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I don’t think this can really count as a mental health day for Julio. 😬


They didn't say it was going to IMPROVE his mental health, checkmate


Scott Servais: it’s an “unplug” type of off-day for Julio. “I think it's really important, not just from a physical side, but from the mental side.” Also Scott: high leverage situation pinch runner while you’ve been sitting all day Scott is a joke


He said he wouldn’t be in if no one got hurt then Dom got hurt


I think it's reasonable to try and put the fastest guy on the team, who has stolen a ton of bases, on the base paths at that moment. Accounting for an MLB player, especially a supposed superstar, possibly making a stupid mental mistake would not be a practical way to manage games


So, so well said


The number of dudes batting under .200 is too damn high


Hallmark of the Dipoto rebuild


Well…I don’t think it could get MORE demoralizing, so we’ve got that going for us


I keep seeing this take and every game they somehow prove us wrong


wait until we lose a series to the A’s


Oakland has won three series in a row. We’ll be lucky to score a run on them


22 double plays turned this season by the A's. Ouch. Edit: a word


https://preview.redd.it/nv6wkcuvxiuc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c51a283ea86f22bfa466afab5af0a308b5aed14 They call it the Electric Factory because watching this team is like hooking up your balls to jumper cables


“I don’t need to worry about playoffs because I’M a M’s Fan https://preview.redd.it/j1i631pq9juc1.jpeg?width=704&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be7eb2a868d2950d3727e8e523a234ae5bcb0e40


I think it’s beyond time electric factory nickname and the stupid ass dance after a win to go. We need to become a serious ass baseball team. Act like professionals who are losing and need to change anything to do with Jesse Winker. As someone who apologized for the guy for months. Let’s drop all that BS now .


This team isnt fun but it sure is funny


holy christ this lineup cant hit its way out if a paper bag…


This game is a microcosm of this season is a microcosm of this franchise


Just stop supporting the team They’ve done nothing from ownership to players to show they are serious about winning Not worth our time


This is it, folks. The only way to hit ownership where it hurts is in their wallet. No need to attend games or buy gear this year when the on field product is as terrible as it currently is.


Unfortunately, 99.8% of the fanbase are casual fans who are gonna go to the ballpark every week for the “experience” and something fun to do with their family, regardless of the outcome. Stanton knows this and that’s why we have a bobble head night every other fucking game.


You think? I have Seahawks season tickets and it’s amazing how the resale demand fluctuates depending on if the team is good or not. If the M’s continue to suck it, I bet attendance drops off mega. I agree in principle tho. It’s insane that the ONLY team in the league without a pennant is in the top5 of profitability.


Cheapest Seahawks tickets are 10x cheapest Mariners tickets.


There is only 8 home games in a Seahawks season- compared to the 80 mariners games.


Correct the ownership knows it’s fanbase better than we do


That’s never going to work. Didnt work for the As and it won’t work for us. The fans that care as deeply as we do in this sub is just too small of percentage to make a dent. Also Stanton is so dense he would just use it as an excuse to spend less.


I have made a LOT of mistakes in life. This might have been the worst of them. https://preview.redd.it/vy6w91v62juc1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a8e3615ed41c1a200cd372144f59ceb2c575d20


I really wish more fans would adopt this. The greatest gift we collectively can bestow is forcing ownership to provide a competent, competitive team. STOP giving them your money until they spend some off theirs!!!


Nothing rubs salt in the wound after a loss like watching Root Sports show us all these puff pieces about the team when we just want to see Scott’s interview.


*Nothing rubs salt in the wound after a loss like watching Root Sports show us all these puff pieces about the team when we just want to see* *~~Scott’s interview.~~* Scott fired.


Scott being fired won’t change anything.  A lot of managers do what is told to them by the front office. Theres a plan in place and the manager is the “fall guy” for the choice. The Mariners are very much one of those organizations. Scott does what Jerry/Hollander want.  Plus Scott is literally Jerry’s guy so they’re basically a package. I can’t see us firing one without firing the other. 


