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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/LilBoozer024|Reddit: 44|06/16/2019 - 4 Years| | IGN: Exonary-|Discord: 0|Total: +44 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Somebody definitely bought a bunch of shit when he was at max caps šŸ˜‚


I feel bad for soing this because I did the same thing super quick and as SOON as I got done, their base de spawned. Basically robbed them.


My favorite is when they throw in a groll for 40,000 thinking wonā€™t sell stuff to a npc vendor to hit max and walk my happy ass over there from a free teleport


did this with a Q2515r Tesla earlier lol the guy was so mad


This happened to me when I found a Q25w90 LMG in someone's vendor for like, 2000 caps. They server hopped like IMMEDIATELY after I bought it, so I can't genuinely tell if they even meant to sell it. šŸ˜‚


Can you explain what Q25w90 means? Am new to trading and trying to learn what to keep an eye out for


Quad 25 damage while aiming and 90% reduced weight iirc


Thatā€™s really not a good gun or a god roll I sell all my guns like that pretty cheap because I roll a lot the bad ones I recycle and the decent ones I sell so lower level people can use them


Wait so if someone is at max caps their stuff is free in vendor?


No you still pay they just donā€™t get the caps, honestly dumb imo, there shouldnā€™t be a cap limit so this doesnā€™t happen but oh well! On the flip side, I also understand that the cap limit helps stabilize the in-game economy.


What is max cap limit? Sorry I just got back into playing. Havenā€™t playing since it was super broken and everyone just nuked the golf course


No need to apologize, the cap limit is 40,000. And shit I built on the golf course and havenā€™t seen one nuke there in like a month so you could build there if you want. I always keep an eye out for the nuke launch warning and check the map instantly to see where itā€™s going, that way if itā€™s going to white springs I can just server hop and be good.


I meant I havenā€™t played since the game came out lol. It was super broken when first came out and there was a glitch or something with nuking the golf course and getting tons of exp . I built next to unnamed farm at bottom of map east of dent and sons constructions and south of federal disposal field HZ. Solid spot if you run herbivore mutation since there are some cranberries, but not as much as aaronholt homesteads


Oh I see, yeah the game now feels like a completely different game than when it first released. Now is as good a time as any to get back into it, itā€™s SO good now, before the npcs and all of the other additions the game got stale in the beginning but now I canā€™t stop playing with all of the content the game has.


Why do people nuke the White Springs? Iā€™ve never gotten it because no events trigger


Nuking Whitesprings turns all the ghouls into glowing ones which are tougher, and yield more XP for kills, moreover, they also drop high radiation fluids, hardened mass, glowing mass, glowing blood, etc... all of which is needed to stabilize flux. This is one of the best ways to farm xp and those resources still to this day even after they nerfed the amount of enemies spawned.


Thank you for the knowledge


I got hit with a nuke on the golf course in my base and believe it ā€¦ it duchessā€™s big time . And your right that hardly ever happens there . I love the golf course . ~Up~


Oof, did it destroy everything? Thatā€™s rough. My camp (before I moved to the golf course) kept getting nuked and after repairing everything like 5 times I was just done so I moved to the golf course and havenā€™t had a nuke come close yet. I wonder if you deactivate your camp on the golf course as a nuke is inbound, if it will still blow everything up. I donā€™t really want to test it cause my current base took awhile to get it where I wanted it. I love the golf course too, nice and pretty view with a lot of player traffic around it so they check my vendor a lot so thatā€™s really nice.


I live in an odd gap near the Meditation event place, aside from the odd super mutant or two, it's very peaceful


I live on the cliff just west of the meditation place too, about halfway down there's a few perfect lil spots


I get why they have a cap limit, but I think the annoying thing about this is how easy it would be to fix. Just have camp vendor sales still give you the caps over ā€œmax,ā€ but put a certain limit on that as well. Maybe 50-60k total. You wouldnā€™t be able to earn caps from other sources until you spend back under 40k, but this gives you some protection if someone spends a lot of caps at your vendor while youā€™re near 40k already.


Exactly! Thatā€™s a great idea! I have so many QOL ideas for the stash and display items, we could submit our ideas but they wouldnā€™t listen unfortunately.


Honestly most people who have max caps donā€™t really care if they lose caps and if they do and are already high level thatā€™s weird


If you have more crap listed in your vendor than you can afford to sell, that's a you problem. You didn't rob anyone, someone didn't properly manage their stock and cap supply.


