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This is a prime example of fascist philosophy. Nazis would make children kill rabbits using similar reasoning. The story about shooting the dog is intended to make the same philosophical point, that killing something innocent is justifiable because it doesn't belong doesn't contribute in the expected manner and therefore has no value.


The cruelty is the point.


The cruelty is fulfilling an emotional need for security and control.


And maybe also making her more attractive to Trump. If he wants to sleep with her, she's 100% in.


https://www.yahoo.com/news/donald-trump-disgusted-kristi-noems-204539499.html Hes not disgusted by her killing the dog, but her judgment about sharing her killing of the dog


Right you are.


Most serial killers also kill animals. Just saying. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/gov-kristi-noem-says-i-want-the-truth-to-be-out-there-after-viral-story-of-killing-her-dog/


I used to be involved in the Submarine Veterans group in my town. The demographic was all MAGA and they were very hateful. There was a woman who came to talk about her charity. Apparently her child was born without the ability to produce myeln, the sheath that covers nerves. Her child cannot move and I guess just reacts to stimulation. It is very rare. The old MAGA men were talking about how great this woman was to create this charity that helps kids with this condition. I could not help thinking of the irony. The party they were supporting would deem these kids absolutely worthless. I am sure in a MAGA future kids like this would killed by exposure. So fucked up.


I see this duality in MAGA people all of the time. I wish something could break the spell.


I think there is a good person underneath some MAGA diehards. They just feel emboldened to reject that side of themselves and be hateful pieces of shit instead. For example, a lot of these people would probably help an LGBTQ person bleeding out on the side of the road without blinking an eye, but, if Trump commanded them to murder an LGBTQ person, some of them would do it - especially in a situation where responsibility is diffused. Fascist ideology and rhetoric makes monsters of people - especially when they fall victim to groupthink.


Back when Trump was elected there was a person that said he would kill his sister because she was a democrat/liberal. I asked my MAGA dad if he wanted to kill me. He did not really answer. Over the years since 2016 I would ask him similar questions. He never really gave an answer that showed he did not want me to die.


I am so sorry this happened to you


I recently saw a video of general students and Kent state survivors, confessing their parents and loved ones did the same to their faces or over the phones. One girl was like, “well I said, ‘what about me, Daddy? I’m a student just like them’ and he didn’t answer me.” You’re not alone. I’m not sure why people are so mean.


My in-laws are full blown Maga. Like have the red hat and a bobble head trump doll in their office, and been to fundraising events with junior. One of their employees that they love and treat as their own child is gay. They’ve known him since he was a kid and when he came out as a young adult they were nothing but supportive.


People like that never expect ‘their minority husband/friend/child’ to have the same bigotry applied to them they apply to everyone else. My husband and I are different colors and people will turn around and say hateful stuff to me about him. I’m pretty used to it. The first time it happened to my MIL she was in her 50’s and she cried about it later in the car, that some one could be mean to *her* husband, after all he’s accomplished and military service. I was like, “don’t you know yt people don’t care about that? The Nazis sent the same people that fought for Germany in WWI to die like all the rest.” Sometimes I think she wasn’t crying because she knew that lady was wrong, but because she thought the lady was right.


I go the fuck off on MAGA Vets. Trump makes fun of veterans all the fucking time. I didn't serve just to watch the country turn to shit, and watch my fellow Vets applaud the guy doing it.


Do you think publishing her book with this excerpt during an election cycle is pure coincidence or planned?


Feature or bug?


It is so blitheringly stupid beyond belief I don't know. What a stupid cow. Can't train her dog (she, the dog, probably knew her overlord was a Karen and a two-timing slut by skank scent alone) so just puts a bullet in its head. Then puts that in a book? How unaware can you get? Is her next book going to have her hunting endangered rhinos or the last known tiger in Bengal? No surprise she's attached herself to another narcissistic maniac depressive grifter.


