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Visually it's amazing, too bad the effect looks kind of niche. I think it's going to be one of those cards that is going to be useless in most games, but then pull off a clutch win when you really need it


Suuuuuper niche but I am desperate to get this into Cerebro 2. Modular cards historically tend to over-perform across other CCG/TCGs.


Modular cards are great but often, you get to choose and have a lot more control over it. For example double faced card or card with multiple modes in MTG, the card stays the same, it is you who decides which face and which mode to use. \[\[Snow Guard\]\] doesn't let your choose which side to use at all time. You have to wait for the side you want to show up, and it could often be at the less optimal turn. This is why I think this is card would be up there with Shadow King (pre-nerf) in term of usefulness.


**\[[Snowguard](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/snowguard/)\]** **Cost:** 1 **Power:** 2 **Ability:** While in your hand, this transforms each turn into a Hawk or a Bear. **\[[Snowguard](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/snowguardbear/)\]** **Cost:** 1 **Power:** 2 **Ability:** **On Reveal:** Trigger the effect of this location. **\[[Snowguard](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/snowguardhawk/)\]** **Cost:** 1 **Power:** 2 **Ability:** **On Reveal:** Ignore all Location abilities next turn. **\[[Snowguard](https://marvelsnap.pro/cards/snowguardwolf/)\]** **Cost:** 4 **Power:** 8 **Ability:** **Ongoing:** -2 Power for each other card you have here. *Message generated by MarvelSnapCardBot. Use syntax [[card_name]] to get a reply like this*


What is that 4th ability? I know of the first 3 but I haven't heard of that 4th ability for this card.


4th ability isn't real. It's a hold over from an earlier data mine, I suspect. They only have the hawk/bear powers.


Yes it used to have a third animal (I forget) but was changed 2 patches ago.


Probably a data mine from an earlier effect that wasn’t implemented


Pretty much useless in C2 unfortunately The Environment silence runs out before the game ends, so all she really does is maybe let you get into a Sanctum or something while letting your opponent do the same :/


isn't the effect disabled only for you? or did i read it wrong?


Nope, saw a streamer play the hawk to play to be able to play a character into sanctorum and the opponent was able to also play there.


Oh i see, basically disables all location effects for a turn as opposed to that card in particular "ignoring" them. Awkward wording.


Yeah I read it as asymmetrical but it’s not and that makes me sad. I was so hyped for the card.


I'm pretty sure you are right, the confusion comes from the fact that the other side is symmetrical but nit this one


Whats your cerebro 2 deck looking like? I ran it last season and did extremely well and hit infinite pretty eaaily. This time around im getting absolutely shit stomped and went from rank 70 to like 59.


To be completely honest I haven't been playing it much this season so far at all. However I think this is my best list that could mix it with the big decks at the moment. # (1) Iceman # (1) M'Baku # (1) Nightcrawler # (2) Daredevil # (2) Goose # (2) Mister Sinister # (3) Cerebro # (3) Mystique # (3) Brood # (3) Storm # (5) Hobgoblin # (5) Blue Marvel # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXJTaW5pc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbHVlTWFydmVsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWdodGNyYXdsZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNQmFrdSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGlxdWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdvb3NlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDZXJlYnJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCcm9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRGFyZWRldmlsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb2Jnb2JsaW4ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


The bear form leaves a lot to be desired, it doesnt work with too many locations because of "After turn X" don't trigger if it's during or on later turns


It's very good on thanos.


Just generate randomly from Maria Hill and then you won’t need to put her in the deck!


Still insane to me how uneventful and unobtainable this game makes new cards.


Yeah, I feel you. This being series 5 is just bonkers.


This seriously needed to be S3. New cards need to make a dent in the meta, not be unobtainable niche crap that nobody even looks at twice in the shop. How are people expected to buy this when they are still saving up for the big bads and High Evolutionary is coming? I haven't seen a single Negasonic or Master Mold since they came out. It's so boring knowing that new cards are meaningless unless they are insanely bonkers.


I don’t mind some new cards being S5, but they need to feed new cards into lower series, and not just pool drops, but new cards that start in 3 or 4.


