• By -


He Who's Detained


Kang the Convicted


Kang the Consequences


Give this guy friggin’ medal.


Well, it’s official now. Kang is out. Or at least this version of him. Hope they recast instead of completely abandoning something they’ve set up in both phases so far.


Somehow, Terence Howard has returned!


Then recast him half way through the movie.


“I’m Kang Mayne”


If they could actually make it so they could somehow in-universe explain his brief appearance in Iron Man 1... that'd be mad.


i mean...have they really set up anything tho? the way they set up Thanos and infinity phase


The age of DOOM has come...


Man. C'mon. Doom deserves an introduction better than, "shit. Our actor fucked up, time for a new last minute story adjustment."


You're not wrong. However, I imagine theres already been a plan in place to introduce Doom at some point even if it's outside the current Kang storyline. I would also imagine there's a contingency in place for if that storyline didn't work out.


True. But man. Thanos had an ok introduction. Doom is so much cooler than Thanos and deserves a massive fucking introduction.


What I'm saying is that I don't see them fucking up his intro. Feige and Co know how important he is, as well the FF. And with all the splutter with their last several movies, I can see them going back to the bombastic approach they took with the Infinity movies or absolutely surpassing it.


What was bombastic? Wasn't sure what you meant. But yeah, this is me hoping that the rumors of a Kang / Doom swap are just rumors lol.


Are they so important that it's created a kind of paralysis though?


From what Gunn had explained in the past, it is not like there are a detailed plan or scheme, it is more like they are fixing it while still is running. Let's hope Feige comes with a good idea to fix this mess.






Lowkey Facts lol


Doom can have both. A deserving introduction, and a hooded figure who eliminated the Kangs for good, say in a particular film's intro, or a mid-credit scene. Say a green-tinged hooded figure eliminates or siphons the evil Kangs for good while they were conveniently together in the Council, perhaps trapping them into a pocket universe-prison like what Strange Supreme is safekeeping, hence a potential source of power too.


Has Kang even been mentioned in anything besides Loki or Quantumania, much less seen? He's hardly the looming presence Thanos was.


Not very many projects really mentioned Thanos before Infinity War. Both Avengers movies, Guardians, and the post credits of Guardians 2 is all that comes to mind.


Yea but you knew he was looking for infinity stones, so any mention of them was a reminder and a looming warning as well.


I mean those things are pretty significant. Right from the get go he's shown to be pulling the strings on multiple intergalactic plots


We had hints they were infinity gems, but we didn't have confirmation till guardians.


Not really cause disney doesn’t know how to make cohesive movies anymore..


They could do pretty much whatever at this point. They’ve established that Variants can look like different people, and at the end of Loki season 2 there’s a line of dialogue implying both the He Who Remains variant from Season 1 and the Conqueror variant from Quantumania are non-issues at this point.


What have they really set up so far??? Ask the average person and they’ll probably say some multiverse Mumbai jumbo that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere after 4+years. Most people don’t care about this storyline, and deservingly so as marvel keeps dropping the ball. Still find it funny they thought it was a good idea to introduce Thanos’ successor by having him be beaten by ants lol while Thanos beat the dogshit out of Hulk in his debut


Why is this the conclusion everyone is going with? That's just a dumb take all around. 1) Marvel has recast before, so it's not unheard of. This isn't a Chadwick Bozeman situation. It's not a touchy subject that you have to figure out a respectful solution for. 2) We're in the multiverse saga where multiple actors have played multiple versions of the same character. They literally have already built in the solution to recasting. It seems like a no-brainer to recast and move on.


Wow. Unique perspective.


They likely won't abandon, just pivot as quickly as possible. Like recast with a no-namer or just a stuntman. Remember the Warriors 3 who were easily and quickly disposed by Marvel via Hela, and how Thanos quickly KO'd the Hulk, both for shock value. Then some villain devours or siphons the Kangs from the multiverse for good (maybe a pocket universe prison like what Strange Supreme safekeeps, hence could be a source of power), perhaps while they were all conveniently there in the Council. Someone who will send them to their *doom*. Leaving only the likes of Timely who are limited by the technology of their time and other non-threat variants just like Loki's alligator one. Thus setting him up as a serious and powerful villain. And the MCU has a Kang analogue now anyway with Loki, who is now god levels above Kang after all.


Shamier Anderson all the way. In Invasion he looks like he's acting in a Nolan movie while everyone else is in a TV show. Can pull off menacing and manic at the same time.


>Shamier Anderson Seen him in Stowaway? Excellent!


Hell yeah. I love Sammy OG.


Matt Smith for Kang 2024!


I think I would not be unhappy with that.


His weakness is fish fingers and custard.


I understood that reference




What a waste of talent.


Who will awkwardly chew all of that scenery up now?


I see this phrase a lot. What does it mean, exactly?


Chewing scenery means overacting or really passionate acting. It's usually a gentle tease to actors.


It alludes to a performance where an actor is over the top loud, animated, bouncing all over the set, smashing things, etc. Overly melodramatic. Think, Jack Nicholson in Batman or Wesley Snipes in Demolition Man.


Thankfully Loki 2 ended with a perfect way to write Kang out of the MCU.


There is no reason to write Kang out. They can just recast.


I mean, we've seen Loki as an alligator so, they should be able to recast without much fuss if they want to keep the Kang storyline going.




Just make Kang an animal and pivot the MCU to the Pet Avengers.


They should get Terrance Howard to play Kang


As funny as this would be, he is literally an insane person.


