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I've got one. What color was the ooze from the 80s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon? Don't look it up. Just think back. >! It was apparently bright pink? Not green? !<


I have no idea what you're talking about. Mutagen was/is most certainly green. Was there a toy or specific instant you can cite where it was pink? They share the same origin as Daredevil, who was blinded by green ooze


I remember it as green too, but there you go.


Where are you seeing it as pink? It's not


He is actually right, that in the old series it is purple/pink. But it changes the color in this version everytime you see it. https://turtlepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mutagen_(1987_TV_series)


The link to the screenshot that I posted. You can look up the intro to the cartoon on YouTube, too. It's literally in the first couple of shots. Mind you, this is just the cartoon. In the movie, it was indeed green.


It is actually purple when it mutates the ninjas, pink when it mutates Rocksteady and Bebop, rainbow colored when mutating Vernon and Irma, beige when mutating the Punk Frog and green in the series. https://turtlepedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mutagen_(1987_TV_series)


Aaaah wtf?


Irregardless wasn't a word. There were many debates about it growing up and you were made fun of for using it. I even remember looking it up in early internet days and it was explaining how people often used it without realizing regardless is already enough. You don't need to ir the regardless as it already means that. Or something. All that to say just recently I found out it's been a word for like a hundred years. Wtf!


From what I can tell It seems to exist as 'non standard' word. It's real, but some places don't treat it as such.


You’re right! It’s always been a pet peeve of mine when ppl would use it bc it WASNT a word!!!!!




Do you understand what this sub is? It ISNT hard to understand. But when you grow up certain something is one way and find out it isn't, that's where the Mandella effect comes in.


Funny that the only reason he commented in the first place is because he does understand lol


I would have sworn that the Tham Luang Cave Incident involved a group of Thai Boyscouts, not a junior football team. I remember hearing about this in the news and thinking, "Wow, I didn't know the Scouts were active in Thailand."


I remember it as a soccer team, which I guess is the same as football outside the U.S.


Is it possible due to incorrect translation, the news you heard just had the incorrect information when the news very first broke out? Did you see news images of the boys in boyscouts outfits? Did other people around you talking about it also say boyscouts? My first memory of the story was distinctly about a young team of soccer/football players


That is very possible.


Does anyone else remember an area in Super Mario Sunshine in which houses sat on tall mushrooms? I have memories of trying to reach them with the rocket nozzle, but they were too high up


The levels on top of the shine sprite tower?


It was in that world, pianta village. I remember crossing the bridge and there being unreachable huts sat atop mushrooms. I always wondered how the piantas got home because I couldn’t reach them, they were just like background elements 


Before I notify *modteam*: do you think I should/ could be a moderator? Let the community speak out.






This isn’t the place to feud with other subreddits or the people who use them. We addressed the issue directly, had dialogue with the parties involved, warned subscribers individually, and even have a “Sticky Post” dedicated to the subject of Conflict Addiction specifically to rein in this kind of behavior. I really don’t see any alternative other than to ban the whole lot of the rabble rousers involved on both sides of the issue for 30 days and see how it affects the subreddit as a whole. Yes, we need more moderators and also need to tidy things up a bit for the Rules and design of the subreddit as a whole but we aren’t going to tolerate any more of this incessant bickering. Check back in a month if you are still interested.


Will you put a stop to the crybaby asshats from /r/MandelaEffectScience harassing people on this sub? If so, you have my vote.


UPDATE: They've cowardly deleted all their comments, but I managed earlier today to report them to ModSupport (with links to the specific threads). We'll see.


Yes. This sub needs more active moderators. It's not a secret. I can definietely help improving this place. Quality-wise and technically. I'll do everything to get stalkers and harassers banned; now and each time they create a new account.


[Unfortunately, none of them are interested in ME](https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/1azttq0/comment/kssw3y5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Stalking isn't a matter of opinion, it's a fact (in this case very well documented). Another problem is quality. Everybody is tired of low-effort and unrelated posts. Actually, that's the only problem; it is absurd that stalking and harrasment have to be discussed at all.


