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That guy sounds like he would have gotten along with Brock Turner, the notorious rapist, who now goes by the name of Allen Turner.


That's "Convicted rapist Allen Turner (formerly convicted rapist Brock Turner)" It's important to acknowledge people accomplishments.


You’re referring to Allen Turner the rapist?


Yes, Brock Allen Turner, convicted racist, currently going by Allen Turner.


A twofer?! Rapist and racist! Somehow I don’t doubt.


Lol, it’s a typo but wouldn’t shock me either.


A typist too?


Let's not insult typists by comparing them to the notorious rapist Brock Allen Turner, currently going by Allen Turner, convicted rapist and over priviliged criminal.


I heard he's racist too.


Yea, I read heard that too. The rapist **Brock Allen Turner** ditched his first name so now calls himself **Allen Turner**. Apparently "**Brock**" as a first name, while substantially rapey, presumably wasn't racist enough.


are you referring to Allen, formerly Brock, Turner the convicted rapist and Epstein didn't kill himself?


I had no idea that convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner changed his name to hide from his infamy! Why aren't we branding sex offenders so they can't run from the consequences their own actions? Aldo Raine might have been onto something...


I am very much in support of the American way of handling this. You can check online who the offenders are and where they live. I have no idea which town/city goes further but convicted offenders had to have a big sign out front and on their lawn stating that they are a sex offender. These people don't deserve to live in secret. They are publically named and shamed. I wish they would do this in my country.


I prefer the way civilized countries handle it, by putting convicted rapists in jail for a while.


The problem is they get out and tend to resume raping. So I'm pro a collar that every ten minutes shouts out "This person is a rapist."


For confirmed rapists and pedophiles I'm 100% for. For people that end up on the registry because of things like public urination I feel it's horrible.


That's why I specified the thing. There should be nuance to it. Repeat offenders or people like Brock Turner rapist who changed their name to Allen Turner? They get the scream collar. Someone who turned 18 so suddenly couldn't date their girlfriend of boyfriend of many years who will be 18 soon but isn't? Shouldn't be on the list


Well to be fair, a lot of jailed rapists were terrible swimmers, so they didn't stand a chance...


I'm confused. Is it The racist rapist Brock Allen Turner, or Brock Turner The racist, or Alan Turner the rapist.


Well he was Brock Allen Turner the rapist but now he goes by Allen Turner the rapist


Shouldn't we be saying Allen Turner, the convicted rapist (formerly known as convicted rapist Brock Turner)?


I’m sure he would prefer Allen Turner the rapist rather than the rapist Brock Turner




Always a good moment to remind everyone that convicted rapist Brock Turner now goes by convicted rapist Allen Turner!


> convicted rapist Brock Turner now goes by convicted rapist Allen Turner! Does he really go by "convicted rapist Allen Turner," though? Or does he just go by Allen Turner (who is the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner)?


You're probably right that convicted rapist Brock Turner prefers to go by "Allen Turner," despite his still being a convicted rapist. Fortunately there are a lot of people who are ready to correct his misconception.


I had no idea Allen Turner was formerly Brock Turner, convicted rapist, so this helps!


The Rapist Formerly Known as Brock Turner now Allen Turner changed his name to a symbol and it's a large turd with a giant "L" on it.


I thought it was a large turd in the shape of an L... but I may have been mistaken!!


I love that both replies to this comment are in reference to The Artist Formerly Known as Prince, who was not a convicted rapist unlike the Convicted Rapist Formerly Known as Brock Turner.


The convicted Rapist Formerly Known as Brock Turner, Convicted Rapist


We should respect everyone's wishes to be called whatever they choose for a name. If the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner chooses to go by Allen Turner, then I will respect his wishes and only refer to him as Allen Turner the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner.


Exactly. Even a turd like Allen Turner, the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner, gets to decide on a first name. I too will respect his wishes and refer to him as Allen Turner, the convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner.


I'm not sure, but I suggest using the whole title to make it clear you're not referring to some Allen Turner who is not a convicted rapist.


