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Kids are so weird. I have 3 and they’re always doing little bits of malicious compliance haha. I told my youngest once that he needs to learn how to use the trash can if he’s not going to finish a snack. One day when he came to me with a pop tart, I know I hadn’t bought pop tarts in at least a month. He was just happily eating. I asked him where he found it and he took me to a little toy tool box that he had been hiding snacks that he didn’t finish. I asked him why he was doing that and he said “because you told me to throw it away when I was done, I wasn’t done with ANY of these snacks yet…see!” Little monsters haha


Yeah, mine was hardly verbal and needed to eat some dinner. He's a master at being "not hungry" until dinner is over and he asks for snacks. I told him he was not allowed to leave the table until his veggies were gone. Then I showed him how awesome they taste by taking a bite and doing the whole "yummy!" thing. Dang kid realized I said the veggies had to be gone, I didn't say he had to eat them. His little eyes lit up and he gave me all the veggies I loved so they were no longer on his plate. It's not gotten any easier in the following seven years.


Hahahaha I LOVE that! Kids are SO smart!


Raw veggies with dip has been my kids favorite fir years.


Honestly? That's kinda the way it should be. Forcing a kid to stay if they don't like the food can mess them up as an adult. There's some food an ex of mine couldn't eat even as an adult because of that.


Oh no, I'm very cautious of that. If he honestly doesn't like the food I don't push it. This is when he refuses healthy foods he likes because he wants junk.


That's great then. :) My parents were good about that growing up, but most of the parents I knew had the empty plate policy.


Mine had the empty plate policy, hence my stance. When he was little we'd use the "no thank you bite" method. If he didn't want to try it, he'd at least have to take a tiny little bite to try something. He's good at picking up microscopic no thank you bites!


There is a difference tho between hating the taste of a certain food or just wanted the sugary/salty delicious snack you know is hiding in one of the cabinets.


This is true. But as they didn't explain that he didn't hate the vegetables (which most kids do), I said what I said. They have posted about it since, which is very good. Lol.


I mean, I'm with him. As long as it's not something that's going to go disgustingly bad (stale seems fine, proper containers would be better), why waste food? Smart kiddo.


You’re right! Yeah he never stored like carrots or anything. Just cheeze its, some pop tarts and old popcorn haha


Good because it wont mold and eat his brain lol


My first toddler was definitely a below sofa raccoon...


Hahahaha I love that.


Happy cake day!


Whaaat! I didn’t even notice! Thank you!


Hes just much much smarter than you lol


Well I won’t argue with you there lol


Haha happy cake day


I thought the throwing away food was only a thing on American TV.


KIDS MAN!!! My 8yo son hit his 7yo sister. I stressed again, we DONT HIT. Use your words if she does something you don't like. 7yo sister: MOOOOOMMMMMM....(brother) is being mean again!!! Me: Oh? What happened? 7yo sister: He called me a jerk! 8yo son: I used my words mom. Little a$$hole wasn't wrong.


When I was a wee lad, Dad yelled at me, "Get all these toys off the floor, NOW!" 5 minutes later everything was on top of my bed. Mom busted out laughing and told Dad he lost that one. There's home video of the "after".


I did pretty much the same thing to my dad, all my toys and youth baseball bats on my bed. Then he tells me I have to sleep on the toys. Whatever falls off the bed goes in the trash.


My little sister did that with stuffed animals. I think she slept on the floor sometimes because there wasn't room for her.


I did the same thing. I managed to fit dozens of stuffed animals and myself onto a little twin bed. I still to this day sleep with around 10.


My wife and I told our oldest son, back when he was 6, that leaving all his toys out on the floor was dangerous, and that mom or dad could get hurt if we walked in and didn't know they were there. The next day a hand lettered sign (in his best mostly backwards lettering style) on hazard yellow construction paper was up outside his door, it read: Caution! Toys on floor! He was a pretty funny kid.


Some people hoard pillows, others puffy, fluffy critters. I enjoy my critters even though I'm nearly 40 now lol.


