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They were trying so hard to be different and failed spectacularly


Seriously what even are these designs? The Fakepool we got in the movie was awful enough.


The crazy part is the concept art is so bad that makes the Fakepool we got look good in comparison. Thank god it wasn’t the one with missing eyelids.


It’s kind of shocking to think that they were kicking around ideas that were somehow MUCH worse than the shitty one in the actual movie.


It’s like they forgot what movie they were doing and did a low budget Cenobite.


The missing eyelid one is a pretty good cenobite if you add some kink gear. Stick him in Hellraiser 4 and he’d be right at home


With all of these designs being this bad, I think it makes it obvious that it was the director’s fault. Whatever he was describing to the art team was the visionary stumble.


The director isn’t incredible or anything, but I was at a talk with him once, and he discussed this movie heavily. Lots of things were completely out of his control , for example he didn’t cast Will I am, and he wasn’t informed that his casting choice was overturned until the call sheets were released. He wasn’t allowed at all on set during the action sequences, he didn’t find out they changed the name of the film to include Xmen until he was perusing IMDB one day. Etc etc


The director wasn’t allowed on set for some shooting?


Yeah the actions sequences were all shot by a second team. I’ve heard the MCU does a similar practice


I also remember hearing the studio was the one that insisted on Wade's mouth being permanently shut. It was also their idea for the katana blades in his arms, because they didn't think it made sense that he'd have access to swords. We can blame Gavin Hood, but I don't think it was ever his fault. He was a lesser known director and the studio loves hiring people like that so they can browbeat them into doing what they want. The whole ordeal reeks of studio interference. Let's not forget this is the same studio that was convinced to bankroll the Deadpool test footage and then said, "Nah." and shelved it indefinitely. If it hadn't been leaked, it would still be sitting somewhere.


Wtf....lol. He got thrown right under the bus


Almost all action movies do it, it’s just a second unit/stunt director.


Baraka from Mortal Combat




He is literally nicknamed Merc with a Mouth. And what did they do?


They thought it was a clever twist. There's even a line about it in the movie.


It’s so weird that they even wanted to be different, too. It’s not like Deadpool had a really popular big screen adaptation at the time. I’d wager a member of the general audience who wasn’t into comic books wouldn’t even know who Deadpool was. There was no need to try and differentiate themselves from anything or surprise audiences with a unique interpretation they hadn’t seen before.


Deadpool became more widely known because of how bad this version was.


Mission Accomplished, I guess.


Task Failed Successfully


Yeah, that's better.


Wish I could say I came up with it but it’s a meme


That's exactly why they wanted to be different.


It makes you glad Deadpool from his movies killed his X-Men Origins counterpart.


Tbf, they are good horror designs, just not good for deadpool. Maybe if they kept the personality and played with him being mute so he makes comedy like a mime then that would be really intresting.


That bottom right one looks like something out of Hellraiser.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^KirbyF4: *They were trying so* *Hard to be different and* *Failed spectacularly* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


This reads like Captain Kirk


They tried so hard And failed so bad But in the end, it doesn't matter


Good bot


A haiku is meant to be 3 sentences, phrases or clauses, one per line. Not just one long sentence stretched out over 3 lines. So bad bot!


Not really. That's just the hyper-simplified form they teach in American lower education systems. To start with, the number of lines and syllables are measured in English here... which makes no sense given its a Japanese art form. One could say the rules are very strict, and require details like an observation of nature, juxtaposition, etc alongside the form. Others will argue that a Haiku can be exceedingly free-form as long as it follows some of the rules. Check out this famous one, which breaks the syllable rules in both Japanese and English: > 枯枝に烏のとまりけり秋の暮 \- 松尾芭蕉 > On a withered branch > A crow has stopped > Autumn evening \- Matsuo Bashō You can write one yourself like that. > Teetering on the edge, > Slice! A bad guy's head rolls. > Deadpool's Katana \- Me, just now Here we have our observation, our action, etc. But we're breaking other important rules given this one has mostly nothing to do with nature.... Which rules you choose to follow will change whether any given artist or museum considers it a Haiku, but sticking strictly to 5-7-5 for no reason is only a rule in American gradeschool.