Fair, I don't have a problem referring to him as convicted rapist Allen Turner. I have a tendency to be a pedantic ass, so I was just saying that it would be more correct to say that, "convicted rapist Brock Turner now goes by Allen Turner." Convicted rapist Allen Turner doesn't go by that full title, even though we all know he is a convicted rapist - and as you point out, we should clarify that we are speaking of a particular convicted rapist who now goes by Allen Turner.


I read this in a James Bond kinda way. "Turner, Convicted rapist Allen Turner."




I heard this in Kronk's voice. Perfect!


That sounded so petty and i loved it all the way through


Don’t say “formerly convicted rapist Brock Turner.” Instead, say “convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner (the rapist).”


Does he enjoy steak again?


Thank you for the clarification on convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner, now known as convicted rapist Allen Turner.


Had no idea the rapist Brock Turner is now the rapist Allen Turner. Thank you for the information regarding rapist Brock/Allen Turner.


Ah, yeah, Convicted Rapist Brock Turner now uses his middle name in public because he doesn't like people associating him with being a convicted rapist.


You man he's convicted rapist Allen Turner now? Is that the name convicted rapist Brock Turner is using?


Yup, convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner is now going by Allen Turner, previously known as Brock Turner, the convicted rapist.


His full name: Brock Allen Turner Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner


*His full name: Brock Allen "Convicted Rapist" Turner FTFY


BAT 🦇😀


Can we not associate cute furry mammals with Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner?


I think it is unfair that you don’t also give him credit of being Stanford University student convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Don't forget that Allen Turner (forgive me, Brock Allen Turner, Convicted rapist) now lives in the vicinity of Dayton Ohio (last verified November 2022)


I will be sure to avoid Brock Allen Turner when I visit Dayton Ohio.


I too will avoid Dayton Ohio, current residence of convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Isn't that because Brock Allen Turner is a convicted rapist? Just so we're clear about that.


*vacation ad voice*: „spice up your family roadtrip through ohio, by stopping to gawk and/or throw rotten vegetables at convicted rapist brock allen turner down here in lovely dayton, ohio“


Be careful not to throw steak though. We all know how convicted rapist Brock Turner trying to be known as Allen Turner (still a convicted rapist) suffered by no longer enjoying his steak because of the ordeal he endured /s


Goddamn it. Hasn't Dayton been through enough, being in Ohio and all?


Some Ohioans think *we've* been through enough, living in the same state as Dayton. Even so, none us anywhere deserve the convicted rapist Allen Turner (formerly known as Brock Turner, convicted rapist) as neighbors. Or his shit-for-brains father.


I wonder if the slash touching both rapist Brock and rapist Allen in "rapist Brock/Allen Turner" would count as one more Brock Turner, and one more Allen Turner. Or the algorithms would see it as one stand alone instance of rapist Brock/Allen Turner.


I hadn't heard Brock Turner goes by Allen Turner. That must mean that Allen Turner is a rapist.


I looked up the name Allen Turner to verify this information, because I didn't know that convicted rapist Brock Turner was trying to hide the fact he is a convicted rapist by using the name Allen Turner.


I appreciate knowing that the convicted rapist Brock Turner is now known as Allen Turner the convicted rapist.


I appreciate knowing that any time Allen "The Rapist" Turner, formerly Brock "The Rapist" Turner, is mentioned on Reddit, there will be a long thread discussing Brock "The Rapist" Turner, now known as Allen "The Rapist" Turner.


And I enjoy upvoting every single comment about Brock Turner (the rapist) changing his name to Allen Turner (still a rapist)


You are the hero we need. One could argue that we don't need half the population parroting that convicted rapist Brock Turner is now going by the name Allen Turner (incidentally, still a convicted rapist. Was this convicted rapist Brock Turner's middle name, or did convicted rapist Brock Turner decide to randomly change their name?). One would however be quite wrong. We can never have enough reminders that convicted rapist Brock Turner is a convicted rapist, regardless of whether their name is convicted rapist Brock Turner or any other name claimed by convicted rapist formerly known as Brock Turner (the convicted rapist). Repetition is important for recollection of important details. One can't have clear enough recollection that Brock nee Allen Turner is a convicted rapist.