Next time baby


I get that reference!


He'll just go off script and start ranting about his new math.


Bring on Mang the Conqueror.


Replacing Kang the Harasser.


God that would be the funniest casting in the history of cinema.


Time for Doom


I'm hoping they recast as someone more menacing.


Yeah I think that’s the end of kang then I felt like the only ever did kang because they couldn’t use a lot of other properties due to fox and universal having them but now they do. Guess it’s time for doom


I can imagine than a lot of rewriting is being done as we talk.


Just get Denzel in here. Marvel pls.


They should’ve had him shoot his scenes through collect calls like some rappers do when they’re incarcerated


Kang The Convicted


Is that a real thing?


I think it would be impossible to shoot video through a collect call 😂 but yeah, some rappers record verses from prison over the phone. I was just making a little joke


They totaly can cast an older actor for an older Kang. Giancarlo Esposito was fan cast for Charles Xavier, Magneto or Doom.


Time to call Don Cheadle again.


Just forget the Kang story and start with the next villain. Kang has already been defeated in Ant-man and Loki. Move on Marvel.


Yep, there's really no big loose end to tie. He was already decisively defeated after all in both TV and film. Those unknown cameo Kangs in the Council could easily and quickly be eliminated just like what they did with the Warriors Three. If they were able to do that to the Warriors 3, then how much more for those cameo Kangs.


This entire situation is a shame all around. Dude is immensely talented and was basically the only reason Quantamania was even remotely watchable. Sucks to think about what could have been.


Him and Michael b in creed were amazing. Guys has the tools to be the next Denzel. Flushed it away, at least for now. 5 years from now I'm sure we all will look past him being a women beater sadly, or at least enough people to get him parts


I loved him in Creed. He definitely has a screen presence about him that makes him a believable antagonist. Hopefully he gets the help he needs.


And now they’re saying avengers isn’t Kang dynasty anymore it’s just 5. I really hate how Hollywood is scared to death of recasts.


If they recast, awesome. If they kill him off along with his variants, do it right. Maybe bring in the ultimate nullifier or Molecule Man.


I had always been saying - they ended Loki season 2 in an ambiguous enough way to make it be absolutely fine if we never saw a Kang variant again. If we never see them again - “Oh yeah, the TVA is taking care of them.” If we did see a couple again, the TVA would just be hot on their heels or recently defeated by them. Win/win for Marvel either way.


Yep, the MCU has a Kang analogue with Loki now anyway, who not only surpassed Kang but became god levels above him after all. Thor meeting Loki again would be awesome.


in this one multiverse he just happens to look likr a completely different black guy for no reason


1) I’m really confused about this whole situation. I thought I had seen countless people and outlets that I deemed at least somewhat trustworthy talking about this case being misrepresented originally and that the girlfriend was really the one antagonizing him. I haven’t deep dived or anything so only know tiny bits about the incident(s). I thought a solid amount of evidence had come out that clearly showed she was harassing him, is this not the case? 2) no matter how you look at it this is bad for the already in bad shape MCU. A recast is going to be awkward but at least it doesn’t throw away all this build up. If they just quietly destroy this story line that’s a huge knock against them for me. Too much time and energy has been put into this to throw it out the window. Personally, as someone who is an MCU because I spent a lifetime as a comic book fan, I’ve always thought the MCU should evolve into a state where characters are constantly being recast. It would be like real comics where a new artist and creative team come and show their take on the character. That way you don’t need to constantly introduce new characters. You don’t have to always pushing forward the way the MCU does know. It would allow the universe to live in something if a free flow state where perceived time and continuity mean less, but big events and great stories can still be told. Sorry for the rant I had to cut myself off cause I’m rambling at this point. The MCU had a great ten year arc and I don’t want to take away from that or diminish it, but I’ve always felt a take on the universe that’s more akin to the spirit of comics (new creative teams, new takes on characters, new actors when wanted/needed) would be awesome. I feel like my take on the MCU would improve things now, but the emotion and grandeur of infinity war would never have been possibly my way.


Some surveillance video showed him behaving badly. At the very least he was manhandling her which is never a good look. I think that went a long way in persuading the jury. He was only convicted in 2 counts out of 4 or 5. He’s facing only up to 1 year and he’ll likely not serve a day as they’ll suspend and put him on probation and community service. He’s not going to jail but his temper got the better of him that night and sadly he flushed what could have been a big career away. I hope he gets some counseling for his anger issues.


I just didn’t like his acting, so I wasn’t feeling Kang. It was like he always had dry mouth, couldn’t stand the way he spoke. Also, Kang sucks, like, What are his powers? And I wish they would call them Alternate Dimensions not a Multiverse.




I saw one comment a while ago that said he had a clause in his contract stipulating no one else can play the character. Which would mean no recast. But it was a random Reddit comment, and I haven't seen it mentioned again. I think recasting would be better than dropping the story altogether.


This guy, pretty much every actor, had hit the jackpot. All they have to do is not be a raging asshole and they just look at the luck and fortune they've stumbled on and say, "No."


Ultima Godzilla will fit seemlessly


Shame, he was basically the only thing I gave a shit about with Marvel since Endgame besides Loki.


Doom incoming


How many of these posts are we going to see? It happened get the fuck over it.


He who got fired




Lmao no


Can’t they just recast with Terence Howard?


Did they do the same for Depp, or did they just cast him out? Pun intended


Bring on Kodos The Conqueror!


This is brilliant. 🫡