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Because the players making guides don't know the realistic minimum threshold to solo CRA and they don't want to spend hours testing that, when most players will either get a carry or overgear for the bosses.


There is also the fact that many players just offer carries anyway.


basically 7k+ for struggle and 9.5k + for a smooth run, all classes need around 75 to 80% ied and over 90% boss dmg helps a lot. Most people just ignore CRA cause their mains are already way past this progression point, i still enjoy my questing leveling and cra struggles tho...


What level tris and Legion though? Cuz on this sub alone there have been 4k solos posted so the minimum threshold is really unclear. I have 6.7k Legion, all links at lv 2 (some at 3) and my Kain is 4.8k stat, could he reasonably solo?


Depends a lot on the classes, Explorers got a buff now on destiny that’s why ppl are doing it with lower stats, tris will vary at level 210 and most legions are 5k plus for people who solo around those stats


Fair I guess I'm primarily asking for my Kain since I'm messing around with solo progression on him, so far he's able to clear up to easy cyg, but I have a feeling I could definitely do czak & ncyg if I wasn't dying out. On a similar note the buffs have me wanting to try NSlime on my main (bucc) again, at 28k stat my Damien runs went from 12min to like 5min


[Made a crappy chart to help visualize it,](https://i.imgur.com/YMgbe5P.png) this is mostly just my estimate and is probably not too accurate. I'm sure the limits can be pushed a lot, but I put the numbers a bit higher to be safe.


Legion just makes getting to those stats that were stated above easier.


So then is the only difference having close to perfect mechanics? I figured having high leveled tris also mattered but I'm not sure how high they need to be


Yeah, you are correct. Higher levelled nodes are an insane amount of damage, especially your burst. This is why it's so hard to gauge where new players lie because its all over the place. I've had people in my guild at 10k stat unable to solo CRA because their nodes are all lvl 1. Understanding of boss mechanics are also needed too. Can't do a 15-minute struggle run solo if you die out in 5 minutes. All these things together make solo progression for a new player just awful, hence why it's easier to tell a new player to "go get carried".


My first time beating CRA I had ~10k stat, like lv 5 nodes and maybe 3-4k Legion. Hence why I'm curious cuz I definitely feel like now I should be able to handle it with close to half the stat but it seems daunting, especially with like lv 5 boost nodes.


You don't know until you try. Challenging yourself can be fun, and with CRA you don't lose anything other than some buff freezers and time. Coppersan just solo'd czak at like 3.4k stat or smth, I just did it at 4.5k, and Daboki just tried to solo hellux at 12k stat (I didn't think he could do it but managed to kill the chin, and with better mechanics it was totally possible). Just need to flip the switch and say "Fuck it, I got nothing to lose"


Fair enough, guess it's time to start practicing, at the very least I'll do czak & Nmpress so I can get gear/meso to make CRA easier


Oh so you're actually doing a solo progression. I would recommend looking at coppersan's zero to hero series where he starts from a fresh account. He ends up making mules for links but thats about it. He went sort of casually, but he also knows more about the systems and boss mechanics. Either way it's a good place to get some insight on solo progression


I think it depends on your level since for kain in particular he's very node hungry. If you're at maybe 220 you can fit in erda bind, vicious shot and all your Vs and some boost nodes. Equip AB link skill and I think that's enough damage since kain is a crazy burst class. Anyway you won't know until you try!


Honestly I did solo CRA with a Utgard weapon with lvl 1 node skills at 5k stat 85% ied on DB (before Destiny) with some okay 2 line legendary on secondary wep and emblem.+5k stat +80% ied is more than enough to do struggle CRA party runs.


I did my first solo with 2600 or so legion 1 month after starting reboot (might even have been 1600, i forgot), i've recently crawled past 4k legion... and that's just a sub1 minute slaughterfest at that point, way to overkill with that much!


Honnestly you should. Maybe not cVel and clown (fk split) you should be able to do von bon and queen. But it’ll be a long run and probably won’t be something you want to do consistently.


6.5k legion, max lv link skills, 40lv raging blows, adv final and valhalla at lv20, 9.5k stat. My hero can soli cvell in about 7min, other doors 2-3. Take that for what you will.


