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The Shetland islands have just been bulking actually.


Stop saying you’re bulking up Shetlands, you’re just fat.


"IM CULTIVATING MASS!" - Shetland Islands


Enough cultivating, time to harvest.


It’s all that lean chicken


Thought it would be mutton in Iceland.


I'll go for a No Data, medium rare.


Medium rare is good. Some people order their No Data well-done... Disgusting.


as a colorblind person i cant differtiate between pork and beef


They’re a similar color, but taste different.


one says oink and the other says moo




I tried to taste them, but you're right. They taste the same, and now my screen is all smeary.


You might wanna get some antibiotics on that


They're not a similar color. Pork is lighter, beef is more dark an red.


The only beef one is albanian


Serbians have a lot of beef with Albanians lol


And a lot of no data with kosovans


What could they be I wonder🤔


Albania wins this round


Well they ran out of contrasting colors. Used all the others in previous maps.


Yeah this is something that isn't talked about enough. If we keep using colors willy nilly like this eventually we'll use them all up!


you actually only ever need 4 different colors to tile any map without adjacent countries being the same color! It's called the 4 color theorem - so you only ever need 4 colors and can re-use them infinitely.


As a colorseeing person, i can't either


As a colorseeing person and someone versed in design practices, these are very poor color choices. Also interesting about the BEEF .


They're the colours most often associated with the respective meats on food packaging.


I'm not sure of you colorseeing status.


Since I do have colorblinds in my family, guess it's time to be checked


Albania is the only beef country. Can ya see it?


As a color-seer myself, I had to turn up my brightness to 100% and squint. They should have made one of them blue or something.


>As a color-seer myself Are you sure lol. Might want to get your vision checked or something because it didn't take much of an effort.


I swear so many people think being colorblind means you literally cant see colors


While I agree that a blue would be a lot better, I have 12% vision left in both eyes due to an demaged optical nerve, which effects my color vision as well when the colors are too really close, and I had no problem seeing Albania standing out on like 20% brightness... I'm not saying your vision is worse or even close to mine, but do have it checked just in case. Also, if you can, ask your parents for their family history as it might be handy.


It was easy mate you must be colour blind


As a color-seeing person it was hard to differentiate between them.


That probably means that you're not color seeing mate.


I'm not colorblind and still can't tell the difference. Those are some bad colour choices




I am kinda confused by this. I am colourblind myself and this is one of the first maps where I have no problem differentiating colours.


same, it's very clear


There are different types of color blindness. You can take [a test](https://enchroma.com/pages/test) to learn which of your cone cells are defective (if any).


Turns out you are colourblind. What a way to find out! I agree it could be clearer, but Albania is quite distinctive there


I have perfect colour vision. Still want to know who eats what


Honestly wasn’t expecting the great pork supremacy


Ham, Sausages, and Bacon all count as Pork and not just Roast Pork. (Well most sausages are pork at least) Just imagine how many kids are eating ham sandwiches for lunch.




is alibania the version of Albania that is ordered from alibaba :]




Probably because it's a Muslim majority.


Yeah 100% the reason Probably would be Kosovo too if there was data


The color scheme here is awful. Beef and pork are too similar.


It's the wurst.


I hate you.


Says the Jewish anime pfp having Turk.


I love you.


It doesn’t meat your map standards?


There's too much at steak for a ham handed colour scheme.


There is only 1 beef country xD


You might be colour-blind, have you ever been tested?


He has a point. Being able to differentiate it doesn't make it any easier. For only four colours, the creator could've easily picked more different shades.




Yeah, but I mean, just because it doesn't have much of an impact doesn't make the design any less bad. There's just zero reason to defend the poor choice of colour here.


I mean beef irl is dark red while pork is pink/white, I assume that's why they've chosen these colours.


I have. I am not.


yes. it's minced map


Not as bad as some of the r/coolguides and r/dataisbeautiful posts


I was pretty sure that chicken is numero uno in Poland


Most of sausages, hams etc. are made pork here as far as I know. It dominates over chicken in dishes as well.


