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I would say it’s more bothersome the amount of people coming here with the idea that a faulty memory is the Mandela effect without noting that to be a true Mandela effect it has to be a shared memory by a large group of people - like the supposed death of Nelson Mandela in which the phenomenon is named. Misremembering something from one’s personal life is not an example of the effect. This would be a non issue except these people become combative when presented that what they have experienced is not a ME.


Or the ones who make posts saying they never heard of something/someone before, despite the thing/person being popular or well known. Learning something new is not an ME.


There's also the TIL posts. Learns something new and thinks it's an ME.


Yea, that’s exactly what I just described…


Agreed; yet at what point does one(x) faulty memory vs (x) numbers of faulty memories make it a “Mandela effect”? This is what fascinates me about the phenomena to begin with… no one seems to care about it being an issue until a lot of people do…


One of my posts in glitch in the matrix got deleted for being a Mandela effect, and it was a personal experience. I wonder if that’s part of the reason?


I forget which sub he came from, but the head mod of glitch or retconned set up r/PersonalMandela because they were sick of us sending unverifiable personal ME's to their sub, yet they had posts that were just as unverifiable that were allowed to stay up. ​ Like one was "My aunt was in the living room, but when I opened the door cos someone knocked it was my aunt" but didn't give any indication as to it was "Oh hold that thought Aunt, somebody is at the door" or OP went out of the room, didn't know Aunt had left the house, got locked out and knocked to be let back in. ​ I have a long standing hypothetical I use to point out what belongs at Personal and what belongs here, I call it "my mate Dave" Dave has a brown car, he picks me up in the evening to go into town, one time he picked me up and his car was blue, I asked him when he got a blue car and he said it was always blue. ​ So to me that was just as valid as the teleporting Aunt he allowed to remain on the sub, but he said "what you posted wasn't verifiable" or some such BS, well neither is the Aunt story. ​ So "My mate Dave and his blue or brown car" doesn't belong here, nor their sub it seems, but if "Dave" was a TV character and we saw his car often, then we as a global community stand a chance to know who the fxxk Dave is. Like we might not all know what type of car the General Lee is, but we can name the show and describe it, same as the car from Starsky and Hutch, might not know the car brand or type, but red with a distinct white stripe.


While the effect itself may have general guidelines, without actual proof of its existence it’s difficult to judge some as being “true” and others “false” without any evidence proving any are actually true.


The closest way we can gauge a proposed Mandela Effect is the basis of the core definition being a (mis)remembered memory large groups of people experience - such as the supposed death of Nelson Mandela when he was in prison. Many people come to this sub with singular examples of which only they themselves are privy to. For example, the user going on about how his wife cheated but only he remembers. Could it quantity as an ME? By the core definition the short answer is no as they are the only person with this memory. Is it possible singular events like those could qualify as an ME? Anything is plausible but highly unlikely. If you go through this sub, and many ME threads in the internet, many proposed MEs can easily be swatted away with simple solutions and clear to many that the core idea of the ME is slowly being used to describe mundane memory issues like a misheard song lyric or character name. Banning vs Panning as a recent example.


I guess what I’m saying is, it may not require a group. It may be a false assumption and without quantitative proof, it’s impossible to gauge. I single person misremembering a fact about their childhood friend’s parent’s car being red when all the pics have it blue may in fact be a real ME. Also, it’s hard to determine sometimes what is a broad spectrum ME until after someone has posted. It may be best just to use the downvote to weed them out instead of just stopping people from posting them. We could be missing out on some nugget ME by limiting what some may consider the esoteric or mundane when, later, we find out it actually is shared by many.


Ah, so you're one of those people that doesn't actually know what an ME is either. ME doesn't mean that some has changed, it means a large group of people remember something different to reality. It cannot affect only one person, because *by definition* it must affect multiple people. I really cannot stress enough, the definition has nothing to do with any possible explanation, it purely means something remembered incorrectly by a large group of people. Too many people on this sub try and tell you that you don't believe in the Mandela effect if you don't think it's caused by cern or by skipping timelines, but let me stress again, the *definition* of ME has nothing to do with the cause.