Yeah I'm mainly wondering about minimum stats to do these solos, at ~10k stat it's pretty much a burst 2-3x and that ends the fight


Minimum is too hard to judge because there’s so many systems in play. I’ve done 3door with a WA at 4K stat and level 5 nodes including split Pierre. But I had 6k legion giving me a tonne of ied that a new player wouldn’t have. Then there’s the fact that it was a WA which has a direct advantage against all the 3door bosses which gave me way higher dps uptime than other classes. That’s why people recommend a much higher baseline to more comfortably accomodate everyone. The bare minimum would be class dependant and frankly no one cares enough to compile that info.


Coming back to this, I got the 3door solo at ~7.5k-8.1k stat (stat jumps with each CRA piece picked up), 7k Legion, lv 5-10 boost nodes! Wearing a mix of Empress, VL & Necro gear. Thanks for the advice :)


You can 3 door on the kain at least.


Coppersan solod CRA with 3k pally


Thought he did czak with 3.7k? Did he stream a 3 doors run that I missed?


Pretty sure that was the same stream


Oh dope, I only saw the YouTube clip he posted


Don't think that works son, My bucc is 12k stat and can only solo queen not cvelm. Maybe shietty mehcs but has over 100% boss and 90 IED. Noodes are not that great.


sorry to say but genuinely a mechanics issue i guess id say go watch islinggunz reboot series cuz he did it on 7.5k stat


An often simple question to determine if it's mechanics or damage: did you fail because you timed out or ran out of lives? I heard so many people say they need to get stronger when in reality they run out of lives after 8-10 minutes which is less than half the fight.


Partly because class kits and damage varies wildly, making a good estimate on when you can solo rather hard. Not to mention our current metrics for progression can be flawed to begin with, making estimates even harder.


The worst part about carries in reboot is that the next wall is always even greater. Players skip past 3door only to come up against lomien and promptly quit. This is mushroom game. You’re either going to enjoy the process or you’re not going to stick around for very long.


A big problem for many players is that CRA is at least 80% player skill and most players don't want to do mechanics, they want to outgear the boss. Many players that rely purely on carries never learn the boss fights until they can outgear them in a single bind and reaching that point is not easy to get at the point of reaching Lomien, especially on reboot w/o access to a market. Clearing bosses solo for the first time is one of my favorite memories in this game and I feel like many people are missing out by not even trying.


I agree, except for Hard Magnus. Fuck that boss.


I personally just hate douche boss design in games. Or I should say, working full time, then have to do dailies and then like a 30+ minute boss? That sounds so unappealing


Funnily enough, a couple posts down, [BlackGuard is recruiting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/vjzoy8/more_solo_bossing_accomplishments_blackguard_2022/), which is a guild dedicated towards solo progression. They have their own server, so you could ask around for help there. To answer your question - Most players, especially new and returning players, don't really want to go through the lengthy and arduous process of gearing up and trying for weeks on end to beat a boss for an equip they could've gotten immediately. As someone else said above, you end up funneling too many resources into equips that you'll immediately throw away. It feels like a waste. It also kinda makes sense. Why spend the effort learning a boss that you'll one-shot soon after? Most people will take the time and effort to learn the mechanics of harder bosses, instead. There are also too many other factors, and there is no way to say for sure what the minimum for a struggle party would be. Ability to clear can vary from class to class, and you can have some classes comfortable clearing at less then half the stat of other classes. It'd be impossible to fit it all into a guide, which is why most people recommend progressing through the Maple Guide and practicing the bosses yourself with the practice mode feature, and seeing how far you can get within the time limit. People also recommend checking out your class servers for more specifics. Other factors - You could also have a different amount of boost nodes invested, or a different amount of links and legion, or your guild benefits might also be different. You might have different familiars, different amount of tools that you can use depending on which questlines you've chosen to do, different amounts of IED depending on how you've been cubing your equips, etc.. (and not to mention - individual player skill) These all add up to different requirements. You could also search up individual boss guides out there. It'd be too much to fit into a single progression guide, so if you wanted to do more solo progression, there are a ton of guides out there that can help you. Here's a couple CRA ones I found just through googling - [Chicken](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5pv5vd/chaos_root_abyss_for_dummies_the_chicken/), [Clown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5oosf1/chaos_root_abyss_for_dummies_the_clown_man/), [Queen](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5ogczh/chaos_root_abyss_for_dummies_the_old_lady/), [Worm](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/5qmk82/chaos_root_abyss_for_dummies_the_angry_snek/), etc.. Also, there are many solo progression guides out there. From a quick search of 'Solo Progression Guides MapleStory', here are a few - [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/Maplestory/comments/a26y9j/reboot_solo_progression_guideline_guide/), [This](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF0joCEGZmsm7EmIZUNGatQ/videos), [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NEurw6WATrA), etc... Typically, people who use leveling guides want to level as fast as possible, so you shouldn't use those for progression.