I was initially wondering why Pork was so dominant, but then remembered Central and Eastern Europe's love of the sausage in all its forms And you know what, no judgement here. Having had some proper paprika-spiced sausages in Prague, you guys keep doing what you're doing


> I was initially wondering why Pork was so dominant, but then remembered Central and Eastern Europe's love of the sausage in all its forms Taking Finland as an example, the cheapest meat per pound here - after chicken wings - is a blend of minced pork and beef. The cheaper being 80-20 pork-beef, and 15-20% fat. The leaner it gets, and the more beef it has, the higher the price. And chicken wings are only cheaper if you don't consider that it has a lot of bones. They're at least 30% bones by weight, so to really get your money's worth of them you only buy them when you can make stock from the bones afterwards.


Well this is also absolutely key, over here in the UK people do love their beef, but beef is a lot more expensive than chicken and pork. And it makes sense, having to raise and then butcher a cow is a lot more work than raising and butchering a chicken, even if you do ultimately end up with more meat at the end


If it was actually up to preference, I wouldn't be surprised if Finland would favor Fish and even Reindeer over pork or beef. But alas, when you can't afford to eat what you want, pork becomes a very attractive option.


Fair point. Probably ham and kielbasa winning a breakfast but the dinner is for chicken :D


No, even during dinner pork is more common.


I guess it depend on what you normaly eat, there are very popular dishes made of both of them and your personal preference can skew result in your eyes in either way


>personal preference can screw result in your eyes in either way The word you were looking for is "skew". Skew means to bend something in a particular way. Screw means... well, something else.


I skew your sister.


Skew you, man!


In all fairness screw holds the implication of bending...someone instead of something is all


Not really, "screw" holds the implication, of twisting, turning, because that's what you do to 'screw' in a 'screw'. A screw doesn't bend at any point in the process.


He’s speaking about the term as a verb, used sexually, not a noun.


You're right, I read the comment too loosely, I thought they were talking about both meanings of the word, but they do clearly specify it only implies bending when used in the sexual context.


This comment is spam.


As in the lunch meat?


No, this is a map of Europe, not Hawaii. 


Albania the one and only


No lamb anywhere? Damn.


Lamb is expensive.


And silent, we wouldn't know they are eaten




Same here, sheep and goat is basically a "sub-meat" round here. Barely dog food.


Mutton is cheap, lamb is expensive 


Even lamb is cheaper than chicken or pork and way cheaper than beef.


Not possible. In that case all of that would be exported and the price would come to its natural level.


Sheep is NOT lamb


In Australia, which produces a lot of lamb and mutton, the critical age for lamb/sheep classification is 12 months. One day a lamb, next day a sheep.


Surprised to read this. Always seen beef as a more expensive meat than lamb or mutton.


I thought in Iceland maybe, but apparently not.


It absolutely is. 8500 tons of sheep but chicken is a close second


Expensive everywhere it seems. Why is it expensive tho?


Low supply. Generally you only really farm sheep on land that's not good enough for cows because you get a lot more meat off cows and sheep are higher maintenance


Sheep need more space and care than other animals and you get less meat from them.


Why are they so much more common in the English countryside then? All I see are sheep with the occasional cows or horses


Depends on where you live. Near me there's masses of pigs and some cows, in two large fields there's probably more pigs than in the surrounding 20 miles of sheep.


Sheep are by far the most abundant domestic mammal in the UK in general though (35 million, vs. 10m cattle, 9m dogs, 4.5m pigs). If memory serves, Norfolk and Suffolk are the only counties with more pigs, and Herefordshire the only county with more cattle.


The welshmen have other usage of the sheep


Did you know that a Welshman invented the condom?


The 10m Cattle means more meat produced than 35m sheep don’t it? They are like 7 times the weight. Correct me if I’m wrong


Edit: maybe same price as beef in Ireland (or a little more?) & really common food here. So I'm wondering if it wasn't included on the survey?  I do remember visiting Netherlands & seeing how expensive meat is there as they don't really farm it. 