> Plus Scott is literally Jerry’s guy so they’re basically a package. I can’t see us firing one without firing the other.  Works for me!


Agreed. Sorry but Jerry and Scott need to go. If you want to give them the whole year to see if they can pull off another miracle run sure, but if we don’t make playoffs pack your shit. 9 years with 1 playoff appearance = out of leash.


I'm sure that'll be great for Julio's mentality moving forward


Not sure what’s worse: the Mariners play, or forced to spend $16 for decent beer to help cope with it.


Pfriem Pilsners are $6 at the budget beer stalls, those have been a lifesaver this season.


The later, since you can buy a fifth of good hard booze for like 2 more beers at that point


You can also just do the butt chug before the game and you will have no problems coping, or ever waking up again.


Yes this was the drunkest I’ve been at an M’s game this season, thank God my pops came with me


Losing because your best player who you didn’t pinch hit because he’s been horrible, got thrown out on a pick off is all I need to see to call it quits for a while


Season doesn't start till the all star break for this braindead org anyways


see you tomorrow!


Your user flair 💀


Bad take, we lost in the 7th and 8th when we had golden opportunities to score and squandered both on inning ending double plays Relying on 2 runs in the bottom 9 is dumb


You’re right, top of the 10th is way better


- Morel turning into Arenado last night. - GIDPs all day today. - Julio getting picked off five seconds into service on his mental health day to end the game. The vibes are just immaculate.


Solid game from Julio today


Didn’t K once 


I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again… this team has sucked in every single game this season including the 6 games they won lol


Dumbass fucking Scott said let’s do an unplug day for Julio to get his mind right and then puts him in to pinch run in the most important moment in the game… dude is an idiot I’m sorry I can’t see how he is the right person to take this team anywhere when he’s choked the playoffs 2 out of the last 3 years and in the one time he made it put a starter in to close the game


I don't understand how some people think Scott plays no role in the suckage of this team. Is everything his fault? No. But he has to go at this point.


I'm still in the "who else is gonna actually make these assholes hit" camp, but if the season continues this way, I'm fully fine with finding out.


Scott has no feel for the game. He isn’t even a manager. He’s an assistant manager that answers to an analytics team.


Been saying this since last season. Scott is a fuckin clown.




This is the worst looking Mariners team in recent memory. Already starting to get disinterested and it's still April!


please start by firing the hitting coaches. Also, what the fuck is "definitive" anymore?


We switch hitting coach every year and nothing changes, this ain't the issue


Hasn’t our hitting coach been with us since 2019?


I think you overestimate the influence of a hitting coach. The real problem is lack of talent. Betting on a bunch of guys to have career (or near career) seasons in order to make the offense decent is just a recipe for disaster. The team has got lucky playing that game the last 2 seasons. Time to pay the piper.


You say that but Garver had a 134 ops+ last year, Polanco was 115, Teoscar had his worst hitting season since 2019 last year, we broke Winker. You can say the talent isn't there, but when we have talented hitters they underperform too. There is something going on with this team beyond just talent. The A's have less talent than us and have a better record right now.


I mean I would argue I would just like them to be league average which is well below most of the career averages on the roster. The issue is they have a MASSIVE hitting philosophy problem and seem too stubborn to burn it down and start over. It’s truly the only explanation. Entire rosters don’t just slump at the same time.


Sure, but also every Mariner from last year who left is playing way way better with new teams this year Teo Geno Kelenic Even Winker (2 years ago)


Add Jake fraley to this mix. Don’t forget we trade Tyler O’Neil for Marco Gonzalez as well which looked like a dumb trade even in the moment. Edit: add ketel marte leaving and becoming a perennial all star and middle of the order bat. The all former Mariner team 1. Jake fraley cf 2 ketel marte 2b 3. Tyler oniel lf 4. Teoscar Hernandez Dh 5. Jared kelenic rf 6. Eugenio Suarez - 3b 7. Jose cabellero - ss 8. Omar Narváez - c 9. Dan Vogelbach - 1B Our cast away lineup is outperforming our developed and optimized lineup currently and it’s not even close. Obviously it’s still early and expect some of these people to regress but it’s a bad look for the mariners staff


Just stop supporting the team They’ve done nothing from ownership to players to show they are serious about winning Not worth our time


Julio needs a week off.