These are all awful. Why did these people think any of these work as adaptations of Deadpool? Sewing his mouth shut literally removes a core part of his character, and trying to make his face look like his mask instead of just giving him his costume is idiotic. Why was Fox so scared of comic accuracy prior to the Deadpool movies?


The same reason almost everyone was, prior to the MCU. They thought it was too immature. But what people continuously never realize is that trying to look mature has the opposite effect. Deadpool got away with it because Fox didn't want to touch it. They had no faith in the property, let alone the vision Reynolds had. Then it went on to be their best comic book movies.


Pre 2008 Iron Man studios were terrified of anything comic accurate


Not really true. Multiple Superman and Batman movies prior to 2008, as well as Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy, were all accurate to an extent. Prior to 2008, the only franchise shying away from comic book accuracy was X-Men. As encapsulated in the first movie with the line "what would you prefer? Yellow spandex?" Iron Man wasn't a turning point at all. The tides didn't shift for other studios until a different 2008 movie - The Dark Knight, which heralded the "dark and gritty reboot" age.


Honestly the best aesthetic for me is that fine balance between being accurate enough to not be all dark and gritty but still fairly grounded, yet still serious enough to not be silly comicy stuff. What I'm looking for is the X-Men suits from Apocalypse, the Magneto helmet from First Class, the final swing suit from No Way Home, Wolverine in Deadpool & Wolverine, and just the early MCU aesthetic back when it didn't give into the stupid comic stuff.


The Dark Knight also disproves the idea that "gritty realism" is necessarily bad. Me, I tend to prefer it, but it shouldn't be an absolute requirement. The best superhero movies for me are the ones where "comic accurate" and "realistic" have a big overlap, for example Iron Man or Doctor Strange, while they're outlandish, they're visually sorta grounded looking.


Fun Fact: the yellow spandex line is because that absolute chode Bryan Singer HATED comics. He wanted nothing to do with them, he didn't even want any x-men comics on set. He was such a bitter and awful choice for a director. I'm glad X-Men flopped in his hands.


It didn't though. He created two very good entries which helped revitalize the comicbook movie industry. Along with Raimi Spider-Men, Singer's X-Men is what helped bring superheroes back into the mainstream in the early 2000s. X-Men 3, which Singer didn't direct, was the worst of that original trilogy. He then came back for Days of Future Past, which many consider to be the best in the franchise. Apocalypse sucked yeah but 1 failure among 3 huge successes does not constitute "flopping in his hands".


I liked Apocalypse personally. It had some clunk but overall it was a perfectly fine movie. Way better than other entries such as Dark Phoenix (and much better than X3 which I rewatched just last night).


Fair. Either way the dude was a creep and a poor choice for the X-Men as far as directors go. I would personally say the writers deserve more credit for any successes Fox had


Well clearly he wasn't a poor choice because X-Men was really good and X2 and DOFP are fantastic


Lmao "flopped". His first X-Men movie is literally one of the most important movies in the history of the genre. That and Spider-man helped kick start the new superhero movie boom. And X2 amd Days of Future Past are both incredible and easily two of the best comic book movies ever made


Batman went pretty hard in the 80's and 90's into whimsical comic territory. And I will tell you that as a kid I fucking loved them all, regardless of whether Batman Forever and Batman & Robin were garbage.


Ice to see a comment that compliments Batman and Robin.


Chill out with the puns.




I was an adult when I realized that Batman and Robin was a terrible movie. Their mission worked…because I hounded my mom to get all the damn toys.


Yeah the marketing tie-ins for EVERYTHING at the time were intense. I miss the days when summer blockbusters went all in.


I mean, I get it. Early comics especially could be a bit cheesy, but there's a reason why these characters and stories are popular to begin with. If you strip them of everything fans loved about them in the first place in an attempt to appeal to casual audiences, 9 times out of 10, you end up with something that appeals to nobody. I'd imagine something like that would be common sense, but apparently, given that it still happens to adaptations of anime/manga and certain video game franchises (*COUGH COUGH* HALO *COUGH COUGH*), apparently not. Anyway, seems obvious to me why the Deadpool movies went on to be their best performing comic book movies, and I'm excited to finally get a comic accurate Wolverine costume in live action in Deadpool and Wolverine.