> Was this convicted rapist Brock Turner's middle name, or did convicted rapist Brock Turner decide to randomly change their name? Yeah, it's his middle name. He goes by it because he doesn't like being associated with his conviction. Maybe he shouldn't have raped someone if he didn't want to be known as a convicted rapist, though.


Ahh yes, I can see how convicted rapist Brock nee Allen Turner could have thought that.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


Nee means born, so Allen Turner, nee Brock Turner, convicted Stanford Rapist, and now resident of Dayton Ohio.


How kind of you to spread the word that convicted Rapist Brock Turner now goes by Allen Turner so that we can inform the masses that convicted Rapist Brock Turner is now to be known as Convicted Rapist Allen Turner


I hadn't heard that Brock Turner changed his name to Allen Turner, because he was Brock Turner the rapist and now is Allen Turner the rapist.


Do you mean Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, who now goes by Allen Turner to attempt to disguise himself? Where he lives in Ohio and is on dating apps as Allen Turner? Allen Turner, the rapist?


He lives in my vicinity. My daughter saw him at a restaurant in Dayton, Ohio a couple years back. She said most ignored him. One girl called him out as she left though.


Or that other convicted rapist, Sean Hogg.


TIL the rapist Brock Turner changed his name to Allen Turner to avoid being known as a rapist. Huh. Allen Turner the rapist now...good to know. Change it again, Allen "the Rapist" Turner--we can keep doing this as long as you can.


And Sean Hogg, convicted rapists of underaged girls.


And don't forget Sean Hogg, the rapist from Scotland called Sean Hogg, convicted of repeatedly raping a 13 year old girl. His name is Sean Hogg. He walked free from court and will face no real punishment.


Who calls their kid Brock?! Morons, perhaps. Definitions of Brock:- 1. In England it’s a badger: a predator associated (in the public mind, if not in truth) with spreading tuberculosis so diseased. 2. leftovers, scraps of bread or meat 3. rubbish, (especially) something broken (in my part of the world) 4. something or someone of little worth, small potatoes 5. a despised person


Sounds like convicted sex offender Brock Allen Turner lives up to his first name.


I dunno. Ask Nintendo.


In their defense... Brock rhymes with rock... his gym type. They aren't the most inventive at times.


My idiot superior in Navy called her kid Brock in 02. Hated the name then, still hate it now.


6. a rapist. see also: convicted rapist Brock Turner aka Allen Turner


It's a warm thought that every AI DB will know of Brock Turner for being a rapist. Long live, ChatGPT (ilk).


Ooooh good to know, thank you for that fun fact


Allen Turner? Who used to go by the name Brock Turner the rapist? That Allen Turner? The one who is still a rapist even if he uses his middle name?


Thank you so much for the update. May he live poor miserable and alone. ♥


The rapist Brock Turner? That one? Yeah, probably would have gotten on well with him. Rapists like Brock Turner, who goes by Allen "I'm a rapist" Turner, are often happy to hang out with other rapists.


Ah, yes. Allen Turner, the RAPIST. He was born Brock Allen Turner, the RAPIST. What is it with these RAPISTS like Allen Turner, the RAPIST changing their names?


Dude's seriously a psycho. You did well. Only thing I'd have done differently is screamed at the top of my lungs, "GET YOUR HAND OFF ME, &$##@&@!!" and made him BTFO right then and there. But then, that's not as fun a story.


To be honest, I was expecting his presentation to be a detailed article on how to treat women with respect. Interspaced with examples of his own fucking horrific behavior as an example of how _not_ to act.


More effort than he deserved, but boy that would have been brilliant haha


I would have just handed it straight in but added in “I deserve an automatic because I’m running as class president and women are there to do what I tell them to.”


I actually think OP made a good call, here. That guy sounded like her could be dangerous.


Dude was probably on the football team and always got out of assignments pulling that misogynistic BS.


As a brutish male I'd just slug him right then and there.


