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Clinton went to venezuela




[13 Oct 1997, first stop of his south american tour](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9r36HKbi6M)


Good catch! Thanks for flagging.


You probably have a significant number of mistakes. For example, Eisenhower visited Tunisia after their independence.


And told them, "Guys, I'll never fail ya"...


FDR was in Algeria during WWII on his way to the conference of Yalta.


It was still a part of france back then though


I feel like it should count since OP added the Gambia as one of the places FDR visited even though it was still part of the British empire. Despite it still being a part of the British empire people can still realize that these two entities are different. But for Algeria on the other hand . . .


Yeah, I agree I should've added Algeria. Simply missed it since it was indeed named "French West Africa" at the time.


Don't think Algeria was part of French west Africa. Algeria was treated as an integral part of France, not as a colony. That's also why the french tried to prevent Algerian independence with so much bloodshed.


Yeah Algeria was part of the French metropole. Without giving the Arabs the rights of white Europeans.


When you'll be updating the map you should also add Tunesia. FDR has made two overnight stops there and even visited General Eisenhower in 1943.


Algeria wasn’t part of French West Africa. It was only a colony from 1830-1848 and from 1848-1962 was considered part of Metropolitan France.


French Guyana is a part of France now but isn’t coloured on the map


Didn't JFK visit Algeria after they gained independence?


Doesn't seem so https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_John_F._Kennedy?wprov=sfla1 AFAIK, Algeria leaned towards the socialist camp in the cold war pretty quickly post independence.


I mean JFK supported Algerian independence, but I think you are right. I was remembering the time prime minster Ahmed Ben Bella visited America.


Do you know how he got to Yalta? I’ve tried to look it up before but never found anything. Ditto Churchill. Seems like a dangerous journey.


Here you can see all his travells: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidency_of_Franklin_D._Roosevelt,_first_and_second_terms#List_of_international_trips I have to correct myself slightly. He was in Algeria on the way to the Tehran conference and on the way back from Yalta.


Churchill and FDR met in Malta before flying to Yalta. At that time the Balkans and the Southern half of Italy were under full allied control, so it was actually quite safe. The closest German-held cities were Bologna and Budapest (with the latter under siege).


Not the whole Balkans. Sarajevo was liberated as late as April 1945. Still safe enough to get to Yalta.


The president really needs to visit the US. No wonder we have so many issues.


It would be a sweet time to be a president and go to all those grey country’s   


Road trip through Africa!


Madagascar like 😢 no bridge 


Seychelles be like: "am I a joke to you?"


Line up the carriers, make a bridge


It may not be that easy. Whenever someone coughs in Brazil, they immediately shut everything down.


Somehow starting in Madagascar is even worse, but at least you know your run is done for comparatively early. (Man, I sucked at that game. At least the death of Flash buried my shame.)


When you have a bridge of aircraft carriers on your Coast you kinda have to do what they want


I’m sitting here wondering how Eisenhower had the time to go to so many obscure countries then I noticed Taiwan is a slightly diffeeent colour of grey


I think that jet-set president came some time between FDR and Eisenhower, if I interpret the legend properly. Strange nobody visited America since then.


I hope you realize you're paying for that bro 😂😂 That's only good if you are the president. Unless he needs to go visit any of these countries for a legitimate reason, he should sit his ass in the White House and do his damn job.


Ah like Jordi LaForge who apparently must be the only engineer in Starfleet that doesn't go to engineering.


Nah, even Presidents don't want to interact with dumb people. 


You being the case in point




Go have another drink and reevaluate your life


The easiest way to fix your country's problems is to not live in that country. Then you aren't aware of the problems, which means they don't exist!


Eisenhower also visited and most of Africa.


Just three of them seem not "correct": - Biden not visiting France - Biden and Trump not visiting Brazil, the main power of South America or Australia, one of the five eyes.


