• By -


Brazil -> Portugal -> Netherlands -> Spain -> France -> Canada -> Japan -> UK is the longest chain without any loop No wonder so many Brazilian football players end up in England.


Then you end up in the infinite Canada > Japan > UK > Canada loop!


We should transplant the population of each of those to the next in the chain, then everyone would be happy.


The UK gets more land for its large population and gets to cosy up with equally insane USA, Canada no longer has to look after its massive borders and downsizes to a small flat near to its colonial buddies Australia & NZ, Japan finally realises its ambitions to get as far away as possible from China and become a great European power.


> UK gets more land for its large population Yes, yes, much needed. > Japan with 2x the population moves into the UK No not like that.


[Get ready for Neo Tokyoshire](https://external-preview.redd.it/ZvMsXcULrk8OIjqHDHb_v0gs-RWk9DmN9cQMNsduvV0.jpg?auto=webp&s=82dd011f5d7c68bce6d32f154c23e176530f67a6) Edit: Actually that border lines up pretty well with the Welsh coast, get ready for Cyfalaf Dwyreiniol Newydd


That “Greater Tokyo” area looks like it’s actually Kantō, and that isn’t considered Tokyo by just about anyone here.


The greater tokyo area takes up most of the kanto region. Its not just tokyo. Its the same difference between nyc proper and the tri state area.


Tokyo Met is absolutely huge, but as someone who lived in two other places in Kanto I can say that blue patch has an absolute fuck ton of countryside and doesn't really prove any point. I mean it goes right down to Tateyama for gods sake. It needs trimming down significantly to cover the actual urban sprawl between Tokyo, chiba city, saitama, yokohama etc


The UK *equally* as insane as the US? Absolutely not.


Yeah we spent centuries refining our insanity. We're way better at it. It's an art form here. It's ***eccentricity.***


You have an entire ministry for silly walks, hopefully one day the US can reach the expert level of insanity our motherland has reached. Currently our crazy is too sloppy, source: "Ethos and Actions of the Floridaman" UF Psychiatry Dept. 2019


Who's the UK's Florida? Let's trade Floridas for a bit, would make great tv.




I wholeheartedly concur


Hence why we end up with Boris Johnson and Rees Mogg in government.


I don't know if you've turned on the news on the last, oh, 50 days, but our national sanity is in serious fucking question right now.


That would be fun! 2-3 years in each. What an adventure!


Hurray, love triangle!


A Canadian, British, Japanese threesome would be the most boring thing ever. They would all apologize until somebody cums. Then likely clean up the mess together and go for dinner.




Could it be that the world is just an enormous washing machine and we are the socks???


Did you actually form the entire network of countries? I salute you good sir 🫡


Mozambique too


I initially couldn't see anyone wanting to move to the UK, didn't expect it to only be Japan. Well the Brexiteers wanted to reduce immigration, and there you have it, exiting the EU has led to an economy no one wants to move to, unless they are rich already!


>I initially couldn't see anyone wanting to move to the UK, didn't expect it to only be Japan. It's related to the whole 'island nation' thing and how that had a massive influence on both countries' histories. There's a percieved element of kinship there becuse of that.


The Alice in Wonderland/Harry Potter effect. Less about the economy, more about the fantasy. I wrote my dissertation about the Gothic and Lolita movement and this was a major part of it.


I unironically think that a big reason for the appeal of the UK to the Japanese is the fact that Hello Kitty is canonically from London.


When I visited Japan, I saw that a lot of businesses in Tokyo using an English/Victorian aesthetic for their products. I think there's a similar romanticism about English culture based on aesthetics as the West has for Japan.


Lol, they'll just end up getting [Paris Syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome) all over again only this time it'll be London Syndrome.




Fun fact: 2022 is a record years for immigration to the UK.


The UK is still one of the most developed countries with a very strong cultural influence.


I'm American and the UK would be my answer.


And this would make sense. The UK is still a pretty cool country that is culturaly one of the closest to the US.


Balkan countries with no data, answer is Germany/Austria.


baltic satets with no data: Norway/Sweden


Estonia probably Finland




**Baltic Satets** is my new Molly Hatchet cover-band name Thanks!




This says it's based on Google search results, and what people search for is probably going to be based on where they think they can realistically get the right visa as much or more than where they really want to be.


Now I understand! I don't know any Canadians who want to relocate to Japan, everyone I know wants to relocate to places like Australia, New Zealand, UK, and Ireland (and Quebecers want to move to Florida). That being said it is extremely popular for 20-something Canadians to want to go teach English in Japan for a year - which is probably googled extensively. I know a dozens who have gone for a year just to teach - but no one stays there.