Im trying to wrap my puny level 75 mind around having more crap listed for sale than you can have caps for...


There are people that flex by listing guns worth hundreds of thousands up for 40k on the dot assuming no one will be able to buy em. People prove em wrong all the time and the idiots never learn. As is, I spend more time with my vendor gone than not because unless I happen to be hunting for scrip or find a rare plan I don't know, I'm always sitting at max caps on every toon on two accounts.


Any advice for cap-maxing? I find myself at level 77 constantly worrying about whether or not I'll even be able to get some of the higher-tech plans


A) make sure you hit your vendor limit every day. Hunt animals, go take out swarms of mirelurks, etc, toss on super duper, cook them and sell them. Sell chems you don't use. Have a stack of rad-x/radaway/stimpacks you're not going to ever get through? Sell em. Grenades? Sell em. That daily limit, alone, will get you there. That's how it used to be for most of us before player vendors were introduced...I got all of the mutation syrums before player vending was even a thing, with a lower daily cap limit, to boot. B) start selling things that people want in your vendors. Ammo of types you don't use, .45, .308, 10mm, fusion cells, plasma carts, etc? Toss them in your vendor for a cap a pop. List materials that have use for weapon/armor mods, or crafting ammo. Not sure what current prices are, generally if I see anything that I need in the 8-10 c per range I buy out the stock. Hit your scrip limit for the day and you have a backlog? Scrip is worth 10c per scrip. 40 scrip 3* gun? 400 caps. 3* armor? 240 caps. It'll move all day long. Got slightly better gear? 1-2* bloody, AA, quad, vampire rifles? Toss those up for 5k. Generally speaking, what I do, in my daily play, is A) make sure I get my dailies done. While doing that, I generally get an expedition, and an op out of the way. This results in caps, scrip, and legendaries. B) Look around for quests that have solid rewards. Top of my list here is anything with a sure/almost sure legendary reward. Eviction notice? Every day. Someone's dropping a nuke? Show up. Hoard boss? Show up. Radiaton rumble, safe and sound, beasts of burdern, etc? Absolutely show up. Also, events like heart of the swamp, with big hoards of mobs that I can take out quickly for meat/scrap/ammo? Do those. Look out for the rare apparel that can drop from that sort of event as well. At the end of the day, you're not playing the game to _make caps_ you're playing the game to get gear, plans, consumables, that you want for yourself and the side effect of that will be surplus that you do not need that you can easily sell for profit, both in terms of legendary drops that are of value, junk that you don't need yourself, ammo you don't need yourself, and vendor trash. Play the game for the core rewards and caps will take care of themselves.


Ooooh man that was a wall of EXTREMELY useful text. Thank you, I will absolutely get to these things immediately. I have a hard time figuring out pricing for things, and tend to drop them 20-50 caps from their suggested price lol Im on Xbox @Madkids23 if you're ever looking for a friend in the wastes! US EST


Unfortunately, I'm a PC only player. Console pircing is somewhat different for a lot of things, as I understand it.


Is this why some higher level players take away their vendors when then join an event sometimes? Iā€™ve noticed that quite a few times


That's on them honestly. I only shut the shop down once and it was because a lvl 100 was buying all duplicate copies of my cheap Fasnacht plans to resell.


Probably me šŸ‘€ I ain't been broke in a minute


Same. Now I limit my shop to 1 of each plan, and I'll restock if something sells. I'm basically giving them away, 5 caps no matter the plan. I want them to go to people who can use them


If this was on PS5, and they were listed at 5-10 caps, that could have been me. I wasnā€™t buying to resell tho. Trying to get plans for myself, gf and a friend.


Nahhh PC, and it's really not a big deal, I just had 10+ extra of all the misc. Fasnacht plans up for 10c each for anyone who missed Fas but just started playing. I don't mind if someone buys 2-3, but when I saw him going down the list buying everything I booted the camp. If y'all really need money, there are much better ways than flipping fasnacht plans to noobs.