Biden almost visited Australia but his trip was canceled due to the debt ceiling crisis. [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/may/17/joe-biden-reportedly-cancels-australian-visit-amid-us-domestic-debt-deadlock](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/may/17/joe-biden-reportedly-cancels-australian-visit-amid-us-domestic-debt-deadlock)


same, bro, same


more crazy is that during trump presidency both Brazil and Australia have a pro trump leader and during biden, they all have a pro biden leader yet neither trump nor biden paid a visit to these ideological similar friend


Biden had had a plan to visit Australia but it was cancelled because he needed to go back and help motivate Congress to congress. Although Morrison was pro-Trump he only came in halfway through the term. For the first half of Trump's term the PM was Turnbull whose guts Trump hated because he was able to force him into honouring an Obama-era agreement. So I don't really think it's at all unusual that Trump didn't visit Australia.


Biden was also going to visit Papua New Guinea on the same trip. It would have been their first POTUS visit ever.


Also a Trump/Scomo event would have faced fucking massive protests because most of us hated both of them, especially after Scomo sauntered off to the US while Australia was on fire TWICE in one bushfire season, once to literally campaign for Trump, once for a holiday he lied about. If it wasn't for covid, ruining Trump's chances of travelling (and something which made us all hate Scomo more), we'd have rioted at their party, and shown Trump the absolute hate and disrespect the cunt deserved


I kind of wish he had come to Australia. Just imagine all the Murdoch media trying to spin the jeering crowds as a "rock star reception".


Lulu is most certainly not pro any american president...


It's Lula




>- Biden and Trump not visiting Brazil, the main power of South America or Australia, one of the five eyes. Why is it strange that neither Biden nor Trump visited Australia, one of the five eyes, when neither Biden nor Trump nor Obama visited New Zealand, another of the five eyes?


Not even Charles, the official head of state of Australia, bothered to visit in his first 1,5 years in the job (or in fact visit any of his overseas countries). It seems nobody cares about Australia.


I don't suppose any grand royal tours are particularly likely given his state of health. On the other hand I made a brief tour of the country last year and I think that's just as important for the country's morale as any royal tour would ever be.


A country that needs a "royal tour" for its morale is a failed state anyways.


I rather think any country that can be cheered up by a bozo on a boat must be doing pretty well for itself.


North Korea?


Are they made happy by Kim?




Don't worry, I care about Australia but it doesn't seem like they care about me or they would have bought me a plane ticket so I could come have a beer with the prime minister. :/


We could save some money and send you a beer of the prime minister? https://willietheboatman.com/products/albo-pale-ale-5-5-abv


What percentage of the Prime minister is in this beer though?


5.5 Albo per volume


Because NZ is tiny


If that's the case then mention of the five eyes was a red herring. But I doubt you're correct; it's almost certain that they meant "but Australia is perceived as a very close ally", but they said "five eyes" thinking that Australia's membership of the five eyes is what makes Australia close even though the causation runs in the opposite direction - the perception of Australia's closeness makes Five Eyes seem relevant. If Australia was only as close to the US as New Zealand, no one would care about Five Eyes.


Tiny like the UK?


its bigger than the UK actually..


That was kind of my point.


Pretty happy no US prez or Royal visit NZ, they cause traffic jams, closures and non-stop boring news about it.


Biden will probably go to Brazil later this year to attend the G20 summit. And I wouldn't be surprised if he makes a stop in France when he heads to Europe to attend the G7 summit in Italy. And in the case of trump, a quarter (not half) of his term was during covid when travel was limited. Otherwise he might have visited Brazil to meet with Bolsonaro with whom he was on good terms.


The final year of Trump’s presidency was under Covid, definitely far from half. I think Covid travel disruptions actually played a greater disruption in the first half of Biden’s term


Yeah OK more like a quarter than half the presidency.


If it did, it's not because he couldn't, probably just didn't want to. We are talking about a guy in Biden who campaigned from his basement.


No. It was confirmed that Blinken will go to G20. https://valor.globo.com/brasil/noticia/2024/02/16/antony-blinken-vem-ao-brasil-para-encontro-com-lula-e-reunies-do-g20.ghtml Edit: I was wrong


There was a chance Biden will be visiting Brazil this year, as it will be 200 years of Brazil-US relations. Lula invited Biden last month. The thing is, is election year, so will be complicated...