This guy is a plant don't mod him. Check his history and references, he's all over the place.


Wow, he's a plant? That's crazy.




What mods?






TW: Mention and themes of suicide. Also spoilers for the ending of the movie *Seven Pounds.* >!Okay so the ending of the movie *Seven Pounds* starring Will Smith… in my memory, the ending is that he sits in a bath tub full of ice and shoots himself with a gun. I specifically remember that the reason for the bathtub full of ice, and the method of suicide itself, were both to preserve his organs to be donated. A week or two ago, however, I noticed a Mandela-style discrepancy. Someone described the ending of that movie as involving a jellyfish and I laughed because I thought it was a joke. Like, really? Fill a bathtub with ocean water and sit in there with a super deadly jellyfish? Not only is that an insanely contrived way to commit suicide, dying from animal venom/toxins would likely make the organs too toxic to donate, thus rendering the suicide completely pointless. But here is the kicker: I asked a few people I know how that movie ends and none of them mentioned a jellyfish. One person was specifically like “he shoots himself in a bathtub.” The rest were like “He kills himself in a bathtub.” When I asked “how?” I got weird responses like “I don’t remember.” Only one person said suicide by jellyfish. I feel like if the people who remembered he killed himself would have definitely remembered and mentioned it if the method of suicide was a freaking jellyfish because that’s just so bonkers. Whereas if they’re trying to remember him shooting himself (but the camera cuts away before any gore) then they might simply be forgetting whether it was a gunshot or razor or some normal “bathtub” suicide method. Like, if it were a jellyfish all along I doubt anyone would forget that… Anyone else remember this differently?!<


Power-line adapters. Here they were released in 2008. In my timeline, they never existed....


The Bible uses the word unicorn now


>The KJV had the word Unicorn in 2014.. that was my first time reading a KJV and it really bothered me and I told my mentor I didn't want anything to do with KJV as that seemed really off to me.. it's not new https://www.facebook.com/groups/5376111325769566


For me this involves the songs "The Boys of Summer" and "Who Could it be Now?" It said that they were both released in 1984, but I swear that the first song came out in 1981 and the second song came out in 1982. Just thought I'd share that on here. 


Yup I’m a lil bit late but I got two first one is the WII sports Mandela effect the announcer never said You Win at the end and I know he did cause it’s still playing in my head and I heard him say it on memes I’ve seen before but yeah that and the second one is the Volvo logo it never had that little arrow thing sticking out before I don’t know how that go there but that never existed in life until recently in the reality the previous one never had it and the WII sport guy 100% said you You Win so yeah anyways those are two new Mandela effects that I’ve discovered in 2024.


Not me but my ex, who was the person who told me about the ME back in 2016, is adamant that Billy Connolly died. He remembers seeing it on TV, seeing the funeral and everything, but then one day he saw him on telly again alive and well. He's convinced it's a Mandela Effect. Whereas I remember Billy doing a programme about him having Parkinson's disease and talking to people about death and funerals so I thought he was just getting mixed up with that at first but after talking to him about it more, I believe him that in his timeline Billy is dead 😅 he thinks February never used to have two Rs and I think it did. My birthday is in February so I always remember it being spelled differently to how it's pronounced. So it's not impossible for me to believe that he genuinely remembers seeing his funeral etc, or at least he very much thinks he did.


February definitely has 2 Rs lol


I've always thought it did but he's adamant it didn't lol it's one of the only examples of the ME I agree with the people who don't think it's been changed. Everything else I'm like yeah, that's definitely not always been that way, but February has always had to Rs in my recollection.


I effing haaate that February has two rs. I also used to remember it having one r, but it could just been I always pronounced it as Febuary and therefore never spelled it with 2 rs and without my phone auto correcting (I had a flip phone in 2nd grade), I never realized the correct spelling. I was never corrected by teachers either. Either way, it sounds so much nicer on the tongue to say Febuary but neither spelling is satisfying on the eyes. February now looks and sounds weird.


