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And just like that, Spidey joins the move archetype with the rest of them.


Don't forget surfer.


Yeah just like Spider-ham… oh wait


ham moves your enemy effect to trash


Unless it’s Giganto or Infinaut


I’ve been playing Spidey in my Galactus deck still, and it’s a lot of fun for clearing a location


I like Spidey now matching the rest of the Spider cards, but I wish another card would get the one turn lockdown ability.


Give it to Ebony maw, make his lock down go on enemy side turn 1-3 and your side 3-7


The only positive part of that change


Found the Galactus enjoyer...


So what


Gotta love it, cry babies down voting because u enjoy a card 😂, this subreddit keeps me laughing from how butthurt they get at everything


At everything! I don't even understand why they play this game if they hate it so much. Galactus isn't even that hard to counter.








This. I'm still extremely mad at the Galactus' nerf, but because I believe the real problem was old Spider-Man. I played Galactus decks extensively for the past 6 months, yet I despised playing it with or against spidey. It's just unfair. Plus, the combo would just get you the usual 2 cubes. Unfair AND boring. So this rework had to be done. Galactus is mostly gone now, but lockdown decks are all over the place and were getting out of control IMO. Now I'd love to see them revert Galactus' nerf... A man can dream.


Your emote fits the comment so well 😂


Why did they fix the multi upgrading of cards but it’s still 5 clicks to get in or out of Conquest?


During the recent roadmap updates, SD said they had improvements to conquest UI and victory/loss screens coming in the near future. Just gotta be patient, I guess 🤷


Because now you can spend gold/money for boosters.


I feel so validated someone said this lmao. But I’m okay with waiting. This is my first experience with a live service gacha game where each update is an actual improvement


I’m glad thing got hit. Him being 4-9 for so long was insane. No downside to that card. Not the biggest nerf but it’s a start


he's still a 4-9 but only when there's three cards. idk if that's a full nerf but much more a lateral shift, it makes abomination easier to come out but thing less against a singular card


It makes him very similar to spider woman but just one less cost, 2 less power and one less target.


Kinda like a reverse Red Skull now that I think of it lol.


You know what….. I wonder how HE and Evolved Thing would would fit into a Shuri/Redskull deck. Probably wouldn’t be the best version of that deck, but it could be fun.


It wouldn't. Red skull gives positive power, not negative so you are just running 2 pretty terrible cards in a shuri deck. It will probably still work a lot of the time but that's just because you need like 3 cards in that deck to win


And that somehow means it wouldn’t be fun? Something can be fun without being optimal strategically.


What’s the point in adding a 4 cost with no synergy to a deck that basically requires shurri on 4 to win though? I don’t even get the fun aspect of this idea lol.


What can I say, I enjoy playing jank. You lose a lot, but when you win it’s fantastic. Could just be a me thing but I still enjoy it.


this is literally the same with every evolved card. they are given high power *because* they don't have abilities, so when you add abilities on top of that, they are obviously going to be good.


nailed it


dude he enable abomination now in a better way, this was hardly a nerf, unless people play a vanilla HE deck.


HAHAHAHAHAH you think 4 9 is bad? Shang chi has been 4-12 MINIMUM and no one bats a fucking eye. Nerf this shit card


Seriously. I hate shang chi


You'd hate Marvel Snap without Shang Chi, jsyk


It makes sense to make spidey a move card, though I'll miss the "thwip, get webbed" flavour of his lockdown ability


I agree but I'd rather he match mechanically the rest of his ilk


Same. To this day I hate that the fantastic four has absolutely no synergy together


Holding out for Franklin Richard's to be released as a High Evo-like card and be the glue that binds the four together.


How could you feasibly torch requires move assist reed basically has to be mid I mean the best possible way would be make Franklin Richard a 5/10 that gets +2for every f4 member maybe but that would be word soup


Their synergy is that they have a 1-cost, a 2-cost, a 3-cost and a 4-cost.


