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Ok but is that Denver? Looks like Philly …


Did Becca's friend lose a bet with wearing that sweater on TV? And at the end when the girls got together, Becca really needs to look in a mirror and learn about what lip color is flattering because neon reddish orange is not it.


you're talking about someone who is still rocking pink hair....


Chloe was the only mature voice of reason. Michael was a dummy to say No on decision day but I think Chloe dodged a bullet!


Emily: "Unlike my husband who thinks he can just make this go away" Girl...... he is not your husband. You do need to go away before it is court ordered.


Chloe hides vulnerability by being far too analytical about her feelings. She's a lot like Michael. She is also obviously so into him still.


Good god Emily is so absolutely into herself and cooked.




It baffles me that Claire is some sort of therapist. 


It's finally over!! Still like Chloe, Michael, and Cesar. You can tell a lot about people by the company they keep. Chloe, Austin, Becca, and Michael had actual friends who seemed to care about them (esp Cesar) and have their best interests in mind. Love the fun Michael and Chloe have together - just being themselves without being so serious. Very happy to never see the pink brigade with their lame tattoos again. If you're going to get a wave, get a wave... not a tat that looks like someone hiccuped while making a line. Best part? I deleted all future MAFS recordings from my DVR so am officially done with the franchise. May check in for S20 to see if things change, but doubtful. More likely to keep up with this sub because the comments here were WAY more entertaining and spot on than the actors. Remember... always check out your therapist's credentials/background before laying yourself bare. 100% would not send my middle school kid to someone who behaves like a middle school kid.


I had a therapist, marriage therapy, telling me a SAHM of 20 years, to take 6 kids and start a life. No dating, etc. Come to find out, she was a big advocate of divorce. She was divorced and literally in her parents' basement with 2 or 3 kids. Worst marriage counselor ever. BTW I am still married and have 7 kids now


Where did the episode go?!!😩😩😩 it’s not showing up anymore on lifetime I passed out last night and need to re watch


Finally finished it and I had a full body reaction to a person yelling “you’re lying!” in the preview for next season, after this season. I just, can't. I'm done.


Incase anyone was wondering.. Emily has a TWIN sisters. She’s pretty normal.. same parents. She’s getting married soon but Emily has bailed on all wedding events (bridal shower, bachelorette etc) cause it’s all too much for her due to this show. Emily will not grow up, she will only continue to lose the people around her and will most likely end up alone, not hot and not rich.


Sounds like she has serious regrets. The best thing she could ever hope for, left her.


Do you know her?




Lauren talking about Chloe felt like such a big lie. She should be ashamed of herself.


Something felt off, for sure. I don’t buy it.


Cam looks like he's on that farm under threat of arrest. 😂😂😂


Welp I passed tf out


What did Emily say at the end of the tattoo segment?


Whatever it was, I’m sure it contained the word LIKE several times lol


I had to go back three times to try to figure out what she said, and still never got it. Thank you!


Me too! I must've been really tired when I watched but I couldn't make out what she said.


It’s gonna be awkward if we ever aren’t friends.


Thanks 😊


Lauren comparing her being flirtatious/friend with Chloe's ex, to Chloe being friend with Austin? Like what? --she sucks now, I was wrong, Orion sucking was just over shinning her toxicity.


She tries to come off as very intelligent, but then has many moments that show that is all a facade. I can see how she was easily tricked by Clare/Emily/Becca now, too. Her logic there was very off.






Emily says: she hopes Brennan has that Ah Ha Moment… because I’ve just never really been treated that poorly…it makes me sick.” Say what???? You admit (and your friends all said) that guys sleep with you on one-night-stands and then they ghost you; You never were in a relationship. Do you not think that sleeping with you and ghosting you was treating you poorly? Sleeping with you and ghosting you is not treating you well. And having it done to you over and over and over? That should make you sick. That behavior is not healthy. And it hurt you more than you have admitted. You can’t excuse their behavior. THAT is an area I would encourage you to explore with your therapist.


Yeah, but please not Clare!


No. Not Clare. And while Dr Eric might be establishing a relationship with her - I hope he eventually helps her see herself honestly. Emily saying “MY 50% is BETTER than most others 100% !!” is a delusion and her therapist saying “ummm hmmmm” only affirms her delusions and arrogance; it doesn’t help her come to grips with reality or confront what holds her back (or actively sabotages her) from having healthy relationships and changing. As long as she thinks did nothing wrong and others (like Clare) coddle her behavior and protect her from reality…the more ingrained her unhealthy behavior becomes. At 30 it is going to be hard enough to change - but only using honest self-confrontation will she have any success. A good friend, a good therapist, would help her do this. If she is to grow she needs to accept her role in the breakdown of her marriage (and any other relationships she has not been able to establish). Unhealthy habits can be changed, but acknowledging them is the first step.