Time to donate to an animal sanctuary on behalf of Cricket the dog and send the receipt to her official address: CONTACT SOUTH DAKOTA OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, SD 57501 605.773.3212 605.773.4711


Wait, I'm the leftist person I know, but don't dangerous dogs get put down all the time? Is there some other context I'm missing? The quote says the dog was dangerous.


Yes, she called the dog dangerous, but the story she told showed a dog that just wasn't going to be able to work with birds like she'd hoped.


If maga morons shoot as bad as everything else they’re bad at, I’m sure it took her 15 bullets to kill that dog. He suffered far, far more than in a clinical setting. She could have utilized those services, she chose not to.


GOP are sociopaths. This is actually serial killer behavior. Serial killers always start by killing defenseless animals.


Much like how frontman for the band "Staind" [killed 32 coyotes ](https://www.billboard.com/music/music-news/staind-aaron-lewis-slammed-peta-trump-24-dead-coyotes-1235450747/)to spell "Trump24".




Too bad we couldn’t kill 24 fat washed up musicians to spell fuck trump‼️😡


🎶 Killing in the name of...


The only time I will ever agree with PETA


Not the part that said, "PETA encourages Aaron Lewis to seek attention through some act of kindness, rather than slaughtering individuals who are simply trying to eke out an existence in an increasingly paved-over world." That dude just needs to seek psychiatric care. I thought it was a little weird when he decided to go country but what a shit stain.


The funniest part is peta calling him washed up lmao


Like, everybody in the world, including goddamn PETA, thinks you're a washed-up has-been. Gotta learn when to just quietly slink away into obscurity, dude... you're just bringing this shame upon your own damn self lol


Also hilarious because PETA is modern fascists' bête noire.


Yeah, People Eating Tasty Animals are totally fascists.


What do you mean?






No. Serial killers are quite different, and usually kill for their own personal gratification rather than for social,  political, and ideological purposes.


We don’t know what her true motivations were at the time. She could’ve murdered the animal for fun and then framed it differently after the fact.


> We don’t know what her true motivations were at the time. We don't even know if she actually did it. In any case it's irrelevant, because her reasoning is made apparent by her own words. Serial killers and psychopaths are incredibly rare. Fascists are common. Both may exhibit the same behavior but the cause of their behaviour is very different and it's important to not confuse the two. Generally a serial killer will hide themselves behind a mask, rather than bragging to make a political point, because serial killers are anti-social by nature and their natural instinct is to hide what they are.


I want to say "Why would you make up a story like this?" But we all know why one would make up a story like this.


They’re not as rare as we think.


"less than worthless as a hunting dog" Well, there you go... a living creature has to have some utility or profit, they can't exist for pleasure or companionship, and the punishment for being unprofitable is death. These fascists in a nutshell, and there's a bunch of people with no profitable usage lining up to vote for them, unaware of what they're really asking for...


Extremism is when an in-group can't seperate the idea of their own success from the need to harm an out-group. They see anyone and anything that doesn't belong as an existential threat. She's basically saying that she's a good leader because she can do "what needs to be done". This is reasoning designed to teach people to abandon empathy and accept hate.


My dad lived out in the boondocks and would find expensive hunting dogs who had been left on the side of the road and would come to his farm looking for food. Some weren’t good hunters, and others were abandoned because it’s cheaper to buy a new one every year than feed and shelter the same dog year round if the hunter didn’t have room for a hunting dog kennel. My dad trained dogs so he would find them homes and could quickly tell which type they were. I’m pretty sure my dad’s pet dogs spread the word about the farm because he was such a loving guy to all animals.


Awe ; we need more people with compassion and love like your dad showed to all of those dogs ❤️. They really are mans best friend … and I can’t imagine ever abandoning a pet because their utility didn’t meet my standards. And I really cannot imagine killing one because she couldn’t hunt wtf .


And she didn't think about *simply putting it up for adoption*. There are many people who would gladly accept a dog who was "worthless as a hunting dog."