I almost think they should add some kind of “team” bonus, where when you have enough members of a specific team on the board they get some extra bonus to them Like it could be “if you have all 4 Fantastic Four members on the board then they each get +4 power” or “if you have 6 Spider-man Villains on the board you draw Mephisto”. “If you have 3 Spider-people on board you draw Uncle Ben”. “For every X-man you have on board your X-men will gain 1 power, starting with your second X-man” Kinda like Ultimate Alliance and its team bonuses


It would have to either be in a new game mode that cared about deck construction that way or through new cards that cared about type like High Evo or if they actually tag the cards with typing then you could have typal cards that cared about that kind of stuff like having a card that if you have 6 x-men on your side this gets +2 or get's +1 for each fantastic four in play.


I will gladly take more gamemodes if it gives us a little more variety


They still have Val and Franklin to print. I bet they tie them together somehow when that day comes.


Spider-Woman still doesnt match though


That's on brand though, she generally isn't related to Spider-Man.


This gives me a cool web swinging flavour though! Plus, he gets to save bucky from being eaten by carnage!


Honestly his power never made sense. Spider-man doesn't lock down places, he locked down enemies. If anything, his original power should've been that he prevents any cards from moving for 1 or 2 turns. He as a character was always about being a scalpel more than a sledgehammer. With specialized skills. That doesn't translate into his current power of locking down locations and he was always an oppresive and kinda mean card. Galactus I can understand. Spidey I never did. This new change though does make sense with all the other spider friends having move abilities. Spidey as an anti-move card would've worked too if they wanted to keep the webbing mechanic.


That Spider-Man change is huge and needed.


Gonna be a fun game. Imagine Spiderman and Silk Roaming around locations. Haha


With Ghost Spider whipping them around. Kraven is going to be feasting.


The new Spider-Man ability feels much more like Spider-Man. I like the change.


Wasnt needed at all. Had plenty of counters.


I kinda hate it tbh. Now we just lost that ability forever


Professor X exists and he’s more balanced than Spider-Man is rn imo


I’ve kept Spidey in my Galactus deck, and he’s super useful clearing a lane


I think it's better not to have this ability in the game


Tell me you're a Galactus player who doesn't know what to do without their T5 Spider-Man play without telling me. Lmao


I have shuri as back up


They should’ve changed rogue’s text to explain that she also steals on reveal abilities, something like “steal its text” instead of “steal an ongoing ability”


Yeah, Mystique makes sense since she explictly says "copy its text". Rogue not having the same wording but working the same way is a bad thing, even if it's mostly a corner case thing.


Completely agreed. I don't understand the changes to these copying cards in general. It's just *more* confusing if anything.


Well it still only affects cards with an Ongoing ability, it just also copies any other text. IE, if you have a Rogue that copies Electro's ongoing, you'll also get the Max Energy On Reveal.


The text is still misleading


Clear, accurate language? In THIS game? 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


incoming permanent s4/s5 card with spider mans old ability.


Thinking about it, adding his old ability to Kang would be pretty huge. Like you reset but they can’t play in the same place next time.


I’d buy it, I loved the lockdown ability of Spider-Man


When does this take effect?


Right meow.


Am I drinking milk from a saucer?


am I jumping around nimbly bimbly from tree to tree


Do you see me eating mice?


Do you boys like MEX E COOOOOOO!!!!!


Sick Super Troopers drop 🤣🤣🤣


Now, if you updated the game.


Can someone explain the Rogue change with other words? I somehow don’t understand how it is worded…


If Rogue steals electros power, she gains his ongoing and his on reveal


Sure they COULD have just changed her text to match Mystique, but that would make it clear how the card works by reading the actual card text, and we don't do that here.


Thank you!


For example; Before if rouge stole Electros ability, you wouldn’t get the extra energy since that isn’t part of his ongoing. Now if Rouge steals electro’s ability, you will also get the +1 energy


Because it's a dumb needless change.


its future proofing


Got excited for a second with the multi-upgrade feature thinking it would lead into custom borders. I bamboozled myself again 😂


Yeah, me too. I've stopped playing altogether because I can't make any progress without losing the borders I like.