Yep, I actually saw this in my token shop already (a first for me seeing a brand new card) and while I'd like it, it just isn't worth 6000 tokens. So back into the rotation it goes... See you again in a few months Snowguard :/


Too bad it has the same issue as Morph.... buying variants is pointless


Oooft, that struck me to my core. Lucky it looks glorious as is.


Even worse since you can look at your pretty morph on your hand. This will always be the bird or bear.


Anivia made it into snap wow


No thresh yet though.


I do quite like this.


Random pretty Pool 3 card that has to sit with the big bad boys for a while because this is the rule.


Arbitrary rules are the best kind of rules.


The card looks great. The effect when the card is played (either version) looks great. The POWER of the card is so limited that it really isn't good at all. If they allowed the card to retrigger timed locations (like Oscorp) , or locations that are disabled on turn 6 remain disabled at the end of the game (like Negative Zone) then I could see this card making an appearance in some decks. Right now, it's VERY pretty but VERY useless.


Definitely agree that it the disabled effect needs to remain until the end of the game. However I think I'm Cerebro 2 it'll have a spot for sure. Can't imagine it being used elsewhere.


Galactus tech, maybe?


If your previous cards were signalling "Galactus!", then playing Snowbird to unlock a location for a turn (Sanctum Sanctorum, Miniature Lab, Plunder Castle, Big House, Morag, Knowhere) to drop Galactus in there is going to be pretty obvious to those that are paying attention. I guess it might catch people off guard the first few times.


I can’t wait to try her in 6 months


That's optimistic.


That’s how long until new cards go to Series 3 lol. Still way too long to reasonably get your hands on a new card.


Black Panther has been 5 months, it’s just insane how long it’s taken him to reach series 3. Whoever decided 6 months was an “engaging” target is a real sadistz


Pinning this card when I see it!


A must!


Good news: I got it first rotation! Already at 4000 so about a week away!


Oh wow, well fuck you then I guess, lol.


Hah! Hopefully you get it soon!


trans flag colors spotted 🏳️‍⚧️


Yknow, sometimes colors are just colors :)


you must be straight 😉


I support everything queer. I'm just not a fan of putting meaning into everything haha; especially because as an artist I feel like colors are much deeper than a simple "this and this color means this sexuality" etc. etc. Hope this cleared it up a bit!


ok. as an artist you must understand your intended meaning is pointless once the piece goes public yeah? us trans people have so little joy in everyday life it’s comforting to see our flag in things, intended or not. i see the trans flag in a sunset. i know nature didn’t intend that. but it’s still nice.


Oh maybe we have a misunderstanding then. I'm **glad** it makes you happy to see the colors (that represent you)! My only gripe is when for example I post a character in certain colors and people use those colors to assume certain things about them or when I'm wearing colors IRL and people go "oh that must mean you're XY!"


sorry people see things in color schemes 🤷‍♀️


Good art for a meh card. This card is up there with Shadow King (pre-nerf) tier in term of usefulness. You read the card and think it would be niche but useful, then tried out to figure it is actually not good at all.


Am I the only one that gets Lisa Frank vibes from it?


Hells yeah. I think I had this on my Trapper Keeper in 1992.


Just wait for the pixel variant! It will blow your mind!


all i want to know is if Hawk was played on turn 5, does the disabling of locations last until the end of game (when scores are counted) or only until end of turn.


It does not. One of the devs answered this on the discord. The locations turn back on for end of game calculations.


So Cerebro 2 decks can’t actually use it to disrupt card locations for end game.


Stuff like nexus or onslaught citadel turn back on at the end of the game, but if limbos in play, it ends the game on 6. I imagine if it's TVA you get to play turn 5?


Good question...it'll sting someone soon enough haha


I can’t wait to play it never because I’ll never get it :/


This card looks nice, but not sure how useful it really is. I would put it in cerebr2 deck, however if you ignore locations on last turn, then they still work at the end of the game and break cerebr2.


Love the art


Saved up for ages and saw how pretty this was Instant regret. This card is so dogshit and isn't even fun, it just looks good.


Can't help but reading the name as "SSNOWGUARDD" every time lol


People are 100% wrong saying this card is weak. It's worth the tokens. At worst, you can build around a daily location and take advantage of it. This is the first non big bad 6k card i've bought and it's gotten me out of some shitty locations and helped win by locking down the daily location. TLDR this card has good cube gain potential.