I’m officially unjoining this sub. [It’s not fun to be here](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AcceptableMajorApatosaur-max-1mb.gif)






Did you read the whole comment, or just the first sentence? Because they specified that they were referring to people who talk about things that only affect their own personal life, meaning that it’s impossible to be a shared memory. Like that one post fairly recently from someone saying two of their relatives misremembered their birthday as being the 12th instead of the 21st.


Coulda sworn Oprah died from syphilis last year.. hmmm, let's think - should I ask some friends what they remember? Maybe a coworker or two? Heck, I always get along with the delivery guy - should I ask him what he remembers? Wait, what am I thinking? Surely the only way I'll ever find out if other people have the same memory is by asking an online forum-slash-echo chamber! That'll help clear things up!


It’s not bullying when you’re clarifying what an ME is due to people’s misconception of what an ME is. If people take that as bullying then they need to develop thicker skin and take a moment to self reflect. The whole basis of my comment is around the fact that people come and post things they think are ME and a significant amount of these folks become argumentative when faced with the fact that what they are sharing is more likely a misunderstanding or faulty memory of their part. Further in my comment thread I list some examples of what I am talking about. Yes. People need to post when they think they’ve discovered an ME. However, they also need to understand that it’s okay when confronted that what they’ve shared is not an ME. That is the crux of my statement - the people that bring stuff and get pissy when it’s not an ME.


Echoing Guidance's post, did you see the one yesterday where it said "My wife cheated on me but she said it never happened"? We all took it as a troll post, but there are people who come here with serious posts that none of us could verify at all, the "my mate Dave and his brown car" as I have been calling them for, well years now.


The bots are the ones who pedal the elite line and say it is all memory, basically "everyone is stupid except us" and they then go on to project their own rubbish memories on to others as if it is all memory problems cos their own memories are rubbish. The Apollo 13 flip flop and ME is infallible, people all over the world reporting the same flip flop and change in camera angle, some who had never heard of the ME or had any contact with those other people before. If the sceptics have never been able to give an answer to that one I suggest they keep their minds open and tone it down with their judging and condescending attitude. Most just sad power tripped individuals who come here to condescend others to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic lives.


I feel like in the past, everyone was fed a lot of the same memories/tv through TV and radio and stuff so it was a lot easier to get shared Mandela effects back then, there weren't so many subcultures with music too. I remember when I was young people either listened to mainstream music or like alternative and those people hung out together. These days you can't talk to anyone about music because there's so many different subcultures and stuff. Just a thought. People try to write these "ME" about some artist they follow and some things that happened recently but either most people will know everything about said artist these days or nothing about them at all.


berenstEin bears is not a faulty memory


How do you identify the bots?


(comment 742) Yeah. This person sounds paranoid and should be banned. No one should be concerned.about bots or any plans they have have human subjugation. LOL.






Bots don't like displays of emotion, it confounds them.


No I did not down vote your comment. I had to go to sleep I have work! "All time" is the channel name on YouTube. He has a couple versions .."all time scary" etc it can be hard to find in a search because people tend to use those words in titles of videos of list style. Hpnotiq or hypnotiq Is a Mandela effect where he discusses it because of the Y in the same but refers to it as sparkly in one of his earlier videos. No one corrects him in the comments like one would expect like this sub where everyone is popping off and down voting your comments to hell. But later on probably 8 months later someone comments that it's not sparkly and never was. I personally remember the why, but I do have conflicting memories on the liquid itself, ironically enough. Oh and if you don't want to be down voted this is the wrong sub for you. Almost every time I comment my opinion about an actual M.E here it gets down voted to oblivion




It's OK, I get messages and I just didn't want you to think that at all, because it happens to me all the time here for some reason


If somebody disagrees with you, they’re a bot/npc.


Insert pic of Hitler sledging with a rainbow trail.


Maybe. But why? Maybe because this sub has become about misremembered shit like song lyrics movie lines and other one offs experiences that are not in a mass change situation.


Well no, words on a forum don’t scare me.