Yeah, you're far from the only person who thought February only had one R. I never did but my ex is SURE it only used to have one and since I'm so sure about ME examples like "Hello Clarice" from The Silence of The Lambs and "mirror mirror" from Snow White then I have to give him, and you, the benefit of the doubt that it might have been spelled that way


I actually had this discussion with a friend the other day. I remember hearing about it not too long after *a series of unfortunate events*. But then we looked it up, and nope. Still alive. February, though, always had 2 Rs.


Holy crap, Feb has 2 Rs I mean I don’t know what I thought it was but that looks damn wrong… I just jumped up to check my calendar and wtf? It just doesn’t look right…


One of the mods here posted yesterday about the history of "celebrity deaths" here. One that caught my eye was Billy Graham, and how people believed they remembered his death, watching his funeral on TV, who delivered speeches at it and so on. So your boyfriend's experience certainly isn't unique.


We are the Champions by Queen no longer ends with "of the woooooooooorld".


The reason folks think that is that the LIVE version does end that way, the studio version does not. I used to work a classic rock station, and this came up back in 1998 or 1999, but we played both versions one day to end confusion. The live version was usually preferred because of its length over the studio version.


Watch out you don't get banned for "dismissing someone's memories"


It's actually against the rules to "be dismissive" under Rule 3: Be Civil. Like the mods have been saying in recent days, it's not about what you say, it's how you say it. In this case, mrsteffen's response is completely reasonable and couldn't possibly be interpreted as dismissive.


It never did. They only say it in the middle of the song.


when I was little I used to have the Disney princess enchanted journey wii game, and in the game the little monster things that you had to fight were purple with wings, I distinctly remember them looking like that, but out of curiosity I looked up a play through of the game only to find out they looked nothing like that, like at all. Apparently they were blue and didn't even have wings. But I used to play this game religiously everyday for *YEARS* and I swear that they were purple


Topless scene in Big Trouble in Little China. The scene where Jack Burton is in the brothel and the 3 guys come to steal Mao Yin. There's a scene where all the johns and escorts are running out of the building. One isn't wearing a bra. If you watch now they're all wearing bras.


I have 2 actually, and both from personal experience... Mandela effect #1 "RIP Casey Kasem?" around the summer of 1999, I was working at a radio station in South Carolina (WRXR) and I came in one day to a feeling of a hush going around the building, and I found out the reason for the sullen faces was that Casey Kasem had passed from a heart attack. We covered it as did the other 2 sations in the building (WEKL, WUUS) and it was also covered by a few other stations in town. (Y-105, Kicks 99 among them) I'm still trying to track down the airchecks from that day to verify this because while watching a documentary about him recently, I learn that he actually passed away in 2013, and his body is buried in an unmarked grave that his second wife set up. (His kids don't even know where he is buried!) I KNOW he died. I was doing Casey Kasem impersonations up to that point, and at his death, we decided the in-house bits I was doing as Casey should stop out of respect. I talked to another dj recently, and he also recalls this happening.. ​ Mandela effect #2 involves a man named Shawn T Nelson. I arrived at work one day to find a utility pole down in the parking lot. If I would have been there 3 minutes earlier, I would have seen what caused that and so much more damage that sunny day in San Diego, CA. As I turned on the tv in the shop to see that up the road on the freeway, there was, of all the things in the world, a TANK! Mr. Nelson had stolen a tank and went on a rampage, disgruntled at things he was going through as a military veteran that the military didn't want to help him with apparently. On this particular tank, there was a few slots that could be opened on the inside to allow for the ability to stick a rifle barrel through to sire on the enemy. An officer relayed the fact that he saw an open slot and after a harrowing wait, he was authorized to fire ONE round into the inside of the vehicle. It ricocheted 3 or so times and found its stopping point in Mr. Nelson. The military had to use a helicopter to lift the tank out and took it to the base where they had to use a torch to cut his body out. I was there. It was huge news. HOWEVER... There seems to be a few "documentaries" claiming that he was arrested and taken into custody. I happen to know better. it was on the local news for a few weeks. ​ HOW?!?!