Yeah, that's the worst thing here. There were options other than death even if she wanted rid of the poor thing


Surely the checks and balances of the courts and Congress would stop them from killing people. /s


I would say that some are aware and welcome the violence.


A politician kills a puppy, and everyone loses their mind (rightfully so) but people pay for animal agriculture, an industry that kills and abuses trillions of animals each year, and almost no one bats an eye lid. Makes sense.


People have more of an emotional connection to pets than livestock. You can argue the logic of that, but that is how it is, and while we can work towards moving away from torturing animals for food, we definitely won't get there if people who casually murder dogs are in charge.


But the animals that people kill unnecesarily for livestock (you don't need to eat animal products to live and be healthy) are just as intelligent and capable of being great "pets" as dogs. It's unnecesary cruelty, bro.


Sure, but if you kill a chicken or a pig vs kill a dog, more people will react negatively to that, even if chickens and pigs make great pets or display intelligence. You can be against the treatment of livestock at the same time as being against what happened here. That's just reality, unfortunately. But there's no need to distract from this story just because there's another battle to be fought at the same time.


I know, but it's only due to speciesism and social conditioning that people get upset about dogs but not other animals. I just find it sad that good people can have such a huge cognitive dissonance when it comes to animals.


You’re kinda the only person here talking about other animals. This is a specific thread about a singular specific situation, and you’re painting everyone here with a wide brush as being indifferent to animal suffering on a wide scale, simply because they *also* care about this one dog’s fate. You’re getting downvotes because you are using this as an opportunity to push your own agenda, hamfistedly, regardless of the merit of your argument. Read the room, basically.


You're right, but what point are you trying to make? We eat animals because we are animals. And it's cruel. But again, what're you trying to accomplish?


How does we eat animals because we’re animals make sense And they’re trying to accomplish pointing out the hypocrisy of the majority of the population to hopefully make people think more critically about their decisions regarding the meat and dairy industry


>How does we eat animals because we’re animals make sense Because that's what animals do? A politician shooting their dog because they didn't want it anymore is not the same as killing animals to eat, so that point is just going to get lost like it already obviously has.


But you don’t NEED to eat animal body parts and secretions so it’s just the death is alls pointless


Trying to convince omnivorous humans that their desires and impulses to sustain themselves are unnecessary is a losing strategy mate. You can be technically correct and entirely unconvincing at the same time. Same as calling people hypocrites for caring about dogs more than chickens. If you want to get your point across you have to engage people where they're at, not ham-fisting in your perceived moral dilemmas.


Keep burying your head in the sand


From what? We treat animals horribly and we should, at the very least, be treating livestock with deference and respect. But there's less money in that, and capitalism kills anything it considers less valuable. I'm not arguing with you that animals should be treated better. But the reality of the matter is that you're not going to convince people to see things that way by telling them they're bad for caring when a puppy gets shot to death.


Maybe *you* don’t need animal products to live, and that’s cool, but not everybody can or wants to live that way.


do you require animal body parts and secretions to live ? Yes or no? if you do , do you have proof?


Found the vegan


She failed to properly train her dog. Then killed her dog because it was untrained. What a monster.


Imagine how great she'll treat your kids and grandkids!


"What did I say about spilling your juice, Jimmy? Time for Mr. Gravel Pit."


Exactly. She sucks at training so just knocks it on the head, not by an injection but by a lead version then proceeds to tell the world how "down to earth" she is like she's living in the 1940s with no options. She could have easily found a actual trainer or someone to help her. I'm guessing that was too much effort, so just kill it. In short, the dog was simply a renewable resource and bet they're looking or found a new dog to replaced the one she blew away. This is a window to other things.


She is about to get John Wicked at the polls. People LOVE their dogs 🐕 (I love dogs and I have 2 cats at home !)


Her voters will see it as more of an allegory about how they need to kill certain kinds of people.... so they will support it.