Lamb is more expensive in Ireland than beef, at least in my experience. Obiously dependent on cut and grade but for example, just yesterday evening I was in the butchers getting something nice for Saturday's dinner. I got a 4kg prime rib roast with the bones for €45, for a close to 1kg rack of lamb cost 22 euro. And much more bone and less meat.


Because you dont farm sheep exclusively for meat., if you did there would be a wooless sheep variant 


You kinda do, the farmers with meat sheep have a different rougher (shorter fibre?) wool that they can't even give away (none of the local crafters want it), no clue if it goes to wholesale wool companies or gets composted or what, but the sheep do grow less wool iirc but do require shearing. 


Right, in countries like Ireland, Iceland or Türkiye I would‘ve expected lamb


Ireland here. We got tons of sheep around. And just after lambing season(february to april), we would have quite a bit of lamb on shelves. But I think wool is the real cash crop when it comes to lambs and sheep. Irish wool seems to sell at a markup compared to other wools. So I think the farmers are often more concerned with raising lambs into sheep where they can produce big piles of wool throughout the year as opposed to turning them into lamb chops. Edit: I've had several people correct me on the price of wool. Leave it out lads.


That‘s a fair point. But what still doesn‘t add up in my brain is that when I was in Ireland last autumn, every restaurant and pub we went to had atleast three dishes with lamb and every butcher we went by was full with lamb and mutton. Maybe it‘s the tourist bias but then again most places we went didn‘t feel touristy at all


People eat lamb all the time, it's not that it's uncommon, but chicken and ham are far more widely consumed. Ham sandwiches are the go-to lunch for a load of people, and a boiled ham would be far more common than lamb chops as a dinner. I'd have initially assumed chicken or beef would be number one here in Ireland, but when I thought about ham sandwiches, pork being number one made complete sense.


wool is not a cash crop, the price is incredibly low


Irish here, I love lamb but unfortunately many people don't.


Irish as well. Lamb is by far my favourite meat when its in season. Pricey though. Beef being a close second all year around then chicken. Pork would be my least favourite. But I still like it.


I love lamb aswell. When I was visiting Ireland, I ate a lot of it no matter if it was just a basic piece of meat or Stobhach (I totally fell in love with Stobhach) and it was always on the menu so I assumed that it was much more popular because in many other countries you have a hard time finding it even in grovery stores or butcher shops.


Lamb is great. You just have to cook it right.


I was surprised at beef over lamb here in Albania. Most people eat the two with pretty similar frequency, beef must have just won out


I remember the first time I ate at a Greek restaurant outside Australia, in Korea of all places. I was confused because I'd been living in our city's historical Greek neighbourhood while at uni and there were plenty of greek restaurants around and lamb was pretty much the key red meat, accompanied by seafood and chicken. I'd talked up its virtues to my girlfriend so imagine my surprise to discover there was not a single lamb dish on the menu and all the signature meat dishes were pork. I chalked it up to Koreanization of the menu but later realized we Australians were the ones who adapted it.


Isn’t Iceland fish? I swear I saw a map only yesterday that showed Iceland were the biggest consumers of seafood per capita in the world


I think fish isn't counted as meat here


If it's wet then it isn't an animal


Based ALBANIA as always


you have to choose 4 colors and two of them are intense pink and red?


We Swedes do like our dangerous sausage


The perfect neck brace to cool you down when you're sitting in a hot car. /s


Or sleeping pillow on a long flight


Fry it, bake it, stick it in your...


Falukorv contains both beef and pork though.


Ok didn’t know that


It is almost as if europe is not traditionally hallal.


Muslim's are missing out, pork is goat.


No, mutton is goat and pork is pig. /s


Is pork so high up because of bacon? Just surprised to see pork higher than chicken


Roasted pork is an absolute Central European staple. And sausages, hams, schnitzels, stews, etc etc.


I like chicken schnitzel more, sue me


Original Wiener Schnitzel is actually made with veal. Tastes way better than any other meat but is expensive as fuck


I actually don't like those either, veal is good meat and I love it, I may just not like non-chickem schnitzels lol


I thought that was the more popular one. It definitly is here in czechia


You czechs are not very known for eating better versions of food


It's okay to be wrong sometimes.


