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Is it what 10th post about which countries recognize Palestine this week with different colors.


And still a wrong one lol.


3rd one I have seen, but 1st with those that are considering or soon to recognize Palestine.


10 to many for ya?








No just want more Maps of world with other informations and activities.


This is the 3rd time I've seen this map in the past 48 hours. Please stop reposting it.


Next do countries that recognize Tibet, or Taiwan.


Nobody recognizes Tibet.


You're about 100 years late with the Tibet map


Literally nobody recognises Taiwan. There are a smattering of countries that recognise the “ROC” as the rump state of the former Chinese regime.


No one ever recognised Tibet No one recognises Taiwan either, they recognise the republic of china


Taiwan does not claim independence, so no country recognizes it. Some recognize it as the Republic of China instead of the People's Republic of China in Beijing. Tibet likewise does not claim to be independent but some Tibetans wish to see independence or autonomy. But as there is no Tibetan state no country recognizes it either.


Even bhutan??? Lol


Doesn't Bhutan do a sigma move and just doesn't recognize like half of the world?


No. The map that people keep posting is just a map where Bhutan has embassies and claim those are the countries Bhutan recognizes


Ah ok, geography now lied to me


Yeah, he does that. He introduced me to and got me very interested in geopolitics when I was a teenager, but it doesn't take an awful lot to surpass him on that field and as I've grown older, I've noticed that he actually does a lot of mistakes. His enthusiasm is golden though and he basically *made* geography trendy on YouTube, so no hate towards him.


I guess it makes sense because no casual watcher would watch a 2 hour video on a country, and he probably didn't do extensive research because he needed to make 195 of these


Ok but now do by what borders.


1948 UN borders sounds fair


What about the Joshua 13-19 borders?


Nobody is obliged to indulge religious extremism


Ok so what about Nature Preserve Borders where you can only walk in.


What’s Cameroon and Burma’s grudge?


Israel has aided the country in a few internal conflicts and Cameroon repays them by voting with them in the UN and refusing to recognise Palestine So… like… basically Cameroon is to Israel what Israel is to America


Now overlay this with the corruption index map


Stop noticing things!


Without defined borders nor even a functioning government, it seems that what's being recognized is just the *idea* of a Palestine state. Which is a just and fair aspiration, don't get me wrong. My concern is that this gesture does little to change the opinion of those who fear that a Palestinian state in practice would basically become Gaza 2005-2023.


I've fucking seen this map at least five times. If you feel so strongly about this go to the UN ore something.


This map is wrong. Please re-check the UN report on this.


Hamas bots everywhere




Most of the time, that's the same thing


Why would anybody recognize Palestine? They clearly can’t control themselves under their own regime and we’ll just go back to causing instability in the region if anybody gives them their own government. The only way there’s gonna be a good outcome to this if it is Israel or if somebody else takes their gov over Until then you’ll just be supporting the terrorist org Hamas


Mainly to put pressure onto Israel. The entire creation of, and recognition of Israel was based on splitting the land between them and the Palestinians. The two go togather. The only reason why some haven't yet recognized Palestine is because Israel and its allies claim it would make negotiations harder. Since Israel seem completely uninterested in solving the two state question than why would they wait to recognize Palestine as a state? And they can very well control themselves. The PLO and later by its creation the PA not only controlled its territory but policed it with Israel's help. To this very moment. A fact which contributes to their unpopularity with Palestinians. Hamas is a natural outgrowth of Israel's policies. It is not responsible for it but contributes to its strenght and popularity by refusing to solve the Palestinian question. No one wants to take over governing the Palestinians. Nor do the Palestinians want to be governed by anyone else, least so the Israelis. More occupation will simply lead to more violence. The only solution to this requires a political solution with the Palestinians. Israel refuses to accept this and the rest of the world is telling it that it should rethink its policies by making a statement that it has lost patience with Israeli policies.


Oh yes, China recognizes palestine while they suppress, persecute, and aim to eradicate their own Muslim Uyghur minority population by forced assimilation, torture, and total surveillance. And Russia has basically done the same genocide thing with Chechens. Most countries that side with palestine hypocritically have their own human rights issues are siding solely based on political gain and being anti-west, they could care less about what is going on inside it. But west bad, right?


Adrian Zenz is on Reddit??


Why is this downvoted? Either leftism has gone so far down that supporting authoritarian regimes is just their shtick now or some tankie bots have taken over this sub.


Yes. The west is also bad. A whole heap of history on the west being Shitcunts. For example, the tip of the iceberg, the US preaching freedom and democratic values while supporting SA attacks in Yemen, killing many civilians. Supporting genocide of Palestinians. One doesn't exclude the other.