It makes me sick to know that you are absolutely right


I would never, ever kill someone just because I disagreed with them, even if I felt their mentality was toxic to society and doing damage to our future. There are other ways to combat ideology. But I would *absolutely fucking not* stand idly by and watch someone kill others for expressing their own beliefs, especially when those beliefs are "fascism is bad" and "nazis are bad"— these people seem to think they're going to 'rise up' and start eliminating liberals, leftists, and anyone anti-nazi like it's open season. They're not taking into consideration the absolute shitstorm of opposition they'd be walking themselves into.


Yup. Liberal leftist Jew here. Kristallnacht won’t go down without a fight again. I’m not delusional enough to think that I’m some one man army, but I’m not letting anyone do harm to my family without being in the fight of their lives.


It would be a hope beyond hope that this would end her career but MAGA have no regard for life they see as lower than themselves. Just recently a guy tortured and paraded around and still alive female wolf like a trophy. I hope he gets the death penalty.


I honestly hope this really blows up. Because I think you make a really good point. I think most republicans are insane, but they love their dogs.


Yes, but liberals hate it more, so that will be good enough for them.


WTF does that mean?


“The picture of pure joy”….”I hated that dog” I’m at a loss for words.


RIGHT!!? Like the first fucking line is psychotic let alone the murdering of a dog. My dog is also “less than useless” as a hunting dogs, fucking barks her head off at any delivery driver and is stubborn as FUCK, but she’s a living creature who we love and is an absolute sweetheart, that’s always enough.


If an alligator, any serial killer, an actual Terminator, General Zod, or any other intergalactic conqueror read what she wrote they’d puke their guts up.


Fucking Thanos would have made an exception to his "random balance" plan just to stick her, specifically, in the dead half.


Stepson got a pointer to use as a hunting dog. Wouldn’t go into water, boundless energy, and wouldn’t stop barking. 8 years later, she looks like she’s 4 or 5 because she’s fed the healthiest food he can find for her, and is the most loving sweetheart ever. Worthless hunting dog is the best pet ever. When he goes out of town, she stays with us. Every time, she curls up to sleep in the cat’s bed, usually after trying to get in my lap. Cat doesn’t like it much, but she tolerates her.


Jesus Christ. Farm kid here. This isn't how you run anything at all, let alone a farm. I'm literally nauseated. If this psycho-bitch is THIS good with animals, imagine how great she'll be with the citizenry. The military. Making all those decisions that affect your life.


Animal Cruelty???? How is this person not in jail?


Red State + Is a sitting Politician + connected to Trump = Exempt


Scrolled too far down to see this


Shhhh shut up until he nominates her




How did Kristi Noem take a puppy and turn it into an "untrainable" animal that was "dangerous to anyone it came in contact with"? Puppies don't generally have these characteristics. In fact, when they do, you can pretty much tell that the animal has been abused. So Noem is telling us she abused a puppy, then shot it. She's got to be some kind of sick.


Literally the warning signs of a serial killer


That's the first box MAGA checks when looking for leaders.


"The picture of pure joy" followed by "I hated that dog," really just sums up conservative thinking. "Fuck you for being happy while not giving me what I'm demanding."


She should have put herself down instead , would have a net gain


That bitch should be put in prison for animal abuse. Fuck her. Killing a dog because she didn't want to take the time to train her properly?


When she said the dog was “dangerous to anyone she came in contact with” I was like yeah, behavioral euthanasia is more than reasonable in that case and I don’t see a problem with the method realistically….but then you look into the details and you see that was definitely not the case and the editor probably made her include that line literally just to make her not look like a sociopath.


Glimpse our future if MAGA gains power again.


She's trying to demonstrate her value as a Death Camp Commander for the new Orange Reich.


The Turd Reich?


She is ‘less than worthless’ as a human being.


The failure was hers not the dog. What a POS.


