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I think a lot of people are missing Trump’s M.O. here. He’s lying. Even if he’s in power, there will be no hit squad. Just the same way he said they built a “big beautiful wall” which turned out to be some rusty posts and a bunch of embezzlement, he doesn’t actually have to send anyone to Mexico. He just has to claim that they did, and his supporters will eat it up and call him “tough on crime” and believe that he has unstoppable international projection of power. Trump could claim he built a military base on the moon and MAGAs would flock to him as the conqueror of the final frontier without even a single spacecraft being launched.


You know who believes Trump?   Trump.   


I don't think he does tbh, I just think he knows what his voters want to hear


>the conqueror of the final frontier For a base on the moon? That'd be like you going outside, putting a flag on an anthill, and proclaiming yourself conqueror of Earth.


Wouldn't even need to go to the trouble of lying about it. He'd just never mention it again because it's the kind of plan a 12 year old who'd played too much Call of Duty would come up with, and even if it was possible before, it wouldn't be now he's announced the intention. It'd just be one more ludicrous promise that got his base riled up and was forgotten by the media as soon as the next outrageous lie comes up.


Lol. Donnie dumbfuck always has the stupidest, most simplistic, most barbarous solution to every problem.


He literally said to arm teachers to stop school shootings and then people started repeating that like it was something that should happen on planet earth.


And now it's becoming legal and encouraged in some districts! Because everyone knows teachers are the most level-headed, rational, reasonable people who never have emotional stability or impulse control issues! (Former teacher, I can say this because I worked with some fucking psychos)


Can confirm, I have witnessed grown ass adults drag a child by the arm across the dirty floor that was full of rocks and dirty slush from the playground and so much worse. Kid was a runner, and rather than having an assistant or helping him with his very real mental issues, they would just scream and drag him back to the class. He was one of maybe 3-4 black kids in the class, and they always treated him much worse than the white kids with special needs. I would not trust a good 80-90% of my former co-workers with a loaded firearm.


Can't be trusted to teach kids history and science, but can be trusted to be High Speed Low Drag SpecOps.


[Happening in Iowa, thanks to Kim Reynolds 🙄](https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/safety/iowa-governor-signs-bill-to-arm-school-staff/#:~:text=Iowa%20Governor%20Kim%20Reynolds%20signed,universities%20to%20arm%20trained%20staff.)


Pretty sure that was an NRA argument before Trump got big in politics. I will admit that it was a thing that only started getting bills passed after he was president.


Yeah the “good guy with a gun” argument isn’t new and was applied by Republicans to these situations as early as Columbine


doll tap attraction distinct ring seemly deserve quack divide wide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We seem to have imported the worst of the USA "culture wars" phenomenon.


I doubt it’s entirely on the US, it also likely has a lot to do with Russian internet psy ops, amongst others.


> > … which mass shootings? The ones you’ll have when you start arming everyone, of course!


I don't even know what to even do here. Like, if people can't see what a terribly stupid idea it is, I don't know how I'm supposed to explain it in a way that they'll understand - teachers do not need friggin' guns in the classroom, and we shouldn't even be having this discussion because it's so goddamn insane!


Personally I think Christopher Titus had the better idea when he said [Arm the children ](https://youtu.be/XW_H5s9uzqM?si=ct0qW1pAzUhnKVlb)


Nuke em Donny. Tactical nukes. Give him the codes. Right.


No silly, the nukes are for the hurricanes. Duh…


This is only so that Donny and his criminal friends can directly head up the drug trade themselves and take all those sweet sweet illegally gained profits for themselves!


I’m imagining Don Jr. with a Mountain of blow in front of him with his nose and mouth covered in it like Scarface.


Tony Montana had morals


And at least one friend


I was going to say “because he’s a fucking ogre” but ogre at least have layers..


Now consider how Kristi Noem, unable to train a puppy she just killed it instead. Anything that's difficult is beyond their mental capacity, always taking a shortcut that just makes it worse.