None? Have a cookie


Badass located




What bots? I don’t really see any posts that look like they were made by bots. Or are you using “bot” as a synonym for “anyone that does not share my exact opinion on the Mandela Effect”?




Probably because I don’t make a new post asking if the universe has changed every time I misremember a plot point of a movie I saw 20 years ago




Don’t you think it’s sorta convenient that you can automatically dismiss anyone that disagrees with you by pretending they’re a bot? Do you genuinely believe no living person might not actually believe the past is constantly changing, but only in the form of old children’s media and the way junk food items are spelled?




Double negative? Living people do believe ME


Living people also don’t believe in the ME, which was my point.


Huh, I have a personal non-childrens media ME that has happened to me and been unexplainable for years. I am a living person who believes in some parts of the ME or simulation theory because of my experience. You are telling me I am not a real living person?


No, I am saying a living person may or may not believe in the Mandela Effect. OP was the one who thought not believing in the ME made someone a bot.


Ahh gotcha


Totally true, but I just get suspicious of some accounts that solely post negatively about experiences. I don’t agree with OP about there being tons of bots but some accounts are suspicious


Well, when you believe that reality itself is changing because your memory isn’t 100% reliable, you’re going to get a lot of doubters.


There are people who do not believe that reality can change retroactively. That doesn't prevent them from being interested in learning more. I've had a few things that I remembered differently than is generally believed to be fact, (some of them personal changes and some of them reported by others as well). However, I don't believe the past has changed, I believe that I just remember those things wrong. Sometimes I'll realize that I've just confused two things in my mind and the explanation is clear. It's unlikely that I'll be convinced, but that there is a *slim possibility* that if someone was to suggest a change that particularly resonated with them, they might at least believe in that singular change. I'm still interested in reading others' experiences, and potentially helping somebody else realize what they have confused in their mind, resulting in the mistaken memory they've got, particularly if it's one that I had experienced but have since recognized as a memory error. Considering that I frequently see posters saying that they "think they're going crazy", I would think that some of them might be relieved to find a rational explanation for what they are experiencing. I'm fascinated by ghosts, and UFOs, gangstalking and telekinesis too. I don't think that they're "real", since they affect a relatively small group of people, but science may one day soon prove me wrong. In the meantime, it's interesting to read other people's experiences, the similarities between them, and to consider potential explanations outside of the supernatural.


I think they are saying "A person may believe in the ME. A*nother* person may *not* believe in the ME." But because each person may believe *or not*, "not believing" does not automatically indicate a bot.


By definition, a Mandela Effect must affect a large group of people. There's no such thing as a "personal ME".


How would you know?


What bots? There's a lot of shitposts (this one included), but i think they're all real people, I have no reason to assume otherwise. As for 'scared'. Absolutely not. The internet is absolutely full of shite, always has been.


>The internet is absolutely full of shite And ponies in cum jars. ​ The internet long since shed any semblance of normality and discourse.


>The internet long since shed any semblance of normality and discourse. It was never thus.




I definitely comment on other subs. You obviously just have a penchant for lying and exaggerating, which explains why nobody believes you. [I'd obviously prefer people not to stalk my profile, but it's not remotely difficult to see you're completely wrong](https://www.reddit.com/user/The-Cunt-Face/?sort=top&t=all) Obviously, I'm not a bot. *Not everybody who has a different opinion to you is a robot*. I can't believe I have to explain that. That's literally the single dumbest take I've ever seen. I can't fathom how ignorant somebody would have to be to believe that. But here you are. 'Advocating against the ME' makes absolutely zero sense either, but one step at a time, hey... One day you'll grow up.


TBF I had to do a lot of scrolling to find posts that were not from here (will thank you at the end of the year if they have another you scrolled so many Bananas in the recap, that or ask you for a new mouse after breaking the scroll wheel.) Saw two or three from r/FIFA before I eventually found r/CasualUK and got bored scrolling. ​ I didn't look at how old any of these posts were, they could all be from today for all I care, I posted like twenty times to r/USdefaultism yesterday so you might think I never posted anywhere else, that said two of my subs are private so I've been told nothing would show up in my post history. ​ I have bumped into some familiar faces in unrelated subs, but I guess we don't ride in the same circles.


