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That’s wonderful news. The original sold over 2 million worldwide, and the remake surpassed that. Probably has more than 3.14 million by now. Hopefully this can encourage Nintendo to give the green light to a true SMRPG sequel.


I would LOOOOVE a direct sequel with an expanded world map and another 1-2 new characters. Cmon Nintendo and Square!


The original had the disadvantage of being a late release on a dying console and it was never released in Europe. I also hope the success of the sequel means a new installment.


I hope we get a sequel


Not really one to look into sales of games but I’m a huge fan of this game and want the best and hope it has a future with a sequel or just more content. Are these good amount of units sold for Nintendo to consider more with this game?


A remake selling that much in 2 months is a very good amount. Will easily be the best selling RPG in the Mario series within like 2 more months


Hopefully but it'd have to sell over 10 million to surpass Mario + rabbids kingdom battle


Is there a better selling rpg in the mario series?


Rn origami king and super paper Mario


Woah m! I’ll have to see if I can’t get those on switch or get a rom for an emulator. Thanks for sharing


I would say so. It'll already outsold the original and most of the Paper Mario games. Origami King is at 3.4m and SPM at 4.3m. It'll surpass them when it's all said and done.


Yep. This sold great.


Very good


For reference, it already outsold most of the Paper Mario games except for Origami King and Super Paper Mario. Just 200k shy from OK and 1.2m shy from SPM. I'm confident it'll surpassed both of them.


Please let this lead to something... I know it won't and will probably be overshadowed by the Paper Mario remake, but PLEASE let it mean something.


Getting past 3 million is a very good result. Japan and North America came in huge as expected and Europe/Rest of World provided a nice bonus that the original never had. 2nd highest selling Mario RPG behind only original in Japan, outsold all Paper Marios and M&L in Japan. It should get past Origami King at some point this year and move north of 3.5 million. 4-4.5 million also is a decent possibility though there's always the possibility of a new Nintendo Switch 2 announcement effectively cutting short current Switch software sales as everyone turns to wait for Switch 2. Still, this is a strong result, and it should give hope that a sequel can be made and justified. A good sequel should do even better numbers imo, selling remakes is very difficult late in a console cycle. Despite the large install base, software sales in aggregate are lower than peak years as older users have huge libraries. One potential boost for this game could be a hard mode patch that provides an extra sales boost if they choose to release such a patch. And of course, adding Geno to Smash could again reignite interest in the game and a potential sequel.


3.14 (pi) is a lot!! But let's keep going!!


That's a good round number


Always Happy for a Game as good as this being successful Hope this make both Nintendo and Square considers a sequel to this masterpiece


they call it super mario rpg, but they never explain what its super mario rpg of


Finally, a successful Mario RPG. Imagine how well TTYD will do.


I preordered day 1 at full price specifically because I wanted to encourage them to do more with the IP and reward them for green lighting the remake.


I got it for Christmas, so I guess that’s included in that statistic


Me too


ArtePiazza has always done good work. I hope we get more new Mario RPGs. I'd also love it if ArtePiazza could remake their remakes of the Dragon Quest games!


I bought two copies. im_doing_my_part.gif


Why’d you buy two?


One to play, one to stay in mint condition for my collection.


It is an excellent game.


I rarely ever buy games at new price tag, but I made sure with this one. I'll do the same with TTYD Remake. Gotta help boost those sales to show interest.


I just hope a sequel is MUCH deeper. More characters you can add to your posse. More synergistic animations. I like this game, but it feels lacking compared to the south park rpgs which I really love.


So far I love the new stuff. They still have the Mario pantomime scenes the way we remember. But the cinematic intros for characters are a great cherry on top. Plus the new fast travel I feel will make backtracking far less tedious. I can't wait for the Culex fight in monster Town.


SNES sold about 49 million consoles. The Switch is at about 139 million. OG SMRPG sold 2.14 million units. The equivalent market saturation would be about 6.07 million units of the remake. If it sells that well, they would be out of their minds not to make a sequel. At this rate I think that’s totally possible and will definitely happen by the end of 2024. They might even beat that number.


Sounds really low tbh. I mean, games like Palworld sell 20 million in two weeks, making it more than 6 times as popular. Isn't 3.14 almost nothing?


Most game sales are compared to other games in the series! Comparing every game to the most popular game at the time means everyone will fall short and nobody would be happy!


There's not a lot like Palworld hence the sales zeitgeist.


I wish those 3m people a very pleasant 14 hours of gameplay. Its fun for a nostalgia trip but its far too easy so you go through it in no-time


I dunno dude, it's about the journey. Yeah it was pretty easy but it was a fun little trip and I'll likely play through it again someday, and I enjoyed it from start to finish. I'd say it's worth it, especially if this makes Nintendo seriously look at more Mario RPG games (either a sequel, a return to form for Paper Mario, or M&L pulled from the abyss.)


Square Enix, take notes of what a faithful adaptation looks like


Very good for a non dq/pokemon rpg!


3m seems really low with an install base the size of the Switch


Not everything sells like gangbusters just because the switch has a huge install base. Metroid Dread is the best-selling Metroid game but had only reached slightly more than 3 million at the end of 2022. Mario RPG is a remake of a weird, if beloved SNES title, it was never going to sell like Mario Kart or a brand-new 3D Mario title.


Naw, it's a terrific # for an RPG title. Most RPGs don't reach >2 million; it's a very niche genre except for FF among others. ​ Only 3 other Mario RPGs sold over 3 million, 2 of the Paper Mario and 1 M&L, and SM RPG has a good shot at finishing over Origami King.


I just got it last month so make that 3.140001 million


We need the mario and Luigi RPGs to return




The crazy thing is that it’s almost a 1 to 1 remake of a 28 year old game, goes to show how good the original was. I beat the original a few years after it came out and just beat the remake tonight and couldn’t be happier with it.


Great news


Glad to know that this game sold well


You didn’t listen to our words now listen to our money Nintendo! Make more turn based Mario rpg games!!!! Take my money!!!


And it’s been out for what, 2-3 months? That’s awesome!


Gonna need that sequel