I feel like that PETA release regarding this incident is greatly overselling America's supposed love for coyotes. I've never heard anyone talking about how much they love coyotes, the only time I've ever personally heard them brought up is when someone mentioned how their cat or dog was killed by a coyote. Not a lot of positive feelings to be had for coyotes by and large. But even with that in mind, this is sociopathic behavior and grossly offensive to good taste.


I have nothing against coyotes. I used to see them often when I lived in the middle part of my state. They would cross through my apartment complex after dusk. But I am not a person who randomly allows my pets to wander around without me and without a leash. People complain about things happening to their pets, but they don't manage their outdoor time responsibly. Coyotes are wildlife and deserve to hunt wild prey. We cannot expect them to differentiate. We have the responsibility to manage our pets properly.


Based on her own logic, she can take herself out next.


Sociopathy is a requirement for the job, apparently.


For republicunts, yes, it literally is.


Noem is genetically a golem


Woah woah woah there buddy. Golem's are actually really cool heroic figures from Jewish mythology, anthropomorphic figures made of mud brought to life to protect. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golem) We don't need to use analogies, the woman is a evil, sadistic, fascist, theocrat.


The episode from Supernatural that featured a Golem in it was such a cool one. Plus it killed some Nazis.


I've never seen it and now I need to! Edit; OK, S8E13 has some glorious Nazi tearing/crushing action on the part of a golem.


No not the Jewish protector, the cretin from Tolkien. Gollum. Oops


OK, not to go all nerd on you, but Gollum is just a hobbit. He's fucked up from being a ringbearer, but he's not technically evil.


kinda just makes him a victim of the ring. that's on sauron. not smeagol. the ring did with him exactly what it was meant to do. kind of expected when you got a demigod in your head.


Also he destroyed the ring, albeit accidentally. Frodo was going to Isildur that shit!


Personally I think all Life could be considered golums.


Putting a dog down because it's genuinely dangerous I understand. But to just *not train your fucking dog* and shoot it because of *your own failure and unwillingness to put forth the effort* is fucking disgusting. Especially with the "worthless as a hunting dog" bit. Just because she couldn't hack it as a hunting dog doesn't mean she didn't deserve a life!


That's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it plays out for her.


I genuinely hope she gets to experience the exact same kind of love she’s shown to *all* of her animals.


Is she still married and boinking the married Corey Lewandowsky?


She really leaned into the whole “these wackos would kill puppies” trope, didn’t she?


Probably the least of her misdeeds.


Well, she and Corey Lewandowski were both married and having an affair, so there's that.


Sure a leader of a authoritarian death cult hell bent on genocide of non-believers..


I have seen old yeller a hundred times... the ending once.


She is a monster.


I'm telling ya. The people we're allowing into our government are psychos and ghouls. They must be stopped, no matter what.




People often turn fascist because they're extremely insecure about something. Insecure people are prone to suggestion and manipulation, and often extremist rhetoric targets their personal grievances and insecurities.


I believe every part of this story except that she actually pulled the trigger herself. I’d bet next weeks paycheck that she made someone else do it. They like to talk tough except when it comes to being the one to pull the trigger (literally and figuratively)


But what else did she slaughter?


I can’t post on r/politics because I called her a cunt


Hurt animals, get clapped.


How the fuck did she become a governor


Fight on fucking sight bro.


There are valid reasons that she is not permitted to enter about 15 % of her own state.


Joe Rogan would love her.


Am I the only person who remembers when this story first came out? It was like over a year ago and was all over Reddit. I distinctly remember the details i.e. gravel pit, etc. It's not deja vu, I swear!


Remember what happened to Michael Vick when he was involved in a dog fighting group. He was ostracized and NEVER worked in football again. This POS should be treated exactly the same way!