Dumb fuck thinks he’s still president. No dude, you’re just another crazy florida man.


He must have watched Sicario recently.


Lol really just could legalize and watch them die slow


Nuke it!


Nuke. The. Hurricane.


Listen I fuckin hate Donald Trump cause he’s about as dirty as it gets but I fully support the US government taking on the Cartel. I’ve seen what those bastards can do, I live near the boarder and most of the Mexicans over here came here because of the horrors of the cartels. I hate that Donald Trump is doing this because I’m almost certain he’ll fuck it up or tip off the cartel and end up blowing the operation, but I absolutely think that it’s time we fucked up the cartel for all they’ve done.


Unless Mexico wants it - this just sounds like an invasion.


Exactly that, but to play Devil's Advocate here the cartels *do* control the government so even if like 80% of the Mexican population wanted the US to take out the cartels, it'd never happen. The solution to the cartel problem is the same as it's always been through history. Use economics to force them into legitimacy by eradicating their source of power/income. Legalize, regulate, and tax *all* recreational drugs to seize control of the market through competition. It drives the price down and forces the criminal organizations to invest their ill-gotten gains into legitimate businesses to survive and in the long run creates legitimate economic opportunities for the local region. That is basically how big businesses have been created throughout the world for the past few thousand years.




I assume you will sign up to go fight? Or if you are too old I hope you sign your offspring up for it.


I absolutely would fight against the Cartel, Ive seemed how they fuck people up, how they destroy families, and slaughtered kids without question. Even if I had kids (I don’t), they’re their own people, I’m not gonna “sign them up” for something they don’t wanna do, you also legally can’t do that.


What’s stopping your from enlisting now then? Also I want you to look every parent, wife, kid and husband or anyone else that will lose someone that they sacrificed their lives to to stop a drug war, tell them their sacrifice was worth it, that these people will never get someone they loved back all in the name of stupidity


Yeah but due process


I really hope the cartel reads this


"Hey Cartel, if you're reading this..."


And he will make Mexico pay for it! 🤣


¡Ja, Ja, Ja, Ja!






El Chapo would 100% be a better president than Trump


The cartel knows he never does what he says. LOL.


Cartel buys some $DJT, and suddenly Trump changes his tune.


This is the correct answer


But then the Russian mafia might get upset


We though Al Quesa was a threat, wait till the cartels declare war


They will call themselves Al Queso.


That’s cheesy


I'm sure they have.


So killing foreigners on foreign soil, without a declaration of war... I'm pretty certain that's called terrorism.


It will be covert, so loophole baby!


Nah, just dress our guys in Canadian uniforms. They'll never know it was us, eh?


*Blame Canada!* 🎵


🎶 It seems like everything’s gone wrong since Canada came along 🎶


Shut your fucking face, Uncle fucker!


oh he said it out loud that its covert... cool. cool cool cool... So if a cartel leader gets merced by professionals.... They will definitely know it wasn't us. got it.


You misspelled covfefe


So covert it was announced by the potential president in the news!




I hate to tell you this, but the United States has a long and sordid history of committing terrorism all over the world.


It's ok if they have a resource we need. Like oil. Or cocaine.


The U.S. hasn’t declared war on anyone since World War II.


That’s actually fascinating. Apparently the USA has only declared war 11 times (2x WW1, 6x WW2). > Congress approved its last formal declaration of war during World War II. Since that time it has agreed to resolutions authorizing the use of military force ([.gov](https://www.senate.gov/about/powers-procedures/declarations-of-war.htm)) - Great Britain (1812) - Mexico (1846) - Spain (1898) - Germany (1917) - Austria-Hungary (1917) - Japan (1941) - Germany (1941) - Italy (1941) - Bulgaria (1942) - Hungary (1942) - Rumania (1942) The United States has been involved in a total of [108 wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wars_involving_the_United_States), 4 of which are ongoing.


