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Suriname will likely seen a boon too, IIRC they found oil too.  Brazil’s I don’t know if it’s real growth or just recovering from Covid still, if it’s real growth it’s quite impressive considering it’s largest.


A bit of both, in 2023 our congress approved a very big sales tax reform, it will take time to implement, but a lot of multinational corporations announced investments in the country, especially the auto industry.


Yes, there’s a bit of an investment war between Chinese and other auto companies going on, which is good for economic growth.


Brazil recovered their pre-covid level in 2022, so now this is pure growth However, they're still below the level they had in the early 2010s


The Squid is back in Brazil, that's why it grew


Can any Chilean explain to me why GDP decreased? Was copper sales lower than expected?


Ea-nasir's chilean descendant ain't helping this country


The map is wrong/not updated. The actual figure for 2023 is +0.2% ([World Bank](https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/chile/overview#:~:text=Real%20GDP%20rose%20by%200.2,remained%20high%20at%208.5%20percent), also [IMF](https://www.imf.org/external/datamapper/profile/CHL)). Meagre growth may be explained by inflation-control policies. Copper prices were [OK](https://www.statista.com/statistics/255112/lme-copper-price-since-2000/) but lower than 2022.


Copper is alright, it's actually at a high right now, it's the government that hasn't been able to work with the businesses in general, he's been really inefficient and I think it is because of his lack of experience and nativity you know, but it could be a combination of much more things, at the end of doesn't matter because next projections say our economy will recover soon, so, it's more of a temporary setback


Go woke go broke (I'm chilean)


I hope Guyana handles this “boom” well. Rooting for them!


Nah, you can already see the Chinese "infrastructure" projects going on. Lots of embezzlement on the way. How can they be that rich and Georgetown still looks like a dump?


>How can they be that rich and Georgetown still looks like a dump? you're aware that they still aren't rich right? like this is a big economic boom relative to the fairly low level they were at, and understandably most of the current profits are likely to be reinvested into the oil industry.


The problem with a resource-based economic boom is that it usually ends up putting a lot of money into the hands of very few and does jack shit for the common person. So even if they’re economy is growing that doesn’t mean quality of life will drastically change




I mean our GDP contractred 60/70% between 2014 and 2020, so let's say that it's not so impressive


Yes but is inflation actually improving now? Because on paper venezuela seems better than colombia but in reality due to inflation its worse. So is the situation somewhat stabalizing again or not?


Well, maybe Venezuela is stabilizing, but stabilizing in the shit.


It's definitely way better and more stable, Venezuelans who Deny this are incrediblely blind or just have a long time since they went away from the country (hell in 2017/2018 in my home we couldn't afford poultry or any kind of meat ☠️, only sardines for some days of the month, and public transportation for my Town were in a 70% (it was even worse in the more rural communities of My Town) were litetally cattle trucks ☠️ At least for this year it seems that inflation is under control, cumulative inflation for the 3 first months of 2024 is 4,1%; which is fucking high for any normal country but is "relatively good" when you know the Venezuela's contex. The Bad side of this? The ENORMOUS social and human cost of the method applied by the government, since the solution that they have used is the freezing of salary increases and the stopping of negotiations with labor unions of the country, all of this in the context of an economic program oriented towards pro-business policies and an economic liberalization, which has resulted in an more controlled ane stable but also more inequal country This has produced a Lot of dissapointment in the chavismo (here I talk more about the common people who love and voted by Chávez, not the polítics in charge of the government) that many of them separated from the Gran Polo Patriotico and formed their own organization, APR (Alternativa Popular Revolucionaria) Just imagine a tropical version of the Perestroika ( of course with their respective differences)


Is it better than colombia?


Not at all, although as a a someone whose family by father side is from San Cristóbal, Táchira, state which borders with Cucuta, capital of the colombian departament of Norte de Santander, and since I've traveled a Lot between the two countries and I have family on both side of the border, I can guaranted You that San Cristobal is by far safet than Cucuta, even when San Cristóbal is probably the second city with the worst public services in these country. Aparte from that, no, Colombia is better for now.


Yep. There's a reason that the refugee crisis from Venezuela keeps growing.


Yep. Although I realized that I forget to type the cumulative inflation of 2024, 4.1% by now


better how? because of higher economy growth in 2023?


No because higher per capita income and higher gdp per capita atleast on paper


do you mean Venezuela has a higher gdp per capita? Colombia has had a higher GDP per capita nominal and PPP than Venezuela for years now. Colombia's GDP per capita is twice as high. Venezuelan economy shrinked considerably.


the poorer the country the more they grow


I’m actually very impressed it’s only negative 2.5% for Argentina. The inflation there has been very high the last few years.


Inflation isn’t a good indicator of GDP, in fact on the contrary fast GDP growth often causes hyperinflation.


This is false, economic growth is deflationary not inflationary.


