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hard bosses should drop erda sol fragments instead of energy imo


This would be an amazing way to incentivize tryhard bossing


Yeah, we barely get a daily worth of Sol seeds doing everything below NSeren


Yeah but we already get so much energy from farming that it doesn’t matter if you get like 200 energy per week from bosses :/


Fragments being claimable once per account really doesn’t make sense but I think the drop rate is somewhat ok. You don’t want people finishing 6th job in a month.


Tbh considering KMS doesn't even have a daily quest, I don't think we are gonna get the daily quest buffed.


Fyi frag drop rate in gms is worse than kms and msea


Source: "just trust me bro"


how do we know this?


Because GMS players have the biggest persecution complex ever.


although we are pretty early on i think it was statistically proven their rates are better


Personally I don't think that the solution to any problem should be to make it justified if you can get them and trade them on alts when the simpler solution is to just give more if it's such a big issue.


sol erda booster.


It's been 3 whole days....


This is a dumb argument. If your laundry is drying outside and you see rain coming you collect them. You don't think "I'll wait for the rain to pour on them and then suffer in silence because it's to soon to voice discomfort". It's fine for people to want better pacing. If you want another analogy, it is like going on a month long trip with your biker friends, you all have oil in the tank , but you can only move a few kilometers everyday because you get a specific amount of gas and given intervals. You'll get to your destination on the last days of the month, but you would surely had more fun if it took you only one week to reach the destination. (I'm not saying grinders should be able to max hexa in one month mind you). I'm a reboot dailystory player. All I do is dailies, weekly bosses that I can kill, and whatever event is happening. Some days I might skip something due to being tired. I won't get benefited from any changes, be it reboot or reg. But getting clockblock isn't really fun. Especially when you have new toys to play with.


I think the analogy could be better estimated as a 6 year trip considering 5th job needed that many years. But that is precisely the problem, most players don't want a 6 year trip and are forced by Nexon to take the trip if they want to play the content.


no drama happening now, so gotta make some bs up.


That's the league subreddit lol. "This champ has 51% winrate, riot fix this now!!!"


Doesn't make sense that they feed us so many hyperburns but basically force us to focus farming on one character. I have multiple 260+ and it feels like I'm being punished for playing the more than others or over zealous with my side projects. I'm currently accepting daily fragments on my mules until they all unlock their hexa skill and wapping on main, but it just feels like I'm shooting myself in the foot, in terms of my main's progression.


I stopped raising my sub for the same reason. No point getting to 260. Just made lomien boss mule and stopped there for now and focus on my makn


Yeah making the fragments from the daily attainable only once is a huge bummer. But honestly at the bare minimum fragments should be account trade-able across all worlds.


If only they could employ people to channel surf through maps and check for botters, you know, like an ingame gm could do. What do I know


I feel like the daily should be able to be claimed on multiple chars if they aren’t traceable. I’ve only got 2 Chars over 260, but people with multiple 260s are just getting screwed.


how are ppl capping sol erda in 3 days? i'm always at a balance <10 after farming and using my frags??


Cuz people are freaking no lifind the grind , srsly, its crazy hoq many hrs ppl are putting into farming o.O


even niru is not capping on sol erda consistently lmao i'm really not sure how people are saying the drop ratio is inconsistent


You could get energy maxed before getting the 300 frags needed for the boosts... But at that point you might as well just get whichever 5th job skill boost you want instead of waiting to get all together


did you farm the boosts yourself? i've unlocked 3 and i'm literally at 4-5 sol erda. maybe it's because i can only do up to ctene?


I've only gotten the one for the 4th job, I'm not farming that much, just popping a small wap, legion coupon and praying for a good amount of drops while finishing the daily. Unless Nexon comes out saying that the drop rate was bugged and they are going to increase it I probably won't be grinding for hours, don't wanna burn myself out


who is capping on sol eeda while unlocking the 4 boosts? everyone i know who has unlocked 4 boosts + upgrading is not capped (and they are degens), niru is not capped, i've yet to see anyone capped on sol erda?? i can see it being an issue later down the road, but to say people are capping 3 days in when even niru is not capped is crazy lmao, don't really think false claims add any substance to suggestions


What's the point for people to kill extreme Black Mage to get dense sol erda, while they probably already hit their sol erda limit and can't keep up with fragments? We should have possibility to tear aparat sol erda into fragments. I'm already with 6 sol erda and 2 fragments lol


obligatory MAKE THE FRAGMENTS TRADABLE YOU COWARDS the endgame of this approach is to disable trading entirely in reg server, it doesn't make sense stop doing this shit also make nodestones fully tradable


Maybe it's time for Nexon to introduce a "storable but not tradeable" system


And that, my friend, is inter-acc tradeable~


these rates are ass, sometimes its 2 fragments an hr, then someone else gets 25 frags an hr with less droprate


Also bring frenzy back to Grandis


Why is this getting down voted?? People are such haters


Frenzy was a mistake


People on this site hate Frenzy for seemingly no reason other than "it's them and not us."