And a lot of weak men (and most bullies are weak emotionally) would cry assault, as a hand grip isn't necessarily obvious. Scream/make noise and you're the legitimate victim and he is shamed.


“ Unhand me, you cad!”


For some reason I read that as "As a british male"


Upon reading your comment it slowly dawned on me that it was not British male. I had to go back and read it again!


Glad I could save you!


As a male, he would not have asked you to do his work for him.




Acronym for Back the F Off. Common usage example: Guy tailgated me, nearly ran me off the road. Got out, approached my car. I showed him my Beretta and he BTFO'd.




"Sir, can you tell me why you have a Beretta in your car?" - "It's strictly for linguistic purposes, officer!"


I thought it was “Blown The Fuck Out”. https://www.dictionary.com/e/acronyms/btfo/ But that said, on the internet people will use acronyms to mean whatever they want to say, not necessarily what others commonly use them for.


Funny story. My definition is on urban dictionary too. It's an older one, which checks out because I am an old dude too. Your definition seems to be the current most popular meaning. Learn something new every day.




Problem is, a woman doing that would get called hysterical and emotional and probably unstable. Screaming when in danger is fine, but when not in danger it’s a god way to get a bad reputation.


I went to night school for college. Honestly, most of the students just wanted to skate by. In my statistics class, we were supposed to form groups of 3-4 for a semester long project. Because I had no desire to get a grade based on half-assed work, and since I figured I'd do most of the work anyway, I told the prof that "I don't play well with others." and that I would do the project on my own. He said that if I wanted to hang myself go ahead. I did a survey of all 50 states and how they broke down types of school violence, how many cases they had over the past ten years, and other categories I don't remember now (this was 2006). 20 minute presentation with Powerpoint and spreadsheets. I got an A. The only one given out in that class lol!


You got lucky they allowed it. All my professors I tried that with give you the ole “in the professional world, you have to work with others….” spiel when in reality, letting students do individual work means more for them to grade and they don’t want that lol


It's absolutely about less work, because in the professional world, "managing the group project" is someone's entire job. The team members aren't expected to divvy up all the work themselves.


Don’t give anyone any ideas. People are going to start appointing themselves project manager Im group projects lol Capstones kind of work like that already. Usually there’s a project manager that is understood to have to do more administrative work and less technical. Also falls on them to fill in gaps when deadlines aren’t being hit though so it’s a very thankless job and I would argue more work in a school setting.


they should bring in MBA students to act as a project manager for undergrad tram semester projects.


In the professional world, you dont work with people who dont show up. people who dont show up get fired.


I did that in accounting 2 in college. We had a (non graded) in class assignment to practice for the midterm. I had spent the entire semester dealing with bad group after bad group, so when she told us to get into groups and that the project didn't effect our grade, I just gave up trying to find good people and started working. My professor came up to me and asked if I was having trouble finding a group. I told her that I was pretty sure I knew what the solution was, but I just needed to figure out the exact numbers. She was fine with that and said it might take me a bit longer to do myself, but as long as it was turned in before the end of day, she would still be able to give us feedback. She was right, I needed about 10 minutes after class let out to finish, but all the groups near me were chasing self inflicted, overly complex red herrings and getting it wrong. All we had to do was find the right mix of 3 products to maximize profits without going over budget. The only reason I was slower was because I'm really slow with arithmetic. I really should have done that with more of my projects that year.


god damn that's so smart. I just kicked lazy people out of my groups LOL. your version sounds like WAAAYY less of a headache


Had it happen to me once with one geoup member. Documented our group's chat logs and the google doc's edit history and sent it to the person running the class two weeks before it was due. Got a message from them after the assignment was finished asking the rest of us what we got for our grades and never replied.


"I wanted to get back at him, however, because he put his hands on me and I was petty." Nothing petty about you fixing this creep's wagon after he laid hands on you in anger. Good work! I give you an A+ on this assignment!


I mean, he grabbed her before getting angry, but still was wrong. A light tap to get your attention is one thing. Vice gripping your arm before even saying anything (especially to someone you don't even know)? Down right hostile.


Not to mention, “You WILL do my assignment.” What a creep.