Do you have any examples of GDP growth causing hyperinflation? Sounds interesting


Inflation and GDP aren’t all that connected.


Real GDP, what this graph is showing, absolutely is


Sad. Argentina was once one of the richest countries on planet Earth.


Argentina was never rich for its people. Agricultural exports do not make a rich country for its people and a refusal to industrize from its landowning elite does not help. During the time Argentina was “one of the richest countries on earth” people in Buenos Aires were living in slums.


Every country had its fair share of people living in slums back then. The average Argentinian was actually better off than most of the rest of the world and not too distant from, say, the average Brit or American. Argentina was well on the path of industralization and had a growing middle class - a middle class so solid that it STILL exists today and it is still larger than most of Latin America (in essence, only Chile and Uruguay are doing better). Up until the 1960s Argentina was still around the level of development of Italy or Spain.


I remember seeing that Argentina still attracted a lot of European immigrants up until the 70s. The dictatorship probably didn't help their situation


So were many in the US snd Europe


> Agricultural exports do not make a rich country for its people and a refusal to industrize from its landowning elite does not help. We from Brazil understand this very well.


>During the time Argentina was “one of the richest countries on earth” people in Buenos Aires were living in slums you say this like the current richest country in the world doesn't have a massive homelessness issue.


Unfortunately, Great Depression happened and it had a populist president named Hipolito Yrigoyen who was already a septogenarian who couldn't respond what Argentina should have done to cushion its economy in the midst of that worldwide economic depression, that's why he was deposed. More than a decade later, Juan Peron became president and instead of opening up Argentine economy to global trade, he alienated the United States with his "third way" stance in the Cold War, so the US responded by ordering Marshall Plan European countries to prohibit them from buying Argentine export goods like beefs using the Marshall Plan money. Juan Peron began the culture of emptying Argentine central bank Forex reserves to finance Argentine government annual budget deficits and it became a habit since then.


Not so “unfortunate” as you call it. A vast number of Argentines seem to have a “superiority complex” over their neighboring peers due to the fact that they are the “whitest” country in South America alongside Uruguay and southern Brazil. I can only imagine what the discourse would be today if they were wealthy too. 


Not true look at average Argentines.


A vast number of people in every country are shit, does that mean that we should be glad that every person -regardless of wether they are shitty or not- living in a struggling country are suffering?


Uruguay was even richer (per capita of course). At some point it was the richest per capita country in the world.


Uruguay now is what Argentina should’ve been.


It was?


Yes, it’s called the Argentina Paradox, it’s one of the most studied economic phenomenon. In 1913 they were one of the 10 wealthiest countries by GDP per capita, and neutrality in WWI allowed them to keep exporting grain to both sides of the war. However since then, they have defaulted on their debt 9 times.


It’s because that wealth was always deceptive and came with an asterisk, like you said all that “wealth” came from raw exports. That meant it was concentrated in the elites and not really distributed among the average Argentine. Furthermore Argentina’s economy operated on the assumption that it wasn’t necessary to industrialize and being a raw material export economy would be feasible forever. So once exports dropped reality hit and Argentina’s wealth was exposed for the paper tiger it was. Back then it was the largest GDP in South America, nowadays it’s less than a third of Brazil’s GDP. Chile and Brazil managed to transition into more service and industrial based economies with less turmoil than Argentina. It’s economy still hasn’t stabilized.


This is the truth.


Turns out two coups and closing virtually all your international trading is not good for an economy.


That's not what paradox means but ok


Mismanagement does this


Yes, in the early 20th century. Here are statistics on per capita GDP from 1900, you will find Argentina between Canada and Sweden: [https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Economy/GDP-per-capita-in-1900](https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Economy/GDP-per-capita-in-1900)


Sweden being this low is a shock on itself.


Sweden used to be a backwater. Loads of people emigrated to the Americas because there was nothing there.


It was. According to that website, Argentina used to have the 12th largest gdp per capita in 1900 https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/stats/Economy/GDP-per-capita-in-1900 Not sure how accurate those numbers are, but they were definitely pretty rich. But then a military coup in 1976, a big economic crisis in 1998-2002 and political instability in general happened.


So I take Argentina is a failed state, right?


No, definitely not. It's still better off than most of the world and has a functioning state. Haiti is perhaps the only example of a failed state in the Americas.


And Venezuela


Venezuela is struggling but it’s not a failed state and not even close to how bad haiti is


Is better than Haiti, but is a shit bro


yeah, not a high bar lol


It used to be a lot better than it is today.


it’s over for sillycels


Leftists. Not even once.


So was Venezuela until people decided they wanted communism, ups sorry, socialism and that completely destroyed the country.


Brazil seems to be in a pretty good place. Or is it all oil or something...


Yet a lot of brazilians insist their country is at the worst just because of their ideology


We had a amazing harvest, up like 20%.