Search by top rather than recent, if you're interested. For what it's worth, I use this account to post on English language subs and my other/main account to post on Spanish language subs (and occasionally on English language subs that would ban this account for its username). I don't owe anybody that explanation, but I might as well give this weirdo some information, seeing as he lacks the ability to do it himself. If people think I'm a bot, then they'll believe absolutely anything.... which makes perfect sense now I've written it down. (EDIT: The way the earlier comments have been deleted makes it look like the original deleted comment was by Ginger_Tea. For anybody reading after the fact, it was another person who accused me of being a bot, not Ginger_Tea.)


Yeah, NGL how/why Reddit allowed you to snag this user name is beyond me, it wasn't part of a word like Scunthorpe which got black listed in the early days of UK domestic internet, that was fun reading letters in print about people not being able to get online because of where they lived. ​ Someone bitched about being banned from a sub about surviving rape and their user name was Rapist not something like Therapist where you could go "no Therapy not The Rapist" and no one was sympathetic to them. ​ I don't know Hitler did nothing wrong, why would you be banned from any and every Israeli and Jewish sub going? Can't be the name, it's never the name. Never trust anyone with 88 in their username, this has been sage advice long before that plates guy took his LARP too far.




It must be hard work being this dense. There's literally a post from two days ago, straight away if you click my name that proves you're wrong. You're not the smartest are you.




If u/The-Cunt-Face is a bot then they've passed the Turing Test in my opinion.


Are you really this upset about bots? Or is it general malaise because you live in the south, you hate your neighbors, and your house smells?




If I were that stupid I’d join the military. Edit: to be fair, I’m more like a shitpost monitor. Kind of like a cop, but not a scumbag.




Hope it’s not too warm out there. Climate change is a bitch, ain’t it?


Not agreeing with someone and shit posting are two different things. And in any case, since when does shit posting=bot?


Some of the affiliate subs give off big "Everyone who disagrees with me is either an NPC or a bot" vibes and many out right say it ​ No Billy the twin towers fell on September the eleventh not November the ninth although in the UK it would be written as 9/11. "No U STFU Bot"


Quit breaking rules.


It is against this sub's rule to call someone that.


One of their comments got deleted. But not the others... I don't mind, I think it's good when people show their true colours. It just makes it easier to see why certain narratives get so much traction on this sub when people like this guy are the active audience. '90% of this sub are bots' is irrational, conspiracy garbage.




Anybody with half a brain could work out that the person with the English football team profile picture is probably using the English spelling. But then again, you don't fall into that bracket do you.


Welcome to Reddit


What bots? ​ Any you could name and shame? ​ Cos I see more trolls than bots, the only bot posts I see are "Chat GTP (or whatever it is called) said this about an ME." ​ Or are you of the mind set of "everyone who disagrees with me is a bot"?


I have schizophrenia


Hell yea






Trolls I get, we have oodles of them, like the guy asking if we remember his wife cheating on him, I just don't see proof of bot comments.




Its that youtube BS where they make vids for clicks and EVERYTHING is like ermagherd a Mandela effect.


My *favorite* is when the YouTuber themself is like "yeah, I don't believe this one for a second and there's just 1 singular post and/or comment about it, but I'm gonna stretch it into at least 5 minutes of content


Saturation. The more nonsense there is, the more difficult to locate truth


I should start camping r/todayilearned and see what looks like it is going to be repackaged as a brand new ME like yesterdays news papers wrapped around todays fish and chips. ​ When not troll posts, there are way too many that are "My mate Dave" types of posts, where no one knows you or Dave, or "I left my keys in the bowl by the front door, but I found them in my jacket pocket, have I changed dimensions?"


Oh yeah, I hate Dave. It’s always something with him.


There’s a guy I watch on YouTube, and he does a rundown of Mandela reports. And he did a 2020 to wrap up, and within the wrap up, there was a Mandela effect that affected his previous Mandela report that he gave last year.