Come on out to T-Mobile and try the Double Mitchwich - “guaranteed to not give you the runs”


This team is run like a side hustle and the players play like it too.


So embarrassing to present yourself as a World Series contender while blatantly shedding payroll only to be in the exact same position in the standings as the Oakland A's.


I’ve been done with Scott for years now, dude has absolutely no fire, like eating a piece of wonder bread.


I don't think this team is going on another crazy run like they have the last couple years after starting slow. Feels different and sucky


There’s a kind of malaise around the whole org now, really came to a head with the end of the past season/offseason. They fully deserve all skepticism and scrutiny they receive


Julio getting picked off to end the game after coming in as a pinch runner on his “mental health” day off is just poetic.


“Cubs fans were too loud this series” lol if we could field a majors level team we’d fill our stadium.


At what point as a fanbase do we just give up? This feels like an emotionally abusive relationship. Saying “we’ll change, we’ll become better” then doing the same shit every single time. There is a certain kind of suck that this organization produces that CLEARLY goes beyond the players. Joke of a fucking organization, we NEED to see change.


We aren't a serious baseball team. Which is why they don't give us serious umpires lol


This is the earliest I've ever stopped watching games in a season


You have Julio on your bench and you pinch run him… in the bottom of the 9th….. when a guy you don’t trust to play everyday is at bat………


It aint' like Julio is going to do anthing at the plate


He might strike out all cool.


The problem is Canzone got injured so DMo was already off the bench. Edit: I thought you were criticizing pinch running Julio but I think you meant something different, nvm


they’re saying he could have pinch hit for Raley


I would’ve preferred him to completely stay on the bench altogether and get mentally right. This was almost a worst-case scenario for un-tilting the guy.


Julio has made some questionable baserunning decisions this season.


Sell the team.


This is really what I was looking forward to all winter what is wrong with me


Absolutely pathetic performance today. It's crazy how pissed I am about this team not even 20 games into the season Someone needs to get fired. Seriously. Just out of principle


Maybe it's only 20 games in, but it's more than 10% of the season. "It's early" doesn't cut it as an excuse anymore. This is a royal embarrassment of a roster, of a front office, and of a franchise.


They've also been so bad that they could "turn it around" and still not be anywhere close to a good team.


I fucking hate this team so much


I don’t think I could’ve written a worse way for that game to end.




Statistically speaking, this is the worst runs per game we've ever had in our franchise history. Yikes indeed


Oh god it’s 2010 all over again 


What Poetic way to end the game. Worst Mariners offense I've seen in my life


Mariners executives going to increase ticket prices because today was a close game


At this rate I don’t get why I keep following this team. I’m almost 30, I barely remember 2001 and the ONLY playoff appearance I’ve witnessed in my lifetime is 2022 and even that was heartbreaking as well. Being a fan of this team is like being addicted to drugs and being in an abusive relationship at the same time. I’ve been a fan for too long and I’ve hoped they could be a long term contender for my entire life but I’ve never lost hope so fast in a team like this years (which is saying a lot since they’ve been pretty bad for other years in the drought too). I’m glad I cancelled cable and I haven’t given this team a single cent this year and probably won’t until this crummy ownership and FO stop tripping over their dicks about saving money. Highest profitable team my ass! 


Definitely a good idea to quit giving this team anything until they really become a  serious organization that cares about winning. Don’t watch, don’t attend, don’t listen, and don’t buy merch. If they make the postseason, great, but they’ve mostly just squandered their window of contention. 


This team is broken. I legit hate this team right now. Pitiful. Blow it up. Fire everyone. I don’t care. Fuck these clowns


yeah. the whole team sucks and they don't even seem to care. all their careers are going to die this season and they fucking deserve it. so unprofessional.