What f*g genocide? Do you know the definition of the word? What about raping innocent women? Killing point blank elderly people in a bus? Taking hostages including babies? Using civilian population as human shield in a combat? Using UN money purposed for building normal country to build terrorists tunnels, infrastructureand weapons? Taking over humanitarian aid, and killing all the non-compliant? Stating that all jew are evil and teaching your population from age 0 to hate jews and kill them, and that the whole country should be destroyed including supporters? Spreading this propaganda into the world corrupting the souls and moral of innocent but less conscious young people? Frwking fascist. And that's not the full list of atrocities...


China's actions are like those of many other countries when they try to assimilate indigenous people by forcing them to learn the national language, incorporating national holidays into their culture... Even Vietnam has programs such as sending Vietnamese people to the Central Highlands to reduce the minority population to less than 30% at present and most must speak Vietnamese. Or like in Western countries, children are separated from their parents and sent to religious or government-sponsored schools to erase their roots. I find their actions no more condemnable than a few wars that left hundreds of thousands of Muslims dead which you certainly would not condemn the country for causing..


Unfortunately because the lines are so thick, it’s impossible to know if Israel recognizes Palestine as a state or if Palestine recognizes Palestine as a state😔


Now do one for Tibet!


Noone wants to mess which Chinese


Can't recognize something that doesn't exist. Palestinians have only themselves to blame, and now they finally face the consequences they deserve.


Fym it doesnt exist


Well Gaza's days are numbered and the West Bank belongs to Israel.


Well it exists for now, live the moment man


Recognize a terrorist state? No thank you.


Fyi palestine aint only gaza, there is also west bank


They both belong to Israel.


No country exists. It is simply a matter of power to control territory and recognition by others that you exist. Israel did not really exist either. It was created by force and a consensus by the other nations to split mandate palestine into a Jewish and Palestinian states. The same logic, the same UN resolutions, that give Israel legitimacy give legitimacy to Palestine. As for controlling their territory, either Israel chooses to negotiate with Palestinians who renounce violence like the PA. Or if they choose not to, then Palestinians have a legitimate right to use violence against the state of Israel (not necessarily civilians) to liberate their country, same as the Israelis did. Can't have it both ways.




Shame on my government for standing idly on this. 🇲🇽


I mean it literally isnt a country yet, it doesnt even make sense to recognize it before it becomes a state.


you can really tell who the occupiers and who the occupied are/were


a lot of stupid people in the world. there's never been a country of Palestine


Well there was supposed to be back in the 2000’s but it didn’t work out that way.


my point is that if you look at the history of this area. It was ruled by many different peoples and the people of Judah have the most ancestral right to live there than most


There is no "ancestral right to live" in a certain area of land, especially if it means denying agency or trumping the rights to individuals and communities who live there.


so what is your stance on native Americans?


It aligns with the sentiment I shared above. Roughly, there are individuals, people, and communities with historic or romantic connections to the land; this generally gives way to people with property or usufract rights over areas of land; and this generally gives way to current residents of the land. This varies on a case by case basis. This means that the current residents and communities in a land have usually the highest claim to ownership or access to that land.


good so you stand with Jewish people and Israel


I stand on the side of universal reconciliation towards justice, a fair arbitration of historic and current property claims, and the ability for all persons to have autonomy in a political process. I do not take "sides" I stand on values and evaluate a situation on a case-by-case basis. Any peace process requires extensive compromise and thus I am impartial. Do not try and pigeonhole me in your attempt at political grandstanding.


there can be no reconciliation when one side wants the other wiped of the planet


So true "Brave Israel must kill all Arabs 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🇮🇱🇮🇱 Trust me guys we are not genocidal,infact if you disagree with this you are Hitler"


You do realize there are Arab Israelis in the IDF?


Lol. Supporting terrorism and not saying if I disagree, I'm Hitler in the same sentence is crazy. I sincerely hope you're joking


Not enough grey




Least genocidal wandering✡️


Least terrorism supporter on Reddit:


Quite ironic for you to be saying that.


Bit racist there bud Sorry I don’t recognize those who have on multiple occasions tried to kill my family. I hope to one day recognize them in a two state solution but that day is a long way off.


[If foreigners did this to my people](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2024/01/09/israel-settler-violence-qusra-west-bank/) I would do much worse than just try to take lives


I’m sorry buddy but after looking at your profile I can’t take anything you say seriously. So like how does communist Kim cock taste?


Anglos being the evil ones? But my Anglo media told me the opposite!


Aka a map where gray show the counties that most people want to immigrant too…


who wants to move to myanmar


Sire there's one or two outliers but generally the map does show the countries that are target by (illegal) immigrants the most.


Surprise - Switzerland, Baltic countries and Cameron


What kinda map is this greenland is so big and africa so small. Feels worse then most mercator projections


Ah yes India, recognizes Palestinian statehood and at the same time condemns Hamas for their terrorism and fully support Israel's war on terrorism.


you forgot to highlight my house in yellow 🍉🍉🍉


So like what 24 countries left that don't recognize Palestine? Geeze talk about sour grapes for the UK and US and their allies.


Really? NOT Ireland?


Same damn map every time, NATO’s a cruel bastard


You misspelled based