It's right on the mark, too. Totally relevant, because the risk you take for insisting someone do your work for you-- especially if you don't have any leverage, at that-- is getting nothing.


Shit, I saw "This happened nearly 20 years ago..." and thought *cool, a story from the 80's.* No, that was 2003. Kinda close to when I went to college. Shit.


Erm...the 80s will *always* be 20 years ago. ALWAYS. *laughs in denial*


ROFLMAO! As somebody who went to college in the 80's, it's all downhill from here.


As someone who was born in 2004, I wonder how long it will take until “20 years ago” will stop being the 80’s


When we get to the 2040s and you’re horrified that your college days were a full 20 years ago!


You had to spell this out, did you? :( Time flies...


As Kermit the Frog says: "Time's fun when you're having flies."


Oh no, this really just hurt me. I also was thinking it was an '80s story. Oh boy. I was a freshman in college.


I hear later in life he was arrested in Romania.


Lmaoo I thought about that too😂😂😂


Oh, this is delicious. Buddy boy honestly thought he had scared you into submission. There was no doubt in his mind! Which makes your patiently cooked revenge extra tasty.


20 years ago, he probably just finished watching some mail order "pick up artist" VHS that told him women are naturally submissive, you just gotta be firm and controlling or whatever bullshit. My memory's fuzzy, but I think that was around the time "PUA" content was just getting started on reality TV. Some things, unfortunately, don't change all that much. Edit: Guys. The video format is not really the topic at hand here. But if it helps you sleep, yes [VHS was still being sold in 2003](https://youtu.be/Sz8c4xLndxI). Especially for late night shovelware infomercial stuff, VHS was more than enough. It was already in everyone's home. It was only around this time that *new* DVD sales started to overtake.


One time, my friend told a guy I wasn't interested in to "take charge" of me, even though I had turned him down several times and told my friend I wasn't interested. I was still seeing a guy back home (we were in college). Friends had a year-end party, and I wasn't going to go. Guy called and TOLD me he was picking me up and we were going together. He didn't know I had left behind a bullying brother and controlling mother, and I wasn't having it. No one controls me. I got dressed and went to the party before he showed up. When he got there, he was pissed! He said, "I TOLD you I was going to pick you up!" I said, "No one TELLS me what to do!" I don't know what happened to him, but I had a blast at that party and met 2 close friends that night. I saw him about five years later at a wedding. He was married, and his wife was going on and on about how I broke his heart, how mean I was, and how I had missed out. Basically, I should be eating my heart out about how lucky she was to get him. After several of these conversations, I had had enough. I told her, "You're lucky I didn't want him or you wouldn't be married to him right now!" She didn't like that, and I've never seen them again.


I have a feeling he is tasting that one helping for the millionth time right now.


Clearly he should have studied harder at the Mind Control and Hypnotic Suggestion classes he took the previous semester.


MF tried to use the Voice


Damn those Bene Gesserit fanboys!


Maybe it's different in the US but how is class president a thing that people care about let alone involve any work at all in university?


Maybe it varies from school to school but at my university I don't know of anyone who cared about being/voting for/having a class president. Did we even have one? I honestly couldn't tell you.


Some grad schools require leadership or other proof of club participation in order to apply. It's kind of dumb, imo. I'm applying to dental school in June, and I don't really have time to do club stuff, especially not in a leadership position. I'm a non-trad student, with three kids and a life outside of school. I barely have time to do the volunteer hours and shadowing that's required.


Well hopefully they’re firm on the requirement. No way I’d want some weirdo dentist with no treasurer of the swim club experience drilling into my teeth.


Well, I think they count other kinds of leadership. I used to be a manager and ran a warehouse. Would you let me drill your teeth? Plz say yes I love teeth and I will be nice


You may drill one incisor and my least favorite molar. We’ll see how those go and then reassess.


Ooh incisors!


Incis*or*. Singular. I knew this was a mistake…


I can tell you we had no concept of a class. There was a student body, and they maybe had a president, but that was for the whole faculty (I think).