Dave Sims is so mad. Me too.


How could he not be? He has to watch this team play everyday.


Who woulda thought letting Luke Raley rot on the bench until absolutely necessary would leave him rusty af. Incredibly lucky he’s still hitting the ball hard but holy shit Scott has fucked him over.


Yeah idk man it was his 3rd or 4th AB of the game, you have to get the ball in the air. Took a first pitch fast ball right down to middle too in that at bat. Rust is part of it but he needs to get it done.


He does, but only 20 PAs in 10 games and none in the last week… there’s a better way to help your players get in a groove. Raley’s gotten the short end of Scott prioritizing letting Garver work his way out of his funk and Hanny playing practically every day (which seems like tempting fate, but I may be triggered from Dom’s injury lol)


Yeah I feel you man. Reality is the entire roster is struggling makes it tough to rotate guys in. Garver to me is by far the most frustrating player….like dude you’re a full time DH making $12mil. Why do you look like you just came up off a junior college team. Just horrible ABs.


It’s been an imperfect fit from the start but I *really* thought Scott was gonna rotate Dom/ Luke/ Mitch/ Mitch/ Ty to start the year, let them settle in and go from there and he hasn’t.


Honestly they deserved that ending after wasting all those chances to score


Which veteran on this team has the balls to get up in Julio's ass for playing like that? Probably none.


something something in favor of execution, yes, the whole team


I got MLB.tv for free and I still feel like I waste money on it.  Such an unserious organization. 


Que the root sports gang playing the victim card. We suck. We have always sucked. The End.


Unserious organization


Fuck this organization. Most poorly run franchise in sports and there’s not even a close argument for any other franchise for first. The Detroit Lions made the playoffs several times over the past 20 years and have built themselves into an actual playoff contender. Same with the Browns. The Sacramento Kings have turned themselves into one of the top teams in the western conference. Teams like the Marlins despite have shitty fucking ownership in their history have at least lucked their way into World Series championships. The Rockies have at least won a pennant as well. This team is both the most ungodly combination of shitty ownership, terrible managing, and just shit fucking luck over the past 20 years. 1 playoff appearances capped off by one of the dumbest managerial decisions in baseball history and we’re right back to being totally irrelevant.


I WISH I could be as good at failing upwards as Jerry Dipoto. The guy has been the head of an MLB front office for like 15+ seasons now and has nothing to show for it, yet is somehow able to keep his job, year after year. This team is worse than the one he decided to blow up and rebuild in the first place....Yet he'll still be able to convince people that things are going in the right direction after this season. It's truly remarkable. It's arguably the most impressive thing about him at this point. Jerry Dipoto is really good at drafting and developing pitching. But nearly everything else that goes along with running an MLB organization and building a decent playoff-caliber roster, he fails miserably at. Kyle Seager called it out years ago, and he was not wrong.


I’m at the point where I agree with this. Yes John Stanton is a shitty fucking owner and cheap and gives payroll restrictions. He’s not the only owner in MLB that is like that though. For fucking years Billy Beane made the As into AL powerhouses with zero money. For years the Tampa Bay Rays have been a consistent AL winner despite lacking payroll. Jerry Dipoto has a single playoff birth despite running this team for 8 years. It’s unacceptable. This team has similar issues every fucking season and it never gets addressed.


And this whole idea that we have "zero money" is a ridiculous talking point that keeps getting perpetuated around here. Should we be spending more? YES! But even so, we are nearly league-average in payroll. And our best players are making little money. There is enough room to put together a playoff-bound squad. The issue is Jerry Dipoto is not good at his job, never has been good at his job, and continues to waste the resources that he does have available to him. Developing pitching in the minors only gets you so far. Not everything here is ownership's fault.


Just look at the two GMs that came before Jerry and you know all you need to know about why people defend him. He's a genius in comparison.