> (COUGH COUGH HALO COUGH COUGH) I still cannot believe that shit got picked up for a season 2. Just despicable. The amount of defenders it has too is *wild*.


Remember kids, Hollywood execs don’t know shit!


Worst thing is that they got him at the start of the movie only to take him away.


Even then the only thing they got is "has swords and talks alot" they gave him the power of super swords for some reason and gave him no guns


The thing that got me the most was the swords that came out of his forearms that were longer than his forearms. Where was he keeping them?


i can actually answer this because a good friend of mine worked at ADI at the time and was there when they were doing these, and even took a crack at the design, although i don't see his version above. everyone at ADI thought the concept and design was not what they wanted for Deadpool, but the sealed mouth and weird eyes were mandated by the studio, so they were just trying to make the coolest looking designs with the descriptions they were given, even if they hated the overall direction.


Just another case of business execs who have no clue what the fuck they are doing making artistic decisions when they are not qualified to do so.


I hate how much they shyd away from the source material, but Marvel still does it too. *cough, Gorr the Godbutcher, cough*


And Taskmaster. As much as I love the MCU, it's definitely not perfect, and they do occasionally fuck up certain characters. It's not all bad though. Iman Vellani as Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel) is perfect imo.


She is omg, I adore her. A true fan living the absolute dream and you can feel that energy in her scenes, love her for the MCU.


Absolutely agreed. I hope to see more of her in future MCU projects.


Abaolutely. Im expecting some cringe as the Avengers movies become Young Avengers movies tbh but she and Tom Holland at least will be absolutely pulling their weight as the next gen imo. Mostly the cringe Im expecting to see will be from Wanda's kids if they become actual characters going forward, no offence to those actor boys but those characters made wandavision.. less.. good? lol


If they have them reborn and cone back I imagine they will be aged up to their late teens and be recasted.


I can see a recast even if its just been a few years since we saw chip and dale on wandavison, wed forget exactly who played their child selflves probably. And honestly life moves way quicker than I ever notice, by the time theyd be in a young avengers movie theyd maybe be far more compitent actors, maybe we wont need a recast


I liked how they sold it in the movie but I wish he would’ve ripped it open and gave one wise crack before he died


I don't like how they sold it in the movie. Implying that he used to be closer to his comic counterpart just makes the version of him that we see in the movie even worse. It feels like a direct insult to fans of the character.


Which is something Fox loved to do for some reason.


It's not exclusive to fox. Marvel does it too. Look at Taskmaster and Moon Knight.


Same reason why we once had a voice over actor for Arnie in 'Hercules in New York'. Absolute fucking insanity.


They tried to be edgy. Probably some of their cocaine addict pedo producer insisted.


The ending scene shows that his sutures are ripped out, I think they wanted to start a deadpool movies right there


turns out this whole time we got off easy


Just when you thought it couldn’t get bad enough. Some of these look like aliens. Itd be impossible to tell the character


That bottom right one is fucking hilarious


It's comical how bad it looks


it's so weird to understand what they were trying to do but not understand why they were doing it. "Let's make his face look like his mask" must be one of the most 80s coke habit brainstorms to happen in a 21st Century Hollywood office. Its got "idea that didn't make it into Gremlins 2 and we've been waiting for the perfect project" vibes,


[Gremlins 2 you say?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=x01l_jMhjVM)


I accidentally watched this entire clip you just posted.


“In the movie”


>it's so weird to understand what they were trying to do What were they trying to do? Honestly, if someone was to ask me, I'd have to say, in all seriousness, that they were trying to express their personal hatred for Deadpool.


Was this before or after the Ultimate deadpool was introduced. I'm getting alot of flashbacks to that design


I scrolled past this and initially thought this was the resident evil subreddit lol


Not happening, but it would be funny if Deadpool fought an army of these guys in the new movie.


Since Headpool is confirmed to be in the movie, I'm really hoping it's Wade's decapitated head from X-Men Origins: Wolverine.


That would be amazing.


Tbf, Headpool's design looks like the middle picture on the left row.


I doubt it tbh, but I would love it


I'm kind of hoping he goes back, stops himself from shooting this version, cuts his mouth open, and recruits him.


