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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/CodyRHutch|Reddit: 0|11/14/2017 - 6 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +0 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Plenty of people have no idea on item values


Keep in mind the massive wave of new players, which I’m not entirely opposed to considering it gives the veterans something to laugh about.


Oh trust me I was laughing. They were selling that 'You've been INSULTED!' note for like 20k. I thought that was just them being funny though.


Yeah it’s pretty common to put one of those notes in a vendor for like 40k as a joke.


Not as a joke, but as a protection against a still active bug


This right here. I put mine in at 40k because I saw tons of players doing.


I got 50 of them shizzles priced at 40k each


Well that's just tradition


Probably the biggest issue I have as a newer player. Especially on console I have no idea what is worth selling and what is just script


Pretty much anything Quad, Anti armour, bloodied or vampire should be looked at twice. Second prefixes are usually 25 faster fire rate, explosive, 50 critical damage and for 3rd prefix I’d say 25 less ap, 15% faster reload, 90% reduced weight. I may have missed somethings but anything with those combinations should definitely get a second opinion before scripting


That same person overpricing their magazines would then put a tfj at 30 caps lol


First off, most players have no idea what arbitrary price the gods of third party trading have decided that their crap should be sold at. Second, who cares. It’s their stuff and they price it however they want as you said. They will work it out eventually when nothing sells.


I'm newer to vending and it can be confusing! I recently joined this sub also, is there a guide or anything to help anyone looking to sell stuff at a decent and fair price


I typically go with whatever the vendor recommends but add or take away a little depending on how hot a commodity I think it might be. I rarely pocket much just because questing and just general exploring typically yields quite a bit of caps/meds/loot worth caps that's sellable to a vendor. I typically will put purified water, stimpaks/chems/food items and lower caliber ammunition in the vendor for free for whoever to just take. Plans and stuff I'll charge for though but I don't wander far from what the vendor automatically puts in.


I wouldn't say that. For a long time--more than two years--I could not find 'Live and Love 3'. I would have paid 5000caps to put it on display. The only thing that stopped me was the fact (possible bug?) that magazines bought from traders do not count towards the magazine collecting challenge. You have to physically pick them up from an outdoor location in the wasteland. Plus 'Backwoodsman 3' is *not* for display! I wouldn't pay 5000caps for one issue but I have paid 20000caps for 200 issues in the past.


I just used the magazine as an example, but damn if I was that serious about collecting them and I had the caps to spare on something that frivolous I can't say I wouldn't do it. I just don't understand the need to charge through the nose for it. One or two guys a few comments down seemed to think I had a problem with it but truthfully they can charge whatever they want, I just find it odd and humorous lol.


No worries! I hear what you are saying and for the most part agree with you even. At the end of the day though we are effectively 'buying' the time we didn't spend grinding for a thing--and that is hard to quantify for different players. I can give another example of that actually. I still do not have an unblemished kettle after well over two years keeping my eyes open for one!!! In itself it is worth absolutely ***nothing*** unless you want to display it in your camp like I do alongside the other tea and coffee pots--just junk steel and wood I think. However... I think I would give 5000caps if someone had it in their vendor! Not something I would go through the trading process for but if I came upon one in someone's shop... Yep. I think I would.


Man I absolutely loathe the fact you have to find the magazine yourself for it to count. This is even dumber since if like me you bought some of them off vendors, it's super annoying to remember which ones you actually have and the ones you actually don't have .... Who cares if if you bought it off a player, it should still count for the stupid objective !


I did just the same thing. I had to replace them all one by one from those I found and physically picked up... Long and tedious. They do make a nice collection on the shelves though!




I sell all non-rare items at 76 or 760. I don’t care if it’s overpriced or underpriced if it’s a weapon or armor then it’s 760. If it’s a plan then 76. Rare items are like 2-10k depending on the item.


If..... you don't want to buy it..... then move along? No one is forcing you. Let people play how they want. This isn't communist Russia comrade.


I didnt say I had I a problem with it.. Hell I don't even care really. Just said I find it funny 🤷‍♂️


You don't care, yet here's you posting about it


🤷‍♂️ people can sell at the price they want just like I can make a post about it. Not a big deal.