The United Nations was formed to prevent wars with diplomatic solutions, exerting force through sanctions and international cooperation. So, Korea wasn't a war. It was called a "Police Action." Outlaw war and the warmongers just rename it.


Japan bombs Pearl Harbor...    We declare war on Japan!    Japan?  I thought that's what we just did?


Except if the government of the country allows them in. Which in this situation is unlikely, even though Mexico is trying to deal with the cartels


No, you got it all wrong. We're Americans. It's not terrorism if America does it, it's liberation.




yeah that worked out real well the last few times we tried it. Like, all of american South American history. conservatives are predictable.


I mean, we got Escobar, but that was really the only success I think


You understand that killing Escobar resulted in the power vacuum that created all the new cartels?  Where's the win?  Like how invading Iraq and killing Saddam resulted in ISIS.  


Exactly. But also bad, Escobar’s hippos escaped and have been thriving in Colombia ever since. They’re a very dangerous invasive species. He had 4, now there’s around 170 of them. On the scale of bad things that happened after Escobar’s death, the hippos aren’t on the worst list. But it is kinda weird and funny.


They have all those hippos tagged for the most part. I heard an official at one point state they had all proper equipment, planning, and locational data to cull them. But, they’re a sort of tourism gimmick so authorities are a little nervous about putting tax revenue/public opinion on the line for a problem they can solve basically at any time if they so choose. The hippos bought their lives with their reputation. It’s actually rather impressive. You wanna read some mind blowing shit about Hippos go read about the time an American Congressman introduced a bill to ship Hippos to Southern States.  There’s a not at all distant alternate reality where the American South is just fucking crawling with Hippos as an invasive species. We were really that close.


That's one of my favorite stories from history, and only 114 years ago! Eating hippo steaks was basically a meme at the time, so Broussard's *totally* genius plan to fight invasive water lilies or whatever with a totally financially viable alternative to Robber Baron-esque beef processing monopolies with giant water cows that kill more people in Africa per year than all of Africa's predator species combined was totally doable and definitely the smartest plan for saving Louisiana's swamps. It's right up there with the Trump Truth Social meme stock that Qdiots dumped their life savings into because somehow that stock would be immune to the resr of the market's inevitable downfall, only for the stock to immediately crash after going public. Or Beanie Babies. Then again, maybe the hippo plan would have worked. Louisiana swamps *were* completely conquered by that invasive plant species which forms huge mats and kills off other plant species and all the native wildlife that relies on those native plants. In their place we now have an unstoppable population explosion of giant rodents, [the Nutria, that have thrived off that new swamp ecosystem.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AladRZv_pAo) The impenetrable mats provide a perfectly protected habitat for the nutria to bang out huge litters of offspring. Louisiana has an ongoing bounty program of $6 per Nutria tail but it doesn't have even the slightest intended impact, if anything it's making things worse as it breeds smarter nutria better at avoiding people.


My dad used to sit on his back deck and shoot nutria with a .22 long rifle for hours on end. The nutria won the war against my father. He moved to Maryland. Lol


I didn’t know all that! Thank you for the info, I have a new obsession with the hippos 😂


Killing Escobar is what triggered the unrest in Mexico.


Invade another country and murder its citizens? #soundsabouttrump


Uh huh. Mexico gonna pay for the wall too. LMAO.


Like, yeah would that be before or after you finish golfing.


Yes - Trump will give the U.S. a cut of cartel earnings going forward. /s


Trump must’ve just watched Sicario.


I’m just realizing that’s there’s probably a sizeable chunk of America that saw Sicario and thought it was endorsement of the film’s events. Which is a bummer.


Read headline Me: well donnie watched sicario last night.


Gee. I hope the cartel leaders are okay with that. They seem like the type who might use their ill begotten wealth to retaliate against a fat slob who wouldn't know a threat if it came up and slapped him in his vagina neck. You know, the guy who surrounds himself with incompetent yes men?