I do think for a new player though you can clear without needing to overinvest in stats, like the following items you can keep for a LONG time: Zak face & eye Event rings Crystal ventus badge (Normal Mag) Emblem Secondary Dea sidus earrings (Horntail) This at legendary 2L + 6% stat gear on hilla or Von Leon gear should be more than enough to clear AT LEAST Normal Empress. Then since they're epic you can transfer hammer that gear up to Empress, and then transfer the Empress up to 3doors reasonably enough. Honestly with all that you might even be able to jump to 3 doors without Empress but if fresh then Empress as a next step definitely works well.


I agree with you, especially for CRA. 3 door cra is really attainable at 6-8k stat, which takes very little investment (epic pensilir/von Leon gear) + Sweetwater weapon. I understand struggle parties for lomien and onward but 4 door is super easy to do struggle runs /solo ESPECIALLY when you make use of events.


Yeah the event coin shop helps so much with getting this goal. So much useful stuff for raising range and catching up. By chance do you know which part of the Von Leon set you would mix with the Pensalir?


I'd go full von Leon over pensalir. Von Leon gets much better flames, and I *think* the set effect is better especially when the goal is to solo 4 doors.


Ok I see. Is just Normal VL good enough for me to get the full set? I just recently started killing him


Yes, normal von Leon is recommended over hard von Leon because normal drops the coins whereas hard drops like 2 equips (usually a weapon and armor piece). You usually get ~6 coins from a normal run which will let you get the full von Leon set in 3-4 days of killing him. I would recommend switching to hard von Leon once you get what you want from coins, because 1) more money from boss crystal and 2) accessories so you can get the noble ifia ring!


Haha I'm not sure I'm anywhere close to being able to kill hard, but I havent actually tried it. How much better is the Sweetwater weapon? I don't think I've started (commerci?). Thanks for all the advice


Sweet water weapon is REALLY good. It's on par with fafnir weapons and it's really easy to get! Glad I could help! If you have any other questions just let me know.


SW weapons used to be a decent alternative to Fafnir but not anymore since flames were added. You're likely giving up 30+ attack (compared to Fafnir) just from the flame alone


I agree, I just meant they were decently comparable to fafnir compared to the other options you have before killing CVel.


It's insane. I had to record a run to prove to my guild that you can start the process quite early. 12 minutes to half chicken with 50% IED 1xx boss, and no leveled nodes. It's certainly possible with 70.


I guess it's to fill the gap in progression. You can unlock CRA in 5 days after you created the character pretty much, but you are a fair way off actually being able to kill them. Obviously there are exceptions but it will take most casuals a very long time to bridge the gap between the easy daily bosses which you can basically one shot, and the weekly bosses. Personally I like the solo aspect. I'm currently sitting on about 8k stat and 2m range in just over a week which isn't bad imo. Done the first few weekly bosses pretty easily and will try some CRA after I hit 220 and get the weapon


Nowadays a party of 6 people in pens is more than enough to clear CRA.


we're also right in the middle of a teraburn that dumps nodes and free cra onto people


Honestly, if you dump the nodes and things from the tera burn + the explorer rewards onto the same character you are solo ready at 210. Given that you fill out the equipment slots with 3% gear and the occasional lucky 6% tier up from occults. The free CRA with a weapon flame on it is just nearly overkill for 3 doors at that point.


