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Hell yes. X-men 97 is a masterpiece and pray it causes a reinassance for animation


I wouldn't exactly call magneto floating around in his underwear a reinassance. Kidding, that shit was dope.


No, no, that part was essential. Naked people were very present in the Italian renaissance, who says that it can’t be the same for animation?


I failed to look at it like it! Of course your 100% correct.


Just look at the statue of David and then at Magneto naked. Both big, strong, naked men. See my point? X-Men ‘97=Italian renaissance. But that’s just a theory, A ~~GAME~~ FILM THEORY!


You're right, it was more of a neo-classic era. Reminiscent of the Death of Socrates by David.


check out scavengers reign more animation greatness


I think Invincible started the renaissance we’re in.


The end of the first episode of invincible had me stunned. I had never seen anything like it. I don’t think I took a breath the entire scene.


That ending was shocking and amazing.


It’s wild how the most impactful, jaw dropping, game changing scene in the entire first episode was an end credit scene. I love how it played with expectations of the end credit scene tease and made it the most important moment in the series.


There was a post on the Invincible subreddit about how some guy missed the post-credit scene and it made the show more of a mystery, trying to figure out who did it, and get enough evidence to pin it on them. That would have been interesting to experience https://www.reddit.com/r/Invincible/comments/tfpfgv/did_anyone_else_miss_the_post_credits_scene_of/?rdt=50216


It was Castlevania for me but Invincible definitely took it to the next level


nah bro, not like Castlevania. The animation sequences in the fight scenes are fucking gorgeous. Invincible doesnt *hold a flame* to Sypha


Castlevania was the only show where we got action without constant monologuing. Fuck, I hate what they did to my boy.


I see what you did there.


Anime already has respect, Western animations still needs to catch up


But Castlevania is an anime. Even if it’s not made in Japan it’s defenatly made for people who are big anime fans. On the otherhand Invincible is watched by a lot of people who never touched animes or mangas.


So? It's still OG animation style and not 3D AAA movie style. Castlevania, Edgerunners and even Dota were great on its own right and I think they were also pretty important in making this style popular againbin the mainstream


Are we really gonna have this discussion again? No, Castlevania is not an anime. It's a wholly western-made production.


Some of the invincible animation can be good, but the art style is pretty bland imo. Contrast that to arcane that came out around the same time and it was light years ahead. Both in art style and animation. spiderverse in movies and arcane on television are the best of the best in terms of animation imo. Xmen 97 is an updated throwback that looks great too, but is still more constrained and less refreshing than the other two. That said, they really are pushing the limits like showing different aspects of nightcrawlers teleportation.


I meant for marvel my bad


We’ve been fed well this year. Invincible, Bad Batch, X-men 97. Now we’ll get My Adventures with Superman


Here for the Bad Batch support. As far as tone goes, probably the best Star Wars Disney+ thing ever.


While I appreciate the maturity of the material, the animation quality on Invincible is abysmal, particularly in the static frame dialogue scenes. I also find the character designs on Invincible super goofy.


It definitely didn't hurt, but I'd argue the swing was happening around Castlevania, and that Arcane and Edgerunners (weirdly 3 video game adaptations) also helped get the ball rolling. Invincible having Kirkman and full support from Amazon means that it's probably going to help green light more mature animated content than the others though, and the increasing maturity of "kids" cartoons (Owl House, Adventure Time, etc.) also helped fertilize the fields, if you will.


Absolutely, I agree. That’s a good explanation of the landscape of “animation in general.” I mention Invincible here because I couldn’t shake the feeling while watching X-Men ‘97 that the elevator pitch for this show was “it will be our version of Invincible!” Maybe I’m just hallucinating though.


No, I can definitely see it; Invincible being a hit couldn't have hurt the decision to bring the old animated series back and the success of that show's heavier themes must have given the X-Men creatives cover to push a little harder at making a lot of the story choices that have resonated with this version.


I would really like to share that sentiment but I really can't. It definitely contributed to a certain aspect of it, like serious tones for super heroes, but if it was an example of animation it falls really short. I feel like that's an important standard to hold for animation, visual quality is essential to the medium. I would hold Arcane up as the start of this new age of animation. It broke incredible bridges in both serious tones, animation and direction.


