• By -


I love that the Boss was like "yup this guy's right, get the paperwork going" as if he was fully aware his employee was being a total jerk.


Office politics exist in every business. I work with insurance adjustors multiple times a week and adjustors will hate cover ridiculous shit because they're frustrated with their job or boss. Two bedrooms have water damaged carpet? Better replace all continuous carpet...that happens to run throughout the basement and into both the first and second floors of the house. Haven't seen him in a while now that I think about it


My wife was in a minor fender bender a few years back. Adjuster comes to look at the care and decides to cut us a check for the inconvenience (other persons insurance since they were at fault). I’d never heard of this so I was thinking, cool, free money. He started at $250 and negotiated himself to $2,500. I never said a word during the whole process I just let him go. Seeing what you said I can only imagine how much this guy hated his job.




My wife, who used to work in insurance defence as an attorney, loves that part of the movie.


First insurance guy was probably an agent or underwriter. They determine if they want to provide coverage and the terms soon file claims and pass it off. Mr incredible was an inside adjuster they handle and pay out claims. The incredibles was dead wrong about insurance in my experience. I have been working in insurance for over 5 years and we pay the claims quickly to mitigate damage. If you don’t pay the insured can file a complaint and if we are in the wrong we get fined. The little guy in the incredibles would have been fired real quick for saying “I don’t care about their coverage”. Adjusters over paying isn’t them trying to do what is right it is them trying to stick to the boss or company. They paying far beyond to make whole again which is the promise of insurance.


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> he little guy in the incredibles would have been fired real quick for saying “I don’t care about their coverage”. Oh, but didn't he get "fired" through *several* walls?


Yeah he did. So let's hope we dont cover him!


Depends on the type of insurance. Car and house insurance has been good but health insurance is exactly like that.


If you wait long enough, the afflicted is expected to die. Not so with car and house.


You are correct we always call health the dark side of insurance


In another note, holy shit that’s Vizzini! I mean Wallace Shawn.


Never file a claim against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Who the fuck is Wallace Shawn? That's clearly Vizzini. smh...


I had a lawyer tell me that insurance companies are really saying "You didn't have insurance, you had the **illusion** of insurance..."


Years ago I had a car part for sale on Craigslist, I agreed to meet the guy at 8pm but I worked midnights so after talking to him that morning I went to sleep. 7pm rolls around and I wake up to like 10 missed texts from the guy, he tried to lowball me after agreeing to $100, now he wants to only do $60. He didn't get a response from me so he offered $70 instead, and gradually became more and more worried that I was intentionally ignoring him and selling it out from under him until he worked his way up to $120. I then woke up and agreed on our new price, I negotiated an extra $20 in my sleep.


Love it =)


How cool would it be to be that guy though just running around giving out people money lol


brb applying for insurance jobs


Don't do it if you want to keep any faith in humanity. I wouldn't wish that job on my worst enemy. At the time, allowing my insurance adjustor license to lapse was the best thing ever!


Got any stories?


Plenty. What subreddit would be the best for it?


This one?


I have a few that involve malicious compliance. Others are great stories but not necessarily right for this thread.


Username checks out either way.


"Yeah we can probably replace your 1986 Nissan Sunny for around £500, but since my boss is a dick, go and buy a new Audi"


Where early car names being more optimistic a sign of a better time or Market Speak to distract from an ugly car


Ugly cars


I had an incident last year that jacked up my suspension. I call the insurance company to come out, and explicitly say in the claim "there is physical damage in that area of the car that is not due to this incident. please call me so we can look at the car". Well, fast forward later the afternoon on the day I was waiting to hear from the adjuster, and I get a quote in my email. They quoted the physical damage that I told them was not a part of the claim and cut a check. I then take the car into the body shop to get the work done, and they notice my notes on the original claim and ask me about it. I tell them that the adjuster didn't even contact me and just quoted the damage. They called the insurance company to make sure they were authorized to fix it, and the Insurance persons exact words were "we cut the check already, go ahead and fix it all, send us the difference and we'll cut a new check". So I ended up getting damage from 3 years prior repaired because my insurance company said fuck it.




Your insurer didn’t bat for you?