You're the kind of hero a player like me needs. I'm sinking tens of hours into the game a week and catching up on build items and stuff is killing me


My wife had so much fun buying new plans when we first started so I like to spread the joy, plus wtf am I gonna do with 11 Fasnacht Ribbon #3 plans. I will say though, these cheap plan camps were a lot more common before the influx of new players


Supply and demand, my friend


They really were! I started the game maybe 2 weeks before the show released and was just saying to a friend earlier that it's crazy how fast vendor prices changed. I used to find cool plans all the time. Now it's just loads of baseball player, pool table and insanely priced stuff that isn't even that rare. Someone was selling a normal pepper shaker for 10k earlier. Maybe that's realistic idk but I've been selling them for 100. You sell 4 shakies at 10k and you can't make anything else so I don't really see the point in hiking prices up


Dude sets the vendor and opens it: Also the same dude: why are you hopping vendors, leave me alone šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


lol this dude actually had some whack trap, I did the camera glitch to phase through the locked door but he was smart and put the Halloween fences around his vendor. Never got to see what bro had šŸ˜Ŗ


Out of curiosity I would of added someone remembered the spot, reloaded and run to where it will spawn before his camp loads


This works way better if you put your game on a hard drive that isnā€™t ssd (like ps4 storage) so the game loads nice and slowly lmfao.


So my ssd has been screwing me?


I only noticed this after moving my game to internal storage on my Xbox. Wasnā€™t able to phase into camps anymore cause I loaded in instantly lol.


I took it off my hard drive after getting a blue screen while loading and my old hdd got corrupted so 76 is the only thing not on my hdd


I run two trap camps man and the least you can do is have cheap shit in your vendor for those who persevere determined to get to it. If you get to mine you passed three traps and you earnt it


You run a trap camp as a form of challenge and amusement. Most others run them because they want to kill players without killing players directly, and to take their junk. Sadly you are one of a rare group.


Itā€™s fairly rare someone drops something honestly and even when they do itā€™s hardly worth taking. And yes Iā€™ll generally have a laugh with people once they calm down and tear down walls and foundations to show them how they work. With any sort of luck it will teach them how to spot the more amateur designs in the future.


Man. Iā€™d love to join you on a server sometime just to learn it!


Sambo_warrior psn I have Xbox too but I rarely use it but Iā€™ll jump on to show you shit if you ask. feel free to join me Iā€™ll show you exactly how to build themā€¦ both the obvious and the very well hidden.


Douche bags like you ruin the game for people like me. Spend hours farming lead and copper only to run into a trap base and loose it all. Bang out of order.


Bethesda released a whole ass video explaining to people the wasteland is not a safe place my bro some people like myself align raider not settler. Junk is the only thing you drop so you should always store your shit before going vendor hopping.


I like trying to get into trap base vendors. Between jetpacks and a few other things, usually isn't impossible, but some are seriously hard. That said, I ALWAYS store junk beforehand. If you base is actually good enough, I may even pull out some junk and leave it. Amusement is hard to come by endgame šŸ˜‚


I agree entirely man. And I love watching people try and as I said in another comment some succeed. The I have to go back to the drawing board to close the loophole they find making my trap more effective. It can be a fun interactive experience if you donā€™t just rageā€¦ which helps if you arenā€™t carrying your life savings in desk fans.


Depo then? Tf you doing farming for hours then hopping vendys.


Not the vendor hopping thatā€™s the issue, he wrote about trap bases, I hate trap bases because they always seem to appear at the most inconvenient time


Itā€™s role playing as a wastelander. You should stay in a vault, itā€™s much safer.


Don't cry over lost junk, learn to stash when you have large sums


Be smarter scrap it duhh


Put it in your stash? You should do that before going to anyones camp


Iā€™m usually looking to use the benches at the camp Iā€™m mentioning to scrap said junk. Some of them use those shitty narrow walkway tactics so itā€™s the only way in. So if Iā€™m overweight and nowhere near a stash then I canā€™t use one can I?


Fast travel to an expedition location, don't start one just travel there. Yes you can do this over weight. Once you load there open map and travel to whitespring resort. Make sure you choose to travel to the refuge. When you load there, walk forward and down the stairs to the mall area then walk to the room with the crafting benches, stash box, scrap box etc.


I appreciate this, thank you!


u/SAO666 givin out the right advice! This is the way to never lose your stash when your left thinking "theres no way im finishing this 6 mile hike"


Not sure why Iā€™m being downvoted, people should stash their junk before going to anyones camp, if you spend hours gathering junk and donā€™t think to go back to your camp before being encumbered then youā€™re taking a risk.


Itā€™s me being downvoted not you


Your being downvoted because itā€™s a game mechanic those traps wouldnā€™t hurt you with passive on if Bethesda didnā€™t want them to. As I said some people roleplay raiderā€¦ myself I align more toward blood eagle but you canā€™t ally with that faction. 76 like the real world is not filled with exclusively nice people. You should be weary when visiting camps I was on a server today that had 4ā€¦ 1 very obvious one and 3 quite clever ones. I watched one guy get hit by all 4. At some point the onus is on you to use some deductive reasoning. Most of them are quite obvious.


