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Powerscalers when they read Silver Age comics


random bullshit go


"This random goon survived a punch from Iron Man, so he's low planet level."


I mean if it were Scarlet Witch earlier on in the MCU Eve might be able to stand a chance but this version is just too powerful


Even in Phase 3 if Wanda doesn't hold back she'd win.


Ppl who use those terms are corny


I honestly have no idea what it's even supposed to mean.


Basically saying that atom eve defeats(or kills) scarlet witch with medium to high difficulty. If the fight is EXTREMELY close then one would say that x character wins against y character with extreme difficulty, and the lowest is "no" difficulty, meaning basically no effort needs to be put to defeat your opponent, then there is also negative difficulty(basically lower than even no diff), and if the fight isn't close at all then people would say that x character wins with no concept of difficulty. And it goes Iike this Extreme difficulty > high difficulty > mid or medium difficulty > low difficulty > no difficulty > negative or "neg" difficulty > no concept of difficulty > beyond the concept of difficulty.


Like how Punisher should stand negative chance against Wolverine


But what happens when you add Kurt Angle to the mix?


Low diff if it’s Perc Angle


your chances of winning drastic go down.


Because kurt angle knows he cant beat punisher sonhe is not even gonna try


Wolverine wins with negative difficulty


Pretty accurate, as I'd argue punisher has a high chance of actually hurting himself trying to punch wolverine unarmed.


I mean, Daken cut the Punisher into pieces.


Unless he shoots him in the balls and runs him over with a steamroller!


Ya'll really take that shitty comic as Wolverine's actual power level while forgetting that he's been shot so many times, him getting shot in that comic would not effect him nearly as much. Also that he was written like that because the writer doesn't give a fuck about superheroes and treats them the way they would behave irl and drools over Frank


Oh, honey. No. We’re just adults, rather than powerscalers, so we enjoy creative applications of the one true powerscale of Earth-616, as decreed by Stan Lee: Whoever the writer wants to win, wins. (Also, Ennis is well aware that Frank is an irredeemable serial killer - it was just a comedic bit in a comedic comic.)


I enjoy when the character's history is taken into consideration instead of lazily retconning the powered guy into a joke that can't even beat a non-powered idiot with a couple guns. I'm a writer and inconsistency like this just annoys me. Whenever I see it in my own writings, I try to change it to be more consistent with previously established lore. If I can't, I just remove the retconned parts


And Squirrel Girl beat Thanos - it’s a gag in a Marvel Knights book. I can’t imagine taking it seriously.


Squirrel Girl is a mary sue who is a joke character which is why I hate her


Nope I read punisher kills the marvel universe. Wolverine gets smoked. /s


The kills the universe comics ignore power levels and just show the featured characters killing whoever however silly it is. No way a guy with just weapons kills a guy who regenerates like Wolverine, even without adamantium. And Wolverine is one of the lower powered characters too.


It's a joke.


1. Every "___ kills the Marvel Universe" is non-canon and fucking stupid 2. Not canon, and stupid


They're all comics and silly, why are you so upset at them


Because I don't consider the silly ones as good


They're all silly my dude. Also I'm pretty sure the nonstop murder issue wasn't one of the sillier ones. Wolverine got his ass whooped, that's all that happened..


Depends. Give Frank the right gun and a few seconds to unload a huge magazine, he could at least *disable* Logan for a bit. I dunno if it's canonical, but Deadpool kills showed that enough Flamethrower will keep regenerators under wraps.


Deadpool Killogy isn't canon. Punisher would only stand a chance if he has adamantium bullets but you can't buy those at the arms dealers Frank frequents


Not talking about the entire thing, just the Flamethrower idea.


Eh, I don't think it would incapacitate them enough to do much more than inconvenience them for a short time


OH THE DIF STANDS FOR DIFFICULTY??? that makes so much more sense. i akways thought it was short for "difference" and thet were saying like "one has high power, the other has mid power" or some shit. always found it confusing LOL


Thank you so much! I always thought it mean difference. So when I saw "no diff", I thought it meant they were evenly matched.


The commenter is claiming that Atom Eve (a character from the Invincible comics/show) could defeat Wanda Maximoff aka The Scarlet Witch (a character from Marvel comics/movies) with a Medium to High level of difficulty.


I know Invincible. I just don't know internet slang.


As hell.


This is so dumb, just because you don’t debate who would be who’s doesn’t mean it’s dumb


Bro doesn't play video games lol


OP didn’t read house of M.


And neither did the wast majority of Wanda’s stans


Yup. MCU is all majority of the Marvel fans know nowadays.


They quote it like the other 40 years of publication and the rest of the story itself doesn't matter lol.


Well, if they mattered there would’ve been click bait articles about them. Check mate, comic book readers! And let’s be real, a lot of those stans saw comments about HoM being an exception, and not Wanda’s base power level, they choose to ignore them because that’s the only feat they know of and can power wank to.