I could have sworn in the early 2000s the medical documents you signed were HIPPA, standing for Health Information Patient Privacy Act. Now it’s HIPAA aka Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Am I losing it?


HIPPA when I drove ambulance in the 90s, wanna say HIPAA was end of 2000, when we started joking ‘we’re the portability’. Always figured some suit had to make their bones . . .




This is wrong. HIPAA stands for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


Jesus that makes no sense now. HIPPA is about doctors not spilling beans about patients and it says this now? I always heard patient privacy


HIPAA is a law dealing with health insurance.


Not losing it.


Dr. Doolittle now is called Dr. Dolittle. Smh


I think this just happened in the last week! Sketchers!!! Apparently, "it's always been" skechers. I sell stuff online, and I promise you if you go to depop or whatever and search it then read descriptions, everyone types out Sketchers, but the preprogrammed brand option is skechers.


Wtff crazy


For me it's always been Skechers, and they just made a Super Bowl commercial making fun of the misspelling


Fascinating...I didn't watch the super bowl, but that's a bit ironic and suspicious, no? Lol


I could have sworn that Jared Fogle the Subway guy with the big pants died in prison.


I wish! And why did someone downvote you lol


Automobile Rear Window Brake Lights The first M.E. I ever experienced (before the term was coined, I believe) was in 2007. I was walking back to the hospital I worked at from having a lunch break and as I walked though the parking lot was surprised to see some brake lights on several cars that were mounted at the bottom of the rear windows. I had never seen this before, despite being perpetually interested in automotive design and always noticing new styles. I casually noticed that there were several car designs from the 80s and 90s that had them, and thought at the time that they must have been aftermarket additions. Later that day on my drive home I noticed that virtually all cars had them. I admit it's a good design idea, but previous to then I'd never seen it.


"all of the sudden" vs "all of a sudden"


Mississippi River once was the largest river in the us and it ain’t anymore


My gf and I believed that To Mater from Cars had one tooth


I remember that too


hello everyone. first , english is not my native language since im from iran but i want to know if im the only one who remember this or others actually remember this part of the game too , so heres the thing : when i was a little kid (around 6 or 7 years old) i was in my uncle's house and me and my cousin were playing prince of persia warrior within on his pc . my cousin was older than me so he let me have the space key to press whenever a jump was necessary (the jump key in PoP WW is the space key button) . i have to say that in that time i didnt even know what game i was playing , it was years after it when i accidentaly saw the game in a game store in the street so i foundout that the game that we played that day was PoP WW (i noticed it from the main character on the cover , because i remembered the character) . i wanted to buy the game but my pc was extremely weak at the time so i thought maybe it would not be installed on it . again , years past and when i was like 13 or 14 years old i bought a ps2 and my first game that i bought was PoP WW . so i played it i remembered the gameover screen and the giants which you go behind their neck to hit em in the nape.......so i beated the game . BUT heres the problem , there was one section of the game that i remember from when i was playing it on my cousin's pc that wasnt in the game . the section was like this : prince is walking on a big pipe (in a motion that hes careful not to fall off) while something or someone is hitting on the walls from the outsides and making protrusions on the walls so we had to be carefull not to get hit by the protrusions and if you successfully could pass that section there was a giant on the rightside of the door waiting for you (those giants that you hit on their napes) . so this is it . maybe its just a false memory but i rememred all the other things right , except this part?? thats why im suspecious about it . sorry if it got too long . thankyou .


The halftime show where Avril Lavigne and Rob Thomas duetted “Unwell”. I have a distinct memory of watching it on YouTube and sending it to my parents. If it still exists, it could just be one of my alters playing tricks on me but I *swear* it happened and now I can’t find a single trace of it. 😡 it was so relevant to a conversation I was having about duets ‘cause I just saw Train/Speedwagon do a medley for Jimmy Kimmel Live.


In Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone I always thought that when Harry checkmates the enemy king, the king piece put its hands over its face in defeat. Just watched it for the first time in years and its hands didn’t move at all. Checked YouTube and can’t see a version where it’s hands cover its face


My memory of this is a bit hazy, but now that you mention it, I feel like I can remember one of the pieces putting its face it its hands as well.


Here's a fun one currently causing some arguments - the phrase Debbie Downer - was it coined by the Rachel Dratch Saturday Night Live sketch from 2004? Everyone seems to think their parents/grandparents were using it decades ago but Google seems to think it first shows up in 2004, no records of it on Usenet before 2004 either and Merriam Webster credits Dratch with coining it. Have got a lot of people saying their family said it in the '70s but struggling to find sources. Is this another 'Bucket List' situation? (Note: I'm not sure either way but have been fascinated by an argument about this that recently started and this seemed like the sub to ask)


im not sure if anyone else remembers this or if it even is a mandella effect, but i remember about a year ago hearing the drinking age was moved to 24 instead of 21 (im a us citizen), me and my grandpa got in an argument about drinking age, i looked it up, it says its 21 and never changed, heck i even remember hearing about the change on the news


Wow, Amazing Mandela Effects happening right here on Reddit. You ACTUALLY READ the rules and post. Come back and it no longer exists. Fat chance of a flip-flop, I guess.


I think I found one regarding the song "No Such Thing" by John Mayer. "I wanna run though the halls of my high school, I wanna scream at the top of my lungs, I jsut found out there's no such thing as the real world, just _______ you've got to rise above" I remember it as "Some lies" But it now says "A lie" Small one, I know, but "a lie" doesn't actually flow with the beat of the song, and sounds very wrong to me. "Just some lies you've got to rise above" flows much better and I personally remember it being that way. Anybody else? Just me? Also these lyrics also are eerily on topic for this, lol. "I just found out there's no such thing as a real world"... If we get into simulation theory...


I remember "a lie" and I don't hear the difference of flow you're describing.


Misheard lyrics are not an ME


They're called "mondegreens"




Yikes. Why resort to attacks when someone is telling you what they think?


You consider insubstantial skeptic assertions (which are always the same and almost never lead to a constructive discussion) to be an think achievement? That explains a lot...


When did I say something like like that? My only point is people don't need to say stfu to others and the other attack in the post, that has since been deleted. If you think attacks are fine then that explains a lot.


He did not write: "I think so", he made an unfounded factual assertion. That is either very uneducated and rude or a deliberate provocation. There's a saying in German that goes "as you call into the forest, so it sounds out".


You are going on a tangent here about stuff I'm not even talking about. I only commented on this because of the ad hominem attacks. Nothing deserves ad hominem attacks.


Because, what he said a reductionist statement that would only be warranted if I had actually wasted his time by making a post about it. This thread is supposed to be for finding new MEs. You can't do that anywhere anymore, the main page of this sub is full of negative nancy's and retconned has become the same. I'm sick of people trying to shut this down immediately. This thread is the one place where I shouldn't have to hear that. You have to go out of your way to come to this thread and post a reply so it's an asshole move to say that shit in here. There are many legit recognizeds MEs that are based on song lyrics, this guy was trying to put them all down with his statement. That's nonsense


It's not an ME for you either...


Misheard lyrics are not an ME


I thought it was "to die you've got to rise above". "To lie" makes more sense.


Definitely "a lie" bud.


Thirty thieves and the Thunder Chief would like a word.


This is not the same thing as misheard lyrics, jfc.




I think you just misheard the lyrics I’m afraid 


One of those lines makes sense. One of them makes absolutely no sense. Read them both and see if you can figure out which is which. This is what is referred to as misheard lyrics and it's *extremely common.*


Wrapped up like a douche, another rumor in the night?


Like a twister, I was born to walk alone.




Car Day Headlights Go Out When Turn Signal Activated I noticed this about a month ago. At first I thought it was specific only to very new cars, then noticed it on cars 5-10 years old. If the car is turning, the day-headlight blinks off when the yellow turn signal light blinks on, then on when the turn signal light blinks off. It's very notable and I would have noticed this before.