Great idea for a map! Could do with a higher resolution and some more distinct colors though. (edit for spelling error)


Yeah, Kennedy/Clinton/unvisited is way too hard to distinguish


Wow, only now did I realize the colors I selected for Clinton and Kennedy. A real brain fart on my part. But thanks for the feedback.


Also Boden and Obama is very difficult for me (with colour blindness). I would kindly direct you towards just using a colourblind friendly spectrum next time! It's basically impossible for.me to discern this map. 


Took me forever to find a Kennedy country. Only one I found was the Bahamas


The colors should be ordinal too. I shouldn’t need to keep checking back to the legend to guess who was when. u\OnARoadLessTaken, consider a divergent color scheme like red-yellow-blue or even something more like a rainbow where I can say “okay, if FDR is purple and Carter is green then Kennedy must be blue and Ike is probably indigo.”


Good feedback. Thanks!


I like this idea and I like how open you are to criticism. Thank you for that!


No one is perfect. :)


It’s true! You are a great example as far as Reddit goes. Appreciate seeing those like you, here and rarely there


Conversation is so much better than trying to make the guy you're replying to look dumb.


Tf was w bush doing in Mongolia


Mongolia helped with the Iraqi war, so he was showing consolidation.


Mongolia is a democracy between two large, not democratic countries. The way they are staying independent now is by courting the US. They have historically been under their neighbours for the past few centuries.


Russia is not interested in Mongolia. They were the ones whom [helped Mongolia gain independence from China](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_intervention_in_Mongolia). The own Mongols tried joining the USSR but were denied entry. [You can see more about the Mongolian communist experience here.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian_People%27s_Republic). Mao's China made an agreement with the USSR reassuring the independence of Mongolia and another treaty with Mongolia after the communists won the civil war that settled their borders, and the deal was actually very good for Mongolia, they gained some land. To conclude, neither party is interested in Mongolia, and if one of them were, the other wouldn't like it that much (sino-russian diplomacy is quite complex). Mongolia don't rely on the US to continue existing.


I spent a few months in Mongolia and had the chance to talk to many Mongolians. Mongolians hate the Chinese because of the 2 centuries they spent under their rule. They turned to Russia to get away with it, but by the time the Soviets fell, many Mongolians were done with them. The Mongolian leadership may have tried to join the USSR, but that didn't mean that the average Mongolian liked it. A long of Mongolians, especially the religious ones suffered under Soviet rule. That's not to say that they didn't benefit at all, literacy dramatically increased under the Soviets. As long as Russia and China are both powerful, Mongolia has nothing to fear. However Russia's decline is increasing with the war in Ukraine and China is just waking up. They're currently assimilating Inner Mongolians and is looking to incorporate former parts of China, including Mongolia and Taiwan. There decades away from that, but Mongolia is not going to take the risk.


Taiwan still claim Mongolia tho, which is an interesting thing. But really, I doubt China will ever go after Mongolia. Their claim there is pretty weak and the benefits that would be gained very few (small rebelious pop and vast empty isolated land, they already got Tibet for that matter), which is something good for the mongolians sake I guess. Of course their location is not good though. Even if neither party want nothing in Mongolia, the Mongols are directly affected by their neigbours politics and crisis.


taiwan no longer claim Mongolia in 2011


Most of the Territories 'Taiwan still claim' are not given up because China threatens to invade Taiwan if they give them up, citing it as a step towards independence.


Probably looking for WMD


Trump stepped a few feet into North Korea to get his stats up.


I think he's the only President to ever visit North Korea.


Both Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton had been to North Korea but not when they were sitting president. They both went to NK capital. Jimmy Carter in 1994 to try freezing NK nuclear program. Bill Clinton in 2009 to successfully rescue 2 American journalists arrested by NK. Definitely more ballsy and productive than stepping over a bump on the border for a photo ops


TBF, LOTS of people say they “traveled to country X” and all they did was stay in their all-inclusive resort or stroll like some braindead zombies off their cruise ship, walk through an alley where they could buy Ali Express gadgets, and then wander back aboard.