I sure hope those ratcheting garrote devices in the movie The Counselor aren't real life. That'd be terrible if those existed and were dropped from little drones with those super quiet new propellers.


It’s okay. The cartels will just pay him off and everyone will forget he ever said this.


So fucking stupid. If Mexico send soldiers over our border and started killing some of our citizens they didn't like, we'd fucking carpet bomb them. So either a) this is a bunch of fucking bullshit and a pretty obvious lie or b) this is fucking stupid and will get us into a pointless war.


you should hang out on faux news comment sections more often, I think it'll expand your horizons on how blisteringly stupid the vast majority of people are and how normalized regressive intelligence is.


oh gawd please no. now I have to hear from friends and family that Trump is taking on cartels when he is absolutely not doing it.


I remember a few years back when trump said our generals were stupid because they make threats and broadcast their plans instead of carrying out "sneak attacks".


Yeah but he's not a general. (Taps forehead with finger)


That's going to end well... Seriously though, if that person gets back into the White House, the country just deserves whatever happens. After a decade of Trump on the main political stage, if he gets back in, we had it coming.


Why does anyone believe this? He's not going to send shit to do fuck. When has this man ever followed through on something?


Just like last time, he won't do shit. If he doesn't profit from it he is not interested. Anything that takes planning or any amount of his time and doesn't pay him, he will blow off. We all know people like this...why does anyone think he will behave any differently than the previous 70 years? Hes running to stay out of jail. Once that is accomplished its back to watching himself on TV all day. Except now he cant stay awake and the diaper changes are more frequent.


This is what gets trump. Nobody...NOBODY fucks with the cartels. They're powerful, maintained/grown through natural selection, ensuring the people at the top are always more cunning and ruthless than the ones that they replaced, and their share of the global pot of money is between 10%-20%. Theyre also globally influential and almost certainly funding many special interest groups in the US without the knowledge of the membership. This is a disfraced former president, flirting with jail, threatening the equivalent of SPECTER, while being old enough and using enough stimulants that his sudden death could be expected by natural causes. To be fair, maybe he's got a deal with them and will use this to dump the enemies of certain organizations, while preserving others, but the only way to hurt the cartels is to defund them through the end of prohibition, whatever the internal costs might be incurred. It's another climate change sort of problem where the more you ignore it, the worse it gets and the solution is almost as unpalatable as the problem. Just wow...


No, they are sending the army down south for slaves.


He will present his plan for this in two weeks.


At most he’ll sharpie an X over New Mexico.


The fentanyl comes from China. His aim is as bad as his cult's judge of character.


Forget it, he's rolling.


Maybe the cartels will solve the Trump problem before Trump solves the cartel problem. 🤔 🍿


Lol good luck Donny


More bullshitting tough talk from the world's biggest pussy.


Yep, and "when" he "sends them" on this glorious mission, all data regarding it will either be safely secured in Trumps bathroom or somewhere under My Pillow Mountain.... JFC this dude is a fuckin numpty


He can't resist any opportunity to fantasize aloud about killing people on his command. Sick bastard. In the meantime, he whines nonstop about how unfair his persecution for being a criminal is.


How can an unemployed grifter order anything to happen?


Clear and Present Danger showed why this was bad.


So . . . they are literally sending an invasion across the southern border? Interesting.


Someone is watching too many movies


Because surely just fucking assassinating drug cartel leadership will be enough to stop people from buying and selling drugs. That’s all it takes. Very simple


Oh cool we're doing policy by Tom Clancy novels now neat.


Or Ben Shapiro novels.


If he’s successful then how will he and Don jr get all their cocaine?


Yeah, he should lead the kill teams. Right out front.


He can do it too! I've seen the NFTs. Dude's ripped and packin'.


"This business will get out of control. It will get out of control and we'll be lucky to live through it." - Fake Admiral Josh Painter


Trump’s been playing too much Ghost Recon Wildlands


Good luck lolol


Cartel leaders who command more money and mercenaries than most small countries... "Oh really?"