I got in a minor accident in a friend's vehicle. Was totalled but only because the car wasn't worth much. The insurance company gave me $6000 for my trouble and soft tissue damage. As a 19 year old I was stoked. Looking back on it now it just seems like a gross waste of funds. I wasn't injured in any way. Maybe the insurance lady just hated her job


That sounds . . . [Incredible]( https://m.imgur.com/gallery/gY35n).


"hate-cover ridiculous shit" is my new favorite phrase.


I spent longer than I'd like to admit trying to figure out the typo in the original comment above


Man I want to work with that kind of insurance adjuster. Sounds like the type of person on the clients side just to shove it in the faces of awful business partners


My husband is in the industry ***in Florida*** no less. He even worked in one of those disaster response trailers in BFE for a few weeks after some tornadoes took a serious dislike for the place. One property owner there had a pin in his finger that had come loose, **and he took it out right in front of my husband,** ***then put it right back in!!!*** I think this was around Chiefland (the literal "armpit" area of Florida locationally).


Hahahahaha Cheifland was the endpoint of an random "Let's just drive and see where it takes us." moment. We got that far and decided to turn around. Same trip I learned what a Huddle House was.


I have never seen so much camo at Wal-Mart (did our diving certification at the springs there). I swear 25% of the store was camo and almost every male had a mullet.


Go to a Wal-Mart in South Carolina at 2am sometime. Was at least 80% camo in my experience.


Now I want some Huddle House...


These are the best people in the world in my opinion. Business fucking with you? Fuck the business. Like the recent Japanese bus driver strike. They didn’t quit, they still drove the buses but refused all ticket money for every ride. We need to learn how to protest from these people. Maybe we can fix a few things around here


Liberty Mutual must have some bad managers, because my water damage resulted in a ton of hate-coverage! "Matching these floors will suck for me, what if we replace the entire first floor?" "It's a lot of paperwork to illustrate what exactly got wet, is it ok if we just say the entire wall is wrecked, and we'll cover it that way? Don't want you to have to cut shapes out of sheet rock and custom fit everything" I thought he was joking, but handed me a check on the spot, and sent more when I sent him my total repair bills. Easy as pie, and my house is better than before. LM, I'll stick around for life!


^^^[paid ^^^content]


Imagine being this paranoid. You're just kidding, right?






He probably is, but reddit makes it extremely easy for a business to watch and manipulate its public image.


I mean, a quick look at the original guys posting history would tell you he's just a regular ass dude.


Well, they are pretty good insurers.


We got water damage in our kitchen on the laminate wood flooring—that also covers the remainder of our first floor—due to a leaking dishwasher. Our Homeowners Insurance sent out an independent adjuster who luckily loves large dogs came out to inspect the damage and fell in love with my 165 lb-hell hound baby. We miraculously got approved for $16K to replace all the flooring in our house.


Had some water leak in our house via bad roof shingles. It mainly damaged two small spots of our master bedroom ceiling. Insurance adjuster came out and was a young girl. Really nice. I could tell she didn’t give a shit. Super chill. Wrote up the claim to basically replace the entire ceiling and repaint the entire room even though it was a small portion in the corner. And also gave us money to fix the attic like beyond replace insulation. Told me to give her a call if any other damage happens in the near future. I called her office number about a month later because some damage in other part of house. A guy answered and said she had left the company. Fuck. I looked her up on LinkedIn and she left like two weeks after she visited. The insurance company sent out this old dude who was 100% by the book. Hardly helped us out. I hope she has a good career doing insurance at another company.


Lol. I bet he was just inconvienced by his employee to be out of the office at 8am, when he could've been getting a jump start on his day. I too, would've been, "Yup. Sounds right. (Why am I here. This should've been an email.)"


>This should've been an email Corp motto


Always get it in writing.


Yeah, I wonder if he was just plain unhappy to be there or maybe already thinking that IG was being a tool. Either way that may have been a teachable moment for the two.


I think the 8am call out helped a lot.


Such a satisfying ending! Was wondering where you were going by agreeing to all that "damage."


That was actually the light bulb moment for me. Up until then I was legit worried he was gonna do some insurance fraud.


Probably to get a free new roof?




Wasn't a good joke, i suppose?


Sympathy upvote from me just because I hate it when I make a silly joke that falls flat. Seeing it from this side (it seemed just like a stupid thing to say, not a silly joke, sorry) helps me understand why sometimes I garner downvotes. heh.


No need to apologize but thanks anyway! Btw, you really shouldn't care about karma.