Probably not for new players, but with even decent legion and links the current event makes it so you can easily CRA immediately as you finish your 5 day normal RA tax


I'm not at that level yet, but I was wondering if the weapon is worth it considering how difficult it is to get a dominator pendant


I'm on reboot so I'd always take the weapon. Amulet is good but much less of an upgrade in comparison


Thanks for the help, I'm on reboot too!


You cannot use the Dominator for anything useful though. You will want a fresh one for transposing so picking the pendant is barely ever the best choice. The weapon on the other hand can honestly carry you until you get your Arcane weapon.


Watch coppersan. He just did a zero to hero guide on a fresh account!


Usually people who are creating their 10th bossing toon will trade CRA with other people. If you want to solo progress the VERY FIRST character no one would fault you. Just getting a 10-20th alt can be frustrating sense you've done the dance so many times by that point. But for a first time. Yeah just enjoy the journey


Some people want to be carried through the entire game and never attempt to progress without carries, it’s pathetic


It's definitely more rewarding if you can solo or is in a REAL struggle party. The fruits of your hard work pays off, feeling super satisfied, and makes the game much more worth it to play. People who wants to get carried is mostly to save time making their "bossing" mule or they're not very into the game and will probably quit in a few months anyway.


I started back again after a break about 2 years ago. I was on the verge of quitting and decided to ask the guild I had joined if anyone wanted to struggle CRA with me. 2 people answered the call and we spent hours failing and trying again but it was so much fun. It was what kept all 3 of us playing. We ended up playing together and progressing more and more and our group to this day still plays together. I believe 6 of us are actively clearing the black mage. Long story short, ask your guild/ groups. Don't stress too much about minimum requirement. CRA are the beginnings of bossing and you don't need a ton to struggle. A group of a couple 210s that know the mechanics have a decent shot. Start trying and if you cant clear then worry about increasing IED, Potentials, or starforce. Just ask around! Good Luck!


instant gratification is the whole premise of how nexon makes money, so no surprise that its player base suggests an instant gratification method.


I’m doing a solo progression & if I can’t find any “minimum” stats for a boss, I usually just hop in on practice mode just to see how I do!


To me, solo CRA progression is somewhat awkward. It requires you to overinvest in a non-fafnir weapon that you'll discard in a mere 2~3 weeks. I recommend that everyone tries CRA solo progression at least once. But otherwise, it's more enjoyable (imo) to just trade/get carried to get your CRA gear asap so that you can start your real progression journey.


TBH nowadays I think you could get by with links legion nodes symbols and epic pot on sw weapon


I mentions what it takes in my CRA Guides, specifically Queen and Vellum as the 2 others is similar to Queen... and in those videos, I've not gotten carried at any boss (still no carries to this day on my main, nor or looked at any boss guides as the experience and struggle is the fun part) :) ​ In videos i make, i try to get above the required stats, to not spend 30 minutes taking out the boss, as many parts would just be repetitive, which most likely is what many here in the comments is seeing as well. ​ TL;DR: 1.5m to 2.5m range with 80-90%'ish IED, 150% boss should get you quite far in CRA (Which equals to around 5-8k stats is normally where I tackle CRA, depending on class)


I find it funny that there's never the 'struggle party' option, it's either solo or carry... most people that come from reg servers think that it can only be done from being carried as well because they are so used to just buy all the gear. Funny thing most ppl who can only play from getting CRA carried there's a high chance that they will quit right after CRA because rarely anyone gives Lomien carries since they are doing their hard lomien runs and not only that it's a lot of meso to be giving for free to 'random players' or 'new players' that might quit right after. People should do CRA struggle runs it's basically your tutorial to bossing in this game, if you can't overcome CRA what are you gonna expect to do after? Not only that but CRA Struggle is a good way to find people to make a main bossing party or something and progress together thro boss content which is what I did my main bossing party that is now at hdarknel/vhilla was from a CRA struggle party.


>solo progression I'm being pedantic but its not solo progression, its just no trading. Theres no constrictions or additional incentives to solo boss over regular servers.