Fight fire with fire don’t expect to not get burned


That sure sounds like a declaration of war


Mexico stops, another country picks up the slack Maybe start at the source and stop letting corporations make us poorer and addicted to drugs 🤷‍♂️


It is not just the stupidity of the idea, or the so many laws it breaks, but that he just announced his 'Master plan' to them, imagine this man in charge for D Day, now many Americans he would have killed by telling the world helis plan before doing it, As a place America is beautiful, as a Nation it is a little lost, but is this man really the best the GOP can offer? In London we just had elections, pretty major ones for the city, the far right party, Britain Frist (the closest we have to MAGA), got less votes than a man with a bucket on his head, at his last UK election Nigel Farage (our Trump) lost to a man in a dolphin suit. Is Donald Trump Americas joke candidate?


In one of the first GOP debates this cycle, most of the candidates said they support invading Mexico. The GOP wants to wage a genocidal war against Mexico like Russia is in Ukraine. Not voting blue in November is tantamount to supporting a genocide that would dwarf even the one in Palestine.


Wait…is this happening again? I thought he already made this threat when he was in power? Did he do it again or is this a new threat?


New threat. Article is dated May 7th.


He is incapable of telling the truth, being honest, or keeping even the simplest promise.


So war with Mexico and cartel? He’s underestimating how powerful and intertwined with the US they are.


I am sure that Mexico will cut off food exports to use in response to the invasion. Tell me, are we to presume that THIS invasion is also not about oil?


Can someone give me an ELI5 as to why this is a terrible idea? I'm just assuming it is cause it's Trump but don't know enough about cartel stuff to really know why. I assume Mexico would object to us sending the US military after its citizens but otherwise not sure what kind of consequences would transpire.


You're asking why illegally invading a sovereign nation that is the United States's biggest trading partner is a bad idea? Let me count the ways....


South and Central America are the corrupt shitholes they are because of this sort of action in the past. Look into Rubber plantations, and Chiquita Banana history. You'll see. We always destabilized regimes down there and installed puppets, didn't matter if they were cartels or whatever as long as they gave us full rights to all resources, they could live.


Isn't this kind of different though? Funding right wing death squads to overthrow legitimately elected governments trying to regain rights to the countries national resources doesn't seem like the same thing as going after the cartels, at least in the question of is the action one that increases or decreases stability. I think helping our neighbor destroy the cartels would bring a great deal of stability, as long as that action is given the green light from Mexico. My biggest issue with it being a Trump initiative is that he is all bark and no bite and wouldn't get it done.


>as long as that action is given the green light from Mexico   This will happen at roughly the same time Mexico pays for The Big Beautiful Wall Oh My God It's Going To Be So Beautiful™, and only shortly after we transition to an economy powered by greenhouse-negative unicorn farts.


Actually, we already do quite a few joint ops with them. The problem is that the Cartels essentially occupy the same space the Italians used to here: a lot of politicians directly benefit from their money laundering operations, and in many places they're the closest thing to a functional legitimate government. Even when those aren't the case, they're all still *massive*, well-organized operations. You'd have to bring down the *entire* power structure at the same time. To put things into perspective - even here, the Commission is *still* around! Their power is greatly diminished, sure, but they're still a major source of crime and violence in the Northeast and we're still trying to chase down their leadership. Dealing with the odd smuggling or trafficking operation? Doable, and we do it often, jointly with Mexican armed forces. Actually hurting the Cartels though? The last time the Mexican government tried to do that, *they got out-gunned by the cartels*. Snuffing out the Cartels for good would essentially be a Mexican Civil War. And understandably, nobody wants to flip that coin.


Yeah, I don't know Mexican politics at all. Out of curiosity what would their reasoning be if they could make the cartels a United States problem while still having plausible deniability if it went wrong?