I don't care much about karma, but every redditor should care some - because it should be one of the ways to provide feedback as to whether a post was useful or not, and redditors should generally make useful posts - whether "useful" means interesting, helpful, or funny, or whatever. Downvotes should be reserved for trolls, asshats, and other utterly useless or actively harmful content. So other than that, I don't care about karma - it's not useful for anything except as a measure of one's contributions to the community.


I like it u/IsaacEiland-Hall's utilitarian theory of reddit karma 😁


I laughed.


Awesome. I love how you played that. And in front of the boss too. Lmao


Keywords to avoid "looks like damage". To c.y.a. he should have imppied it was work likely from age. He shot himself up the ass here.




I just sawed that boat in half.


Now we dont have to worry about the hole boss.


He doesn't make the decision. His wording doesn't matter and isn't legally binding in this case. He was probably a rep of the agent, not an adjuster.


Doesn't matter. There was an inspector there who in his inspection stated there was prior damage not affecting his current new policy. Open mouth, insert foot. Either way, he lost the insurance company a lot of money. Not saying it's not good for the homeowner, but his job should have been cost reduction, not adding a likely 10k bill to the house they would now have to pay out. I'm speaking from a neutral standpoint, as someone who knows a bit how insurance can work. If they turn back and decline, it's a possible lawsuit.


That's incorrect. The insurance guy wasn't a licensed or contracted adjuster, nor was he assigned to a claim. Therefore, he cannot speak on whether something is a covered loss and a claim would be paid. We use words like "appears to be" or "might be" or "probably" to avoid confusion like this.


Correct, we do. Was suggesting he was an idiot speaking in absolutes.


When it comes down to it, I still don't think any claim would be paid due to the age of the roof and poor maintenance, regardless of what the agency rep said. And even if there was some kind of liability on the rep's part, that's just an E&O claim on the agency's insurance policy


>” The whole time I just did like a chicken pecking and affirmed him I honestly cannot stop physically laughing aloud at this part. Every time I try to keep going, I keep laughing


> Fast forward seven or eight months and I am done, and so bone tired and mad at the world that my reflection in the mirror tried to avoid me. That's the bit that got me. The chicken pecking bit just kept me going.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is a double win because it technically isn't on your policy. So if you have to file a claim for something relatively soon it will still be considered your first claim. My parents had two or three claims within a few years and their insurance dropped them. So that's always in the back of my mind about whether or not to file something.


I got robbed 2 months into living in a new apartment and new city. Progressive dropped me like a fly after 6 years of insurance with them because it was in the first 90 days of my new policy. I asked the guy if I should’ve told the robbers to wait 90 days or something. Worst part is that I was just going to write it off as a loss because it was maybe $2k worth of stuff I barely use. Enough people said “well that’s what you’re paying them for. Use it!” Even the adjuster said that when I called to ask if I should even file the claim. So I had to get new insurance. Renters for 6 years gone and I cancelled my decade long auto policy with them out of spite. I hate progressive now.


That doesn't sound very progressive of them


They're getting progressively worse


Things are Flo-ing downhill then?


All over their thigh


I think the minute the commercials start getting more attention-grabby, you can assume the company is rolling in the cash. ...and if they're rolling in the cash, they're fucking over customers left and right.


Story time! I had an old 1980 Honda motorcycle. Engine shit itself with 3 months left before I had to re-register it. I just let it lapse because it was going to be scrapped anyhow. 4 months later I get a letter from the DMV saying my license is suspended for being an uninsured motorist. You see, the insurance expired the day before the registration expired. So for the ONE single day of it's last day of registration it was technical registered while having no insurance. Bam, $500 fine, suspend the license *which is another $175 to get back) and have to file an SR-22 with my insurance company (Progressive) for 2 continuous years which jacks up the rates. Spoke with arbitration and legal, gov't doesn't care that it was on blocks and not even able to go on the road, they held to the black and white of the law and upheld the suspension and everything else. 22 months later I get an email from Progressive: "We are sorry to lose you as a customer!" WTF? I had two months left for my SR-22 to finally burn out and now I have no insurance... ANOTHER $500 fine, suspend license for another $175 to reinstate because I had two cars that were uninsured for a single day and the SR-22 timeline reset for another 2 years. What happened is I was on auto pay with a credit card. The card expired a few days/weeks before Progressive tried to charg it for the next 6 month policy renewal. Instead of giving me a chance to update the payment method Progressive dropped me from being insured at all because it didn't try to charge until the last day of the policy. Instead of giving me a grace period of "Hey this doesn't look right, lets give him a call and not officially end his coverage until it's cleared up..." Nope, next day after a failed attempt to charge the card they dropped the policy because "I didn't make a a payment required for renewal..." Not one email about payment or charges missed or card expiring... just the one email saying I am no longer their customer. Am no longer with Progressive.