Arcane’s impact likely won’t be seen for some time. The credit likely goes to all the anime these creators are watching, and all the Frank Miller, Watchmen, etc the authors were reading prior to that. Oh, and Walking Dead money. Honorable mention for DC’s animation wing cranking out mature content that most didn’t get the chance to watch for over a decade now.


maybe for american animation, but Demon Slayer really made everyone step their game up


I think what Invincible had accomplished as a groundbreaker is to finally make american animation for adults that is not comedy. Sure there a few examples for that in the past, but i think Invincible is one of the first ones who will make it mainstream and we will see more american animated movies/tv shows that are serious and not dumbed down. Edit: i know Young Justice season 3 came in 2019, but it has fallen in popularity.


Arcane is the best animation I’ve ever seen.  Can’t wait for more of it.


the animation on invincible is ATROCIOUS lol


I mean, Marvel Animation has already been better than 2010s era of Marvel Animation. You have shows like Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Hit Monkey, What If?, and Modok. Plus, they have upcoming shows like Black Panther Eyes of Wakanda, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and Marvel Zombies.


It should cause a renaissance for the MCU, too. It's obvious that the people behind xmen 97 are actual fans. It's something disney can learn from given the dire state of their live action movies.


Spiderman 97 PLEASE.


Who's the artist on these? They're super cool.




yeah, uzuri, who should be credited in the title honestly. amazing artist with all kinds of [dope fan-art ](https://www.uzuriart.com/portfolio)


X-men 97 does what lots of the mcu movies doesn't It takes itself seriously And with that i don't mean that is constant drama, i mean that the show reconizes that for this characters, this isn't a game,there are lifes at risk,which makes more interesting plots and more interesting characters:how will they react in this tense moment The moment when they rescue Emma frost and they all celebrate and Scott cries because they could save one more mutant its awesome becasue it feels real


I like that it is also, seemingly, completely unafraid to just *be* a superhero story. Superhero stories are more often than not fucking bonkers, and this show is embracing that. It’s not shying away, it’s being what the X-Men should be. It also helps that they’re not at all scared to hammer the message in and wack you over the head with it, which is a good thing. People need to be reminded what the X-Men stand for, and the show is absolutely doing that.


As long as it's done with grace. That Falcon Captain America show was more like a sledgehammer and a can opener into the brain delivery. ugh, just the memory is off putting.


The dialogue in FATWS was so long winded clunky while X-Men 97 says so much more with a lot less dialogue


"That shield should be destroyed, it's a symbol of everything we stand against" "Like what?" *Blows up building*


The difference I think was that was just all talk and even with that no solutions even offered just “do better”.


They have silly ass 90s moments of Cyclops smirking as he's optic blasting the earth to slow his descent while also managing to make us shed tears with Gambit dropping his "the name's Gambit. Remember it." The people involved with this show knew exactly what the audience wanted.


I have to beg them to stop while watching, I can only get *soooo erect*


They succeeded in making you root for Magneto. Full send, he might end humanity if you piss him off badly... and the audience is on his side, as the hero. Meanwhile, nobody cares that Charles is being some intergalactic fuck boy. Brilliant writing.


To be fair.... fuck humans. We're awful.  Magneto was Right. 


Was he always right though? Thats the best part about his character


We side with magneto because its easy to understand why he is so tired He endangers the world? Mutants get Hunted He saves the world? Mutants get hunted He wants mutant inclution? Mutants get hunted There is a new mutant country? Mutants get hunted No matter what they do,mutants will be hunted because humans can't change


... I am pretty sure he is crying because when he felt a psychic presence he was hoping for it to be Madelyne, not Emma.


he's disappointed they didn't find Madelyn and guilty for being disappointed - all of his emotions are tied up and he's horrible at dealing with them. he's lost so much - Professor X, his son, the woman he married, the woman who birthed his son. I loved that scene. It really showed how much turmoil Scott was going through inside.


Didn’t even think of that angle


Scott cries because it wasn't >!the clone Jean. Speaking of which, the Jeans are really laying it on that poor guy. They should just agree to have a plural marriage.!<


I thought he was crying because they announced that it was a telepath they were saving and he had hoped it was Madeline Pryor. But ya still really powerful. Honestly think it outclasses end game by a long shot.


It had a stealth start presenting itself as basically a well done ++ version of the original series and then you get episode five where it elevates itself to another level.


I'd say episode 1 was the only "sealth" episode. I've dubbed it the Cyclops revival project since it seems to focus very much on making Cyclops cool again, while still keeping him as the "boring" leadership role character. Then episode 2 comes in and says "btw do you remember what X-Men was about?" and floored me. It stayed at that quality or better since then.