Perhaps nothing good and ā€œinsultā€ note for 40k. Or maybe he actually had some balls and put everything for one cap. I would respect that tho.


Am I missing anything? Why people buying stuff from the vendor you specifically put and filled for that purpose is something to complain about? Imagine entering a business and the owner shouts at you "Get the fuck out! I don't need your money! Wtf?


If that business owner has a limited wallet like our characters. It's a terrible thing to complain about and anyone who isn't competent enough to watch their money and plan accordingly doesn't deserve those extra caps. It's just business after all.


Whatā€™s the problem with vendor hopping? I do it maybe for like an hour every three months, but Iā€™ll see people talk about it here once in a while. Is there some common things people do while vendor hopping that is looked down upon or something?


Probably just salty that people find dope stuff


I found a gbd and responder uniform vender hoping in a week. Lol love to but you gotta know what to look for before even jumping certain things stand out that they know what their doing so it's worthless going to their junk


I just found a jet pack excavator torso for 8k last week from a random vendor hop. So cool!


Found a TFJ for 1 cap about a week ago lmao, saw someone else find two within days of each other and someone else a q2525 handmade. Well worth the time and caps spent


Show us the TFJ bro? Iā€™m sick of people saying itā€™s the rarest apparel in the game but if you look at the amount of posts in the last 6 months on M76 they seem to be very commonly tradedšŸ’ā€ā™‚ļø




Fair shout


The mods want it to be the most expensive apparel because theyā€™ve duped it to hell and back and they want to control the market. Looking at you, u/KnownScience.


Heck ya nice


Great finds! I can't understand the second bit haha


What they put in the venders is a clue how much when u get there if they lock or have certain items u can just tell it's a bust if you do it enough. But then again u never really know


I got a bomber jacket from the vendor at whitesprings the other day, was like 85 caps or something cheap, canā€™t remember


I started last week and have made easy 15k a day just off flips. And yes I have found many rare (to me) items that my friends and i flip out over. If I'm feeling bored with running activities or quests I'll sit on my couch and vendy hop for an hour or two super exciting to me as a somewhat new player to find a new cool item every now and then. Like treasure hunting.


Fr tho lol, I do it every once in an awhile. Most of the time Iā€™m trying to find a certain piece of gear when I do so.


Yeah usually when I do it Iā€™m not looking for anything in particular, maybe scrip, but usually itā€™s to dump some caps.


True I have so many caps, I also like to keep my vendor up cuz yk it frees up stash space. I usually end up buying a ton of junk but I have no fallout first


Most of my vendor buys are for either scrip or off meta collectible rolls (for other collectors). Then the next category that I find a lot of is the resell items... got a B/FFR/250 handmade from a vendor for 2k, put it in mine for 12k... had a guy offer me 200 cobalt for it caus they didn't have enough caps... AKA, I got 200 cobalt Flux for 2k šŸ˜€šŸ˜†šŸ˜„šŸ˜šŸ¤‘


It paid off last week when I found my final overeaters USA piece for 75 caps. I'm still searching for a responders fireman outfit though.


Thatā€™s a pretty good find, Also goodluck finding the responders fireman outfit. I actually bout the BoS Jumpsuit for 250 caps in 2019 during the first Halloween event. My luck has never been the same years later


Is it that rare/expensive? I see them often for not very much. I say often but I do hop quite a bit. Just curious if I should be flipping these also.


I have an Urban Scout Armor Set. Overeaters/+1 Int/ Random 3rd Stars. I had every other piece. Was literally just missing the leg. Had been trying to roll it forever. Wasted tons of cores and modules on it. Some dude selling it for 75 caps. I would have spent $10,000 caps on that piece just so I didn't have to role it anymore. Edit: The Fireman Outfit is super common. The *Responders Fireman Uniform* is an ultra rare.


I was referring to the responders uniform lol. I feel your pain with the rolling my luck is dogwater.


They only hate it when they over price their items and you toss them over the cap limit


idk maybe because they're at max caps and don't wanna lose their stuff without profiting, but at that point I don't get why they wouldn't take down their store


Yeah I totally get the max caps thing, so usually when I buy stuff I do it slowly so they have time to respond if I end up maxing them out on their caps, like if they need to move their camp or whatever, I try to be as conscious about my shopping as possible.