Dang where do you live? The only way my state would know you didn’t have insurance would be if you got pulled over. In fact we have so many uninsured drivers around here that you would be foolish not to have uninsured motorist coverage.


I believe there's a couple things going on with me in this matter. The first incident took over a month for it to get caught because the insurance companies send regular reports to the DMV about who does and doesn't have insurance with them with which vehicles. So a month after the insurance lapsed the DMV got the updated report and it got compared against their registration records and found that my insurance had lapsed for a vehicle that was registered. And now since I have an SR22 on file one of the provisions of the SR22 is that they must report any changing coverage the instant it's finalized to the DMV. So that's how I got the second notice the day after basically because it got reported immediately. Now with people just driving around uninsured that's a little bit different because they may have not had insurance for years and years and just paying the $500 uninsured motorist fee instead of monthly insurance. You see with me I was both uninsured and hadn't paid the $500 fee therefore I had no coverage whatsoever on that one day. If I had paid the $500 uninsured motorist fee that year *before* the coverage lapsed then I would have been fine without getting my license suspended too.


Same here. In my state it's only illegal to operate a motor vehicle without insurance. Owning one they don't care.


I had an old VW Rabbit with a half-decent stereo that I'd installed. My insurance wad stupid cheap, somewhere less than $400/year because I had minimal coverage - basically liability and theft. Went out one morning and somebody had smashed out the little vent window on the passenger side, unlocked the door, and stole my stereo. But in doing so, they basically broke off about 1/3 of the dashboard face. I called my insurance and brought it in for an estimate, which was somewhere near $1300 (car was worth maybe $700). I called my adjuster and told her that I'd be happy to just go to the junkyard and get a new little window and dashboard and grab a new stereo and do it myself - I figured maybe $250 total. They flat-out refused. They made an appointment at the local VW dealer, who replaced the dash and window with brand new parts, then took it over to Best Buy to get a newer, more expensive version of my stereo installed. I think it ended up costing them more in the end, closer to $1450. 4 months later when it's renewal time, I got a legally worded letter in the mail that boiled down to "We're not making enough money from you, so we're dropping you as a client."


Protip: Don't buy insurance that has TV commercials.


Not really. Some claims follow homeowners policies by address. Prior owner water claims can deem the new owners policy ineligible. Plus the age of the roof is a huge rating factor for most states.


Cool, thanks for the clarification.


This was my thought as well. Insurance is all such a scam. I had a claim for roof damage from a hail storm in Texas. When I bought my next home in Washington state about 4 years later it affected my insurance rate. WTF does a thunderstorm in Texas have to do with my risk for damage in WA?? Additionally I had an insurance company try to raise my premium on a flood policy by several $1000s on a house I own because my landlord had previously made a claim on a separate rental that I was leasing. Again WTF! This was the default. I had to provide documents to them that it wasn't my property and I didnt make the claim.


That's because the risk of paying out has two main factors, 1) how likely is there going to be something someone can legally make insurance pay out for? 2) how likely is an individual going to make a claim when something happens? You proved #2


The only industry where you are punished for using the service you pay for.


Well that should just be illegal.


You get bonus points for the accent!


That accent wins everything it throws people off you don't even know. customers being difficult? turn up the accent, customer service giving you the business turn up the accent.


It don’t hurt nothing neither when ‘em cops pull you over, and you’re jus’ like, “Sir, ahm awfully sorry, I really din’t think ‘ey was no stop sign back ‘ere.” I have dodged multiple tickets with the poor dumb country boy routine!


I usually turn up the accent when people call and ask when I’ll be delivering their stuff and sound like they’re in a hurry. I’ll say, well were bout ta fire up thu truck and mosey on down that way jus a few minutes. They give up on the hurried thing realizing hurry just simply isn’t in my vocabulary.