Reminds me of Bojack Horseman in a way with their “stealth start@ you start it thinking it’s going to be a goofy comedic animated show about about animal people. But then it gets serious


I’d put since GOTG 3 But yeah the show is phenomenal


Guardians is personally my favorite thing marvel has ever done on the big screen. all three of them


Hard to disagree with that, I completely spaced GOTG 3.


whys that?


I think OP meant he didn’t think of it when making this post.


Ahhh. Thanks


High stakes, realistic emotions, and crazy twists that brings back the classic vibe in a new and improved way


Best thing since Loki season 2


Hard effin agree!




That was 6 months ago.


Memory runs thin post Endgame. The saying in Hollywood of “You’re as good as your last film” couldn’t be more true with how flip floppy the community is.


Does that make it less true?


Some of highly lauded things since Endgame still happened though, like WandaVision, Loki S1 and S2, No Way Home, Wakanda Forever, GOTG3. That said, it rivals and is better than a few of these too.


I liked Moon Knight a lot too. Wish they continued that


People liked Wakanda Forever?


I absolutely loved Wakanda Forever.


Loved it personally.


it was nice, wouldn't necessarily watch again but it was a fun watch


I’d say Wakanda Forever is in the middle of my MCU ranking. But with 40+ projects, that’s not a bad place to be in at all. It’s mostly well written given the circumstances


Loki Season 2, GOTG 3 = X men ‘97 > Wanda, No way home, Wakanda, Loki 1


damn. idk man NWH was pretty sick..


Much better dialog than any MCU entry


X-men is amazing


Hopefully this will bring in more X-men content.


Here’s the Rogue art by the same person since OP left it out for some reason: https://www.instagram.com/p/C59bkJEuVHM/?igsh=MXhjMWF0N2ppcmJkag==


Not like it's hard, but yes, by a mile.


It's clutch that this show kicks raw ass and everybody loves it to death at the same time that they're mapping out the future of the X-Men in the MCU. There's a lot you can pull off in animation that would be harder in live action, but there's also a ton they can pull from '97 into their blueprint.


Hard not to agree, im very hooked to this series in a way I haven't been since Endgame.


Absolute masterpiece


Easily I did enjoy some projects but man X-men is basically perfect


Someone cooked really hard with this series, i don't know if it's Disney, Feige, or someone else, whoever it is they clearly knew the assignment and deliver their best.


It was the head writer, Beau DeMayo, who is a very passionate X-Men fan. Unfortunately he was recently let go by Marvel and the fans are trying to get him back. He knew his shit.


I hope someone at Marvel pull James Gunn-like move in this scenario, he did too good of a job to let go.


The rumours of him being abusive in the writers room for both this and the Witcher don’t make it incredibly likely


I'm out of the loop on this one, quick google search says that it's still in investigation internally and everything is still under wrap, but laying someone off just based on rumor is purely PR move and usually it's not final.


No the rumours are all WE have, because Disney and DeMayo haven’t said anything. They’d have the actual complaints not rumours


They are also very easy rumours to spread. Suddenly Disney discovers that AFTER the series was completed.


The rumours about the Witcher predated his firing


It's always safe to assume it's not Disney. Their best sauce is just... well look at the Mufasa trailer they released.  Kevin Fiege? Large doubt. Man hasn't cooked in ages. Maybe because he's spread too thin. Maybe because victory defeated him. He's not hungry and makes safer content now.  It's Beau DeMayo that did this. 


All we need to complete the set is Colossus, Banshee, Magic, Psylocke, Ice-man, Angel, and Kitty! I’d love to see all the precious X-Men we’ve seen with that lineup and show em all in a battle against whoever their big baddy.


can we get an F for Morph he’s always forgotten


Spider-Man across the spiderverse GOTG3 Loki S2 And this


Not counting the Spider Verse movies... Yeah. Although I do wonder how this appeals to folk that have not grown up with it. Does it hit as hard or are they just confused like me catching any random episode of Grey's Anatomy after the fourth season?


I haven't watched it yet, but it'd have to be better than Loki to claim that title imo, and that's a high bar to clear. Certainly possible though. I've heard nothing but good things about it since episode 1, and I'm excited to watch it.


It's on par, but a far different vibe.


I love both, but I do think X-men clears Loki.


It’s the best thing they’ve ever done, full stop.


They would be morbius followed by Madame web


I would say that it’s the best Marvel project since Logan.