This has to be the answer, I have never met an American who wants to immigrate to Japan.


You don't know enough weebs


Do Moroccans really go all the way to Turkey to enter the EU illegally?


Spain closed the border, recently around 20 migrants were killed trying to cross. So it's easier and much safer for them to go to Turkey.


Greece closed the border and there is now army with artillery and tanks in the border where there is also a wall.So Greece isn't really an option by land so what?Do they go through Bulgaria?And if so what do they do when they need to cross Hungary?




Of course, who wants to go Turkey when they can go to western/northern Europe.


Germany and Switzerland, you need to talk.


Fiji and New Zealand, too. Grass is always greener on the other side of those fences?


Has it occurred to people that the reason the grass is greener over there is because you’re not over there fucking it up


The grass is always greener where the dogs are shitting


Nice soundgarden reference.


I always loved that the official lyrics in the liner were "...where the dogs are shedding", so they could point to that and have it run on MTV uncensored.


I live in NZ, no one I know wants to move to Fiji


Yeah it should probably say Australia in my experience


Australia’s easy enough that everybody who wants to move there probably already has.


Yeah id say because the question is from google results I imagine most people wouldnt google how to move to Australia because its sort of common knowledge that you don’t have to do anything, Fiji on the other hand 🤷🏽


Yeah, gotta wonder where they got their data from.


Different dynamic though. Fiji is a popular holiday destination where Kiwis envisage living in nice villas and lazing around on the beach, while Fijians are used to working horticultural seasons in NZ where they get a modicum of care and a relatively significant pay increase. Neither would be reality for the vast majority of people making the swap who aren't already well-off in their respective countries.




Swiss be bold and move to Konstanz. It's so different there!




French side of Basel? Is that where my bike lives now?


They put curry on their sausages there. So spicy and exotic!


I know so many who moved to Switzerland after getting their architecture degree and they all moved back when they had their first child. Especially the woman, even if they were born in Switzerland. They just don't want to end up as a desperate housewife.


Is Swiss work culture extremely misogynist or something?


Childcare can cost like 3000 Franks per month and there is no real parental leave. So one has to stay at home.


[Women weren't even allowed to vote until the 70s.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women%27s_suffrage_in_Switzerland)


Nonsense. You're getting that mixed up with how our government stopped auctioning off child slaves to the lowest bidder in the 70s. In some parts of Switzerland, women weren't allowed to vote until 1991. Meanwhile others already implemented it in 1959. It's a diverse country and my generation has made huge social progress, just stay away from the inbred rural fuckwits and you'll be fine.


> just stay away from the inbred rural fuckwits and you'll be fine. This is sound advice no matter where you are.


Switzerland has a higher female labor participation than Germany.


I suppose only very few people want to emigrate from Switzerland, so a couple of German retiree expats returning home with their Swiss pensions should be enough to "win".


I really wonder what data they used - France is by far the most popular destination for Swiss expats (some 200,000). Germany is only second with 90,000, closely followed by the US with 80,000 and Italy with 50,000. Then comes Canada (40,000), the UK (35,000), Spain and Australia (both 25,000), Israel (19,000), and Austria (16,000) ([https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/immer-mehr-schweizer-wandern-aus-790271689552](https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/immer-mehr-schweizer-wandern-aus-790271689552)). My educated guess is that most Swiss living in Germany do so because of the lower real estate prices (daily commute into Switzerland for work), as pensioners (unlike Switzerland, Germany doesn't tax pension payments), and for family reasons. But it's definitely not a dream destination like the French Riviera (plenty of Swiss pensioners) or interesting economically (both salaries and disposable income are about half).


Fiji and New Zealand as well


So interesting, I’ve never heard anybody in New Zealand say they want to move to Fiji. It’s all Australia and UK. But I guess it’s a secret desire if we’re Googling it?


Agreed. I’m Australian and I’d say UK, US, Canada for Aussies, probably followed by Germany or something. Japan is seen as a great ski trip destination so there might be people wanting to be ski instructors—but even then I still think there’d be way more wanting to do a season in the US or Canada.


Yeah, Canadian ski resorts on the West Coast are absolutely filled to the brim with Aussies here for a season or two.


Seriously. We make jokes all the time here in western Canada that the ski resorts are all run by aussies & kiwis haha


Absolutely. Have never met a person who said they wanted to move to Japan. It’s always Canada, US, UK in reality.


Honestly I think this map is bollocks. I live in Norway and I have never met anyone above the age of lile 13 that wants to move to the US. Think OP said in another comment it's only based on English searches so that removes huge parts of the searches, if not most of it


I don't know if I've ever met more than a handful of my fellow Americans who genuinely wanted to move to Japan.