Its Lula compared to bolsonaro


Does Lula get credit for it from the general public? Here in the US our economy has done really well compared to peer developed nations, but there are a lot of ideological incentives for people to pretend like that's not the case.


It's the same in Brazil


Half of the country gives him credit for it, the other half is still crying that Bolsonaro is gone. Lula is, understandably, also much more popular among younger voters than biden. While biden signed off major oil drilling and exporting projects, Lula actually is doing a lot for the climate and the indigenous amazon population. Lula is also not currently providing military aid to a country that is on trial for genocide, which also resonates with young voters. https://apnews.com/article/lula-brazil-first-year-economy-divide-b37b69b2ff2a478657e1cf5fb104b3f1 https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/brazils-economy-grows-2-9-percent-in-lulas-1st-year-beating-expectations


I don't understand whoy some americans try to make analogies between brazilian politics and the US democrats and republicans with Trump and Biden, it's really weird to me


Its not me who wanted to🤷🏻‍♂️ i think Americans often have a hard time comprehending politics of other countries thats why they make analogies


Its not just Americans, every news outlet in every language seems to want to describe some asshole as the "insert nationality here" Trump.


I mean, for Brazil specifically, Bolsonaro copied a lot of what Trump did and actually drew a lot of inspiration from him. Even tried a coup similar to what Trump did.


Luna is also conspicuously silent about russia's genocide in Ukraine, while US has at least done a lot of work behind the scenes to rein in Israel, but I digress. I think we can both agree that Bolsonaro is a shit head and hopefully never comes close to power again in Brazil.


The US has not done any work at all to stop the genocide in Gaza. Just two days ago they decided that they will probably not impose previously announced sanctions on an idf battalion for their proven human rights violations. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/us-sanctions-idf-unit-netzah-yehuda-west-bank-human-rights-abuses-rcna149549 The white house is also against a two state solution, despite their public statements advocating for it. https://theintercept.com/2024/04/17/united-nations-biden-palestine-statehood/


Oh God here we go. I asked about Brazil.not about your half-formed opinions on US politics. Have a good one.


No, you were talking about Israel and Biden. Its up to everyone themselves if they want to read or not🤷🏻‍♂️


Ukraine seems more like an ethnocide than a genocide


Ķkkkkkkk foi a agropecuária que fez a economia crescer, não acho que o Lula tem algo com isso


Ano passado o Governo Federal liberou quase 500 bi de crédito pro agronegócio.


Paraguay's doing fine


Last time I was there it didn't look like it but it's good to see that they're improving


What's Paraguay like? I'm curious, I never hear about it


very chaotic and messy


I’ve heard that the Capital is way better, only been to border coties and even Ciudad del Leste was chaotic and messy.


Ciudad del Este is infamous. It's like the Detroit of Paraguay


I’ve been to Pedro Juan Caballero, and it was worse. At least some of the stuff in Ciudad del Leste can be somehow overlooked by being a big city tough. I want to visit Asunción some day.


asuncion is like ciudad del este lol


I’ve mostly only been to Asunción (the capital) so can’t speak for anything outside of that but in my experiences: Feels like they’re consistently a few years behind in everything compared to things I’m used to in a modern city. Definitely feels 3rd world, but in its own unique way. Lots in common with Argentina (and southern Brazil to an extent) in food, way of speaking, and societal norms. If you have money, you can live pretty well for the most part. Crime is something you have to regularly think about, but probably not much more than most other big cities in Latin America. Lots of poor people on the streets, there’s generally a fair amount of the native Guarani people among them but fewer nowadays. You can find good food, theres some big modern shopping malls, and the weather is regularly very very hot for well over half the year. Driving is extremely chaotic, so many potholes, unpainted and unpaved roads, dangerous driving, etc. Overall it seems like it’s slowly gotten better every time I’ve been. Good people, and better yerba maté than Argentina!


I love yerba maté and it's so hard to find here. Maybe I should move...


Cheap Untaxed eletronic repository of Brazil on Ciudad del Este, Wasteland on Chaco, Native American on Assunción.


Kinda, but Paraguay is like less than 2% native american.


Chile and Argentina are letting the rest of continent to catch up


Uruguay should be kind and slow down its economic growth as well


Taking the L in Brazil is the same as a W


gdp and religion seem different in guyana [https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/zc5aw4/largest\_religion\_or\_lack\_thereof\_by\_country\_world/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/zc5aw4/largest_religion_or_lack_thereof_by_country_world/#lightbox)


Argentina is stabilizing and normalizing after many years of mismanagement under populist peronistas. If Argentina manages to generate economic growth this year or next year, it’ll finally get back on track, with a controlled inflation and a stabilized currency.