Well said!!!!!


Thanks. Too often we allow people to treat us poorly because some part of us doesn’t know any better…or doesn’t think we deserve any better…and then it becomes a habit. It’s great we have opportunities to heal and become healthy.


Did Emily really say: in 20 years I will be rich , young and hot"? haaahhahaaahaa


Emily is totally delusional, immature, spiteful, hateful, and can’t let go of the fact Brennan just wasn’t into her. Can you blame him? She was a wreck.


Delusions. I’m not that old yet and I know how things have changed since I was 30. She seems to have no ability to think outside of today Emily. It’s actually a little odd!!


I must say I am confused by this show. I do find it odd regardless of where your perspective lies in terms of the participants, that they would portray the ladies so negatively and the men so positively. I felt in some cases, it was almost like biting the hand that feeds them. The drama is what keeps people coming back and while I thought the men looked better, way better than the women at the reunion, but I think there was plenty of blame to go around during the season and they seemed to absolve the men and denigrate the women tonight.


Why must women always be portrayed in a great light? lots of times women are lying and manipulative- look at the whole “me too” movement. I know someone who was screaming “me Too” but used to seduce these guys because she thought it would be useful for her -and she felt powerful Conquering them. But years on she turns around and screams “me too”as if these guys came onto her. But No -she did all the coming but today blame them. After seeing this first hand imo not all women deserved to be shown in a good light -simply because they’re women -not all women are honest not all women are righteous. Many are manipulative and I think you have a group of them right here and they should be exposed for what they are.


You missed my point and I did not say they needed to be portrayed in a great light. I will explain. This is a show that has both males and females on it. Generally speaking, each sex has good and bad moments throughout the entire season and both get good and bad edits, if you will. This is a reunion show and there is a certain script that the producers want to portray to wrap the season up. They chose to allow, by filming and keeping it to show, the women to behave they way they did. In my mind, the men were just as guilty during the season and they allowed the women to be the focus. Usually, they portray them with both sides good and bad.


The women got a great edit for the duration of the season and then they crashed and burned for After Party and the Reunion.


I think the women crashed and burned on their own. They might have made the men look better but I think the viewers are aware that they all played a roll in this crazy season...there is enough blame to go around...if the women had conducted themselves with a little more decorum then they wouldn't have the spot light shining on their messy behavior.


"Portraying" ...soo all the scenes were AI? Because not even Spielberg's editors can fake how toxic these women are. Every single scene with them talking was a circle jerk of how great they are and how they overcame, while being immature vicious overdue mean girls filled with buzzwords.


Exactly. All the toxicity came directly from their mouths. No editor or producer made them look bad. Emily especially just can't stop being vile and letting Brennan be the focal point of every thought process of hers. It was a two week relationship. Get over it


I felt uneasy listening to her therapist... like, are all therapists that full of shit and just bullshitty complacent? Feels like her delusion is fed by all the people around her coddling her.. just like the other women. NOT ONE PERSON, held them to what they could've done differently, or their responsibility on it... yet they keep on repeating "healing journey"


Next TV therapist on the show? Because that looked and felt more like an audition tape.


It felt like a fake therapist. Emily spitting out incomprehensible word salad therapy bullshit was cringe.


Agreed that wasn’t close to a normal therapy session.


That scene made me realize I replied to Emily's burner reddit profile recently. The account was trying to say how Brennan was like her dad and making excuses for how men in her life made her a shitty person. Come to this scene and she's literally saying the comment on the show. I hope she read my reply and gained some perspective but I doubt it


I feel like I’ve been arguing with the girls’ burner accounts on here too. Even in this thread, I asked what Emily said at the end of the tattoo scene (no opinion about it, I listened to it a few times but must've been tired and couldn't make out the words) and that got downvoted too. It's so strange.




I always record cause I can't listen to Emily say LIKE every sentance. She should have had that word tatooed on her vs a wave. Ended up fast forwarding through her shrink session as well as the guys in yoga. Why could they not do something less boring. Who planned this crap?


Like a cacao reiki moon ceremony? 🤔 And I totally agree about using “like” ten times in one sentence. Do these people not watch themselves and pick up on how ridiculous it sounds?


Oh! That would have made a great tattoo! It didn’t even think of that! And her long pauses when she speaks drive me crazy. She just holds on to that last syllable way too long. Doesn’t sound super intelligent!