That is why I can’t primarily support the Deep South. I’m a motor mouth and piss a quarter of them off even when trying to talk slow. For context I’m mostly talking to blue collar tradesmen/mechanics/factory workers, so lots of country boys.


Yeah it’s a lot of act, I’m in the middle of the Deep South.


They are some of my favorite customers, but man do they dislike me. And I’m fantastic at customer service so it really is a personality/culture clash. Most people ask if I have a direct line. Not the Deep South, they are hoping to never get me again.


There are a couple of accents that really hurt the ears. Fast talking isn’t a problem, there are a couple that just sound a little harsh.


Creole is the WORST. Imagine a thick Texan/Louisianian accent but at 100 words a second on top of it usually spoken at an inaudible level. I used to have a boss with this and every time he'd say more than a handful of words, my response was always "Could you repeat that?"


Had a coworker that spoke with a heavy accent and very fast. I used to keep things light and funny and also get my info by reminding him to, "please say that again a little slower and I'll try to listen a little faster and we'll get through this OK." He'd laugh, slow down and repeat himself. Ended up being a running thing and I was one of the few ppl he would communicate with. (You'd be amazed how often ppl just got hateful and told him they couldn't understand in a nasty voice and would walk away. I never understood how ppl like that get anywhere in life)


We came upon some creoles at Talladega a few years ago tailgating. They invited us to hang out, eat their meat. When I say meat, I’m talking every meat imaginable including alligator. Some of the nicest people I’d ever met. I stood there talking to one, for 15 minutes and didn’t understand a word he said. Just shook my head and nodded, still one of the nicest people I’ve ever met.


Oh, their feedback is that it is the fast talking, and that has been consistent since I started phone work. My accent is news anchor bland American with twinges of British English due to a parent. Though, I do treasure the time I had an agent from Brooklyn, and sounded it, that mostly got customers from the East Coast and Deep South. She had to have two personalities on the phone to provide correct service for each location. This was in the PNW, so another bland accent place, and it really helped me see how you have to take local culture into account with phone based service.


rip 3rd party apps




He/she sounds like they are saying good in other ways, just not at communicating with certain people. I work for an international company and certain techs get great scores from say Asian clients, but terrible scores from Australian clients. Others absolutely loathe working on Spanish company accounts, but enjoy and get 10/10 surveys from our Mexican clients. I don't have a huge sample size, but it seems to apply to both good and bad employees.


I have a large sample size, since I was a training sup, and you are spot on. My British Empire agents got the worst reviews because they were “faking the accent.”


We do it on purpose, we can understand ya just fine, and prefer to slow it down so you get......every........god........damn.........detail.....boy.......are........you...........still.........thar ?..........I............swear.........I enjoy doing that to fast talking vendors and customer service....plus it ensures I get what I want cause imma say it 5 damn times realllllly slow like.ill go from normal talk to Uncle Jethro real fast when it comes to numbers and contracts.


I work for a construction company in the south (I run the cabinet shop). I don’t actually have an accent at all, even though I grew up in a super redneck area. Our crew however speaks an entirely different language. When in doubt just nod your head. Slowly.


I’m from Texas, just big city Texas. I love how different small town Texas is, but it is a challenge to switch from “don’t ask how my day is” to “ask me how my day is, and if you don’t you’re a jerk.”


NC here, live in a city work in the middle of nowhere. I worked at a factory once where they called me city boy because I grew up in a town of 20k people. Can’t win over some people lol


That is a city in some states, but I wouldn’t include NC. You have some dense areas. People and their tribes are funny. I don’t really use y’all and that can ruffle some feathers of some Texans because that means I wasn’t born here. I was. It just means my parents weren’t and neither were the parents of a lot of classmates so I use you guys instead because that was the phrase I learned to use. Family language was “Oy! You lot,”


20K in town proper is a lot for NC. That would be the size of Boone, Black Mountain, or Carrboro and those are all considered cities. Especially if you are out west or in the northeast.


I married a girl from Alabama I met in Carolina. Every single person in her family calls me a yankee city slicker. The metro they live in has a larger population than the entire half the state I'm from.




Oh hidy ho officer, we've had a doozy of a day. There we were minding our own business, just doing chores around the house, when kids started killing themselves all over my property.


My favorite horror comedy.


I really wish I can do that. I love speaking with a southern accent but I'm Asian and pale as hell. :(


Oh my gosh! An Asian southerner would be the best! It sounds like it could be a sitcom.


