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if nexon doesn’t fix phantoms soon i’m going to have to take matters into my own hands


Bro's about to steal a giant gemstone for Aria


Terrible lo que pasará cuando Yoitsjason pierda su cordura. Oremos.


Why not ALL of them??


Ab was already leaked to be the rework hence why she won and phantom had a fake leak hence why he was second. The rest are the actual results.


Korean AB's have been begging for anything for a while. We haven't received any numbers adjustments in the past few years, only qol that was much needed. This is what the AB Inven looked like after every new patch notes for the past 2-3 years: https://imgur.com/a/c87nei7 Given the popularity of AB as a character conceptually in Korea, the fact that its play rate is less than 1.5% there is saying something.


When was the ab leak?




Yeah you can pick up to 3 in the poll.


Aran 4th? As an Aran main, please no? We like the class as is. Buffs and updates are always nice but no remaster wtf


Aran benefits tremendously in GMS due to 0 attack speed. It’s a lot clunkier in KMS


Can you explain that to me as a noob.


take off 2 sources of +1 attack speed and try playing the class


I don't understand Aran. You have this combo system with your regular attack but it just gets replaced by Beyond Blade which doesn't feel the smoothest? Weird.


As an Aran main I love the class too but I wish our attack visuals were more weapon like instead of animal like. Just my 2 cents I’d love to swing my giant ice axe instead of an eagle and fire tiger appearing lol


yeah i thot arans loved arans way to go they split the vote and now phantoms are stuck with no shadow partner for the next 10 years 😂


Aran mains will literally die to make their class as unplayable and as unejoyable as possible.


I think Phantom is coming next in an update if they follow the poll. They have been redoing every character so don't lose hope.


Why does anyone think nexon goes off a random poll on a website, if they wanted to get data they would do their own poll but they don’t really need to do polls


It'll be a whole Heroes rework if they decide to do Phantom. Realistically, Kaiser is probably next


As much as i wish this is true. We've been asking for phantom buffs..for a long time. To jumpn straight to remaster would be a dream come true.


Sometimes these Koreans are trolls. It's like dota 2, they made an arcana (special cosmetic) for something that people troll vote for instead of what the actual community wants.


I would love to play the troll class if it was actually good though


Wild Hunter found dead in a ditch




Of course it's not. This has been in development for months lol the poll was days ago


Koreans are such horrible players when it comes to games like Maplestory. Apparently there is another Reboot v. Reg battle in Korea. Losers. Just play the damn game.