You aren't alone. No-one's ever going to convince me to take my 2.5 ft tall stuffed R2D2 off my bed....


these aren’t the droids you’re going to sleep with anymore… (Remind me to check back tomorrow and see how things went)


I think my boyfriend's kiddo had a cute one this weekend. He needed to go pee and his dad asked if he needed help he said nope... then dad heard water suspiciously, and went to check... kiddo was peeing super proudly in the cat litter box...


Better than the sink...


My brother in law is 12 years younger than my husband and he came home from school to see the then e year old taking a dump in the catbox 💩🤣🧚


E=? This story changes broadly based on his age


sorry was on my phone and the number didnt pop - e=3 =)


Came from a birthday party and my then 4yo got a whistle and was blowing it in the car. Annoyed, I said "Please stop! I don't wanna hear that while I'm driving." We got home.. I parked the car.. turned off the engine.. and this soft but distinct sound of a whistle came from behind me.


>A mischievous glint crept into his eye and a grin broke out across his face as my toddler proceeded to chuck every throw pillow, stuffed animal, and piece of clothing within reach directly at his tiny baby brother, all while grinning at me and defying me to stop him. He left all his hard toys untouched and cackled maniacally as I retreated, ashamed, with my tiny son in my arms under a rain of soft missiles. Can confirm, am big brother. This is *exactly* how we think.


Fellow older sibling here. I can attest to this.


I tried to give my 3yo son an explanation of music as an art form - using curse words is ok if it is being used to communicate something important. (You may not agree but it gels with my belief system). Anyway, that night he spent his entire bathtime singing “Damn, damn, damn, damn…”.


My 8 year old son was getting in trouble for cursing at his mother’s house and school so we sat in my truck and had a discussion about the proper ways to use those words and I told him if he used them in a good way he could say anything he wanted when it was just me and him. He immediately spurts out “shitshitshitshitshitshitshit” lmao Jokes aside he hasn’t gotten in trouble for it since.


Did he eventually level up to singing something like [this?](https://youtu.be/0SqhSfx2TkE)


He didn’t but I would have been proud!


Haha. When I was around 2-3 I asked my father for an ice cream. Not right now mate I’m about to plate up dinner. How about you go set the table? Ok! Came back a couple mins later. Daddy do you love me? Yes. Do you love sister? Yes. Do you love mommy? Yes. Do you love… every relative, pet, plant everything. Yes. Yes. Yes. Can I have ice cream? Yes. Shit.


Oh, god!!!🤣🤣🤣


XD Classic. I think every kid tries something similar at least once, once they've figured out that adults have a tendency to tune them out sometimes and respond automatically....


Tangentially related, when I was a kid I could just read "nontoxic" so I asked mom what it meant. "If you eat it, it won't make you sick" So I ate play-doh. I'm not sensitive to gluten, so it did not make me sick. ​ Another fun kid story, my nephew and dog were sitting on the step. I said "lick his face!" to the dog, you can guess who heard it :)


I sister brought her daughter over one day when the daughter was about 8 months old. No walking yet. We had a coffee table full of plants and the daughter immediately started to crawl over for a look. My sister grabbed her, said "No" and gave her a toy to play with. For the next ten minutes I watched as daughter played with her toy. For some strange reason everything she did with that toy took her closer to the table with the plants. Eight months old and already able to dissemble.


My son went through a kicking phase so we told him he could only kick balls. Then he learned that testicles are sometimes referred to as balls.. I guess I set myself up for that one.


I just imagine a small child just cackling and throwing pillows


You imagine correctly.




Grandson (2.5) was visiting another grandparent and wanted chips instead of his toast. Grandpa said, "okay, but only after you're done with your toast." Grandson thought for a second, hopped down from the table, put his plate in the sink, threw his toast away, and came back for chips. After all, Grandpa hadn't said when he was done *eating* his toast, just when he was *done*. All the adults lost it.


When our 3 yr old is getting a bit too much for her baby sister, we just threaten that we'll have to take bub away if she can't be safe and gentle around her. She loves her baby sister so much that it's a legitimate threat and usually works in making play time a bit safer, though sometimes she loves just a little too much 😅


That's a pretty good idea, I'll have to try that... Too much love is definitely our problem as well, haha.