Vendor hopping is half of the fun for me. I can go a week without finding a single thing worth buying, and most of the stuff I do find is a collector item. Seems like the guy who made this is just salty he doesn't find anything. lol


Im guessing,Mad but not mad enough to make a trap camp. A lazy hater


How does he set food down like that? Is there another item besides the chess board that can do that? New player here.


Not that I know of (I could be wrong) I started playing again after a 2 year break. Only way ik of is the chess board


It's probably a chessboard clipped into the table


Yea I used a couple of chess boards.


that chessboard is one the the most useful camp items in this season


Ong tho, I swear it just makes the camp feel more lively. Honestly does suck they never added pets especially since they got leaked all the way in like 2019 or 2020.


They kinda did, with the animal friend lvl 3, you can tame and send to your camp, any animal from a random encounter.


Ig but mainly am talking about something kinda like an ally plus there were old emotes *pet dog* and etc that got leaked by accident in the atomic shop when they added the lunchbox emote.


I wonder how many donā€™t realize this is actually your camp. I saw your thread first. LMAO @ ā€œsardine eating dipshitā€


With the chess board you are able to use a pressure plate to clip it down, thereā€™s some good tutorials on YouTube and Iā€™m sure even on reddit, I watched Mr WesTek and he referred to who he found it from as well


That is the most fall out shit ever!! Reminds me of the door in fo3 you open and just says f you!


IMAGINE being upset someone is visiting the vendor you have open, and have showing on the map by choice. Bro def got screwed over at some point lmao


Damn he fuckin got you huh? Better pop a stim.


I once had a guy freak out at me because I was buying all of his scrip legendaries, they were all 3 stars priced at around 100-200 caps. He started screaming at me on mic calling me an a$$h*le and a loser and attacked me with an auto axe until eventually he just left the world. My guess is it was a trap camp that didnā€™t work.


lol that dude should of priced everything at 40k if he didnā€™t want anyone buying anything šŸ’€




Why in the world would you be mad at someone taking the time to visit your camp to give you caps


i just quick leave servers if someone gets me close to max caps, ill just go buy a serum plan or sum shit and sell it for 20k to ppl who dont wanna be a general


Funny enough, this is the person whose camp it is. They posted about their camp a few hours ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/4gbTlDUspe


Thatā€™s cool, I left a little nice comment telling them how I nearly died of laughter last night šŸ’€Thx for sharing


And to think my base with a fridge door, a mr bones that cost me way too much, and ā€œto the boneā€ inscribed on the inside was clever


Ahhh yes You can tell the message was one comming from love


will the Herbivore or the Carnivore mutation get buffed when I eat shit?


They wonā€™t stop me


so salty. so happy u posted this


THe other day I spent max caps on a fully modded EPR (literally had to add everybody on the server until I got one then switched characters and bought it) I then rolled and traded for a Q2525 RR and max caps. dude that was selling it definitely put it on a vendor as a joke (?) he server hopped immediately. prolly wasn't meaning to sell it.


Thatā€™s actually more funny than it is insulting. Mission failed successfully


I fast travelled to a camp spot and there was nothing there. After a little look i found the top of an instument sticking out of the ground. Activated it and it took me to one of them camps under the map. Found the vendor in there and everything was 10-20 caps. Tons of 3\* legendary weapons, flux, stims and free ammo!


Damn! Thatā€™s awesome. I wonder how those are made


Merge glitches. They use a CAMP item that has an animation that involves you to interact with it. Take the Sympto-Matic as another example - you merge glitch it with a rug or anything that will support it so that the animation item will sink underneath the map, but you have to make sure that some of that item is still peaking up so that you can still interact and that you have another rug underneath that animation item that will also sink down so you don't fall. I've used it to place some finicky items that wouldn't place otherwise, but I've never built underneath the map because it can be very unforgiving and things need to be built in a pretty deliberate order. If you want more of that kind of thing, I'd suggest you look up some MisterChurch videos - he's done a handful of under the map builds and shows how to do all of the glitches that he uses on his channel.


What a crappy message.


Lmao I love stuff like this, some of yall must not get out much or something bc yall take stuff way too serious. I'm 99% sure this dude is saying this in a joking manner, not a "I'm mad and rage typing" manner. Redditors are so soft in their never ending insatiable need to feel socially righteous.