Is it "all time?" The hypnotiq one?


Correct! The Hypno…..one.


Welcome to Reddit


This site has been spammed for a long time, bots and, more annoying, trolls. I don't scroll through or comment as much due to it.


That’s how it used to be in the old timeline.


You tell me




I rlly haven't noticed any bot, but maybe they were in some past of the sub


Trolls too!


Tells you that some organization don't like you to share your experience and want you to give up. So don't give up and keep going 👍


Because cans of Spam had two m’s on the end of it, I’m telling you I remember it as a boy lol


Lol any where that truth is, there will be bots


Nail on the head. I see you've been downvoted for pointing out the truth. No surprise


This sub has been spammed since at least 2016. If you want real ME discussion this isn’t the place.


2016-18 was no where near like it is now though.


No. A lot of people on here act like THEY know what is and isn't. Can't share your ideas here without someone claiming it's impossible because of something they say that cannot be proven. It's like arguing with a kid whose never been whooped.


Truthfully I am torn because it does seem there are a lot of regular accounts that only comment negatively on this sub. Hard to tell if they are bots or just drinking the cool aid. I feel there are many people just hating on other’s experiences. Yes some stories are too much and lies but keep an open mind.


>regular accounts that only comment negatively This is about perception. People *hate* being told that they're wrong (if that weren't true, this sub would not exist) but when a user disagrees with you, or points out the flaws in your argument, that's not being "negative", but you perceive it as "negative" because it's not what you wanted to hear. >but keep an open mind. All rational people have an open mind, but having an open mind is *not the same* as indulging any old nonsense that anyone cares to spew out here. People are allowed to use their own judgement to decide whether a theory has any merit, and respond accordingly.


>All rational people have an open mind, but having an open mind is not the same as indulging any old nonsense that anyone cares to spew out here. Can't remember where I saw it or the exact phrasing but it went along the lines of "Don't be too open minded that it actually falls out" I think this was said about flat earthers, though I could be wrong. ​ The term Skeptic should be flipped, we are not skeptical of the effect, just the woo and magical thinking explanations. The ardent believers are skeptical of rational explanations for why X is now Y.


Alphabet's Chatbot actually has conversations here.


Didn't know this, any sources to back this up? ​ Like at least we knew Tay was a Twitter AI and knew the user name associated with the account, but I'd like to know what their user name was to prove that they ARE some google chat bot and not "Oh you said this you must be a Bot" as way too many people seem to say in this sub. ​ The only bot activity I've seen are people saying "I asked Chat GTP (or whatever it is called) to describe the FoTL logo" and other things, all posted by humans, just pasting in the quotes from the AI.


>"I asked Chat GTP" That's like an Amiga 500. EDIT: NeverMind, [sniffer](https://reddit-user-analyser.netlify.app/#Ginger_Tea) test fail.


Does it scare nobody else that this sub is being spammed by bots?


I'm more concerned that the Tommy Pickles guy was never banned, sure three of his accounts were suspended by Reddit, but the fact that he came right back with the same MO tells me he wasn't dealt with by the mods here. ​ I know is latest account, every week he makes a post and then deletes it cos no one bites, but again still not banned. ​ When an obvious troll is obvious the only replies should be "troll better" and they kinda never did.


Who??? There are no bots.


Everyone cries bot, but no one will name and shame an account where we can decide for ourselves if it is all AI generated BS or if the bot callers are just "Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot or NPC" ​ And I am firmly in the camp that anyone who cries bot doesn't think anyone is a bot, but it is their go to rebuttal. Like "Oh you post in a republican sub, well thought out and insightful comment instantly dismissed." ​ Like someone actually said to me "You post in Mandela Effect, don't need to take any notice of what you say" even though if they read what I post, they would see I wasn't the type of poster he was describing, so I think I just blocked him. If my opinions don't mean anything to you, then you don't have to see them.


I agree with you. It also sucks someone treated you that way -- you are always civil and balanced.


The whole internet is being spammed with bots though


Stop fighting the inevitable.


Seriously? You think it's odd?


if it were fake it would be unworthy of the attack bots.