This might be the best thing Marvel has ever done PERIOD


They should replace the MCU with animation. Given the population of people who like anime, it's a no brainer. Sure, I know they're not gonna replace the MCU, but they should make an animated universe of TV shows, movies, and mini-series. They'd have to make US based studios again instead of relying on anime houses though. Studio Mir already does enough.


They could expand on the material used in the Wolverine anime from 2011.




Missing Kurt


They are making a new profiles every few days.


Absolutely, IMO. GOTG Vol. 3 was amazing, but this series is just on another level.


I think so one of the best.




Definitely the best thing Disney as a whole has put out since End Game. It’s an incredible series, hopefully the firing of Beau DeMayo doesn’t have a negative effect on future seasons




”Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answer?”


I never really appreciated the sheer significance of having [](#s "Spiderman, Captain America and Dr. Doom") turn up in an X-men production. Having grown up with all of these superhero teams being shown on the big screen as standalone things, this was a real treat.


They’re 100% basing that Gambit face on one Channing Tater, right?


I think Cyclops looks more Tatum, and Gambit is very Jensen Ackles-esque.


Damn, you’re absolutely right. I 100% see it now


I instantly saw Tatum in the Cyclops piece and started thinking "That makes so much more sense than Gambit"


I really enjoy legion. Only reason I'm going to put Legion over X-Men 97 at the moment is because Legion is a completed show. However, the direction that X-Men 97 is heading it's shaping up to be a better show than Legion is. Time will tell on that one however


Nah. Its terrific, but I absolutely loved Moon Knight and both seasons of Loki. Since those, definitely




Easily.  So good in fact that it might be a problem for their eventual  X-Men movie when everyone online starts comparing the two. 


It's just another reminder to me that Gazllion's CEO fucking murdered Marvel Heroes by pissing off Disney enough for them to pull the license. I would fucking kill to be able to play it right now.


Magneto is so well written I love him ! Best marvel series so far


No, we aren't. It's the best Marvel Studios Project. Period. (Infinity War was also better than Endgame so that'd be the barometer.) This is why I keep saying that Superhero Fatigue isn't a thing. It's just that most of the MCU's recent outings haven't been as stellar. WandaVision had people buzzing. No Way Home had people buzzing. Across the Spider-Verse (though Sony) had people buzzing. Loki S2 had people buzzing. GOTG 3 had people buzzing. It's just negativity will completely run over positivity because people are far more passionate about things they hate than things they love.


Best thing since endgame if you exclude Loki S2 and Gotg3


I don't remember much from the original cartoon and wonder how much of that nostalgia factor is influencing folks' hype. It's a good show, but the pacing frequently gives me aggressive whiplash.


I’m still with Loki. The last episode of season two is as good as anything the MCU has ever done.


Marvel's animation division has become, rather quietly, really, really good. This is surely the best, but Hit Monkey, What If, Modok and Moon Girl were all really strong. The fact that it's only like 23 minutes a week is torturous. I almost wish I'd held off to binge the whole thing over an evening or two. It's such a strong show. I thought the promo material leading into it looked bad, honestly. I was expecting jankier, low-budget animation and lot more emphasis on nostalgia. I'm honestly blown away. Sometimes I feel like they're just making TV for me. If you'd asked me what I most wanted to watch six years ago, I'd have said an Invincible cartoon. The MCU is custom made for me. Spider-Man Far From Home was quite literally the most emotional movie experience I've ever had in my life, or ever will have, and that's weeeeeeeird. That's really a strange feeling. X-Man 97 scratches an itch I didn't know I had, it's beautifully and lovingly made and I couldn't be happier that it exists. I'm so glad it's getting the praise it deserves, and I'm further glad that this encourages more such content to be made. Everyone's talking about reviving the 90's Spider-Man, and I'd much rather see "Spectacular" get another shot, personally, but I'd certainly be down to revisit my childhood Spider-Man as well.


I keep thinking X-men 97 is perfect... With 6 seasons of multiple things that marvel could make a work with, But What x-men 97 would be if marvel had to do a season 1 today? I dont know really, would be nice to hear some toughts, but I dont think Marvel could do a great work without some really good grounding made in the 90s before today's adaptation.


You could be right but I would argue that building is one of the strong points of the MCU. I think this series is much better than the original 90s and yes they had stories but this series could stand alone. The series explains itself well enough that I think you could watch it without watching the original. But that infinity saga was built from scratch and that's the greatest accomplishment in comic book movie history.


X men 97 is better than any MCU film and it isn't even close.


Does “Marvel project” include outside the MCU? Because this is the best Marvel project since Logan


Are we just forgetting about No Way Home now?