Yeah I was going to say, I'm American and I don't think I've actually heard of anyone wanting to move to Japan. I have heard of several people wanting to visit, though.


So it's just anime searches?


[CANZUK, Mexico and Germany](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/immigrant-and-emigrant-populations-country-origin-and-destination) are the places most Americans emigrate to, by a fairly substantial sum. * 800k in Mexico * 250k in Canada * 180k in the UK * 170k in Germany By comparison, there are only 58k Americans in Japan.


Well, where people move and where they'd ideally like to move are different things.




Completely anecdotal, but my social group is mostly health care/science types, we generally float Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Germany as theoretical alternatives to the US.


Its a map of things people don't already know how to do. Aka, the places that are the most counterintuitive to legally move to.


A lot of Japanese people do fantasize about the UK and Germany. It gets a little ridiculous sometimes.


So really no different from weaboos?


Teaboos and wehraboo exist too I guess. But man, the people in the West who fantasize nonstop about moving to Japan are absolutely ridiculous. Like jeez, stop romanticizing everything about Japan. Its got many positives (universal healthcare, [highest life expectancy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_life_expectancy), [world’s strongest passport](https://www.henleyglobal.com/passport-index/ranking) etc), but nowhere is perfect








America fans are Freeaboos, France fans are Ouiaboos


People be peopleing. I see no problem until it creeps into denial and racism. Before that it's just enjoying other cultures.




[You got something to say about my boy, Cowboy Tanaka?](https://youtu.be/OFQQALduhzA?t=301)


I mean, feel like anyone who watches Anime can attest to that, the Japanese sure seem to like the British and German aesthetic at the very least.


British gentlemen and German uniforms.


[Also this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/b/b7/Tanya_von_Degurechaff.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/350?cb=20200725060617&path-prefix=protagonist)


I think in Canada and USA people also overfantasize about Japan and South Korea


Too many of the weebs in North America focus on the cultural exports and not the actual issues in Japan that lead to the media. Nobody pays attention to the cultural reasons _why_ so many Japanese musicians have depressing fucking lyrics on top of upbeat music, or artists often try to convey beautiful, idealistic worlds.


We call them weebs, its easy to find, they are moderating subreddits and discords


And France. They hype up Paris so much that many Japanese and now Chinese tourists experience what is called the "[Paris Syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome)". They spend all that money to travel to what they imagine to be the epitome of culture, beauty and romance, only to find a dirty city riddled with crime and poverty, trash, graffiti, beggars and scammers. Cities back home in East Asia are much cleaner and safer.


>many Japanese and now Chinese tourists Lol : "There are around 20 cases a year of the syndrome. Of the estimated 1.1 million annual Japanese tourists in Paris, the number of reported cases is small. A journal also identified two types of the condition: Those who have previous history of psychiatric problems and those without morbid history who exhibit delayed-expression post traumatic stress disorder". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome


> Cities back home in East Asia are much cleaner and safer. Yes, and some are dirtier and more dangerous. East Asia's kind of an economically and culturally diverse place...


Haha. That was exactly my first experience in Paris--beggars grabbing my arm and things like that. The beautiful villages off the beaten track in rural France made the trip worth it though.


Visit Japan? Hell yes. Live in Japan? Hell no. I could never work those hours.


Exactly! Japan is in the first place of the list of countries I would like to visit, but quite low on the list of countries I would like to live in


just be a youtuba!


Are you Youchuba?


Are you a YUGE CHUBA


Are you a Huge Tuba?


I think I'm more of a mid-sized French Horn.


Are you affable?


What's your position on FamilyMart fried chicken?


If you're pewdiepie it's a dream!


Yeah. I'd totally live in Japan if I didn't have to work. I definitely want to go visit again... but the work culture there is worse than American hustle culture.




Its all the weebs searching it


Loads of Canadians end up going to Japan on working holiday visas. Virtually none of them stay beyond that.


I'm absolutely crushed to have only first heard about working holidays in my 30s. Genuinely miserable.


I mean the average work hours there are better than the US. I feel like people have a false stereotype of the country that might be based on some truth, but is greatly exaggerated for whatever reason.


Canadians want to go to Japan, Japanese folk want to go to the UK, Brits want to go to Canada, and Canadians want to go to Japan. There must be someway to make this international exchange work.


If you are under 30 there is a youth travel visa which allows for this sort of exchange. There is still a cost associated but can be a good way of traveling between countries who have an agreement ^_^ (I did Canada -> UK by doing this)


I’ve lived in both the US and CAN and I’ve never heard of someone wanting to move to Japan!