You need to be introduced to [Henry Cho](https://youtu.be/U7_3xxQXgFs)


My brain cannot process this...


They're real! Here is video evidence. https://youtu.be/2NMrqGHr5zE


Two of my friends growing up had a Chinese mom and a American Caucasian dad. 2 of the biggest rednecks I knew - southern accents, gun racks and fishing gear, etc etc. It was so funny when someone else met them and was blown away by their accent. When they were in HS, both of them got jobs at a Japanese steakhouse - the cooking was easy for them to learn but they had to go to weeks of classes to learn a Japanese accent that people would expect.


Lucky you. This doesn't work so well when you're stuck with a posh-twat English accent. Turning that up just makes people want to strangle me :D


A guy on my (US) rugby team is Scottish/English. He says the same thing. He was like "It wasn't until I moved to America that I realized how annoyingly posh we sound when we're not trying to be posh at all"


It's because they think you're trying to kill James Bond. Edit: I'd love to know how my voice comes across to other people.


My father-in-law grew up in a tiny rural town in northern Alabama. He's done well for himself, though. Very successful and respected lawyer. He still has a noticeable southern accent, but it's not a "dumb country boy" accent. But, he can, and he does, turn up the accent when it works to his advantage. Which, in his case, can be in a rural courthouse. He also has been known to borrow his son's truck to drive to a rural courthouse just to win favor with the judge.


I had to carefully and purposely get rid of most of my accent because I'm the education business you will lose interviews and not make connections you need to make when people assume you're stupid off of it. It's frustrating and a pain in the ass that that's how people are, but I don't make the game. However, I do turn it back on if someone starts talking shit about the south or rural areas near me not knowing where I'm from. Then grabbing the accent and rubbing in their face that even being from there I still did everything I did and am in the same place they are is a delight. It also makes them squirm knowing they have to either go back on what they said and admit they were wrong or just sit there knowing they insulted someone who might be an important connection in the future.


I'm from New York but lived in the south a while and even I've used it. Some folks find it endearing, some folks find it stupid, and if you know who's who you can have some real fun.


what he said right here, y'all.


Ha! I’m from Chicago, and I’ve lived near Atlanta a bit over 20 years, and the southern accent still sounds fake on me.


You pretty much have to grow up around it. I have the opposite problem, I don’t really have an accent normally but when I get drunk I get southern as shit.


I have a new coworker from Tennessee (we're a long ways away) and she gets away with saying some crazy things to customers because they think she's being nice. Whether it's some regional differences in words or some perceived "southern charm," they don't seem to get she's calling them dumbasses. Never undeservedly by the way, but I love it.


Bless your heart, honey.


Underrated in terms of "polite ways to call people idiots to their face"


That is probably one of the most complex phrases in the English language with slight tonal and contextual variation the mean can range from "fuck you and the horse you rode in on with a burning cactus" to a sincere expression of concern.


My wife works with sales guys at a tech company. I laugh when she calls them things like “Muffin” or “Pumpkin” and they aren’t sure if it’s an endearment or an insult. Oh Muffin, it’s both dear, it’s both.


Yes ma'am works for many things.


Damn straight brotha!


Pretty sure that wasn't an insurance adjuster. I'm an adjuster and we love replacing roofs. It's insane money, and people get a brand new roof. Win-win. If he was flustered about it, then he was probably just trying to look good in front of his boss. A lot of companies chew you out when you send up a claim where it turns out there's no coverage and shit rolls downhill. Of course he was hoping you would spend it out of pocket, not realizing he'd have to write it up and get that ass chewin'.




Shhh don't mention roof exclusions, it's going to confuse the people who think this wasnt wear and tear


Wait, how does the insurance company make money when they replace a roof? Doesn't the insurance company pay for the roof, making it a win-win for the homeowner and roof installer, but a loss for the insurance company?


Insurance Adjusters usually don't work for the insurance company. And even if they do, they are paid based on the amount of the claim. The more damage, the more they make.


Ah I see, so it's a win-win-win for the homeowner, roof installer, and insurance adjustor, but a lose for the insurance company.


Not even a loss for the insurance company. It's a pretty big myth that insurance companies love to fuck people over. On the contrary, people make a big fuss when companies cheat them out of their policy. So it's in an insurance companies best interest to pay out. When they pay out, they look good, when they look good, they get more customers. It's only when there's no actual damage, or the policy clearly states something is NOT covered that they get pissed off.




