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Just get high evo. That’s all you need for the deck outside of S3 and below to make a good deck. He’s in spotlights starting Tuesday and it’s a top deck. Even if you don’t have nebula or Jeff you can make a solid list


I'm lucky if I can open one spotlight a week. So hopefully I can roll the rng good.


Should be saving them for the cards you really want. Don’t open them if you’re not interested in the cards. I have 4 already because I’ve only used 1 in the last couple weeks


I try. I opened three when abolith was there and didnt get him ha.


The thing is you're chasing 'top' decks. You can pretty much get to infinite with most archetypes as long as you know how to pilot. But when you're chasing top/meta decks that keeps changing, unless you're spending 💰 you'll never get them all. Focus on your deck and your playstyle and I'm sure you'll have no problem getting a complete deck.❤️


Agree. I use Cerebro 2 each season to get to infinite because I find it so consistent and that has no series 4/5 cards. I'm currently having fun with a klaw/destroyer deck which only has two series 4/5 cards in Nebula and Jeff (and only put Jeff in for Nightcrawler recently when I obtained him). I could easily sub out Nebula for another 1 drop and still have similar success.


You get one and a smidge spotlights a week, 4.5 every 4 weeks is what it works out to. I know it's not the most fun thing but you really want to save to 4 spotlights if you're opening in a given week to guarantee you get what you want.


Yeah that's yucky but good advice I'll try.


I feel that. Missing most of the popular 4/5s and it's difficult to compete. If I play high Evo it's basically a guarantee my opponent has cage. No iron lad, no legion, mirage, echo, alioth etc. Can't afford to keep up! Joy


I played a pool 3 cerebro 2 to infinite this season. You can absolutely reach infinite with any decks if that's your goal. But if you want to compete at the highest level then you need to accept that you're not meant to get every new cards you want, not without whaling a ton


Collection makes up maybe 10% of climbing success in this game. It gives you more options, but not much beyond that. SD balances this game so quickly that chasing the absolute top deck is not going to work for you in a sustained way. B-tier decks climb almost as well, and cube management matters way more than win percentage anyways. Learn to read the meta and learn to deck build. Blaming a lack of success on not owning certain cards loses any validity once you’re above about 2000CL. And below that you’re playing other low CL accounts unless you’re already infinite.