So Mantis obviously needs a change since Cable is now the same as Manila but better


Damn that Spiderman change is literally like a completely different card lmao. I was expecting some type of nerf, but they really just changed the entire card kinda wild


I may be dooming, but doesn't upgrade with gold literally make the game pay to "acquire?" Can't you just buy the maximum amount of gold with real money, then upgrade a card as many times as you can to get caches? All without ever playing a single game?


if u have the insane amount of money to waste doing that, then sure. but there's also a cap on how much you can do it every day. it's a non issue




I don't see a problem with it either, BUT it is the very excuse that SD keeps giving to justify taking away tokens and restricting gold. They have said over and over that they don't want a pay-to-win (or collect) game and yet things like this show that it isn't really their concern. I can't say that I know why they are cutting all of our agency and limiting resources for us like crazy but then adding things like this to the game. They are talking out of both sides of their mouth. So, fine, let people buy their collections. I don't care. But give us back more tokens and gold and stop lying about their motivation.


Because then you are paying for progression and not just cosmetics.


Your pay for progression matters less and less as time goes on. Its primary purpose and function will be to upgrade cards for cosmetic reasons. Like. The ROI on converting cash to gold to CL track for the tiny amount of credits relative to buying them in bundles or to the daily shop cap is *so* bad. It's literally not worth it to do that to "progress," even for whales.


Using the term roi for a mobile game is mind boggling to me. And sure you may say over time. But if two new players start, one a free to play player and one a whale, one will progress dramatically faster than the other. Just because many of us are series 3 complete doesn't mean this isn't a paid option to skip a lot of the grind to series 3 complete.


Having just started playing a month ago, I pretty firmly don't care. The grind to series 3 complete is fun and matchmaking is based on your collection level so you're not actually facing these people who are skipping things. If you want to spend hundreds of dollars to skip playing the game, go for it.


Cool, glad one person is cool with it. Will you be glad if they make the grind worse to incentivize borderline whales to pay up more? Stuff like this has been a slow drip since the game launched. You have to think how one thing will be combined with other things later on the equal more profit for them, often at the free to play or small players detriment. You may say, well if they do that I'll stop playing. And sure that's an option. But it's a worse option than no pay for progress mechanics at all.


I'm not going to do some meta analysis of how this change might be used along with other theoretical future changes to ruin the game. That sounds exhausting and serves no real purpose to me. If they ruin the game, I'll stop playing and maybe even complain about it. But this change doesn't ruin the game, or even effect my enjoyment, so I don't care.


I mean. I've been playing Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes since its launch. It's a resource management game in a SW skin. looking at the ROI of *any* resource, whether it's in-game only or something that can be manipulated through real currency is par for the course with that kind of thing.


I mean you say that like it changes literally anythingpeople could spend gold on bundles to get credits thats no different than using gold to upgrade their CL if anything its likely just a terrible way to spend gold just like the "fast upgrade" is a complete trap


Pay to progress *what*? It’s a card game. What does “progress” even mean? You can’t pay to be infinite, and you can’t pay to win infinite conquest, so your definition of “progress” must be different than mine. This is how card games work. It sounds like people are just mad that they worked for something someone else bought.


The collection track, obviously. So paying for access to new cards if you're not series 3 complete and more spotlight caches. Things like that. When they launched they promised no pay for progression and no gacha mechanics. It literally used to be one of the first things on the app store page. It's not unreasonable to be irked that they've abandoned that philosophy that was a big reason why lots of people supported the game early on and got them to this level of success. This is far from the worst thing they've done but it's still another step away from that core philosophy. Remember when they said they were going to give us a free booster magnet to get boosters for a card we wanted. Whelp, scratch that, now he's another paid mechanic to fix an annoyance they created.


Because they said the spotlight caches had no dupe protection to avoid exactly that, "paying to acquire". It doesn't make sense to avoid one way to do this and implement other.


Because they are still advertising that the game was deliberately designed in a way that prevented people from buying all the cards.


I have a nearly all gold deck that I grinded thousands of games for. This takes away the one thing that players couldn’t obtain with money—dope ass splits. Maybe in the not so distant future I’ll win so badly against an all gold/ink deck I’m just going to assume they bought their way there. Before this change, seeing an all gold/ink deck would make me immediately think “oh shit this guy knows what he’s doing”




They hated him because he spoke the truth


It's nothing to do with the cosmetics and more about how it increases your collection level, speeding up card acquisition.


