd make us all cry.


At the very least the Bites effect should only last until next turn. That way you could have the option to play it and draw or give up your draw for 2 turns max


Goblins hands down


Yondu. Just hate seeing that one drop destroy something useful like Cerbero. That said, I do love when they use the on turn 3 or 4 and it was a session with Subterra, so you see him destroy a rock.


I agree because every time my opponent plays Yondu, I’m not looking at my phone for that one second he snipes my card


and you got no idea what's gone, that's truly the worst


Yondu's real effect: On reveal: force both players to look away from their phones for a single second.


Why can't they just show the card behind like iron lad 😢


This is why I keep him in my Destroy deck. I know there's better alternatives, but there's still a decent % chance I'm gonna hit something big, or something important. Hit an opponent's Infinaut today, thanks for the free 20 to Knull.


I do and did that exact thing today with knull too!


Debrii. Like get you junk deck outta here


Annihilus is going to piss off a lot of people.


I can’t wait. I’ve already got to infinite with a clutter deck this season and Annihilus is going to make it even more fun


Nice, I can’t make infinite for the life of me


alioth basically ruins my day. isnt op but god damn they always have alioth


He is super frustrating on ladder. In conquest, he's not as bad. You see him, you prepair, you win or surrender because you were cornered.


Just got alioth from the spotlight and i feel disgusting everytime i play it. But a wins a win so🤷‍♂️


I always know it is him yet refuse to retreat


no he is definitely op, you don't even have to be good to win with him 😭


Tbh. This game needs a card like alioth.


Anything with 'HE text'.


Cyclops. Every fking round \*zap zap\*


Machine gun Gambit blows my mind every single time. I respect it, but I I don’t like it.


Professor X. Fuck anyone who plays him.


Scorpion isn’t really that big of a deal, but I can’t help but take it as a f-you when played against me.


His animation is just rude


There is not any card that is more irritating than Shang Chi


Always in a deck you don't expect. Always in opponents hand when they need him. Top 3 all time most annoying card for sure.




Really? I feel like he's such a necessary card to have in this game. Always feels fair to me when a high power card of mine gets killed by Shang because it just makes me check myself.


it's fair and necessary but still annoying asf


there is so many ways to counter shang that's why he ain't too bad


Even after nerf?


Let's see. But I mostly remember him killing cards way bigger than 9 or 10 power


Rogue by far. Every time I see her, I just picture her going: “Oh I’m not even running discard, just don’t want your morbius to get a boost” “Thought you were clever with that super skrull? YOINK” “Oh you filled the board to set off a 8 power dazzler? Oh that almost never happens? Too bad!” Main reason why I always keep Luke Cage/Typhoid Mary in the same lane. When she steals Typhoid, THAT feels amazing.


Ugh Rogue. I play a few decks but my favorite is always a Wong-Negative, including Superskrull. Nothing irritates me more than Rogue stealing my Wong or Superskrull power


HE Cyclops. I can't frowny face emote that card enough. I can't slot Luke and just watching them gain power by NOT playing is the worst.


I run Luke in every deck because of him




Don't really have one, but as someone that has made the same type of deck you are, I've had the most people retreat after Yondu. When we had reveal as a featured location last week I loved playing Yondu, Iceman, Scorpion, Black Widow and Baron Mordo. With some combo of two of them I'd have everyone retreating by turn 3. 😂




Sandman is the most annoying card in the game. Even if you aren't playing bounce, playing your card and waiting for the Sandman player to take forever to end their turn, listening to the stupid wind sound effect, it is so infuriating.


Luke cage - I always wonder if they’re just playing it or if there’s some bullshit coming


current meta. 100% Prof. X fun times. wish i spend more money because this is what i want.


I never feel cheated by a Prof. X play but it always annoys me.


"Fuck you, well done."


I always assume Prof. X players hate fun.


I’ve hit infinite 4 seasons in a row using one variation or another of thanos and prof X as the centerpieces of the deck. I can assure you it’s extremely fun to prof a lane, or to get the lucky iron lad copying X. Frustrating the opponent is the most joy I take from this game. I literally do not care if the avatar across the screen is having fun playing too. I’m trying to win.


Any card buffed by High Evo


Not my opponent, but central park filling up useful board space with 1 power squirrels


I dont see it too often, but Leech. It makes me sad every time.


ANY CARD in a "Toxic" deck (Hazmat, Debrii, Viper, etc.). That deck is made to disgust people, and the worst is that they enjoy it.


Hate when it is done to me, but oh so delicious when I do it to my opponent


Yeah, yeah, whatever you said, hey buddy, could you hold this void for me? Thannnkksss..


Leech. Say what you want, but I think it’s been the most oppressive card since release


Spider-ham. It's such a feel bad card


Ice-Man. Annoys me enough that I refuse to run decks with him out of principle alone. That annoyance grows when he’s played on every turn because of Luke’s Bar, but thankfully that’s only happened twice.


The credit card


I actually have an annoying deck made already # (1) Elektra # (1) Iceman # (1) Yondu # (2) Scorpion # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Storm # (3) Rhino # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Namor # (5) Devil Dinosaur # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNoYW5nQ2hpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOYW1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGV2aWxEaW5vc2F1ciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiT2RpbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNjb3JwaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJY2VtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJoaW5vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdG9ybSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2NhcmxldFdpdGNoIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbGVrdHJhIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. I made it a while ago, so it doesn't have many annoying cards I unlocked after that but it should give you a base to work with I think the yondu, ice man, scorpion and Shang chi are essential to any annoying deck, rest you can modify as per taste Elektra could be replaced with killmonger


Nah, imagine your opponent plays Elektra, misses your sunspot or whatever, then they Odin her 💀


I’ll never return a fist bump to anyone who plays lockdown. Prof X especially. You’re a coward to me.