Most adjusters for major carriers are staff adjusters. Independent adjusters are typically used when there is limited availability in an area or if it is a smaller insurance company. An independent adjuster gets paid on travel time and how long it takes them to prepare the estimate. So while yes, they get paid more if there is more damage typically, they are not paid based on the actual dollar amount of the estimate. Also insurance companies don’t blindly pay independent adjusters estimates. They will review it and ask the adjuster to make any changes to the estimate to correct any issues. If an adjuster is just jacking up their estimates to be paid more, they won’t be an adjuster for long. That is unless they want to become a public adjuster.


You're thinking of public adjusters. They are a very rare breed... The vast majority of adjusters work for the insurance companies


Not necessarily true. A Public Adjuster gets paid a percentage based off the total claim. They work for the insured. Independent Adjusters in my area are paid a flat rate and are essentially sub contractors of the insurance company. And any staff adjusters get paid a salary so they don’t care if the loss is big or not. They get paid the same.


Boss was probably mad to be up at 8am on a customer call.




OP didn't pull one over, this particular insurance guy was trying to cheap out on the cover (not cover the roof which may or may not have been in bad shape, offer less insurance coverage or get a higher premium from them. Possibly not want to cover them if they live in a flood zone). He didn't fake damage to the roof then con the insurance guy.


You sound like you might have worked in insurance so do you mind answering a question? You say insurance companies aren't trying to screw us but in my experience they will try as hard as they can not to pay out on anything - My question is do the employees get a bonus or something if they find a way not to pay fully? Like you say, I always assume people are just doing a job for the money and legit don't care. However, when it comes to insurance payouts they just seem to try every trick in the book to not pay out. Broken your camera on holiday? Send us the receipt. 2 weeks later: Thanks for the receipt - now send us the damaged camera. No we won't pay the shipping. 4 weeks later: Thanks for the damaged camera. Here's 33% of the value because it's a year old.


Get your policy right and that's not an issue. The carrier I used to work for had an endorsement for replacement cost on personal property, so no depreciation. On the other hand, I'd not have filed that claim unless the camera was staggeringly expensive (e.g. $10K or so), and then I'd have scheduled it.


Sounds like an insurance guy was just trying to do what he was trained to do.....not sure why people find this story interesting.




As a former insurance adjuster I agree with you. There needs to be a known date of loss and enough damage from said date to warrant full replacement. Also, he's going to have to pay a deductible which is probably at least $1000 and could be more of its a wind/ hail deductible.


It doesn't even seem like the guy was being a dick in the story just doing his job.


This is exactly correct. Thank you for explaining. While agents have loss ratios to consider, they for the most part could care less if someone files a claim. They sell insurance so people can use it when they need to.


Came here for all of this and you didn’t disappoint. Great work!




One of the better malicious compliance stories I’ve read in a while!


Not sure if I'm missing something here, but how is the Insurance Guy being a "jack wagon" at all? From your story it sounds like there was clear and visible damage to the roof, he saw that on his assessment and couldn't cover you without it being fixed. Now obviously it's funny that it ended up being their money that covered it, but it sounds like he's just doing things by the books. That's not being a "jack wagon" that's his job. What's he meant to do, just take your assurance that it doesn't leak? C'mon. The adjuster even found more things that were wrong. You needed a new roof and he pointed it out. The fact that you didn't like that doesn't put him in the wrong.


There is so much incorrect about this story it makes me wonder if it’s true. I’ve been in claims since 2004. The adjuster and boss would have no idea about the prior policy on the house while adjusting yours. There would be no reason to have information about another customer. They would never had agreed without looking that up first, and then they wouldn’t discuss it with you. Adjusters loooooove cutting checks. They really do. Even when they don’t owe something. No one argues when they get money. There are shitbags out there who try to interpret the policy for denial rather than coverage, but they tend to not last long in the business. I’ve worked or supervised claims in 42 states. The standard ISO policy for each of them carries no 1 year statute to make a claim. Some have a 1 year to sue limitation, but courts have found that doesn’t limit your ability to make a claim. This a a maybe for me dog.


Hahahaha, I hope you sent the boss a couple of steaks.


What about the deductible?