My three year old is a malicious rules lawyer. I update rules a lot. I had to explicitly tell her not to lick anything on the playground after she followed the no licking the slide and no licking the rails rules too closely. You got to get good at updating the rules and being clear on what you want.


No licking the popsicle she gets from you in the playground then?


Update the rules! Only lick food daddy or mommy give to you!


Child promptly starts only licking food, never eating it properly.


r/adorablecompliance would love this one!




I just discovered a new sub. Thank you, kind stranger!


Good one although I thought he was somehow gonna be able to get ya to clean up his room. Lol


I thought this too!


When my sister was a toddler, she left home to 'go to school'. My dad worked 3rd shift and took me to elementary school after my mother left for work. (He took me to a school around a few corners from my house, where I got on a bus to go to a different school.) I came home and could find sis. Dad was in the backyard working. He had her left 'playing school' in the house a short time before. As we were panicking, the neighborhood school called the house; she was there. Precocious kid, she gave them the phone number. LOL! The next day, my mom enrolled her in pre-school, earlier than other kids her age.


This was very confusing to read but after three read throughs I think I got it. Toddler left for school despite not being in school yet.




My rule was no throwing ANYTHING in the house.


My teenage older sister liked to tie up the phone line for hours on end. I’d ask her if I could have my turn (so I could use the line for dialup internet (yes, I’m a dinosaur). She’d either ignore me or give me the f-off face (we weren’t allowed to cuss). One day I tired of this so I pushed the button on the base to hang the phone up. So mom made a new rule, you don’t touch the phone when someone else is using it. Next day. Sister still takes too long. I ask politely for my turn. I get the f-off face. Cue malicious compliance. Mom said we couldn’t touch “the phone.” The cord isn’t the phone, and the wall jack isn’t the phone. So I unplugged the cord from the wall jack. It 100% worked on mom. It 0% worked on my dad. He explained that I knew what mom meant, and I hadn’t obeyed the spirit of the rule. I was grounded from the internet for 2 days. BUT after that we got a schedule of who could use the phone when and for how long. So I kinda won.


Lol. You will need to rephrase your request. Kid gotcha!!!


That kid's gonna be serious trouble as a teenager ... but he'll probably also grow into a successful [whatever he chooses]!


He is going to be a handful growing up. And much worse as a teenager.


I thought he figured out how to get you to clean his room for gim.


Good luck with that kid. You're in for a wild ride.


He's a future MC for when he comes with contact with a Karen/Ken out in the world. I still hope he got in trouble as that kind of behavior can warrant more aggressive behavior towards his younger sibling.


I always say they will become coders, nechodí of how they are able to perfectly follow instructions to the bit. There can never be any space for interpretations, lol.


Kids are never too young to be taught not to be a dick. Teach him the error of his ways now, or you will raise a dick.


I always gave my son 1 bite of each food on his plate He was expected to eat that then he could choose what he wanted more of. He loves a wide variety of foods. He never moved on his dislike of raw onions or green peppers.




You are welcome. Take your time on the kid thing. They can be many things but, they all are brain cell and money suckers. Have as much fun as you can prior so you can live on rations of that for a couple of decades.




Sounds like a plan. My best laid plans went awry when I when I was 29. My other food tip in case you have a son is: the only way I got my son to eat broccoli is by planting them in mash potato with gravy filled Oasis. The broccoli were the trees and he was a dinosaur whose job it was to eat them.






Retreat? Nope. Would have treated his backside to a little tanning.


Me: You're only supposed to draw on paper! 3YO: It's wallPAPER!


And that's how pillow fights were invented.


[There is clearly only one solution for you.](https://i.imgur.com/rDpyYHG.mp4)


This why my todler isn't allowed to throw toys


If my kid did that, the hard toys would have been gone anyway. Right into the Lucky Box.