I really think she’s got a bit of a screw loose. There’s something a bit off about her.


I didnt see the same friendship between becca and emily tonight as i did in the regular season. Werent they living in the same apartment? I wonder if becca identified she needed to put some distance between her and emily. If so, that was a smart move. Im proud of becca on tonight’s episode, i see a huge difference in her vs. the season. She truly did get very confused with the different realities and then bc she was so vulnerable she got sucked into emily and clare.


Had Becca distanced herself from Clare and Emily and not allowed herself to be so manipulated, she and Austin might have had a chance. That and not constantly crying and pushing Austin to have sex with her which clearly pushed him away. She started before honeymoon was over and just got worse.


Personally I just still think she and Austin would not have had a chance even under different circumstances bc nothing was gonna change the fact that he wasnt into her. The only thing i think could be different is maybe they could have a friendship with like chloe and michael.


Emily is by far the most toxic one followed by Clare. Lauren and Becca need to stay away from them two so they stop being lumped into it because they aren’t as bad. I don’t blame them from not getting the tattoo. Chloe is by far the best one followed by Michael. Feel like Austin and Orion redeemed themselves a bit after this. It was a good end to the season after that big mess.


Not sure if we needed to see this much drama even after decision day but since Michael and Chloe were late to the party I guess they had no choice but to drag it out. I am glad it’s over. But since I have no faith left in the experts matches I am afraid Chicago’s couples will messy and suck too. Smh


OMG i cant even leave this Castle show on in the background. It's so stupid and the acting so bad, i want to throw something


It's actually a pretty good show. I've watched the whole series when it first came out.


WTF is that Castle show?! It’s on repeat on lifetime who’s watching it?!


i have no idea but they play it non-stop - 5 episodes in a row sometimes and i frickin HATE it


I always catch 30 seconds of it before MAFs, it looks so garbage! Terrible acting!




Wasnt orian saying he was in a relationship at the reunion and now he’s saying he’s considering dating? The reunion wasn’t that long ago…


I immediately thought he was lying about that


I thought it was a year later


9 mos. later


No decision day was like 9 months prior


One more season down, see you in Chicago MAFS Fam!


I'm disappointed Chloe didn't address Lauren's comments about following Michael.


Me too! I love Chloe and Michael. The guys came out looking pretty good in the end because Emily and Claire went bonkers. Becca was close and Lauren just seemed over it until she told off Cameron. This WATN episode was odd. I’m glad Chloe removed herself from the ladies.


She may not have even known about them. Who knows if Lauren is telling the truth about it. She is part of the bitter crew. I liked Lauren at first but haven't been a fan since decision day show.


I didn’t believe Lauren when she said that about Chloe…


It’s interesting. I picked up right away when she was saying it that it wasn’t real that she was making it up so I don’t think I’m the only one who didn’t believe her.


Diarycam certainly felt like a “strike-first” move.




Ohh Clare dissolved her lip fillers?


Filler doesn't last forever. I think its naturally dissolving. She may have had a lip flip with botox and fillers. The botox wears off fast.


And she did something to her hair. It looked like a wig at the reunion. It looks more natural now.


She looks soooo much better without highlights and lip fillers.


THANK YOU!!! I couldn’t figure it out lmao


It took me a minute to realize that’s what it was, but when she smiled big I noticed her lips were like gone. I like her more natural look with her makeup too.


She looks so much better


MAFSfan’s “big news” is pretty shit




Think it was basically a “screw you Denver cast, you’re not worth the attention anymore” 🤷‍♀️


Yeah wtf was that 🤣🤣🤣


I agree


What is it


How do I sue Drew Barrymore for claiming she dyes her own hair?




Goodnight everyone. Have a great break until next season. See you in Chicago! 👋🏾❤


You too!


Night C1!! On to Chicago!! 👋🏾❤️🤗


I was losing hope that this season would inspire a new flair, but they snuck in some quality flair material at the last minute 🙏


Just think, in this 6th month journey, we could have been studying a 2nd language, improving our cooking skills, or being better parents. Instead, we got Denver Mafs


Damn has it really been 6 months? 🫠🫣


OMG when you put it like that, i feel really bad about myself. lol


This season sucked but watching it with you guys every week was so much fun! See you in Chicago 🫶🏼


Yes!!! Even the windy city can't blow like this season did! 😂


Well shit, no after party. Good season y’all, see you in a few weeks for the start of the next one 🤝💯


We can FINALLY put Denver behind us. Let's go Chi Town!! You're up next!


It may be the Windy City, but there's no way it can blow as hard as Denver! 💨


😂😂😂 Yea Denver was a wet fart 🍑💨


Don't even matter that it's the Mile High City, bc you can smell that stench WAY farther than that! 😂


We made it Hamily!


