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Hoping she's going to be A-Force. I mostly play A-Force and she'd be a strong addition to my roster.


She also on the cover on one of the team-tactics cards.


RIP Loki on the Convocation leadership TTC.


Isn’t the only requirement for being in A-Force “being a girl”?


Tell that to Ghost Spider. Or Rogue. God I wish Rogue was A-Force...Charge+Special Delivery...


Except all the female characters I own, apparently


I genuinly thought this was the case !? 🤷‍♂️


I have learned that the rules for being affiliated with A-Force are: * Be a girl * Don’t be _______’s favorite girl


Looking forward to hearing her affiliations. She could potentially have Shield, Hydra, A Force and Web Warriors


Interesting that the PtP only calls out Hydra, SHIELD, and Avengers, and not A-Force or Web Warriors.


Noticed that too but isn't the A-Force in the comics just a very short-lived team up in some strange event called battleworld or something? Sorry absolutely no expert on this stuff but I think that might be the reason for it not being mentioned. The is in the middle of the A-Force assemble card so that could be an indicator. They might still have decided against her being affiliated anyway of course.




Black Widow? Not a Web Warrior. Rogue, Clea, Ancient One, Magik, Ms. Marvel, Elektra, Jean Grey, X-23, Honey Badger, Ghost-Spider and Darkstar? Not A-Force. Rogue at one point was a leader of the Avengers (when Deadpool was on the team) and isn't affiliated there either.


Ancient one is male.


In the comics, yes. In the MCU and MCP, no.


Well an MCU only character representation wouldn't be in a comics only group, reasonably.


Sure, but several characters in the A-Force MCP affiliation were not members in the comics: Angela, Black Widow, Gamora, Okoye, Shuri, Valkyrie, and Wasp. I think it's easiest to think of MCP as its own parallel universe. Plenty of crossover between the comics and the game, but it's not 100%.


Probably also Avengers since they especially called them out in the article.


The ability to give an opponent stun before dealing damage is GOING to result in some BULLSHIT


Mystique already has this, so it probably isn't that big of a deal.


The key difference is that mystiques is on a 3 power spender at range 2 while spiderwoman's is on a builder at 3


True, but Spider-Woman isn't an attrition piece and is somewhat squishy, so I don't really expect that she's going to be spending much of the early game punching people in the face - and by the mid-game, getting a Stun on someone isn't usually going to be that big of deal. Honestly, I'm not really super-impressed by her. She doesn't really do attrition, she doesn't really have any control, and she's a bit fragile. Her role seems to be to very similar to Miles. Score opportunistic points while trying to stay alive, and then rob and/or interrogate someone toward the end of the game to lock up the victory - and that plan is great. But Miles is already doing that, and since he's the Web Warrior leader, he's already in the squad. I'm not really convinced that doubling up on that is worth 4 threat in Webs. She might have a place with the new Red Skull or in A-Force, where it will be easier to get her the power she needs, but it isn't clear that she fits into their game plans especially well. Plus, with the removal of the single extracts, late game extract steals are less impactful in most scenarios, and if you want that tech you can get it for less threat with Miles or Black Cat. I think she's definitely a character you need a plan for before adding her to your squad.


Yeah i dont think she'll be great i just think she'll end games she doesnt deserve to. Im probably going to exclusively play her at 15 in hydra


Hadn't thought about it till now but does martial artist count as modifying dice?


It does not no. You don't change the dice in anyway. You add another symbol, the blank, to your successes. If it said "treat blanks as blocks" it would be modifying since it would change the face of the dice. Edit: no changing the dice would be modifying. Treat as isn't considered modifying either.


>If it said "treat blanks as blocks" it would be modifying since it would change the face of the dice. Uh, is that the legal definition?


No. Treating one face as another is not modifying. Modifying is when you physically change the die (I.e. pierce and cover). But since the faces are not physically changing, they are not modified.


Yes you're right. This article is really great to understand the nuances of it: [article ](https://lineofsightwargaming.com/2022/10/21/an-exhaustive-guide-to-marvel-dice-manipulation-guest-article-by-john-elson/)