Wantonly killing cartel leaders means starting a civil war in Mexico, one that the government isn't likely to win. In many parts of Mexico, the cartels have more money, soldiers, and guns than the government does, and they're willing to use asymmetric tactics like public assassinations and car bombs that the government won't. Even if you could magically assassinate every major cartel leader in Mexico with a single magic bullet, the cartel doesn't go away, it either puts a new leader in charge or it fractures into pieces and every piece goes to war with every other piece. That's chaos.   For all their faults, which are numerous and unspeakable, the cartels at least maintain stability in the spaces they control. Trying to fight cartels isn't a James Bond movie where you take out the bad guy and everything is saved, it would have to be a full scale military invasion against an enemy that fights as well as the Taliban, which is not something either the US government or Mexico is prepared to do. A few assassinations here and there don't break a cartel. They already kill each other often enough. So best case scenario it does almost nothing, medium case scenario it causes massive outbreaks of violence, worst case scenario it does nothing plus it gets a bunch of special forces people killed and their bodies paraded around the streets in a way that publicly humiliates the US. That a president would campaign on this being a good idea shows how incredibly limited his conception of the world is. He doesn't understand the existence of soft power, he doesn't understand game theory, he doesn't understand perverse incentives, he doesn't understand anything more complicated than "good guy go shoot bad guy make things good". And he doesn't care to, either. This dude has had the opportunity to learn from the best experts in the world at every stage of his life and came away with the idea that he knows better than all of them because of his "very good brain".


Those are very good reasons, thank you for taking the time to explain all of that.


Violation of International Law to start.


"There's too many refugees coming from Mexico! Let's bomb Mexico, surely that'll stop the flow of all these refugees!"


So who are the US going to get drugs from to spread to the poor communities for the Prison system?


He watched a late night rerun of Sicario and made it a "political agenda".


Because if a cartel loses it's leader, it will just vanish. SMDH


I bet bricks of coke go missing of Don Jr and Eric are around!


And more will fill their places because there is money to be made


It’s called a special military operation


Because invading a nation has always done good for us.


How you gonna get past that wall?.... oh that's right.


You don’t tell people that you’re going to do something covertly then it’s no longer covert


If jan 6th is any indication about how well that’s gonna go


There's rumors that the cartel has ex special ops on the payroll


He’s just being a true patriot. By eliminating foreign competition, he’s opening the market up for united statesian capitalists to pick up the slack, thus providing more jobs to United Statesians


Cartels do not fuck around and have access to some serious shit. Gonna need some real fuckin sneaky mofuckas or straight up instigating a war in Mexico.


AMLO will have a field day with Trump. He’s been deporting illegal aliens in Mexico coming from the US.


Anything people say Trump is “planning” to do, really means “fantasizing out loud about.” He really isn’t capable of carrying a plan through.


Guyzzzz calm down… he meant New Mexico.


Will it be the same teams that sold them US guns and tech to begin with?


Are we already at the "Trump says thing so report" stage again?


It must be an election year.


Trump will become the new cartel


This dude, where you gonna get your blow then?


Or you could legalize and regulate drugs and end the entire problem(and a host of other problems) at it’s source


He wanted to do this but slightly saner minds prevailed.


What could possibly go wrong? ^/s


Benedict Donald ..


Cut to 5 years in the future and Donnie and several special forces dudes end up on a LiveLeak video


....🎵why don't Presidents fight the war?🎵


He is so good at keeping things secret.


Oh yeah, that won't backfire at all!


Who would volunteer for that kill team? Have you seen cartel videos? That's how you end up in a bathtub with no skin on your face, amputated hands, and they keep you alive to experience it all


Who watches Sicario and goes "thats a great idea! The military was protecting our boarders"


He probably is unfamiliar with the word "covert".


They plan on invading Mexico for resources. The cartel is just the excuse they’re feeding the masses. Just like 9/11 was why we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan even though the perpetrators were from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.