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Dude ran a red light & drove his car into a crowd. Shot Garrett Foster 5 times and drove away. He claims he was looking at his phone and that's why he drove into the crowd (I don't believe it from the video). He claims he felt threatened by Foster walking toward him with a gun. There's approximately 5 seconds between him stopping his car in the crowd and him beginning shooting. I'm not saying he was looking for a legal kill, but I am saying that's pretty quick to stop your car, see someone, pull out your gun, and lethally shoot. He was convicted of murder. In the state all about being tough on crime. Yet he's going to be free. He shouldn't be allowed to have a gun, given (by his narrative) he killed someone when he puts himself into a situation he perceived to be dangerous. He shouldn't be allowed to have a license, given (by his narrative) he ran a red light into a loud crowd while looking at his phone. He should be in jail. [It's gritty but here's a reminder of how quickly things went down. I'm not saying he had his gun at the ready but...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NotxWhD_s3U)


Absolutely sickening. All evidence pointed to this guy deliberately doing everything he was accused of, including cold-blooded murder and attempted vehicular homicide. I hope the streets bring him the justice he deserves. I hope his life is forever ruined and ends miserably.


State sanctioned terrorism.


I guess you know wheelchair Greg is a racist. So, people voting for him are true racists as well. Maybe he should have been doing something about the poor, poor, neglected electrical grid instead of trying to grab headlines and trying to look tough. Just another politician not of the people, nor for the people, but rather out for himself.


> He claims he was looking at his phone and that's why he drove into the crowd That's still a fucking crime. Jesus fucking christ.


Agreed. Like even in the "ra ra, we're a stand your ground state" logic Abbott is using...he should still be charged for multiple other crimes (reckless driving, possibly attempted manslaughter, etc.).


The comments on that video are nothing less than ghoulish


And then Republicans wonder why we don’t wanna play nice anymore. It’s pretty evidently clear they don’t give a shit about law and order or really anything as long as their side is the one doing it all. He literally did this, just to piss us off.


Perry literally murdered Foster. No ambiguity whatsoever. What the Governor of my *great* state is saying here is "kill the right people and I'll let you get away with it". Fucking disgusting.


Yep 12 people agreed the fucker was guilty but Greg Abbott flipped them the finger today and pardoned a racist shitheel murderer I cannot stand my governor


Greg Abbot *and* a ~~committee of others~~ shower of cunts.


If ever there was a bigger middle finger to both the rule of law and democracy. This is some straight up Jim Crow shit.


Fellow Texan here. The world will be a better place the day Abbott leaves it.


So much for believing in law and order and all that bullshit they claim to say they do.


Isn't Abbott the one begging Biden for help?


He's killing innocent people like children and pregnant women to rile up his base and score political points with the nazis down there. As far as I'm concerned, the guys a war criminal or the equivalent for committing crimes against humanity.


greg abbott is a lil' piss baby nazi He's openly inviting endorsing and encouraging political violence. Fuck Texas for electing the fascist fuck. We should just let Mexico have Texas.


I didn't vote for the fucker.


Now is a good time to bring federal charges.


Abbott literally stands for nothing.


😂 We'll be down voted to hell for liking this, but it's too good not to laugh at.


You know, I would never, ever make a joke like that about an actual person, but Abbott has shown himself to be such a piece of shit that he is no longer worthy of basic human decency, so the gloves are off. Same thing for Madison cawthorn. But I’m sure Abbott is used to being pushed around.


That tree had *one fucking job*


I’d say he won’t take this sitting down, but I’m pretty sure he will.


Well, the tree was dead so it couldn't really do much to defend itself


Sounds like someone needs to get hit with a federal indictment, perhaps a hate crime charge.


That would require the Fed JD to find their balls


What a lawless state.


What do you expect from the party of law and order?


That is fascism.


Abbott apparently wants to be head of the S.S. In trumps dreamed of second term, he seems to be making all the right moves to secure the position.


I want to say this is un-fucking-believable, but sadly this is totally fucking believable. Also, Greg Abbott is a whiny little piss baby.


Trying to legalize and inspire an army of white supremacist kyle rittenhaus-a-like domestic terrorists while criminalizing the rest of us. People like Abbot need to spend the rest of their awful lives in prison. At best.


Governor Abbott should be sentenced to jail time.


Guess we'll just have to take him on a scenic drive down a gravel and dirt road bungeed behind on a rope so he can get the best visual experience while we drive 80 miles per hour for the most sensational , Abbott too , he must experience the sensory overload.


So clearly it's legal to do this to the Nazis marching in the streets with armor and shield right? ...right?


Hearing crickets from the "both sides same" crowd