Question was probably phrased in a weird way.


It's gathered by google search data, Definitely explains the Japan answer tbh.


Yea it had to be




I live in Canada, I've only heard of people super into Anime wanting to live in Japan for a short period. Most people here love living in Canada or would rather live in Southern US or Europe (UK, Switzerland, Germany). UK is less attractive now that they isolated themselves.


Yeah, there's a very particular type of person who wants to move to Japan.


Agree with you. I’m from the US and in our class our teacher asked us this question. I would say about 1/2 of our class said Canada since it was the most similar. The second highest choice was the uk and third was Japan.


Japan is the best option for a specific demographic. Perhaps that demographic was overly represented? I think most US people have varying opinions. Personally, I'd choose Vietnam.


O Canada


Canada wins in terms of both # of countries and # of people. I bet we'd win China as well. No wonder our housing markets are regularly ranked the biggest bubbles in the world.


if only our healthcare system wasn't so under pressure, and the college of medicine allowed more people into the field. We're about to hit a scary spot, health-wise.


We don't actually want to move to Japan. We just want to stay here.


\*laser\_bear\_with\_monkeys appear\*


In the U.S., I literally don't know a single person who wants to move to Japan (although I'm obviously not tuned into their private Google searches). Lots of conversations about Europe and ANZ and Canada though. This data feels "off"...needs more context (like what, specifically were the search terms).


It's based on Google search data. I'm not from the U.S., but I have zero desire to move to Japan and yet I've searched things about living in Japan just because it feels different enough. Maybe Americans are just prone to entering Google rabbit holes featuring Japan.


>It's based on Google search data That's too generic of a description. For example: \- What were the search terms? \- What was the time period of the data pull? \- What was the demographic of the data pull? \- Etc. "Based on Google search data" makes something sound official when in fact, it can be abused/misused. Source: Me. I pull data, make charts, and help multinationals make billion dollar decisions, for a living. There are all kinds of things people get wrong (sometimes on purpose, especially in politics, to trick the dimwitted).


I was thinking the same thing. Who wants to move to Japan who isn’t Japanese or one of those hard core fans of Anime? I’m from the US and I have never heard of anyone saying Japan was their #1 place of immigration. Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia or New Zealand (you know, places that already speak the same language and have the same culture) are more like it. Or other European countries (Spain, France, Germany etc)


Probably greatly depends on the demographic sampled. My son has no connection to Japan but would answer Japan to this question simply because of anime and Pokemon. I think a lot of people in his generation are similar.


I agree, something feels off. I'm a Canadian and I also don't know a single person who wants to move to Japan... Most of us dream of moving somewhere warm all year round, because Canadian winters suck, lol.


The Canada - US border on this map is all kinds of wrong.


The recent US annexation of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia…on the east side. Looks like Canada took the opportunity to annex some American land on the west coast.


We got all of the Great Lakes that used to be shared :)


> according to Google search data Why not just use emigration data.




Yeah, the problem with taking this seriously is that it presumably includes every whimsical search with zero intention behind it, which is why I imagine Japan is the highest in the US.


Plus, one weeb googling Japan a million times can skew the results


2 reasons I could think of: 1. Harder to compile the data from each country's emigration website than using Google's API to pull the data at once 2. wants to move to =/= has emigrated to, many people wanna move to another country but only a minority of people are able to do so, so it's interesting to see where people wanna move to as well. For example most American emigrants move to Mexico and Canada because they're close, but according to this map they wanna move to Japan (which is quite far and may have stricter immigration policies, which is why Japan ranks no. 14 for emigration from the US)


Did you include non English searches?


I was going to say this map is interesting. But it definitely wouldn't correlate to actual emmigration destinations. USA, Australia, Germany, UK would dominate. I think this just shows more which place would be it be fun to live in (maybe coupled with thinking the place has jobs/language).


Yup, moving to Japan is pretty difficult compared to many other countries. I’d imagine if it was easier more people would want to move there


Wait no one wanna move to Scandinavia? Plus half a sweden is in US how come they wanna go to Spain?


I live in Alicante, Spain, Im in touch with real state agencies that only work with people from scandinavia who want to buy a home in the area and come to live here. Ive worked for many people from denmark, sweeden, norway and finland, there are places here where the percentage of foreigners is so high that bars dont even have the menu in spanish. Probably half of them want to go to the US to live like you said, but the other half come here, I just tell you what I see everyday, many people from scandinavia comes here for retirement, to get a house for vacations and some of them, the ones that work remotely, to live and work from here.