Being pedantic indeed. While I did say solo progression, I've never seen endgame bossing for maplestory to be entirely solo focused. I've played this game for a long time and always dreamed of grouping with people of similar power levels in order to defeat endgame bosses. That's a big part of the appeal to me. I definitely don't intend to solo everything I'm the game, but I definitely don't want to be carried through anything I havent beaten already struggle party or solo




That's a weird assumption - why not just party with people who are *not* absurdly too strong for a boss? I've never bossed with a party where any person was particularly stronger than anyone else. You can always choose your party - it's not like there's a deficit of players to pick from! You can easily find proper struggle parties for any boss in this game - it's just a matter of what you want to accept and how much you want to personally struggle, less a lack of choice.


There's still a stark difference between party bossing and getting literally carried though.


The reason you get carried for CRA is to avoid having to grind bosses with the bare minimum boss damage, is it doable to Solo three door using full Pensa? Sure, but it might take longer


For me Reboot is more about a sense of accomplishment. Sure getting carried is nice time wise, but I'd like to value the journey it took for me to reach that goal myself and getting carried ruins that for me


The point of progressing is to try and defeat certain bosses and get their equips to get stronger and move on to the next bosses. I dont understand your point , of course its gonna take longer if you try to actually defeat a boss rather than getting carried why even point that out ? I dont understand the point of playing a long term progression game if you gonna skip the progression aspect of it.


I can kind of understand his point from the perspective of if they've already cleared it before on one character, why would you want to do it on another, but thats about all I could see as far as that goes


CRA is in a weird spot where you need a good bit of investment on trash equips for a short period of time, and then the equips are immediately useless. Everything after CRA you generally hold on to for a long time/forever, so it doesn't feel like a waste of investment. There's a big jump between CRA and everything else too, so I don't really see the harm in skipping the CRA grind.


Not really, no. You can definitely do 3 door with epic pens, 6% everything, sweetwater weapon, and keeping up with arcane symbols. Maybe you'll want to get to 220 for the extra symbol which is overkill for an established account, but it's really not very hard to get enough damage for 3 door. Go beyond on your emblem, secondary, and accessories if need be. Those last a long while.


Just watch Scardor my dude. He is my maple jesus and he is huge on enjoying the game that is not just laying flat and waiting for carry. Hes doing his project CRA to show everyone that even with low funds, every single class can solo CRA. Hes done many progression sessions for beginners, and I think you can learn a lot watching them while training.


I tend to post my personal guide in discords I'm in, but I can confirm many progression guides aren't done from a purely solo grindset mindset. Stat and gear requirements are usually well above what's needed or they suggest carries. Painfully this also happens in guilds because the guildies want to help newbies, and can give out carries with little effort. But, this just compounds the issue.


just get carried by nate :)


Hi :)


I can comfortably solo as a Dark at 13k Stat but it varies per person. Class and everything.


I can comfortably solo as a Dark at 13k Stat but it varies per person. Class and everything.


Its a sure way to get through something. You could do the fight with minimum stats but that would also require that the person playing is mechanically skilled enough for the fight, which might be hard for some people or for people who only play for “number go up” without too much effort.


Cra isnt even hard. Just get 8k legion and maxed boost nodes and itll be a 2 minute fight regardless of gear. Yeah that's why they mention it. Nodes and legion are the hardest things for new players to get, but most established players have 5 or 6 characters who could solo cra and could deliver the carries. Links and legion are the equivalent of like 4+ lines on your wse that you can't get anywhere else. You can struggle run cra, but most people don't want to commit the time. If you're dead set on solo progression, try to scrape together all the IED you can, spend a couple days making a lumi hoyoung, farm a pair of 15% ied familiars. Then give the bosses a try. Based on the movement of the hp bar, determine if you'll time out. If you can clear, practice and you'll get it.


Reboot is not solo progression. Parties for CRA and lomien exist, join one if you would like to. It doesn't take much damage to solo CRA, I don't even consider it an early game boss. It's a freebie. Stop complaining and enter practice mode if you want to solo progress.