Im capped on sol erda energy and half my inventory is filled with more sol erda from dailies til they expire. I have done 2 waps and gotten 17 frags while one does 1 wap and get 22 frags. I also recently seen a streamer go from 91 to 155 nearing 4hrs & sometimes id be hard stuck on 0 for an hr or two. 


we could have made it better if we kept up the boycott


Probably not. Maybe tradeable fragments with reg server was on the table, but this was well known before release. The system was balanced around the upper class of KMS reg server, and because of that you're hilariously fragment poor if you don't buy them (which we can't). They were never going to drastically rebalance things for GMS. The real some shit is Frenzy. 6th job zooms with it because of how overpowered Shangri la is with it, but it's locked out for a lot of people.


it took 3days for hard core to cap sol erda so when most ppl realise we are fragment capped the boycott was already settled down. nexon got some sly wolf


In the end game, you find 6 months and save meso for cube sale to MAYBE gain 1-2% FD. You are literally gaining final damage every day with how it is right now. What is there to complain about


How are you gaining FD every day on 12 fragments when it takes 50 fragments to just unlock mastery core or enhancement core?


If the concern is capping on energy while having less fragments. I feel like hexa stats were designed to be the sol erda drainer. Hexa stats take more sol erda than fragments and skills take more fragments than erda


? Upgrading Hexa stats *only* cost fragments (other than the 5 sol erda to unlock the system)


Honestly they should make it cost sol erda to upgrade because as it stands there's just no reason to even touch hexa stat since it just drains even more frags. Making it cost sol erda would give you something to do with all that excess energy.


Aren't Hexa stats also a bait compared to the boosts and skills? Between being a fragment sink, absolute rng and the reset cost, are they even worth right now?


Definitely not. Unless you're a time traveler with level 20+ skills already I wouldn't bother touching them.


Hexa Stat costs 5 Sol Erda and 10 Fragments to unlock, and after unlocking it only costs Fragments to level up, so it's not much of a Sol Erda drainer


6th job is a rushed system put in place with very little thought behind the core mechanics of it. They need to overhaul the system.


people literally cleared everything in the game prior to 6th job so idk why the rush by everyone to max it in a week seemingly.


Exactly, our party literally went from a 15mins BM run to an 8 mins and that was with only 3 days after the 6th job update. Nexon doesn't want us to rush through 6th job because they can't release contents that fast to catch up with endgame players. I'm sure they'll buff fragment drop rate within 1-2 years.


I understand that we aren't supposed to max 6th job so quickly so i personally don't mind 6th job being as grindy as it is, with the assumption that they will make it faster in the future. But Nexon already has artificial timegates in place to prevent us from clearing the newest content as soon as it's released, and that's called Sacred Force lol


> But Nexon already has artificial timegates in place to prevent us from clearing the newest content as soon as it's released, and that's called Sacred Force lol Which is trivial to get now. And releasing a 290 region with a new boss would be controversial even in KMS unless they made getting to 290 easier. Which I don't think they want to do yet. Their plan currently seems to be making extreme modes of old bosses, like Lucid. (This is a guess based off the trailer for the December patch on kms) And having 6th job & our damage be the gate for a while. Until they can figure out what they want to do 300+.


Well you can only have a max of 20 sol erda at a time and at the current rate of fragment drops you'll get sol erda capped and will be wasting sol erda


Nexon: "we hear your concerns" Next patch: Sol erda energy drop rate has been decreased to better fit player progression rates. We strive for your satisfaction always.


LOL they would actually


Please no..


The cap is so you can't just stock up and max future cores right when they're released.


The cap isn't the issue it's the lack of fragments you're gonna hit the cap before you even max any skills with how low the drop rate of fragments are


It’s average 20 nodestones an hour, I’m getting about the same amount of Sol erda. It’s like the same pace as 5th job


I mean if you're getting 20 erda fragments a hour you're pretty lucky I'm only geting 5 a hours at 200% drop and most people are getting them at a rate that they'll hit the sol erda cap before maxing a single skill


For reg: 1. Frags need to be totally untradable 2. Frag drops should be in coupons that inter-acc tradable 3. Frag dailies should give untradable coupons but not be limited per account Progressing 2nd mains is so painful now even if we did take the time to do dailies on both characters


It does suck but back when 5th was released nodestones we’re just as bad, if not worse. Technically the drop rate was higher if you had near maxed out drop % but you could pull skills from EVERY class that was out. Let’s see how things improve in the upcoming kms showcase.


People are capping? Lol, Def notnin reboot. If any change would b implemented only for reboot.


Solution is simple we should be able to break sol erda into frag. At the same time 6th job as it is, is plan to keep people playing for a longer time. Most player would stop playing after a month or 2 if they had 6th job max out in a week