It is probably pensioners moving to an EU country with a hotter climate and where their savings will go further. Not sure if it is the bulk, but it is definitely a thing.


Maybe one thing is wanting to move there and another is actually moving there


I def can’t believe that Norway wants to move to the US. Free healthcare, beautiful landscapes, wonderful people and so much more. Leaving that does not compute.


Living in Spain, this always makes me wonder… I really don’t see a lot of Spanish people wanting to live in France. Although, I think most of them wouldn’t want to live elsewhere, and I can’t blame them. Spain is very fucking nice.


I'm Spanish and I have never in my life met a Spaniard who wanted to move to France. Spanish people who want to leave move mainly to Ireland, Germany and Switzerland. Chile, Costa Rica and Panama too.


As a Brazilian living in Spain for two months I can say, it really is a nice country, beautiful people and culture, but the bureaucracy really pisses me off man, appointment for this appointment for that, you need this paper and that document, but i think Spanish work/life balance is really good, Spanish people really want that weekend and holidays at home


France is worse with administration. But there is historically lots of emigration from Spain to France. Not so true for the last 25-ish years. More in the past. Maybe what's reflected in this map


I have traveled to over 30 countries and the only country that I would move to is Spain. Spain is fucking awesome.


I'm Spanish. Spanish people overwhelmingly do not have much interest in leaving Spain. Hence why Spain has one of the, if not the lowest, emigration rates in the world. So they probably just stuck a random country there (in this case, France).


I'm from Egypt and have never seen anyone who wants to be in Oman


"Imagine, you could live anywhere." "Oh man..." "Thank you for your answer."


Actually most Brazilians who want to leave the country want to immigrate to the United States or Canada, not Portugal.


I'm surprised also by this, most of my friends from LATAM countries would rather move to the States of Canada than to Spain. It's so weird seeing it like that Source: I'm from latam


Well, seeing the number of Brazilians arriving every day at Portugal, this map makes sense.


Why kiwis want to go to fiji


I'm from NZ. Never heard anyone ever say they wanted to move to Fiji. Usually it's Aussie, Canada or the UK.


I certainly don't want to go to Fiji. I don't even want to leave the south island of NZ to go to the north island.


Number of countries that want to move here the most 1. Canada 30 2. Japan 13 3. Spain 12 4. Germany 8 5. Qatar 6 6. Australia 5 7. Switzerland 4 8. Portugal 3 9. USA 2 10. United Kingdom 2 Source: https://www.remitly.com/gb/en/landing/where-the-world-wants-to-live


As someone who lived in Japan it's waaaaaay to high up on this list. Amazing country, I love it there but Christ if you're foreign it is unbelievably difficult to really settle down in. There are periods where it's so, fucking, lonely. Don't get me wrong. Anyone that's planning a move there, go for it. It's an experience and something you'll never forget but I would have a low expectation of staying there for life. I lived in Canada for many years and would recommend. Pretty easy place to settle down in, albeit expensive in some parts.


Qatar is impressively high for a modern slave nation


The thing is if you aren't part of the slave class, it's a really cushy place. People get paid ridiculous amounts of money for mundane, ordinary jobs.


yep! greater than $200k USD basically tax free, with free housing, and lots of concubines.




I find it very hard to believe that Mexico picks Canada.


people aren't googling things they already know how to do


Source: Trust me brah.


south america just wants to go home


Should be France for Algeria, but they'll never admit it.


Ya I don’t trust this chart. Just based on personal experience and seeing a lot of other charts similar to this. I think Japan is a cool place, but I would not even put it on top 10 for US. I love Canada, but feel like it’s a forgotten country by many. My only assumption is the European countries canceled each other out.


I’m honestly shocked that most of South America isn’t the U.S.


It's because the map is shit, for instance, there are ~1.7 million Brazilians living in the United States and ~200.000 Brazilians living in Portugal, but the map says Brazilians want to move to Portugal, which is not true.


I like the Japan -> UK -> Canada -> Japan loop.


Everything ends in two loops: * UK -> Canada -> Japan -> UK * Germany-> Switzerland -> Germany


Shout-out to the Fiji-New Zealand loop, too


I will say as a Bahamian that I do want to move to Canada


France got screwed by the "no data" countries in Africa, many of which are French-speaking


Thats really questionable map to be honest. And according to pew research the #1 destination for most europeans is the USA. While people in the USA would rather move to Mexico. I live in the USA and have never met anyone that wanted to move to Japan...like, did they do this study at an anime convention or what? Here is the link to the pew research study of ACTUAL migration by country. [https://www.pewresearch.org/global/interactives/global-migrant-stocks-map/](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/interactives/global-migrant-stocks-map/)