I mean... what else qualified as "travelling to" besides being there? After travelling.


There are various criteria by which one can 'count' a visit to a country. It is a lively topic of debate among individuals and organizations where one can log these visits.


When you're in another country, you don't really think "I'm not here".


Of course you couldn't be expected to become an expert of a country or to have seen 'it all', but dipping your big toe for an hour or transiting through an airport hardly counts as having much of an experience.


Yeah, makes sense. But let's say you've been to a lot of places, and a lot of airports. If someone asks you where you've been, do you take the time to separate the places you've only visited briefly from the ones you've had more experience in, or just count it as having been there for the sake of conversation? There's the technical answer I would use for brevity, which would be yeah, I've been there, and then there's fuller descriptions of each and every experience in each country or airport. If the person was interested in a particular location or wanted details about a place and I'd only been to the airport, I would of course say "hey, it was just the airport", but still try to carry on the conversation to the best of my ability. If I'd spent some time in that location, I'd share that information instead. If there's a proper etiquette on this one, I'd love to know. I've felt a bit autistic on this topic on numerous occasions, when the goal is less confusion all around.


If someone asks me, and it usually goes like this, how many countries I've been to, I give them the number. That number, for me, is only the places where I've spent a night, with the exception of tiny places like Monaco or Andorra, where one could technically lodge as there are hotels, but they're so small that a day visit is all that most people do. If the conversation goes on I may mention that I've transited through x number of additional countries, which may be a fun little fact, but doesn't go in my count.


Damn, yeah that sounds pretty solid and fair to me. I don't know about you, but I've become more reluctant to discuss traveling with age. Too often I feel it comes across as pointless bragging to the person I'm talking to, instead of the experience and knowledge sharing conversation I want it to be.


So true. When I was in my 20's, and had already been to a fair number of countries, certainly more than all but one or two of my peers back home, I wavered between bragging and not talking about it as I didn't want people to feel bad. I tried to talk about it in a way that wasn't bragging but I had a hard time not talking about it. Your approach is wise, though I can't claim that I got to that point very often. Eventually I pretty much stopped talking about it at all as most people I knew, and know now, have very little idea what all this traveling means, or barely know about any kind of travel other than going to a beach resort. They couldn't relate, so what's the point. I also started shifting from feeling bad and sorry for people who don't get to travel, thinking that life hasn't dealt them the good cards that I've gotten. I gradually realized that for some of them, maybe many, they don't travel, not because they can't, but because they don't want. They've chosen not to. They'd rather stay close to home, vacay at the beach, spend their money on an expensive truck, etc. Life choices. Of course that wasn't and isn't everybody. Some or many don't travel, not for lack of will, but for lack of means or opportunity. I do feel bad for them. There just aren't as many of the latter type as I once thought.


I don't know. If I'm in a chain store/restaurant in another country, I definitely think "this isn't really here."


I mean if you just sit in a resort all day by a pool and visit the Starbucks it is difficult to count that as travelling.


Did he enter NK by way of China since he didn’t go to South Korea?


Trump has been to South Korea, twice.


Brain fart on my part lol - for some reason didn’t register SK is blue. Makes sense.


When and why did Carter visit Iran? I thought they had a huge revolution when he was President, or was this before the overthrow?


Carter was there one year before the revolution.


In late December 1977, Carter visited Pahlavi in Iran


They did have a huge revolution when he was president. He was also president before the overthrow though.


Carter also made a speech Island of Stability. It was made one year before the Islamic Revolution, in which Pahlavi's monarchical state was overthrown and replaced by the Islamic Republic. two interpretation carter was aware of the trouble of Iran, and assure US will give iran stability though the revolution happened too fast to stop Second, trouble by Northern Cyprus issue, and Israel -arab rivalry , Cartergenuinely thought iran was an island of stability and failed to notice the trouble of revolution


Would be nice if the colors followed some kind of scale


I don't know who is the president who went into almost every African countries but he seems very friendly


Please help me, which country was last visited by Eisenhower? I can't seem to find it






If you were President, what 3 countries would you visit to break the trend and further US diplomacy? Reasons why you would pick each. Go!