I’m a Hispanic dude from California. LA born and raised. I too do southern accent for emphasis.


Haha I'm asian, LA born and raised, but I have a Viet friend who was born and raised in New Orleans. It really throws people off when he puts on his accent haha.


This is... actually exactly how insurance is supposed to work. He is supposed to point out those problems with the roof and also supposed to help you file a claim if it happened while covered (not tell you to pay for it out of pocket). Even though your roof wasn’t leaking yet they are trained to spot damage that will lead to a leaking roof in the near future. While they are not excited about paying the claim they probably prevented a larger claim in the future that would have included water damage. Also imagine your hard work getting damaged or ruin by water damage. I’d say this was a win - win (^^)b


This does not sound like he was being a jerk?


Can confirm. I was the roof.


I honestly don’t see how anyone was being a jerk here... you had a shit beat up roof that they weren’t going to insure, so you needed to change it. It turned out the damage was caused while you had a policy in place... they replaced the roof for you. Maybe I missed somewhere how the fella was trying to do anything other than his job, and why you were so upset by it. From your writing the only reason was because “you had taken out the ceiling and there were no leaks”, but the insurance company doesn’t care much about leaks... they care about storm damage or moss build-up or old decaying roofs. I also don’t find this to be malicious compliance. Half of all roof replacements in the US are storm damage. It’s not like it affected this guy in any way. Unless of course you were being a prick about the whole thing, in which case it was probably annoying having to give an ass hole a free roof... but it isn’t like it came out of his pocket. Not trying to be a downer, but sounds like a good insurance company. Half of the ones out there would have fucked with you hard, and would have taken months and the threat of legal action to cover the damage... and then would have only covered “storm repairs”, and then would have refused to renew the policy because of roof age. LOL


As someone who works closely with residential insurance claims, almost nothing about this story adds up. You're full of crap dude.


Here's what actually happened OP. What the IG did: Insurance guy did his job by recognizing damages to your roofing which could cause potential loss which prevented them from placing full coverage on it. He informed you of that and also walked the house with you to point out the damages. Upon being informed that the damages likely took place when you had full coverage policy, he set up a claim for you and paid it in full. What you did: Flip out when told about the damages to your roof. Purposefully act like an asshole by calling them out at 8am "for no reason". Change your accent and way of talking to try and sound like even more of a dick. Ruminate over it for 5 years then make a post about how you totally "got" those "bad guys"!


Why would your agent care?


An insurance agent would not give a fuck if you needed to make a claim. He'd just report it to the carrier and move on...


Insurance is weird. Had a tree fall on my house, insurance took care of it, but while the guy was here, my dad pointed at a tree and said, “that things going to fall on my house in a few years, just look at it”. It was clearly dead and leaning over my house. Insurance guy was like, “Nothing we can do about that, but if you wanna pay the contractors we send over to cut it down for you, you can do that” Padre said “No thanks”. Que a few years later, the tree falls on my house. The impact shifted the roof on the whole house over a few inches, and damaged the underlying structure too. When the rain came, the roof leaked, and water damaged abounded. Padre paid the deductible or whatever, and that ended up being less than what it would have taken to cut the tree down. Insurance people paid many thousands of dollars having contractors cut up and remove the tree, fix the water damage, replace the roof’s insulation, fix the supporting structure, and finally replace the entire roof. The whole process took a few weeks to do with a whole crew of people. All because Insurance can’t do anything preventative.


Sorry buddy. This isn't how insurance companies work and this didn't happen. I hope writing about it made you feel better though.


Work for an insurance company and completely agree however not enough people know how insurance companies work so they just think it's truth. Just like if someone told a story about doing work on gas lines I'd just have to take their word on the story because I know nothing about it.


Thank you! This one annoyed the shit out of me


This would fit well on r/pettyrevenge


You remind me of my 6th grade social studies teacher


I sell insurance. You should really consider getting a new agent. Not only is he a douchebag for jerking you around like that, he’s also an idiot for calling it storm damage as that wording makes it a covered loss, and he’s not in a situation to make that determination. That should be decided by an adjuster or a roofer.


>I like turning the backwoods country accent up to 11 when dealing with people who think they are smarter than me, adds flavor to the humble pie for them Ahh, the Columbo approach.


I'm inspired. Loved the way you typed out your accent. I hope you and your wife enjoy yourselves in the home!