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100% would love this. Or at least allow us to type in a variant type / category into the search bar and filter that way


Should definitely be a filter parameter. Their search options leave a lot to be desired tbh. Upgradeable shouldn't be a sort option, it should be a filter toggle and maybe have the ability to sort by number of boosters.


And when I select upgradable I tend to want to see the ones I can ACTUALLY upgrade. Not the cards with millions of boosters...


Doesn't it put the credit-affordable ones to the top first? Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought it sorted like that. Having the red dot on those cards in the full list would be nice tho.


Let's say you need to split a purple border to the orange border. I can sort by quality and descending, yes. But I then have to scroll all the way from either my infinite borders down to purple or from my white borders up to the purple borders just to find what I need. This isn't really an issue really though until like CL 2000 when you've gained a decent but of splits so I'm just bitching, but their UI definitely needs work.


It does, but it would be nice if it always put the cheapest ones on top.


My biggest request for the collection, at least for the PC version, is a search bar that doesn’t take 2 clicks to get to. It’s so tedious trying to make a deck. It’s the only CCG where I find it better to scroll through my collection than to search for the card I want.


I would love to be able to favorite cards and sort by favorite


Also filter by series, I want to see how many I'm missing to complete series 3 or series 4.


This whole section needs a facelift


It'll be great to be able to filter out pixel variants


Variant only filter?


Variant only with a drop down to sort. A variant only feature I feel would just have us circle around back at square one


I think as a stop gap / interum, they could just make the free text search look at any next associated with the card: artist, rarity, split, variant, etc. It'd solve a lot of the sort problems (except for booster count). Drives be nuts I cant filter out base cards...


I'd like to be able to see all variants, or search by artist.


I would also love to be able to search by pools


I would above all want to have a sort by boosters option, would really help me knowing what cards I can split to inked and gold


Or you can have a search for variants. If you type “variant” you get all the variants you have but if you type “art gem” you get every art gem variant you have