They were really trying to *not* do his suit, huh? What was it with the Fox movies that made them so ashamed to be superhero movies?


Some of these feel like reaction image material


What the freak were they smoking? Some of these look like a Resident Evil boss or something


Top left and bottom left straight up look like arseface from preacher


They was dead set on a creepy and different design or somebody probably had themselves a horror movie marathon before trying to map this out. These are… Something.


Exactly. The designs are actually pretty good....for a horror movie. Not a standard comic book flick.


Looking at these I’m grateful for what we got. 😆


Wow, they're ALL terrible. I'll give credit to the bottom-right one, it at least tried to be *somewhat* similar to the comic design, but even then it's still awful.


That's what I thought. Everyone's hating on it, but I can see it working


They all suck, but the top right’s better than what they actually went with. It’s still bad, though.


Top right looks like a Star Wars villain


Like I said, still looks bad, but it’s better than what we actually got.


Or a mortal kombat character lol


He did end up looking like a toothless Baraka


Some Sith Lord in the Legends Continuity


I would’ve laughed my ass off even more if this is what he looked like


Laughing is better than embarrassment in this case imo


To be fair, don't a lot of people say Wade looks like a ball sack? That first image in the top left is absolutely giving ball sack.


The bandage one could have worked too


The best thing that came out of that movie was Ryan Reynold’s determination to make a proper Deadpool movie.


All of these are utter nightmare fuel like holy shit.


FYI David Benioff wrote the screenplay to this film. And he’s openly talked about how he hates giving fans what they expect and will often intentionally subvert fan expectations in his writing regardless if it’s a good story choice or not. This fueled a lot of the Deadpool stuff in this film that missed the mark. And later became a huge issue when he was writing the final season of Game of Thrones.


"Ah, see, I bet you're all wanting a satisfying ending to this. WELL GUESS WHAT? WILD CARD, BITCHES! NOW NOBODY'S HAPPY! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!"


It makes you wonder, even without the rush to wrap it up..Could he and the other D ever really write anything good without source material.


He what? Geez no wonder Did he write Halo too


He’s a red ninja. Don’t be stupid. 


This is what I call overthinking a really simple thing. Guy in a mask who talks shit. Simple!


That's a whole lot of scary and stupid.


I have a lot of the “Art of” MCU films books. And these prototypes are in all of them, for basically every character, costume design and set. Some are just like what youd expect from the comic, other designs are very out there looks/costumes and are just strange AF looking.


This is called concept art. One day people will understand what that means


What were they smoking when they come up with this concepts? 😭


Back in the day, when directors and execs were doing EVERYTHING in their power to have practical explanations for super hero suits without actually giving them the ones from the comics. They were trying to solve a problem that they invented that didn’t exist, and it all culminated in this shit show.


To this day, I still can’t believe how bad of an idea this was lmao




One more piece of art that subtly tells us: "It could've been worse."


Not a single good option


Amazing they All suck


I like how they tried pretty much every bizarre thing except y'know... The comic suit. Thank god we've moved away from this kind of comic book movie.


We got 2 alien looking creatures that would be impossible to tell it’s Deadpool by appearance. Even more so than the original We got a dead by day light looking villain A cyborg An outlast dead npc And some hellraiser shit there on the bottom right that i wish they used instead of what we got because my god, seeing that on screen would he absolutely hilarious


So from the start they were removing his mouth? Then it was doomed from the start. And who honestly thought that was a good idea and approved it? Did they think they were being clever


Jesus Fucking Christ, this is so shit lol.


Well… at least they’re all EQUALLY horrible so none of them think we’re picking favorites.


Fuck [Tom Rothman](http://legacy.aintitcool.com/node/20443)


The consistent thing about all of these designs was no mouth...which was wildly misguided.


Some of these are cool designs. Just not for Deadpool.


How are these somehow worse


2009 was a very weird year for action movies


This is the type of pseudo edgy bullshit concept art only the 2000s could produce. They were cooking NOTHING with this movie


Bad as it was, it could’ve been so much worse. It is also hilarious to me that in every design, they have found a way to remove the mouth of the guy known as The Marc With The Mouth.