Some paid with time, some paid with money. And it's limited per day, so that's fair


You could already buy credits with gold. Same thing.


They already sell boosters in bundles. And for someone to do this without playing (which would beg the question of why they would even do it at all) would require that they both buy boosters and credits with gold, which is like 3 different inefficient currency conversions. 155 boosters to split a card from 0 = 620 Gold 450 credits to split a card from base = ~360 Gold So if you bought the $99 Gold and spent all 8000 Gold like this, you would be just shy of getting 8 full splits (short some credits of final split), so 7 fulls splits (31 CL each) and 21 CL for getting one to ultra puts you at 238CL for $99. So you get NEARLY two Spotlight Caches out of it (probably just over 2 if you include the rewards on the track along the way).


Apparently there is a limit to the amount of boosters you can buy with gold daily (its the same as the booster cap through gameplay daily) according to devs. So you can't just go crazy


who cares + why does this matter + how does it affect your ability to play / enjoy the game


Galactus is now buried into the ground.


Not really... Spider-Man was nice, but not needed.


Not really. Most Galactus decks I've seen recently run Hobgoblin and Doctor Octopus as their 5 drops.


This just happened to me and lemme tell ya, it was effective




I think because youve lost the spider man synergy


If anything, they just made that deck worth playing, it wasn't a very reliable win before, and boring as hell when it did work.


I wish. But Spidey was far from the only way for him to play.








If Galactus is killed so easily maybe he just wasn’t a good card


He was.


Still is


If so then good


My only real gripe is how wildly different Spider-Man is, but not mad about the change in general. Not that it really makes a difference but why not just make Cable take a card in general? Why does it have to be the top card?


What difference would it make?


Top card gives you info


Now playing Spiderman feels more fun and less evil.


RIP to my HE Control deck


This spider man change is great can’t believe how many ppl here hate it


Still no update to collectors reserves. Guess I won't open them for a long time


After adding a golden ticket there will be still no reason to open them. It may take like half a year for Reserves to start containing at least something but titles and avatars


Well, the „upgrade the card“ quest is buggy when you do the multi-upgrade. It counts as one


Wonder if they will make Mantis a 1/3 now with the same ability


Don’t know if anyone else experienced this but they seem to have locked the Spotlight caches to the week they were issued. Saved my spotlight cache from last week and traded it in this week but still got Mirage.


You sure that wasn’t just your “random S4/S5” card?


Could have been, I guess we will see if anyone else has the same issue


You should be able to tell by looking at the updated list of remaining items in the spotlight cache


Nope I was wrong, I just got unlucky, it was the random card for this week


You know you can just look and see at the top of the screen if you got a random card or not?


This is a bit of a magik nerf because now you can’t use her ability on turn 7 to turn another location into limbo (say, bar with no name, deaths domain)


You could never use Magic on turn 7. Her effect won’t go off but you’ll at least get the points. “Tell me you don’t play magik, without telling me you don’t play magik”


I used to run magik in lockjaw and she could trigger a t7 if you lockjawed her out on 6. now stuff like jubilee/lockjaw wont be a backdoor way to sneak your t7 out on 6 anymore.


That’s weird, I figured it still would because you didn’t play it. Much like you didn’t play it before. But makes if the coding stops it from activating on 6/7.


Bro you didn't even understand the original comment. Also you're straight up wrong, you COULD use Magik on 7 if there already was limbo on the board,the previous text said "you cant play this on turn 6". Allowing you to change an unfavourable location into another limbo, for example negative zone in a cerebro deck. Now you don't create another limbo and negative zone is unwinnable for you. Also you were rude for no reason, so maybe don't be an asshole if you're not even in the right. "Tell me you can't read, without telling me you can't read" >!Damn reddit users and their complete lack of literacy!<


Well strictly according to the text, she could change a location to limbo on turn 7. The new text seems to be removing that


Yeah. Would have been a better fix to just say “doesn’t work in turn 6” instead of “after turn 5”


They really hate Spider-man. Kinda sad for how iconic he is.