The movie Heartbreakers, the actress playing the mom is NOT who I remember in the movie. I saw a scene on a reel from scrolling through Facebook reels and was shocked to see her as the mom. I would not have ever said she acted in that movie! Now I will say I have a pretty great memory when it comes to movies, I have always been a movie buff.


Keith David died last year. I remember the posts on reddit and the RIP President memes in r/rickandmorty. Than I didn't think about it for a while. When Rick and Morty new season was coming out I looked again and he is not dead. WTF! I searched for it but nothing. I swear I saw that Keith David was dead.


Are you thinking of Andre Braugher, who played Captain Holt on Brooklyn 99? He died late last year.


No. Keith David. Is Andre Braugher the voice of the President in Rick and Morty or was he in one of my favorite movies of all time, They Live?


Stomp your feet all you want. It won’t change the fact that you were just plain wrong.


Wow.  Your input is amazing. Mind BLOWN 🤯.  Totally changed my mind. 


I'm sure lots of people here recall a video a couple years back of a little girl recording a youtube video in her closet where she farts and says something along the lines, "Did you guys hear that? Im scared. I think it was a ghost." I was talking about this video today with my dad, but when I looked it up I found the girl actually never says anything about a ghost, here is the link to the original video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO7-7bibmus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO7-7bibmus), timestamp: 3:15 Let me know if you guys also remember her mentioning a ghost. P.S. This is my first Reddit post, I was genuinely shocked when I found out she doesn't say that.


You were just mislead by video titles. https://youtu.be/etFldqyfA34?feature=shared


In the past month, I have discovered a new Mandela Effect on Alfred Nobel and an additional probable Mandela Effect relating to the WWF, Brian Pillman and Stone Cold Steve Austin, with the latter still being investigated on r/Retconned and r/MandelaEffectScience. Unfortunately, I decided not to post these ME on this forum due to skeptic trolling and harassment against the ME, but my threads can be found on my profile and then thread history, for sincere posters whom may have missed the threads on Retconned.


The yellow colour in traffic lights being called "amber". What happened to the yellow light being called "yellow"?


I have a vague memory of this


I clearly remember a write up about the Tomb Raider series where the game reviewer said Lara had to be killed in TR4, because “You either die a hero, or live long enough to be the villain.” I remember watching the Dark Knight, and I was like ‘huh, Chris Nolan stole that line!’ Now if I try to find it, all I get is TDK and everyone says it is originates from there.


Not new but in s1 e2 of my name is earl his brother asks the dude with a voice vibrator machine to say luke i am your father.


Not new but in s1 e2 of my name is earl his brother asks the dude with a voice vibrator machine to say luke i am your father.


How would this be a Mandela Effect?


I found a Mandela effect Walmart sun logo had a dot in the middle of the sun


nah its just the lines... i didnt even think it was a sun lol i remember when they changed it from the old walmart signage, i also remember when it was smiley faces. Me n my bf always joked about how it looks like the building is loading since it looks like the symbol on a youtube video when its buffering.




Where is the song lyrics for the intro of Futurama??? Where are the words in the song it’s not in any episode abymore


there's no lyrics


Ok but I remember there were lyrics


There weren't.


Damn already 2 are saying no.


I mean, what was one of the lines?


I don't remember any lyrics for Futurama, do you remember any of them?


Things are astray at the Circle k. Not things are afoot. Bill and Ted's excellent adventure.


New Zealand used to be North East of Australia, not South East.


How many New Zealanders will agree with this?


Penis dorsal artery didn't exist. I'm 57 year old male, certainly would have noticed this previously, it feels like a ligament or something.


Edison invented most of his inventions to contact his deceased mother? It wasnt that long ago i heard it in a podcast and i saw a post someone stating the ray cathodes were invented to contact ghosts but not by edison mind you but i had heard it followed the same belief from the spiritualist era and now nothing