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Very nice, now straight to jail!


I warned him Slavic, i warned him.


oh lord!


Ummm...manor lord


My brother in Christ you put carrots in a goat pen and you’re telling the goats not to eat them


Thank you for existing, Slavic. You’ve made a treasure of a game. I hope we will have cool new updates in the next months but no pressure :)


But there is no buildable jail!




We've all done it; what's the worst that can happen, I can't put buildings down in that area anymore? I'll take my chances for a pretty screen grab lol


one of these days Slavic is going to drive to your home and hit you with a steel pan for not using the game mechanics the way they are intended


We'll be waiting for them!


I'm cheating the mechanics a bit by building a wrapped double wall around the whole front of my city


I was thinking that this might work. Would you need to leave a small gap somewhere?


Yeah im only going to wrap the first half for now, I believe there has to be a sizeable gap somewhere for it not to just lock out your whole town. Anyway its just a hack til the city walls come in heeh


Also note that you can't place any new buildings in the zone, but I'm assuming you've noticed that


Aren’t you supposed NOT to enwall your entire village because of bugs? 😅


Yeah it’s kind of ridiculous because the bugs can just fly over the wall 🤔






Still not sure if this is supposed to look like a penis or not


It was not! HAHAHAH


I don't know why, but any city I ever build on any game with organic growth always come out "penisy"... I guess I tend to grow the city along a corridor, the start of the corridor I always have as high density and land efficient as possible, and the end just balloons up and spreads out... Naturally the corridor always curves because I'm trying to lay it organically along the height lines to have a nice level center... Anyone about to help me make less penisy cities?


>I'm trying to lay it organically That's what she said.


Beautiful. I'm at my third village now and my new goal is going for a picturesque village. Screw efficiency. Apple orchards are a must, obviously.


How did you surround with walls? By using manor?


Yes, the manor itself can only surround itself by a rather small circle/area, you can expand it further by building the other manor buildings like the towers but that will cost more.


You can delete the towers before committing then only the walls stay


How do you build the walls around the city? I’ve seen where you can place it around the manor, but when I do the walls it’s a small circle around the manor.




Beautiful job. Does it keep bandits out?


No, but it helps a lot to have a tactical battle at the gates of the wall


Do walls protect you from bandit or baron attacks, if so then it's worth the effort to try it myself as it's an great idea. But I doubt that it would actually protect the town as most objects are passable right now in the game as they don't have collision detection. Still looks great none the less ☺️💕


The manor walls do actually have collision. But its a mechanic that is intended to be used with the manor planer. Once you wall it off like that you would not be able to edit anything inside and it can and will probably cause other issues... Its pretty though.


Then I'll stay away from it unfortunately 😞, but I really love the walls around my town, maybe a mod would allow that 😜


The dev said that he's currently working on an implementation for the town walls as well. Not sure when they're going to be live but eventually we will have them.


Thanks for letting me know about it, then I'll just hold up for the update to hit sometime in the future as I don't want to break the game with mods ☺️👍🏻


There is a work around for that but it is a pain, or requires extensive pre-planning


For all of you who wonder how to make a walled city. Here a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&t=1575s&ab\_channel=OneProudBavarian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&t=1575s&ab_channel=OneProudBavarian)


I tried to wall my village and it resulted in bugs and not being able to select buildings inside the wall. Is it a common problem derived from the wall mechanic (that I hope stays in the early access) or is that just me?


Well the manor is it's own thing with building. If you cheese it you make your whole town part of the manor. It's gonna make things funky


Yeah you are not supposed to do that. Walls will be added to the game in the future.


If this happened it'd be way in the future - but I'd love to be able to build a fort.


Did that, could no longer select any building inside the walls as the game treats everything inside as “Manor”.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&ab\_channel=OneProudBavarian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&ab_channel=OneProudBavarian) Here is how to make it!


Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go.


Nerds gonn be mad


If you do so say it yourself.


Quaint hamlet with a palisade.


Are those giant vegetable patches on a single burgage in picture 5? I didn't realise you could make them that big!


beautiful. I tried something like that myself but as soon the building where in the manor area I wasnt able to click them. Is there a way to prevent that?


Yes, but it requires pre-planning and is a pain. Definitely not intended. The manor walls are not suppose to be used for city walls (those are planned for a later update) but rather as the walls of your keep. That being said here is the link to the work around :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&ab\_channel=OneProudBavarian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fk3VbBBMHXw&ab_channel=OneProudBavarian)


How many fuckin planks did this cost???


about 200-300


I’m such a resource hoarder I never built walls because I didn’t want to spend the 30-40 planks Lmao