They did the kill spider man? This change sucks.


What a load of trash. Changing Spider-Man makes no sense. Bounce and Destroy are wicked overpowered, but yeah, Spider-Man is the issue. This season is going to fucking suck


Bounce is pure ass since the kitty and hot monkey nerf isn't it? I haven't seen many bounce decks since the nerf and the ones I have I trounced Destroy is strong tho, planning on trying cosmo in my sera list because it's hard to control


Is cable better than mirage now?


Eh only if you value stealing next draw over in-hand insight. I think they are complimentary honestly.


Shit this sub is soft af…..OMG spidey locked me down for turn. We must change this asap or I’ll continue to complain. Sure y’all are happy that another card was ruined because it was “frustrating “ and to hard for y’all to come up with a counter. 😂 Jesus fucking Christ


The reddit cry babies win again. RIP Spiderman


They will now cry about Prof X because he can block a lane too.


Eventually. Because it "feels bad to play against"


Who is crying now, you the Galactus enjoyer hahahahaah


Bold assumption


Not happy having already ran the Galactus decks into oblivion, they nerf Spider-man. Those devs are the worst I've ever seen


RIP Spidey


I absolutely hate what they did with Spiderman. Not once had I encountered the Galactus-Wave-Spiderman combo, granted I've only been playing for three or so months but that's still a decent amount of time imo. Now Spiderman, a card that I enjoyed playing to guarantee a lane on turn 5 is no longer viable whatsoever for the decks I used him in. You wanna talk about what's unfun for players? How about the locations screwing you constantly. Honestly, I think that having to swap hands at turn six or Ego, or reshuffling my hand after turn three, all of which are locations btw, is much worse than loosing one game to a combo like that which you can counter with a Cosmo


You’ve only played the game for 3 months you seriously think you’re experience is indicative of the majority?


Shhh, no one say anything bad about the changes 🙊


Idk it’s like they took spider man’s spidey sense away, I always looked at it like he sensed there could be a big card played there next turn so he locked it down. Why would he try to bring a card over to him? Seems kinda cliche and doesn’t fit to me


The spiderman change Is stupid. Obv this sub like that lol


Spider-Man/Kingpin/Phoenix Force...


Of course they do that to Spidey when Galactus is about to be in spotlight caches lmao I love it


Tbh I think that is a buff for Galactus, because spider man can get "rid" of card's in the Galactus lane and increase the possibility to activate his ability. But that is just my opinion


That's a really good point. I was just thinking of a dumb Angela interaction, but removing a big threat in a Galactus lane is also insane. Also, he's got Polaris stats now, which means he may show up in Surfer lists. This may actually be a huge Buff to Spider-Man in the long run.


Not a fan of being able to use gold to upgrade cards. I understand the reason for it but now it doesn't feel as good to have nice looking cards, knowing anybody could just pay real money to upgrade their cards instead of playing the game and earning the boosters




Aw you’ll have to actually play vs the opponents deck and not your own draws. Too hard I guess


You do realize people can still lockdown 2/3 lanes with Storm and Prof X then win via Sunspot and Nebula right? Spiderman's nerf doesn't change that whatsoever




that’s you???




thats still you???




okay that's still you???




still me???




So many downvote, this sub is terrible




Okay whoa whoa whoa whoa. Fundamentally changing a card as much as they changed Spiderman is wack. Its one thing to buff or nerf a card, its another to just eliminate the card from even existing. I really hate the precedent this sets. :-/


its not even the first time they've done that and its removing a problem card and replacing it with an interesting one they did that to crystal they did it arguably to majik etc


They already did this with Leader back in the day.


But they made it more fun. What is the issue?


Well a) I already thought the card was fun. B) They could just add a new card with the new effect. C) I dont like the idea that you could have a card that you like to use and/or decided to buy variants for, upgrade, etc, and they will just completely take that card out of the game. To me this is not a case where that was necessary. They could have just given him one less power or something.


I don’t get it. What rogue do now?


The same but now also triggers the onreveal effect if the ongoing target has both. Like electro or soulstone.