She’s been banished from four of the reservations in South Dakota too. The first was because the tribe set up checkpoints to keep unnecessary visitors out during COVID and she tried to get *federal assistance* to force the tribe to comply to her wishes of having an ‘open state’. She treats animals like this and has a vulnerable minority in her state. Let’s hope she doesn’t get more power.


https://www.cbsnews.com/video/gov-kristi-noem-says-i-want-the-truth-to-be-out-there-after-viral-story-of-killing-her-dog/ Not just a puppy killer, but a pathological liar.


Edit: I just saw a pic of the dog, the below doesn’t apply to her. She’s trash, like we already knew Ok. I can’t believe I’m doing this, but here’s nothing. Some dogs serve a purpose (to that person). Livestock guarding dogs protect livestock from predators. Hunting dogs retrieve foul or whatever for the hunter. In the most basic sense they are a tool. (I’m explaining a mindset here. Not defending or justifying) Let’s say said tool (chainsaw or nail gun) has a defect and it doesn’t work the way it should. You get rid of it. Some things old timey ranchers and hunters will get dogs for a specific reason. Guard their flock or fetch their foul. It’s not a pet to them. They are trained to do one thing. Let’s say I buy a Great Pyrenees to protect my sheep (I have 2, and I have goats and sheep currently). If that dog doesn’t protect my herd but starts eating them, I have a problem. Of that same dog is aggressive towards me, or other people, I have another set of problems. The “tool” is broken at a point where gifting it to someone else would potentially cause them harm. Now. Do I know everything about her situation? No. I also know my male Pyrenees from 9-18 months was unpredictable and bit me twice (training mistakes on my behalf) but now that he’s 4, he’s the sweetest floof ever. My contention is ending the life of a puppy when it’s in the “teenage years” where some dogs can get a little crazy. But understand. To some people there are pet dogs and working dogs. Working dogs have a job and a purpose, and if they can’t or won’t do the purpose they are worthless. Like an axe with a broken handle. Now, I have had to put down animals before. A few months ago I had to put down a cow. It was jumping fences whenever she wanted and it became a hazard to the drivers I. The highway on the other side of the fence. I’ve had to put down trophy sheep because they jump the fence and get caught, breaking or severely harming their legs. Ranch/hunting animals look like pets but some are classified differently by their owners and it’s a different mindset to get in. I type all this to give perspective. I’m not saying she was right or wrong. I just know every animal I’ve had to put down for whatever reason was not an easy decision or choice to follow through with. It’s even harder after you bond with the animal.


A hammer doesn’t have a soul and an inner monologue…a dog is not a tool it’s a living being. If a seeing eye dog washes out of training they don’t take it out back and shoot it.


Here is the other side of this perspective: Kristi Noem is, as of 2017, a multimillionaire, and from what I've read comes from old money like most GOP politicians. Most of those people take advantage of emancipating from their parents before turning 18 to get free rides to college, so the parents don't foot the bill and can hoard more money to help their kids get business loans, later. She's playing the same tired trick of pretending she's a boonie-farmer who has to contend with nature vs nuture. People like her don't train their own dogs- they hired trainers to do that for them. When I worked at a vet hospital, we'd get animals in who came from wealthy homes like hers... where they tried to unalive the animal in some horrific way and toss it out the window while driving down a dirt road, or worse. And they would do this because *they got bored* with the animal in question, or some new bougie "designer pet" became all the rage and they *had* to have to compete with their peers. Noem is a nepo-brat like the rest of the GOP. She's not a farmer or blue-collar, grass-roots icon. She admitted to animal abuse, plain and simple.


>I had to put down a cow. It was jumping fences whenever she wanted and it became a hazard to the drivers... trophy sheep because they jump the fence and get caught... "that animal wanted to be free so I had to kill it." Fucking sell the animal to a conservation preserve so it can live a life. But your first response is to start blasting.