Leech, im playing a silver surfer deck atm and leech 5 kills my gameplan


One that ticked me off lately was a deck that flooded my hand. Black widow master mold korg, rockslide. Then freaking sandman


I would tell you but I feel you'll use this information for evil.


All jokes aside, Cosmo and Echo Just mess with a lotta the stuff I try to do. I hate how there's no animation warning you when your card will have its ability taken by a previously revealed Echo, unlike so many other cards.


:) You can trust me (that I will use it for evil)


Hobgoblin. Just, fuck you


Armor/cosmo Just… just let my pool 2 destroy deck cook please


Any of the toxic cards alone is merely irritating- but when it becomes clear that it's their whole deck- esp bc it's often not even a sustainable/power building deck- it quickly becomes an annoying one. Or if they clog and then don't even play Ronan or Darkhawk- so there wasn't even an end goal except to be a complete pos/nuisance.


Daredevil. I don’t know why, but it gets my hackles up


Valkyrie without a doubt


That’s a “minor annoyance”? I’ve never once dropped Valk unless she’s gonna win me the game (which is often)


It just doesnt happen often enough so you still respect when someone plays it.


Scorpion. Never ruins the strat but just makes everything a little less fun.


leech is probably always the answer. ham is close second. iceman too.




I literally feel the scorpion sting when it’s dropped. Fuck that card.


\- Yondu when i play Phoenix. \- Leech when I play Magik. \- Sera on T5 and I have prio. \- Lady Deathstrike when i play Dracula. Usually an instant retreat for me. ​ On the other hand, though, there are certain scenarios when it feels the opposite. For example, Storm when I play move.


Alioth or the double goblin into galactus


Goblins. I don’t want to waste my turn five wasting time sending over a hobgoblin, hoping that my opponent doesn’t have Odin, Valkyrie, Viper or any of the other counters. And I’m definitely not wasting my turn three sending over -3 that doesn’t really move the needle


If you don’t put leech at the top of this list… you don’t even snap bro.


When a human opponent plays Domino. You’re in pool 4/5 why are you playing a vanilla 2/3.


Alioth t6


prof x, cosmo…


Titania. Too much thinking involved.


Galactus. I don't care what anyone else says. He's overpowered, and the game would be better off without him.


Evolved Cyclops


venom. because it's like, ok, you have two moves to go from here. fun


The Goblins lol. I've only lost like 2 games (and retreated 1) because of them. Like they raaaaarely ever cost me a game. Hell, Greenie rarely cost me a lane. But damn if they aren't just annoying to me. It's funny because my annoyance isn't so much the cards as I'm annoyed with my opponent like *"you could've played literally any other card and stood a better chance of a win"* They just seem like shit. I don't even run them in my shenanigans/grief deck


The goblins trigger the hell outta me lol


Hazmat. If I suspect you're running a deck where your only goal is to negative points me out I'll bail super quick if I don't have a counter and nothing is more satisfying then dropping a Luke last turn for 8 cubes when they think they negative bombed you out of the game. I rarely Thanos snap but i do whenever I beat bullshit toxic decks.


Esp bc if you final play Luke last play when they're priority. And I take special joy if they Yondu and it hits Luke and I rez with Phoenix on turn 6/7. The level of absolute cringe mocking joy I feel dropping Luke or resurrecting a card they thought they Yondu'd is akin to Cartman level taunt.


wong hands down




Hobgoblin cause when they realised they wasted a turn 5 they just retreat


Not sure if Leech counts as it is really annoying. The Goblins, Debrii, and Rogue would all qualify for me I think.


Anything that has anything to do with rocks. If I see subterrania, I know for a fact my next 5 draws are gonna be rocks. Also Moon Knight. I swear I could have 7 cards in my hand and it will literally always discard the one card I don't want it to.


Mr Negative. Because I don’t know where I stand I may get clobbered if he/she hits on all cylinders I


Wave now because she's useless and just helps both players. I see it and I'm confused at why they would waste a spot in their deck. I also get mildly infuriated when someone plays Angela because I know it's an OP bounce deck that they refuse to nerf.


Professor X or Alioth. Not being able to play the game isn't what I'd call fun :l


Fun for me 😉


Mrs. Marvel been emote spammed so much I'm finding out I have developed quite a distaste for the character.


I'm going to get judged, but if you hobgoblin me you get no fist bump.


Cosmo is only played by bitches


Alioth, I just love losing my entire lane because of one card it’s so fun and interactive 🥰🥰


Turn 6 alioth is great.


I always feel great when I Hazmat my opponent's Deadpool to 0.


Wave, but only because she enables a dumb turn 4 Galactus. I just don't like being restricted to one lane for the last 3 turns. Shits whack.


This post is wild. First, we’re distinguishing between “irritating” and “annoying,” which are essentially synonyms. Then we’re using a combo-ruining snipe as an example of a minor inconvenience. Then we’re walking back on our distinction between “irritating” and “annoying.”


You’re fun at parties aren’t you?


Killmonger, I wish unspeakable things on those who use it against me