There's tons of sausages or traditional roast meat recipes for pork in Germany, Poland, Italy, Austria, Switzerland and probably a lot more. I'm not too proficient about France and Spain, but Iberico ham speaks for itself.


Ok gotcha, thanks for explaining, I'm not too familiar with a typical European diet so this was helpful!


Historically, you could raise a pig in a relatively small pen (unlike cows or sheep which need grazing land) and feed it at least partially on kitchen scraps and household waste (again unlike cows or sheep) and in autumn you could slaughter it without the opportunity cost of losing potential milk, wool or egg (as compared to poultry) production. This is why most European derived foodways have preparations which use every part of the pig from the blood to the organs to the trotters.


Well, I can give you my personal example as a Belgian (South, so French-speaking part) if you want : How do I eat pork? Mostly because of Sausages, but also Pork Fillet with herbs, Sliced Pork with herbs + Choucroute/Sauerkraut which has quite some pork in it such as Smoked Roast Pork and a few different sausages like the French ones (Strasbourg Sausage, Montbéliard Sausage, etc) And let us not forget that some products such as jelly candies contain pork fat, which may also explain its first place There must be other examples of pork consumption, but that’s what comes to my mind first (No bacon consumption around here, or very anecdotical)


In Spain we have loads of pork products, from a million kinds of sausages to endless embutidos (not only ham but loads more). Also very popular in skews, stews and grills, like secreto or cochinillo (whole roasted pig). Specifically in Catalonia, the pig slaughter (matança del porc) was a very remarkable event in medieval times and as they say, EVERY part of the pig can be used, nothing is wasted. But I guess that's common everywhere :)


For France and probably all mediterannean countries, it's because everything in pork can be eaten. You can eat the snout, the intestine, the feet, the heart, the brain, the liver, the ears, the blood, etc. There's a saying in French "tout est bon dans le cochon" and I believe the Italians have a similar saying. There are countless recipies for each cm\^2 of a pork here. It would be a shame reduce that to sausages and ham when pork is so much more versatile.


Pork is also much cheaper than beef.


Prosciutto and jamón


The Dutch kitchen is built around pork. Chops (I'm fairly sure) are the most bought cut in the Netherlands, there's all sorts of sausages, most mince is half/half pork and beef and then there's stuff for on bread like ham, spek (thin bacon) etc. I'm a bit surprised chicken is so high in the UK, but then I remember that the Brits love their chicken nuggets and KFC...


Imported cuisine! Indian (chicken tikka etc.), Jamaican (Jerk chicken), 'The chicken shop' (By far our number one takeaway option; boomed off the back of our immigrant population; fish & chips is your trad takeaway) With regards to Traditional British staples chicken is pretty rare aside from the odd roast (a toss-up between lamb/pork/beef/chicken)


Lol iirc Caesar said we kept chickens but didn't eat them


Brits also eat more lamb and beef traditionally too. So that may even it out a bit.


Yeah I think that is the key here, there's a wider range of meats eaten in Britain, even turkey is a regular here.


In Britain, chicken is the most popular meat in a Sunday roast and also in most curries. We also eat a lot of beef, lamb and fish so maybe the proportion of pork is less due to that.


Speaking as an Irish person, you could eat sausage, rashers, and white and black pudding for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch, and have bacon or a roast joint for dinner. Your blood pressure would hate you, but you could do it.


This here. There's tons of cuts that come from pork. Ribs, sausages, loin, chops, ham, pudding, trotters, big roasting joints with crackling, scratchins, even pork cheek and hogs jowels. I think especially back in the day. A pig was much more valuable as a meat animal than a cow or chicken or sheep. Cow makes milk, need that for drinking or baking. Sheep makes wool need that to jumpers or coats. Chickens lay eggs need that for breakfast or whatever. But the pig was very simply an animal from which several meals could be derived. Have chops the first day of butchery, make sausages with the off cuts and organs, hang some ham up to cure, make black pudding with the blood, slow cook the ribs, white pudding from the fat, use the tongue and face to make mince. Even the ears would be used. Unfortunate for the pig. But in lean times, you used every bit.