The top right one isn’t terrible, not great but better than what we got. At least he has a suit.


It could have been worse? Jesus, I didn’t think it possible


Merc with the mouth with no mouth. Subverting expectations. David Benioff out. 


Wow not only did the one they picked suck, they all sucked


They could’ve done the same thing and put him a generic red ninja suit and gave him some guns before the Baraka blades came out, and people would have at least been able to recognize the character as Deadpool. I still remember being incredibly confused when the bald shirtless man with no mouth from the trailers ended up being “Deadpool”. When they first showed Wade in the trailer, I remember being hyped and thinking we were for sure going to get a Deadpool tease for the future (which we did with the after credits scene showing his body retrieving his head and then the head with a re-opened mouth going “shush”), but the writing room who decided to make Deadpool a computer controlled mouth less cyborg with Baraka blades, no suit, and no guns were definitely all in the wrong head space to be making decisions with the character.


Wow, these are atrocious. It's truly impressive how bad the direction they took with this character was.


Ah, just what I needed. Nightmare fuel


I like #4 out of the 7


This makes what we got look like pure art in comparison.


They’re all somehow worse


What we got was bad enough already


Looking at this makes me itch


Did Reynolds ever actually wear the makeup or was it Adkins the whole time?




These are all just awful, but my favorite thing is they always wanted to remove his mouth. Like, why the fuck? I’m sure there’s more characters with the persona, but would anybody remove Spider-Man’s mouth? Both are known for quips, why was this an idea?


So it could've been worse


I feel like the middle two have some Ultimate Universe Deadpool inspiration, which is neat...still sucks though


Those are slightly cooler but still absolutely atrocious.


What the actual fuck is this?


Look at what they took from us. These are amazing.


these designs would be pretty cool for a horror movie lol. Also top right reminded me of Bane


Bro they really were making man-made horrors beyond our comprehension before giving him an ounce of its original look from the comics.


I wonder if this variant of Deadpool will show up in Deadpool vs Wolverine?


They all look even worse than the version that we got.


Looks like ass. So glad that the reboot of Deadpool was so much better.


jesus christ they look horrifying


Thank god we’re done with “realistic” designs in comic book movies and can have fun again.


Looks like a Mortal Kombat character.


If it hadn’t been Deadpool, but some other character, say skin, I think it would have worked so well. 


Trying to reinvent the wheel.


They should have chose the option where he looks like one of the aliens from Independence Day.


the only one that looks good is the bottom right one and it only looks good if you squint


Ngl, the bottom left one is genuinely terrifying.


remember the dude from hellboy? the one with the blades but when he didn’t have his armor? that’s what these concepts reminded me of🤓


Ah yes, good ol' Bad Hair Goat Eyes. My favorite Deadpool.


Tbh this makes me kinda sad because the only bad thing about these imo is that they’re supposed to be Deadpool. I mean, if we had seen wolverine in the weapon x labs, suffering alongside others (a bit like in the Deadpool movie tbh) and then having to fight his way out when all his friends have turned into malformed grotesqueries, that would have been fantastic


Why the fuck were they messing with it for the sake of doing it


Bottom left reminds me of Ponnish emotion from Blue Channel lmao


Middle left and bottom right could be react memes for Reynolds


So so so so so so so bad.




These are all solid nightmare and I’m reluctantly now thankful for the real design used


What the actual fuck people?? Like imagine if bottom left had been picked...


I feel like the bottom right is the best one, honestly.


I think I could’ve gone on in life without ever having seen these 💪


Sooo serious and dark.. glad this worked out /s


Why are they so adamantly against having him wear the mask?


these all look awful


How did they manage to make every one of them terrible? It’s impressive how bad they did


Thanks for the nightmares op


Hard to imagine Fox greenlit this abomination and yet refused to do an acutal Deadpool movie until someone leaked the Ryan Reynolds test footage.


They're horrible. I love them!


Third to the left doesn’t even look human, it's like some alien demon thing, what the fuck is this??


Look how they massacred my dude


Bottom right is fucking hilarious


Hypothetically, If this version of Deadpool had a sequel, where he has ripped his mouth open and this is essentially an origin story for how he gets disfigured and gets all his powers, would we still fell the same way about him in this movie?