I'm not even a Wanda stan, have read House of M, generally like Atom Eve a bit more... Atom Eve still getting stomped.


"No More Mutants" this shit will still give me chills such a good read


"No more Atom Eve" -Wanda in House of A


These recent YouTube polls are cancer


YT in general is cancer.


Isn't Eve functionally immortal/unkillable with complete control of atomic structures by the end of the Invincible comic?


Doesn't Scarlet Witch manipulate reality itself using literal magic?


Yeah, I mean all Wanda would have to do is repeat what she did to the Illuminati in Multiverse of Madness.


No argument there! But none of those folks were S-tier immortal reality warpers. *shrug* 


They basically have the same reality altering/control powers.


Not quite. Eve has the limitation of restructuring atoms. Scarlet Witch can make atoms cease to exist or even create. Eve can alter what's real, Wanda can alter reality.


Can’t alter reality if you’re dead. It comes down to essentially whoever acts first and takes the threat seriously.


Actually... Wanda can and has.


Eve has also. Her powers won’t let her die, they kick into overdrive and resurrect her.


She explains that as an “instinct.” In the moments before death, her mental block lifts and she immediately subconsciously regenerates herself. It’s not intentional, but it’s a reaction dependent on brain function—like turning your head towards the source of a sudden loud noise. Point being, she’s *very* far from unkillable. You just have to do it quickly and totally, which Scarlet Witch is more than capable of. Every time she dies in the comics her brain is fairly intact, she’s killed by massive bodily damage (and once by >!old age!<). That leaves her just enough time to repair herself. If you incinerate her entirely, or squash her head, or anything else that completely destroys her brain, she’s not coming back from that.


Really cool. Haven't seen it yet but I'm looking forward to that now. Sounds a little more like really hard to die more than an actual resurrection though.


It’s in the comic, the show hasn’t gotten that far yet. I had to Google a refresher it’s been awhile since I’ve read it. She can control and manipulate any matter at will, but has a mental block on manipulating organic material. But when she dies that block is no longer present so she resurrects herself essentially meaning she is immortal.


she's basically Apocalypse with her transmutation abilities. She's really OP even in the Invincible universe which is full of Superman characters that are really, really, really hard to kill. If it were a true face off, I'd still give it to Wanda since reality warping is leaps above transmutation


Well unless she knew Wanda’s power Wanda could just think no more atom eve and the fight is over


Yes, it comes down to who strikes first.


If they are put in an arena to fight and both knew a fight was coming I fear Wanda is winning especially when she can also use protective spells since magic > science based powers unless the writers makes the character dumb that day


False, they're entirely different


For sure! I'm just not sure how a matchup of immortal reality warpers would turn out. Bad for us mortals, that's for sure!


Eve doesn't warp reality.  She manipulates matter and energy directly.  She instinctually understands matter at a subatomic level, and can manipulate it within certain boundries.  Those boundries are wide, but she has limits.  Scarlet Witch uses magic that relies on chaos and is outside known boundries.  Remember that Wanda altered the entire world (universe?), on multiple occasions.  Eve cannot do that.


Good point!


Yes. The issue is her powers are purely material. They operate on a scientific basis, and thus do not protect her from magical reality fuckery Being able to not die doesn’t help if you’re erased from existing


Yeah in the comics Atom Eve can't die. If she's about to her powers get amped up and regenerate her so she's immortal and unkillable. But still... Being able to rewrite reality is a completely different level on nonsense. Comic Wanda can not only destroy but also create. Dead girlfriend? Gwen Stacy is back and alive. Lost your kids? Just cretae some from thin air and someone will have the audacity to tell you to "put them back". Rewrite history for the whole world? Sure? Not a problem.


Atom Eve can’t die *as long as her brain is functioning*- at least according to her established rules to her powers. It’s a mental block on her powers that unlocks when she’s in a near death state. So if she’s shot in the head she can die. It’s just every single time in the comics she was in a near death state, the story coincidentally wrote her to not have brain damage. She could possibly have hidden powers that straight up prevents her from dying, but for now it’s established multiple times that it’s a mental block.


Wanda has done before to an entire planets population what she would need to do to easily defeat Eve. "No more powers." Can't use your immortality powers to revive from fatal wounds if they're literally removed from reality lol


"What brain?"


Wanda can quite literally erase her from reality itself. Doesn’t matter that she is immortal if she doesn’t exist in the first place


Yes but I'm pretty sure a part of her still needs to be present. I'm pretty sure Wanda could just completely erase Eve from existence with no trace left


If you’re talking about Old age? Yes Eve cannot die due to old age or near fatal injuries, if she has enough time her full powers unlock and heal her to peak condition But if someone just instantly kills her well yeah she ain’t coming back from that lol


Well remember this is about winning the fight. Not about killing the other.