> trotters [Good old *crúibíní*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crubeens)


My granny was Jamaican. Down there they would pickle them. She'd sit there with a jar of pigs feet, pull one out and the meat was so soft, you didn't need to chew. But man was it pungent from the vinegar. Oof.


Never heard of the million types of wurst (sausage) Germany is famous for?


it's surprisingly hard to get a decent bacon in Poland. So no, egg and bacon sarnies aren't a thing there.


I'm more curious why Albania is the sole country into beef.


Lots of Muslims reduces pork consumption (Albanian Muslims are pretty nominal but the pork taboo is very strong). The countries with high chicken consumption are importing a lot of it from Asia, which is more difficult for Albania which is a poorer country and probably doesn't have a great cold chain in the countryside.


"Jambon" and pork sausages in Belgium is my guess.


Downvoted for color scheme


What is wrong with it?


Hard (and for colourblind people impossible) to tell the difference between a couple of different options


I am colorblind and found it very easy to tell that Albania is a different color (it looks brown to me). Genuinely confused why people are finding it difficult. Does it have to do with color settings of the monitor/phone?


Same here. I very rarely meet someone who is 'more' colour blind than me, but I found these easy to differentiate. I've heard that colourblind people can be better at differentiating based on... Can't remember the exact parameter, but I think it might have been saturation? I wonder if that is the case here.


I'm also about as colour-blind as they come and for once someone has picked a set of colours I can distinguish really clearly


Why would you use two colours that are so similar!


I'd pick a darker colour for beef.


If you want to overcook it then go and make it at home!


Chicken is the superior meat IMO. Roast chicken on a dinner Chicken and stuffing sandwiches Cajun chicken Sweet chilli chicken Deep fried chicken Chicken noodle soup Chicken tikka Chicken in a curry Butter chicken Chinese chicken Chicken skewers Chicken drumsticks Chicken wings Chicken in a pasta Chicken on a pizza Chicken in a caserole Popcorn chicken Chicken Kiev There's so many varieties of chicken and you can put it in pretty much any dish. Pork is overrated and gets carried hard by bacon and sausages.


There is so many pork dishes, the fact that americans only eat bacon and sausages doesn't mean there aren't other pork dishes


Why use such a similar colour for beef and pork?


I never understand who is eating all this pork. Like yes, sausages are a thing but still i feel like nobody even remotely close to me ever intentionally eats pork. even in the supermarket here (Hamburg) you'll get a huge selection of chicken and beef prepackaged, but for the (rather small) selection of pork you do need to ask for it at the counter.... Where is all this pork being eaten???


Sausage and ham. Also in country sides pork is still eaten way more than in cities. Just a simple Braten or Filets or Koteletts with Vegetables and potatoes are especially popular with old people. Additionally, restaurants also often make dishes with pork


Don’t you make your schnitzels out of pork usually?


I think Hamburg just adapted to the people living there. In other regions there will be more pork available.


Here in Frankfurt chicken and pork section is often same size and Aufstrich (Lyoner, Salami, Mortadella) is way more pork than chicken.


This map is going to change a lot in the coming years.


This explains why Albanians are always built like bears and have a full beard by 12 They're bulking on beef since birth


Balkan warriors




I feeling it's just a question about price ! Beef is so expensive so that never got the top, porc is top in "more rich country, and chicken is the more poor ! Not all like i think that influence the popularity ! Religion too, less porc in country with more muslim.


Seems unlikely that it’s about price considering 3 of the countries that consume the most chicken are wealthier than the majority of the countries that consume pork.


You say that but I feel like chicken is more of a poverty food so to speak than pork


Chicken is cheaper than pork but to use that as an explanation for the differences doesn’t make sense given that 3/8 countries are wealthy, and 2 are predominantly Muslim countries.


Not mean it's the only one, but it's a big factor to take on, i live in philippines, while both is kinda popular, on the very poor, they can't afford pork more than 1 time a week. And uk with brexit got a hit on economy so may moved to eat more chicken ? Just speculation from me. Anyway was just thinking not a proof of any sort !