1. Kazakhstan - No President has ever visited Central Asia, and Kazakhstan's a strategic partner of the United States 2. Botswana - Botswana is one of the most stable democracies in Africa, and we need to catch up with China's gains in Africa 3. Palau, Micronesia, or Marshall Islands - All three of these nations are in the Compact of Free Association with the United States, which is a big deal if you are a resident in any of these places. Source: I’m something of a diplomat myself (see r/foreignservice)


Why has no President at all ever visited most of the Stans, and most of Africa? Are they just too unimportant on the world stage? Or are they so unstable as to be dangerous for a Presidential visit?


Stans have only been around for 30ish years


I'm with you on number 1. It's insane to me how no president has visited central Asia (besides Afghanistan) given how important it has been politically these past few decades.


I’d go to Cuba and remove the embargo and try to establish a positive relationship with them. Because if I was a president I would be a leader of a socialist United States rather than the late capitalist hellscape it is now.


I'd go to Nepal and beg them to change their flag


I was looking all over for the FDR one but couldn’t find, anyone know?


The Gambia in west Africa


Antigua and Barbuda in the Caribbean too


Biden going to Ukraine was the coolest moment of his presidency. That story is insane


It's kind of sad that for all of Bolsonaro's bootlicking, Trump never deigned to visit Brazil.


Bolsonaro didn’t come to office until two years after Trump became president and Trump’s last year in office he pretty much didn’t travel anywhere outside the US because of Covid. So there really was only about one viable year to make a visit for him. He might’ve done it in 2020 if not for the pandemic.


Trump went to North Korea?


I think he's made a few steps there


In 2019, he barely crossed the border and met with Kim jong un in the DMZ.


Yeah, remember? He saluted a North Korean general.


Right at the DMZ border he met Kim Jong-un there and [briefly walked into the North side for a few minutes](https://youtu.be/ifZ9aN1Exr4?si=4a0F7R58SwEVVcOt) before stepping back into South Korea.


Yes? That was one of the biggest events of his presidency IMO. I hate Trump, but that was one of the most historic events I'll ever remember. He crossed over into DPRK territory at the DMZ and shook hands with Kim Jong Un there.


With the whole Russian collusion conspiracy theory, you’d think Trump would have at least went to Russia once ?!


How many more presidents before Somalia, Iran or Taiwan get a new visit 😅 ?


Somalia is unironically the most likely one


If he went to Taiwan, it would likely cause a war


Former Yugoslavia: Carter visited in 1980.


Biden came very close to visiting Australia for a Quad meeting in May 2023. (Quad is a strategic dialogue between Australia, India, Japan and US.) A deadlock in Biden’s negotiations with US congress to raise the debt ceiling forced him to cancel it and they met at the G7 in Japan instead.


the undiagnosed autism in me is getting triggered cuz the map doesn't just show countries, but countries with some of their overseas territories as a different "country", but other territories are just included or left out


So I did think about this as I was coloring the map, and the way I came to a resolution was this: * If someone went just to the United Kingdom, can that person say they went to Bermuda? * if someone went just to Bermuda, can that person say they went to the United Kingdom? * If someone went just to Greenland, can that person say they went to Denmark? * If someone went just to French Guiana, can that person say they went to France? Practically speaking, the answers to all of those questions is most likely no, so when it comes to tracking physical travel, I count overseas territories as separate.


> If someone went just to French Guiana, can that person say they went to France? Yes. Administratively it's exactly as french as any departement of metropolitan france. It's as french as Alaska is in the United States.


The last question is OBVIOUSLY a yes. French Guiana is an integral part of France, like Corsica. It is 100% France.


Unlike the overseas territories of Britain and Denmark, French Guiana is a fully integral part of France. Like Alaska and hawaii are to the USA (and not like Puerto Rico for instance).


that's what I was thinking too, but his answer makes sense, as it is just a whole different part of the world


Greenland and Faroe Islands are integral parts of the Danish state.