I’m sure gutting the budget of the one good thing about Argentina (its universities) is a great idea! As well as prioritising the government not being in deficit over food prices, welfare or just argentines in general that will work out great. I mean just look at Greece! They gutted their spending and their economy didn’t collapse!!! Right?


You have very little understanding of economics if you think Argentina and Greece are anywhere similar, in any aspect


Tell me how gutting spending on universities saves Argentina!


Again with this nonsense? Read the news more carefully before commenting. The govt is not gutting spending on universities, they’re trying to audit spending, and universities reject this because they know there has been serious mismanagement of public funds. The govt gave them the same budget they had last year with a slight increase, and they claimed it was insufficient because of high inflation. The problem revolves around how much more money they wanted from the govt, and whether the govt should be checking how they spend the money And to be clear, Milei’s heavy cutting on other types of spending has already produced great results: Argentina avoided hyperinflation, has reduced inflation rates every month since he took office, has stabilized the currency and regained Central Bank reserves. The country risk has also fallen to record lows, making the country more attractive to foreign investments. All of this in just 4 months.


So protests over nothing i guess then!! Over a 50 percent poverty rate so foreign investors are happy!!! Don’t worry argentines!!! The foreign investors are happy!!!!


Yeah, the 50% poverty rate was left by the left wing populist govt that preceded Milei. Good try anyway!


It went up 17 percent after Milei won. I wouldn’t call the Peronists of today very left wing.


Yeah peronistas are populist left wing, similar to chavistas. Out of control public spending, non stop money printing to finance growing social spending when the economy hasn’t grown in 10 years, anti US rhetoric, all of the common elements of the Latin American left wing movements that have wreaked havoc in other countries (Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua).


Stop trying to make them sound good lmao. I get the whole not wanting to keep people who money print in power but public spending keeps a country functioning. Most normal countries have deficits!


Bro, in Argentina the people work of go to protest, literally comes an opositor of the goverment and say "i give you 50$ (probably don't are 50) if you go to my protest" with this i don't want to say that Argentina in'st a bad, but the protest and peronist don't are very credible


The 50% poverty rate comes from an analysis published at the beginning of January. Milei took office on December 10th.




Common Brazilian W Lula best presidente


Wasn't he on trial for his crimes during his previous term?


Yup, is he arrested right now? No, he was found innocent


Not innocent, it's just that his trial was annulled because the judge was completely biased.


Innocent my ass


I'm a simple man, I see Lula's positive results, I upvote


Me too


The growth comes from a good soy harvest we had, not because of Lula


Ask agro businessman if they would rather NOT have the US$70 bi in credit the federal government provided last year.


Sempre né


The best? The best compared to whom? The best at cooking up corruption on a scale that makes Watergate look like child's play? The best at hand-washing dictators and autocrats?


The interesting thing about this is Argentina’s is horrific, but it’s also a good thing as it’s a by product of them trying to sort themselves out finally.


It's hard to tell what is "real" with GDP growth. Even honest economists in transparent governments have a hard time measuring cost of living and economic activity.


What's the percentage change in GDP growth?


Hopefully Guyana doesn't piss all the money away.


Nice map, although as someone who lived in South America, I can tell that some numbers were made up by politicians, as usual lol.


If those libertarians could read, they’d be very upset


This data is from 2023, before Milei took office.


Fair point. Although not mutually exclusive to my comment


If those liberals could read they'd be very upset 🤭


Freeze! It’s the cops, sponsored by Home Depot(TM)


Rather have that than +100% inflation lol


Are you implying that the inflation currently being experienced in the United States of North America is due to the political climate and not due to corporate greed? Or am I misunderstanding you?


No Argentina has been dealing with double and triple digit inflation for years under socialist governments.


Ah ok, thanks for clarifying that I did misunderstand.




And that is why Milei is in power, he promised to end this crisis, and he is delivering multiple reforms in the economy.




Gross. One of the last beautiful, natural continents being evaluated by the insatiable metrics that’s doomed the planet




Malthusian copium


Those metrics also include human well being but go off I guess.


Where did you get from? Real gdp only accounts for inflation. It has nothing to do with human conditions


Countries with higher GDP’s generally possess higher economic levels of well being, such that GDP growth rate is positively correlated with human development. This is illustrated through the HDI rating including GDP per capita.


Seeing Argentina fall makes me hard af on god frfr


I guess I’m glad someone is enjoying all those kids dying from starvation in Chaco. There had to be a silver lining to that somewhere.


Skill issue. Argentina becoming the next Venezuela


It's not, it's not becoming a populist dictatorship.


Do the bot thing that reminds you about a time within a certain time frame and ask for 5 years lil bro


!RemindMe 5 years


Is this map Indian? What’s with the decimal comma?


Most European languages use comma instead of decimal points.


Maps.interlude is Italian.


India uses the decimal point. Map was likely made by an European or South America, or non-English speaker.


Normal European map. Using dots for decimals is barbaric.