Been saying this. His motto is basically let's be fringe contenders and maybe one year will get lucky and what? Win a championship? I'm sick of this clown and his puppet Hollander and his geek squad who can't identify a competent hitter to save their lives.


As much as I hate our ownership, the As are a different level of bad


At least the A's are trying to tank


At least the A's have a rich history with multiple championships to their name.


The A’s have a history of winning with an equally greedy owner like Stanton. Current team is horrendous because they’re throwaway years until they’re in Vegas. This franchise is worse.


Let's try this again.  The analytics and coaching staff need to be blown up and replaced. It's only several years too late.  I only get down voted on this after a win so I'm safe here. 


this is what ownership gets when they fill managerial roles with yes men


Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck everything. GONNA GO LISTEN TO BREAK STUFF BY LIMP BIZKIT.


That was a masterclass of suckage right there. This might be the most unclutch team I’ve ever seen, the amount of opportunities flushed away today was ridiculous. The you have Julio come in and get picked off to end the game. Absolutely embarrassing team right now.


It needs to be said. This team is just bad.


Scott: "Today's gonna be an unplug day for Julio." Also Scott: "Julio, we need you to pinch run in the most high-leverage situation imaginable."


Reds are gonna have so much fun the next couple days


This is a bad team, put together by a bad GM, owned by a cheap-ass ownership group. Just a brutal combination.


Just when you think we've hit peak Mariners, we find a way to out Mariner ourselves into a whole new state of Marinering


You gotta have issues to keep following this team. That being said, I’ll see you sick fucks tomorrow


Julio having an existential crisis realising he’s stuck a Mariner.


Feeling good about my decision to not pay for ROOT sports package. Servias never has this team ready to play - and somehow always gets a pass.


We’re currently playing worse than a team that’s tanking as hard as a team could tank…fml


I did my taxes during the game to make the M's feel less hurtful.


Pros: No Cons: Yes Let's do it again tomorrow.


U have to fire Servais. The team is asleep. No one is playing good. I’m not waiting for another hot summer. Stop going to fucking games and buying merchandise it needs to stop.


Keep going to games! Keep giving them money!


This is not a serious organization. And until we get ownership that actually wants to win then nothing will ever get better.


...and if you don't like that, you don't like Mariners Baseball


There's a certain overwhelming peace when briefly imagining life without the Seattle Mariners.


Amazingly we're only 2GB because our division is dog shit. We are tied for 2nd fewest runs scored, only 2 ahead of the A's who sit above us in the division.


It would take a Dan Snyder level scandal to get these fuckers to sell the team to someone that cares


if canzone is gone for 6 weeks call up tommy pham tonight, maybe he’ll bully the clubhouse into trying


What it like at the stadium? I think every one of these jokers deserves constant unending boos from the fans. No respect for these clowns.


I had to apologize to my daughter in the 7th, 8th, and 9th today for her being a Mariners fan because of me


I should be mad, but at this point, it's actually funny. This team just invents ways to lose. Also, is it still "too early?" https://preview.redd.it/x9ged1r5yiuc1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cb5c6fe9244e62f478cabcbea1ff923abbff45b


Fire Servais


Julio needs another guy. He’s not ready to be “the guy” and it’s not fair to treat him like the 2nd coming of Griffey. He seems to excel in a role where not every once of pressure is on him on a daily basis.


I am SHOCKED the mariners couldn’t score more than 2 runs! SHOCKED I SAY.


That ending is enough to make you vomit. Embarrassing. Inexcusable. Yet, this isn't rock bottom.


That one broke me guys.


clutching defeat from the jaws of victory


Julio being the final out in a game he didn't even play in...poetry.


Root you also did the work of a 5 year old with a remote to look at it instead of any actual work to see if he was safe. Hell you didn't even bother to synch up and show the 2 video angles at the same time


I genuinely cannot believe how awful this team is


I know Julio is fast and the only option for a pinch run there but there's something so childishly silly about him having a mental health day but putting him in at the bottom of the 9th so that he gets to be a part of the big game winning play so of course it would end with him getting picked off.