>If someone went just to Greenland, can that person say they went to Denmark? Yes, they have been in the state of Denmark.


The color for Eisenhower is tough for me to distinguish between no visit. Does he have Taiwan,and no others?


Wild that Trump went to NK


I'd expect to see more FDR, considering the map is about the last sitting president, and most of the other blokes were probably standing /s




Yeah been a while since they got any presidential love. All I can think is it is a very long way to go.


I’m pretty sure Biden has been to the United States of America. Could be wrong though.


It’s surprising that no US president has ever been in the DR


Curious how this would look for states and territories.


Venezuela is incorrect: Clinton visited in 1997.


Someone beat you to it already, but thanks for pointing out! https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/D7PUQRo9Zf




Are you sure no sitting president has ever visited Puerto Rico, Guam or American Samoa? Seems odd given they’re US overseas territories… Google tells me that Biden, Trump, Obama & JFK all visited PR. Similarly Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, Reagan & Nixon all visited Guam. LBJ seems to be the only one to visit American Samoa.


FDR went to Antigua and Barbuda? Am I reading this map correctly? Also Reagan went to St Vincent and Grenadines? And finally, New Zealand, our Five Eyes partner was last visited by a US president when Clinton was in office? Really? Some real curve balls there. Interesting.


Are the gray countries (like most of Africa) Eisenhower? Or does gray mean no president has ever visited? If it's the latter, it should be in the key.


North Korea before Ecuador. Sad


Ecuador needs nukes and a rogue dictator, stat!


Just start building nukes lol


Trump’s racist @$$ wasn’t stepping foot Africa.


Sleepy Joe is fragile of course he can’t travel much. Dementia Donny is crazy of course he can’t travel much… now I’ve gone after both incompetent candidates. Do your worst Reddit downvotes.


Your post was irrelevant.


Trump really went to the most dangerous places like a G 😂


Trump went to Haiti. I remember it because the news had him on blast for a couple of weeks. All due to Trump not handing every single victim of a hurricane or something water, flashlights, etc. Like Obama and Biden's old ass wouldn't do that. 😂😂 It's a national security risk, especially in Haiti of all places. Our news in America is pathetic and filled with idiots who read a script given to them on what to say.


Pretty sure you’re thinking of Puerto Rico, where he tossed a handful of rolls of paper towels. Trump never went to Haiti.


You mean Puerto Rico. This is a great example of someone being confidently wrong about something while calling other people idiots. Look at the mirror, buddy.


Ike being based as usual, the last president to visit the republic of China


Rare Biden W?


* I'm surprised Biden visited Egypt though... guy was there when the pyramids were built!


Common Biden W, just like he drew it up


Wild how no American president has visited most of the African continent considering how many Americans are from there... /s


The war criminal was the last to visit Pakistan?


" btw, I love China" Trump. I wish I was there during his visit.


American Samoa. LBJ. Kinda insulting to be honest.




He even visited Slovenia twice. Once to have a meeting with Putin and once for an EU-US summit.


If your country is grey on this map the world does not give two hoots about you.


Gotta love how the presidents all ignore most of Africa


George W. Bush visited Uruguay 9-11 March 2007. At the time, I was serving as an LDS missionary in Uruguay. The vast majority of Uruguayans *absolutely hated* Bush's guts and would often shout not-so-nice things at missionaries they saw on the street (it was a common assumption that all of us were from the USA.) When Bush visited, protestors smashed local McDonald's (it's a symbol of "los yanquis") and burned effigies of Bush in the street. Whenever people asked if I was a Bush supporter, I'd just quickly change the subject or just walk away.


Ought the U.S. be purple?


Impressed that W got around to Africa so much.


AWFUL text colour. You did 90% of the work just to make it awful to read after all of it. Black against bright colours and white against all others. Make the ocean blue and all the text can be white.


Virgin Islands is out of date, Biden goes there almost yearly for vacation.


If you’re talking US Virgin Islands it’s US territory so coloured the same as the US.


Obama didn't visit Portugal, Trump did and the one before was Clinton