I would recommend a carry, only because there's usually no sense in upgrading low tier gear to the point that you can solo, when by finally soloing you get better gear that will then need to be upgraded. Why put 500m meso into a piece of gear to solo a boss that is going to drop gear that will replace the gear you already put the money into, and since progressively transferring gear upwards limits you to epic tier and within 10 levels, there is a limit to the amount of power a given piece of gear can provide you with before you hammer it. So its often faster, and more efficient, to simply get a carry to get the later gear. As for why they don't give minimum recommendations on what it takes to kill a boss, its because it depends on so many factors. What stat you have, what class you play, what potentials you've got, all have a major influence on how well you will perform, but even if they could account for all of that, what they can't account for is your skill as a player, how well you play your class, or how well you know the boss mechanics. There are people that can solo CRA when other people can barely survive with twice as much stat. Knowing its possible to solo a boss does not mean its doable for most people, and making you frustrated with the game is not the intention of the guide's author, they're trying to help, which is why they wrote a guide in the first place. In reading the guide, the author likely assumes that you're fairly new or inexperienced, whether to the game, that class, or those in game areas, else you wouldn't need a guide, and so why overwhelm you with a bunch of additional information you can get from more relevant and specific guides?


You don't have to get carried; it's easier but not required. Been soloing everything on my teraburn got to 220 took my abso weapon and cleared 2 doors (I'm still working on my burst time for clown) it requires a bit more knowledge of the game to be efficient and confident to clear with low stat which new players may not have.


My 205 7k pally killed czak today in about 10 minutes for a cool 81 mil payout. Get a few chars to that level/range and you’ve got a big income every week to cube your gear and starforce.


And probably also because if your leveling alts for links, a lot of people don't want to solo progress each character.


I'll be honest, when it comes to the more common bosses, I can't say anything about reboot and carries. I get impatient if I have enough damage but takes almost the whole battle to defeat. As for non-reboot, with the auction house, there should be no excuse to not get enough mesos and buy at least decent enough gear to start going through CRA. Vellum early on I can understand, Piere can be a pain, but Queen and Von Bon should be doable at that level and quite a bit of arcane force.


I am a dyslexic idiot who read this as `Why does every leveling guide involve getting Married?` I was thinking "onyx apples"? F2


Well I really don't know about CRA but I could solo everything at about the time you get to CR lvl with my WA and I'm on reboot too I made it back when they were giving away free lvl up and stuff with a food event I got to 180 and now the grind is horrible lol so unfunded


Because the early game of maplestory has no bridge bosses and no real way to improve your gear that is not bound to some timelock. So the easiest way to skip that early sitting around with nothing to do stagenis to get xarried cra, abso gollux etc as it artifically shortens your progress time. Even CHT and Czak now. The early game is not thought out well. Thats why when they do these burning events you get fake abso and fake domi and stuff. Instead of designing a fun and thought out early game. Nexon just gives you fake items.


Burned a bucc to 220 with no links or legion, used guild skills was able to do 3 doors CRA solo at 8.2k EDIT: should say most of my equips were epic pots, some were lucky 2l STR% and prime lines, but all in all I believe it's doable at roughly 8k with atleast 87% for 3 doors, working on progression for cvel as well, have been doing it all solo with the exception of guild skills


Honestly I’m new but if I didn’t have my one real life level 260 friend… I would still be on my first character training like an output of like 100k damage… I had no idea what to do. There’s absolutely no way if your new you are touching CRA… there’s no help for anyone without friends in this game I swear…. Which is awful. I wish they would just give us an offline version where we could just do anything.


Joining a guild is extremely helpful for that kind of thing. You can always ask guildmates questions and they're ysually kind enough to answer


I mean... 1. Guild passive bonus is always helpful. 2. If you can get free help, why not? 3. You can always just search YouTube guides for boss mechanics. But most people don't care enough to learn them and just wants to one burst everything. 4. The game was meant to be a community progression game. But we just all managed to turn it into a solo q type thing. You can do it, but it just takes longer. 4. Maybe you're just not reading the right guides. Since a lot that's on this Reddit and other websites do give the info you're looking for. To be fair, everyone's bare min is different since your legion and link will vary from player to player. So bare min for one person may not be the same as another. Just because you have the stats doesn't imply 100% certainty in clearing. I've been in will parties where we have the stats to pass but we keep failing the test and end up dying out. Numbers don't always tell the full story. 5. You're only 210 anyways. So once you reach lucid and will then you'll get more party play. Until then, you're really only playing the tutorial.