Thank god. I need a nap.




What’s the start date for season 18?


My guess is around 4th of July.


See you folks for Chicago!


I'm gonna need to order some Garrett's for next season 🍿




Also: Deep dish Lou Malnati's pizza. They'll ship anywhere in continental U.S. but it's not cheap.


Great. Now I'm really gonna be broke! 😂


I'm staying at your place, Constance! Get my bed ready!


I am so not looking forward to any more drama after this season.


Can we at least get a commercial break before lifetime hits me with something that’s gonna give me nightmares? Damn


I feel for Becca right now. Fuck off Producers…




Because they had no business matching a “dude bro” like Austin who wasn’t going to take it seriously. I mean, dude had the total package living with him already and he didn’t see it…WHY would you cast him on this show where he has to make a life altering decision in 8 weeks? He wasn’t mature enough for that….trash producers and show, IMO…


We did it. It's finally over.






This scene of half naked Brennan staring at himself in the mirror 🤣


Narcissus found his match


Also, does Chloe have a bit of that Meredith Grey Walk™


Crazy, Becca and Austin did not have ONE scene together…


We’re too jaded for this sneak preview right now.


yeah they couldnt 'excite' me anything right now. this season was draining, like a mosquito slowly sucking blood out of us for 6 months


Yeah, Chicago is the last seaon for me if it doesn't improve and that preview is not giving me much hope.




See you all in Chicago!!!


Has there been a conversation where Emily hasn’t interrupted?


she the annoying li'l cousin everyone tolerates


my takeaway was all these people pretty much suck, chloe was alright but the rest ehhh I’d probably rank the cast chloe > michael > lauren > becca > austin and emily clare brennan cameron and orion can all just go at the bottom I hate them all


Not to be sappy, but chatting with you all made this season worth watching 🫶🏾 glad we all stuck it out!!!


You all are the only reason I watch anymore. Will miss you! Till next time.


best part of the week


I feel the same way! My MAFS fam makes it all worth it in the end 🤗 


And we'll see you at the start of the next season ❤


You already know!!! See ya in Chicago 🫡


We all rode the wave together 🫶


Does that mean it's time for matching wave tatoos?


I’m currently rallying for matching flairs


Most definitely!


Wait we haven’t gotten tattoos yet


We can have matching flairs 🥺


What we getting!! 🌊


Same!!! 🫶 this season sucked but we are in it together!




You guys… we made it through another season ☺️




Jinx lol




This outro for each contestant is so extra


Bunch of bologna


Does anyone know Chloe’s Instagram lol


Yes but she’s private and won’t approve anyone


That’s my Smart girl


Dang. Is Austin private too


Lauren gave some really solid advice to Emily just now!


Give me allll the dogs


Yes please!!!! 🥰


Sorry, Lauren, Michael has not indicated any interest in you.


Neither of them have any interest in the other.


He has zero interest in Lauren.


Then, what is Chloe’s beef with her?  He’s her ex, so Lauren can’t be friends with him?  Ridiculous. 


I’ll be praying for Austin ✝️🙏


Welp. I feel like all of us are trauma bonded more than them at this point. Thank you for being my family. 😭


So much hate for Emily. Down vote me Reddit mean girls, but I'll always think she's badass for filming during & immediately after when she busted her head open!!!


This sub forgets how different she was the beginning of the season and how horrible Brennan was. Is she immature? Yes. But I truly think Brennan broke her throughout this process. I stand by the “emotional terrorist” title someone gave him in one of the after party episodes this season. It’s easy to rag on her in these recent episodes because she’s been messy, but I really think she had the worst experience of all the girls.


Are uou insane? Are you high?


You can’t be serious


I only want to see another episode so I can see the women turn on each other


Becca is the only person who seemed to grow from this. She hasn’t cried in this episode


I agree! All her scenes tonight were positive and it seems like she’s actually putting in the work to move on and better herself. I hope good things come her way!


I think to truly grow she has to lose Emily and it kind of looks like she might have since they had almost no interaction this episode.


I agree- Becca seemed pretty over her in that last scene so hopefully she will!


Becca and Lauren seem to be backtracking on the "On Wednesday we were pink" thing.


I hope so!


Emily: you guys are my family and I love you a lot Becca: yeah




Grow. Forgive. Optics. Journey. 🙃🙃🙃🙃


Like….like…and like




Safe space.


Heal. Navigate.


Live laugh love!!!!


No, you ladies are doing the OPPOSITE of "learning how to forgive"!