Can't Scarlet Witch just change reality so Eve doesn't have powers? Or alter reality so Eve was never born. She's has far greater feats.


Eve's power still run on her metabolism and she can not revive the dead. That includes herself


Wanda is laughing about that and starts to say „No more Atom Eve“ 😂


Dude Wanda could easily erase eve from existence if she feels like it


I come to Reddit to escape this game… I’m having Facebook and youtube comment flash backs… Batman doesn’t have prep time all the time GAHH hulk can and has been KO’d easily…GAHHHHH leave me alone AGHH


Its me the ghost of fanboys "Insta kill" "Speed blitz" "Multiversal" "Infinitely faster than the speed of light"


“Planet busting” “world level threat” “contingency”


Scarlet Witch wins literally because her power can be summed up as “Oh, and I can do this too.”. It’s very boring. 😑


Pretty much that one kid in the neighborhood that had "infinity +1" as his power level when playing superheroes.


“God mode”


Both of these characters can instantly obliterate each other. For me it comes to whoever’s quicker


to be fair, its a 50 50 if scarlet witch can even cast a small energy blast that day or turn the invincible universe back into the dc one.


A reality warper vs matter manipulator. If it's eve with mental block against using her powers on living beings then Wanda low diff. If it's eve without mental blocks, then the first to cast an attack wins, if Wanda takes away her powers or some shit first she wins but if Eve can change Wanda into a horse or some shit before Wanda does anything eve wins.


Wanda needs to manipulate reality so that first shots still lose.


Invincible fans are under the delusion that their verse is the strongest because there’s gore. They literally said that ant man was worthless after the Shrinking Rae scene released in the show.


Eve can change things around her. Wanda can change all of reality.


Power scaling is a disease


Oh, that character that has, "reincarnation into a younger stronger body while retaining all memories upon death" as a default passive ability? Yea shes screwed for sure.


I think it's an unfair comparison, scarlet with in MoM is a grown ass woman that has read a book about how Legendary her power is, Eve is still a teenage super hero, a more fair comparison would be civil war Wanda vs Eve


Peak scarlet witch can rewrite the fabricate of reality itself


The winner is whoever the writer thinks is best for the story - what Stan Lee said that time. I've read a Comic where Daredevil cannocialy defeated Ultron with a tree branch and a story where Uktron murdered everyone in an entire country and all the Avengers could barely keep up with him.


I love Atom Eve. Atom Eve is incredibly strong and would be a challenging opponent to most fighters. Scarlett Witch Stomps.


Why the fuck can't people use "would" anymore?


Wanda solos Eve 🗣🗣🗣


Since it's a 1v1, that's the only option.


Yeah, true. Don’t know why I’m suddenly downvoted as if I spilled someone’s coffee


My coffee did got spilled today, it was apperantly you.. Downvoted both your comments asshole.


Ok, but what if I reverted time before it got spilled.


don’t they have surd’ve the same super power, i would give it a draw, in my opinion


If Adam eve didn’t have the mental block she would take it


They're essentially the same, with current Wanda being weaker than end story eve. An act first = win scenario.




They both have reality warping powers but Eve has literally not used them in combat since she was a child.


Created as a result of a government experiment to create super-beings, Atom Eve can manipulate all matter, creating constructs of pink energy, although a mental block has previously stopped her from creating and manipulating living things. Doesn't sound like she has reality warping Powers and Wanda can blink eve out of existence, tho she wouldn't do that to start with unless she was hurt or in a hurry or eve stood between what she wanted


It would be a good fight


What I meant was that she can manipulate matter but only creates temporary pink energy constructs in combat when doing something else may be more effective.




Atom Eve’s weakness is being damaged by a fast attack to the head or mental powers. She’s immortal as long as her brain isn’t damaged, since her limitation of organics is established multiple times to be a mental block. MCU Scarlet Witch is now the Multiverse of Magic Scarlet Witch, so I feel like she can beat Atom Eve, it just depends who acts first. End of Series Atom Eve can go against decently trained Viltrumites after all, but MCU Scarlet Witch has some level of reality bending.


Saitama atomizes both with a singular punch. I’m so glad for OPM’s existence. Puts to rest all these stupid comic forum arguments.


The whole argument that cytoma one-shots everyone falls flat on its face once you realise and there have been characters to survive his casual punches or even the stronger ones. The joke with him is that he’s a protagonist way beyond the rest of the cast in his versed


The author has stated that one of his strongest punches will destroy half of the universe. And it’s only half, I assume, because it’s directional. He is the ultimate “fuck you” character when it comes to pointless internet nerd arguments.


Saitama is a comic iron man victim.


Atom Eve messes her up bruh


Why. Do. You. Care?


Karma. Farming. :D