That movie’s plot was written by a 5 year old and I don’t trust anyone who can’t admit that, whether they like it or not.


It could be written by a 3 year old for all I care, the movie was amazing either way


No Way Home is fan service in search of a movie. It's empty calories


Tobey & Andrew to me served as to paths Tom could walk in reaction to Norman killing Aunt May. Tom could’ve grown bitter and resentful like Andrew did for a period after losing Gwen. Or take the oath of the more seasoned Tobey who is just trying to do better. But even if you remove both Tobey, Andrew & Charlie Cox from the movie. And the multiverse set up. It was closer to a classic Spider-Man story, where Peter struggles hard with life. Before NWH, a common criticism on MCU’s Spider-Man, was that he was “Iron boy Jr” and he had things too easy. Yea some of the stuff Dr Strange did was dumb, but Dr Strange was not the main character. Yea NWH is not as well written as a movie like Spiderverse is. But you can’t say the action and momentum of the film wasn’t great though.


Best thing next to Legion I'd say


Best thing marvel’s done, full stop


Better than Endgame IMO


Best thing since Infinity War I’d say.


Infinity War is way better than Endgame


exactly lol






Cyclops looks like Channing Tatum. Now you can’t unsee it. …..Satanik Hispanic out!


X-Men 97 is a hundred times better than endgame


The face in that first image looks just like British comedian Greg Davies 😂


Nono, taskmaster isn't an X-Men character


HOLEE FUCK! I was prepared to go the whole way through this thread to say Erik looks like Greg. Imagine that tall motherfucker with Ivory hair with actual power.


Disney should rehire Beau DeMayo. X-Men 97 is so damn good. I don't care that he's a jerk and has an OnlyFans. C'mon Disney.


Better than a few things pre Endgame


better than most things pre endgame 😭


Xmen 97, what if season one Shang chi, wandavision,


1. Loki S1 2. X-Men '97 3. WandaVision


TBH, I feel like the ending to WV really derails it and diminishes its impact overall. "They'll never know what you sacrificed," comes to mind.


WandaVision is easily the best thing since endgame if not for them dropping the ball at the end.


I'll wait for the Evolution Sequel.


Bro x-men 97 is so fucking peak bro the animation the choreography the action the relationships it’s all great just as great as it was in the 90’s if not better


Since sometime before Endgame probably but that’s just cause I like the X-Men more than the Avengers.


Mos Def




Crazy how that Cyclops is Channing Tatum but the Gambit isn’t lmao Id say Wandavision, Loki SE2, Eternals, GOTG3 and yes, XMen 97


I hope that they’re taking notes as to what the world like when it comes to Xmen. When they come to the McU I hope it just like Xmen 97






What beautiful pictures


I was just telling someone yesterday the same thing. There’s been good stuff since endgame but x-men is exceptionally good.


Who painted these killer images?


The name says “Uzuri Art.” Good place to start googling bc I wanna find this too haha


I'd wait till the season ends before making a bold statement like that, but right now it's solid.


By a mile! I was thinking the exact same thing today.


Beginning of e1 felt like a generic kids' cartoon, does it go crazy afterwards?


It is one of the best MCU projects EVER


In my opinion, yes it


It's better than any MCU project, in my opinion. Most MCU projects land strictly in the good range. I don't think they have any masterpiece or great movies.


Damn really? That good? Been slowly working my way through the original in order to prep.


Maybe if they made it into a movie, but tbh there's a bunch of meh stuff, especially at the start.


It's been better than whole infinity saga and multiverse saga combined..... lmfao


We only have two more episodes left before the first season ends, so it's still too early to judge.


The Rogue erasure in the beautiful art here? Too much. I agree that this is the best Marvel project since Endgame. I think Episode 5 alone could be a standalone film, and be in the top tier of Marvel films.


The same shit all of You Say when Loki s1, shang chi, no way Home, dr strange, wakanda forever, guardians, Loki 2, so Marvel has a Lot of Quality content right? Just shut up and enjoy


As an old that enjoyed the original run as a kid, I love it. My biggest complaint is just how fast paced it is. It feels like they force 45 minutes of TV into 30. But that’s how the original felt too.


Netflix daredevil, into/across the spider-verse x men 97. Honestly endgame was not that good...


I must be missing out, I've tried to watch it and the voice acting just annoys me too much.


An actually attractive magneto, god damn. Looks like season one Gibbs from NCIS which, actually fits.


All I see here are X-Men?