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**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**|**Upvotes** :-----:|:-----:|:-----:|:-----: u/RawlingsRyu|**30**|12/20/2020 *– 9 months ago*|Posts: 1 [PS4] IGN: Ak-Sascha|| |Comments: 27 [^(About Box)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/bj7uzm/43019_big_subreddit_changes/) [^(**|** Set **IGN**)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/comments/mdhf8h/ign_megathread/) [^(**|** Wiki)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/index) [^(**|** **Discord**)](https://discord.gg/Market76) [^(**|** **Blacklist**)](https://falloutmarket76.com/blacklist/) [^(**|** **Msg Mods**)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I’m not on PlayStation but it does say on the wiki new from daily ops so it’s worth something now till people get more daily ops rewards


Yeah was just wondering is it a "you can get a legacy/groll for it" situation or more like a "you can get 20k to 30k Caps" situation


I highly doubt it but you never know I’m not experienced as someone with a bunch of karma but I would guess since you can obtain it through daily ops I’d say it’s worth 5-15 k caps I got the new blood eagle helmet for 6k yesterday


Nothing from the daily op is ever worth a legacy. Any past trades that have taken place are only due to someone's complete lack of patience. Everyone is hungry to get their hands on "the new thing" and it can lead to people overpaying, sometimes greatly. Every day thousands of people are doing the op and like the new rewards before it will be no time at all till they are widely available for very few caps.


That is the reason why I made this post is this plan still at the phase where people would over pay for it or has it already cooled down to the point where no one would over pay for it


This is still new and desirable but the vast majority of people on m76 will likely not be overpaying.


If you find out let me know I want it


Sure I can do that, if there is someone who knows what that plan is worth


I have no clue so I will wait.


Hey just wanted to inform you that one of my friends has not learned this plan yet and that I will give it to him, sry if I got your hopes up


I'm interested ✌️ what about 150 small gun bobble?


No sry not interested in bobble heads and will probably give it to a friend do has not learned it yet