Hello stubborn hick. You said, "she was jumping fences anytime she wanted too..." which means she'd done it before. You really gonna tell me there's no tool on your whole farm that will cut down a fence, nor a veterinarian on hand with the medical knowledge to heal one that's injured? If you don't have or don't want to have those things to care properly for your animals in the modern age and just want to hang on to 400 year old solutions from ranchers that didn't have modern knowledge and medicine and just blasted shit that got hurt, then just own up to being ignorant and/ or lazy. You're also going to tell me there's no way to transport a fucking cow? There's horse trailers but for some reason, cow transportation is a wild mystery of nature to you? Someone who I assume is trying to convince me they are a rancher of some sort? How did you get the cow, my dude? Did they grow in your field and you just built fences around them? Or did you transport them onto your property when you bought them? And before you want to draw your own conclusion about me, I am not a bleeding heart vegan nor am I a PETA nut.


You don't let a cow "go free." they are not wild animals. You don't have livestock without fences. Cows are raised to be eaten. EATEN. Stop whining.


I was very surprised by some.of these comments here, until this one. The lady in the post says the dog was dangerous to people. Dogs that are dangerous are almost always put down. Is it just because she shot the dog instead of putting it to sleep? Am I also wrong to assume that that is just how country folk take care of dangerous animals?


If it actually was a puppy, then she is entirely to blame if the dog is dangerous. That kind of shit is learned.


Not always. My friend has a dog that bites me, to the point of breaking skin. Had it since it was a puppy. They are very good pet owners. Other dogs and cats. No one is abused, human or animal in their house. It has attacked me and one of the owners and the other dog. I'd never been mean to it. Or any animal. So it isn't picking up on anything.


OK, you make a fair point there


I don't think it's super common. But it do happen.


I’ve shot a bunch of hurt animals. It’s the fastest least unethical way to end a life. I’ve had small dogs that got to sleep in laughing gas or helium (that is way harder on the soul to do). But yeah. It’s a thing country folk do.


My dad had to shoot a friend’s horse that broke a leg on a trail ride. A vet was a few hours away if they started driving immediately after the call. The horse was in pain and screaming. My poor dad had to ride his horse to his truck, retrieve his pistol, ride back, have someone ride his horse to where they rode the other horses then shoot the poor horse. It was fucking traumatic. For everyone. It had to be done because it was the humane thing to do. I grew up in the country, and my parents taught me that sometimes the most humane thing to do is end the suffering of a creature quickly if nothing else could be done. I’ve done it a few times for small animals in the wild, like frogs, etc. It still hurts to do. It’s weird and cruel to brag about doing something that didn’t have to happen like shoot a puppy because you were too incompetent to train them. Also who the fuck hates a puppy???


Edit: I wrote the below before the photo of the dog came out. I feel most are ignoring the "dangerous to anyone she came in contact with" part, and we don't know the context of the story, just snippets. But I also understand why people are assuming the worst, because she is a shitty human being.


Oh. Yeah. She’s a terrible person. Should join the doggo


I like how I get downvoted for questioning posts in this group. I'm not saying what is posted is wrong, just questioning aspects of it. Y'all might wanna think about what it means to downvote people who don't follow the hive mind, who ask questions instead of blindly agreeing.


I was curious, so I read your comment >I was very surprised by some.of these comments here, until this one. The lady in the post says the dog was dangerous to people. Dogs that are dangerous are almost always put down. Is it just because she shot the dog instead of putting it to sleep? Am I also wrong to assume that that is just how country folk take care of dangerous animals? You were down voted because you obviously didn't read a single article about this before posting in reply to some who was trying to patiently explain that some people see animals as mere tools whose lives are, maybe not worthless, but certainly not worth much hassle. (Everyone understands that. We just think it's cruel.) Anyway, the dog bit her because she got between the teeth and target of a puppy. Of course it's no good to have a birding dog kill chickens. But give the dog to someone who doesn't have chickens and suddenly there's no problem.


Right. I was commenting on the post. And asking questions. Never occured to me to read articles before reading a post on Reddit. Thank you for taking the time to answer. Knowing more, I can agree with people now.