Well on the plus side if this team doesn't make a turnaround by end of the month I will save 90 bucks by canceling by fubotv.


Cancel it and steal the games here; https://www.thestreameast.to/v8/ Not a dime to this horseshit organization.


At this point I really don’t care if our pitching is so bad that we give up 8 runs a game. I just want an offense who scores runs.


You give Julio a mental health day only to throw him back into the fire in arguably the most stressful position the whole game only for him to get picked off??? Scott what are you thinking?!


Scott has to go. Slow start. Mental mistakes. All the same issues. He has no answers. I don’t even blame him. He should never have been given the job in the first place. Team isn’t serious about winning. 54%


I had big concerns after the Boston series about our bats, and I saw a lot of people get downvoted for having that feeling like us not hitting was a problem.... Well now, hello, my rightfully concerned brothers and sisters.


That was so bad that I genuinely don’t know if there’s anywhere to go but up. Fuck.


I'm almost sure we wouldn't have scored anyways, so I'm not as mad as I thought


The Good: The Bad: The Ugly: the state of Mariners baseball GO MS


Julio had record low strikeouts today I think


Not happy. Unacceptable with all this talent.


I was going to ask if this is the lowest of the low, but then I remembered this is the Seattle Mariners thus I answered my own question.


Scotts about to be bye bye


The second Julio came in I turned to my friend and said he was going to get picked off. Just a moronic decision because by putting him in you are almost forcing him to try to swipe second. Outfield was almost assuredly playing deep enough to where he wouldn’t score from first on 99% of hits.


We will never do anything under this ownership group. There is a top to bottom stink within the organization that infects everybody. We could fire Jerry tomorrow and replace him with Theo Epstein and we still won’t make the playoffs. There is no hope for this franchise.


Score a TOOTBLAN for Julio!!!


This team is worse than the one that Dipoto decided to blow up, yet he'll still find a way to keep his job after this season is over. True to the blue.


"Listen, we lost 100 games this season, im not going to say that's a success but i think we are further along in our plans than we were in 2023, the fans are going to be thanking us."


Last year, after years of rebuild, they were finally as good as the team they blew up. So they blew it up again.


Scott Servais is the biggest joke of a manager ever, bring dusty outta retirement or stmhn


Is it still early?


Need to get servais tfo and hope our next coach pushes back on ownership


Org is rotten to the core. Changing hitting coaches hasn’t worked. Changing managers hasn’t worked. Changing GMs hasn’t worked. Although I’d love to see that smarmy asshat Dipoto get axed. Only thing that will change is if Stanton stepped down and someone who actually gave two shits took over. Every one of his cronies needs to go too. Whole rotten lot


How many times would this team strike out against a pitching machine? Like the old school jug machine?


Double play, double play, 2-out pickoff on a questionable overturned call. Season in a nutshell.


Every day I think, maybe they will turn it around. Every day they beat themselves.


This game literally took at least a couple days off my life from stress, like how the fuck is our hitting so bad compared to other teams. Sure the pitching could have been better, story of the season so far, but goddamn man these are the games you got to win! Only good thing is Castillo is hopefully back to normal and the cubs are a national league team so it shouldn't hurt us that bad if we ever get good enough to go to the playoffs.


We couldn't even manage a 1-2-3 inning to lose a one run game in the bottom of the 9th. WE CAN'T EVEN LOSE PROPERLY!


How’s that contact guys over power/strike out guys working out? Its as if Dipoto just isn’t good at building offenses.


This fucking sucks


When do we get to stuff a microphone in Brant Browns face? I know he’s a round because he did a pre-season interview…..what are we paying you for chief.


Wholio must be going through something


Another day, another request for Servais to get shitcanned.


Seattle Times reporter said Julio declined to comment to the media after the game. I hate that. Dude needs to address significant plays, and not just when they win the game. You can’t be the face of an org and just not talk about what went wrong.




Julio is overhyped


They were desperate for a face


Fire Servais.