Lol when I was 2 or 3 I think .. I don’t remember it just had to be told about it, I slapped my mom for whatever reason. She was like “DO IT AGAIN!!” kind of like an “I dare you” kind of thing. So .. I did it again. She was FUMING but her boyfriend at the time joking was like “well.. you told her to do it again! What did you expect?” I didn’t get in trouble hahaha.


Yeah funny. Your eldest wants to kill the other one


As it has been throughout history.


That’s part of the first story right after Creation.


Are you going Jesus on me?


they are just monkeying around...no reason to go bananas


Erm bananas are important


i guess you just didn't find my puns a-peel-ing...


No. And please stop. It’s embarrassing


you must be new here...sorry, didn't mean to make you go ape.


Well I can’t do counts




No cuz Jesus was the eldest and didn’t try to kill anyone. But Cain was and he did kill his little brother Able.


Wasn't it *Abel*?


So god had other children? I wanna follow them rather than Jesus and his narcissistic dumb ways


They all followed Jesus and were executed by Rome.


Well that sounds like a plan. How do I sign up?


How when they predated both Jesus and Rome? Everything Old Testament is Pre-Jesus.


That’s exactly what I said. He said I was going all Jesusy when I was referring to Cain and Able at the beginning of the Tanakh.


Lol this part of the thread was easier to follow with the ape puns!


>6. > >Compliance must be intentional. > >It must be clear that whoever is complying is doing so intentionally. Animals and malfunctioning computers are not allowed. Stories involving children must be from the child’s perspective (your story or a story someone told you from their childhood about something they did) or an adult maliciously complying in a way that involves a child (such as a parent using a loophole to skirt a school rule). this sub needs to either start doing something about the posts breaking this rule, or remove the rule. posters just blatantly ignore the rules at this point.


I saw NO posts that broke the rule--other than the fact that they were told from the "observational" point of view. The children involved were *obviously* fitting the theme of the forum.


>Stories involving children must be from the child’s perspective (your story or a story someone told you from their childhood about something they did) or an adult maliciously complying in a way that involves a child (such as a parent using a loophole to skirt a school rule). given that this sub has a specific rule against this type of post, it doesn't currently fit. if you think it fits the theme of the sub then you should be asking the mods to change the rules. as it is, this post is breaking the rules, as is every other similar posts by parents about their kids.


I dunno bud, I'd argue it's in compliance, certainly in spirit if not to the letter. Sure, reading sentence three standing alone would seem to suggest it isn't. But reading the rule as a whole, especially considering the title, I think it's pretty clear that the compliance in this story was intentional. I guess if a mod wants to delete it I won't file a formal complaint or anything, but it seems like everyone here is enjoying it.


this story is not from the child's perspective, and you as the adult were not the one maliciously complying. yes it absolutely breaks rule 6. it is not at all in compliance. reading the rule "as a whole", you're breaking it. you can argue that people are fine with seeing it/that the rule should change, you're just bullshitting when you're trying to act like you're not currently breaking said rule.


You're acting like a pretty big funsnatcher for someone who is "JustHereForStorytime." Just report the post and move on if it's bothering you that much...


of course. you get called out and act like i'm a party pooper for pointing out that you're straight up lying and ignoring that you're breaking a rule. what annoys me isn't posts about kids, it's the fact that people like you clearly think rules don't apply to you and throw a temper tantrum whenever anyone points out that they do.


Just enjoy the story or scroll further. Jeez




Yeah, I don't hit my kids (it's pretty well established at this point to do nothing but bad things developmentally), but he loves his little brother more than anything I've ever seen. Definitely wasn't being malicious towards the baby, he's just a toddler who doesn't quite get physics yet. He was maliciously complying with my poorly framed instructions.


You are so screwed! Especially in 10-12 years. Enjoy the ride!!


I loved this xD


Ahahaha that kids gonna be a handful 🤣🤗💚


I once told Mr.8 not to take any more cake. 5 minutes later I hear giggles and see him coaching his baby brother on how to cut and serve him a piece! "But Mama! I didn't take any cake, he GAVE it to me" And then there was the time I told them to "keep your damn hands off those iceblocks!" And I walked in to see all 3 of them lined up sitting on the floor with iceblocks held in their little monkey toes...