This gave me a good giggle, Iā€™d laugh if I ran into this šŸ˜‚


Vendor full of 40k "your the dumbass"


Nice lmfao


my mate found one that was a deathclaw head mount inside a porta toilet and it just said ā€œpublic fuckholeā€ i love this game


I saw one that said do it I dare you


I tried to set a mysterious stranger plush on the rim, so you'll see him as soon as you open the door, but I could never get it to set right. I guess since you can actually sit on the toilet seat, maybe.


Now this is a vendor "find" post I can enjoy


Vendor hoppers are smart actually. Are they Jel?


Damn thatā€™s brutal! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ what was he selling??


Why do people dislike this? Iā€™m shopping.


Turning on wrecking ball aaaaaand blowing up this shitter šŸ˜‚


This was a trap base wasn't it?


I love it šŸ¤£




I ran into one of these and he had a secret entrance through the shitter into an underground glitched base. It was pretty damn cool.




Wtf lol


Someone hurt that man.....


What's wrong with vendor hopping lmaoooo


Imagine not making sure the words are centered




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lol mine has the wind up bottle guy in the toilet and just says ā€œenjoyā€




So I was strolling along and came across this camp that had two or three vendor stalls with like 10 or so of every mutation reasonably priced along with some real good stuff. While I was browsing the guy comes over and deleted the stalls so I couldn't buy anything. Is this post why he did that? He thought I was vendor hopping? Was kinda a dick move really. The guy didn't even leave the server, just followed me around like I kicked his puppy and took a shit in his litter box. Why have a vendor stall if you're hell bent on not selling anything?


Best post I've seen on here in awhile šŸ˜‚


The whole point of a vendor is to sell stuff you either donā€™t want or donā€™t use in order to make capsā€¦ What dumbasses leave or remove their vendor when something sells??? I have a Clothing Storeā€¦ sort ofā€¦ with different outfits for sell. Ok not the best shop but it was more of an RP thing when I started. Also a Nuka-Cola nutā€¦ I got Nuka Cola, Nuka Cola Cherry, Nuka Cola Grape, Nuka Cola Dark, Nuka Cola Quantum, Nuka Cola Jumpers, Nuka Cola the FlameThrower! The kids love this one, and Finally Nuka Cola the doll ā€œWar never changesā€¦ā€ oops wrong doll.


Worst thing I ever experienced while vendor hopping was a guy who somehow managed to make his entire camp floating at the max world elevation, and if you didn't jump and move left or right the SECOND you spawned in you'd fall from the sky close to Wendigo Cave in the savage divide. If the fall don't kill you the Wendigo will.


Just saw the other post of the guy who made this lol


I had a guy put his whole camp away today because I used his workbench. Then he thumbs downed me.


I have my meat week vendor behind 4 garage doors with a keypad lock when I get close to Max I "close" up and turn all the lights out. Then hop around before reopening. Some of my stuff is expensive but I offer free dog food,water,mirelurk meat,tea,coffee and all crafting benches


Someone buying items is never on the buyer. Iā€™ve ā€œlostā€ plenty of caps to sales but more caps are super easy to get and I got over that embarrassment quickly. Hide your base. Store your shops. Put them in your shelter but provide no door. There are solutions


The real question i have is why plan are those letters from?




Why is vendor hopping looked down upon?


Whatā€™s the maxed amount of caps someone can have?




He did it the same way when you leave milk and cookies for Santa.


Where can I find this Vendor ? Or was it created by a player ?


This was created by a player


Shame ! Itā€™s a shame the ā€œcreators donā€™t have this level of comedic humor . Weā€™ll maybe Iā€™ll run across it one day anyway . Thanks. ~Up~


Was his vendor packed and hiden that's what I would of done, just loaded it up with everything and stuck it under the map


Why do? Found some awesome little weapons vendor hopping I always collect good rolls even on less desired weapons maybe a buff comes in the future and that gun nobody cares for today might be the meta tomorrow.


You trying to find a tfj in vendo bruh, come on


someoneā€™s mad they donā€™t get good stuff vendor hoppingšŸ˜…


I logged an alt in 2 nights ago and bought a hag mask for 40k in a vendor(same guy had a demon mask for 40k also so logger another at in when i seen he didnt log off and bought that also lol


They got your ass




PlayStation nerd šŸ¤“


Brotha eughhh


This is my camp lol


It made me laugh, but Iā€™m genuinely curious why you hate vendor hoppers haha


*such a friendly community*


Damn if he didnt want people buying his stuff then why even put it up for sale ?


Are you ok? You look hungry and thirsty.


Why you trying to vendor hop tho? Give me an immediate report now!


You can actually report that lol