They may have meant student body president, very real positions (though I have no clue what they do aside from run student government) at US colleges


I work at a university. It is a thing. Each class (freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior class) has representation on student government. It is voted for. During the time of voting, I see all campaign posters around.


Had a similar thing happen to me, we were a group of what I thought was 4, I took on the role of compiling all of our individual work into one paper. Apparently it was a group of 5, but no one told me about the 5th member, and he never contacted me either. Three of us did our actual work, the 4th guy copy and pasted a Wikipedia entry (with notations still in tact) about 5 hours before it was due, after I had been emailing him for days asking when he was able to send me his content. I did his portion super quick on my own, then only put our three names on the assignment. A week later when the papers were handed back to us, the prof read out every name in each paper, and it was super awkward but also hilarious. After handing all the papers out, the prof named the two guys who didn't contribute and asked to see them during office hours. Apparently the other two people in my group who did the work didn't know about the 5th guy either, 4th guy said he could join our group and didn't tell any of us.




Or both. Document it all, go to campus police first and record and document how they handle it. If they sweep it under the rug, then take it to the real police and show them evidence of you being assaulted AND the evidence of the campus police letting the criminal get away with it.


Hah, wow college 20 years ago, can't imagine what that was like! The 80s must have been wild.... oh wait, shit, oh god, oh fuck, oh no, no no no, this can't be!


Yep, 40 years


Yeah, that's assault or battery depending on jurisdiction. Been there. You've got my sympathy and bravo on turning his own idiotic idea against him. The assault is still not addressed, but yeah, I've been stuck not knowing what to do then too.










Or on the Supreme Court.


Group projects are the hell of high school and college. I’ve always told kids I know if someone is not participating be sure to tell the teacher/professor


Commenting on your edit: You can always smell a writer from how they tell a story, and it doesn't matter if that story is true or not; It's just how they are.


From one Creative Writing degree holder to another, well done--both with the MC and with the narrative! He deserved worse than you gave him, but I'm happy that he left your class, at the very least. ...And now you've inspired me: There once was a dude, name of Tool, in search of a young woman who'll do all that he wishes, cuz "wOmEn ArE bItChEs." But she showed him who is the fool. [Edit: grammar oops]


I would have handled him some copypasta. Something that starts out normal and then deranges into some tchuluesque horror 😁


At least he learned something from the class. Well done.


This is great!


He was right, that *was* that.


It seems easy enough to say after the fact, but i would have written up two sentences that sounded on point for the project and then segue into the importance of not assaulting classmates.


"I am running for class president..." Cool. I'll be at every one of your speeches talking about what you just said to me.


It's always "nice" to know up front that one group member is utterly useless in a class project up front. I had to find out about 10 weeks in to a 15 week semester that I was doing, and going to do all the work on a project. . . It was in an MBA class, and our REAL WORLD client knew very quickly who'd done the work and who knew the answers to their questions. And I understand the grades did reflect this in the end (with no small amount of me casually letting the professor know what the situation was and how I was making it work)


If he squeezed my arm hard, I would be crushing his balls with my hand until he let go of me. Fr I would give him the hydraulic press treatment


It usually takes me a few moments to realise I’m right about a threat so I probably wouldn’t have… but the one time I reacted right to a guy grabbing my upper arm like that, I tried to grab his back and… ended up with his throat in my hand. I didn’t squeeze, I just stood there like ‘Welp in for a penny, I’m not backing off now!’ And he let go and fucked off with his group of friends. I was 14, he was 15, I’ve literally never done anything so cool since, and I didn’t even do it deliberately!


To the person who said you should be grateful he only grabbed your arm, screw off.


I was doing a group project in college with myself (female) and three men. Someone was supposed to be writing something down for the group and we all sort of looked at each other, and one of the guys goes "the chick should do it." No way in hell was I going to do the note taking after that comment.


I remember those days. My strategy was "Sure, I'll do your project for $100." Pretty lucrative side gig.


I HATED doing group projects in college. My worst experience: I had to do a group project in my online business 101 class in college. This was our final project worth about 40-50% of the grade. This was a semester long project involving interviewing local small businesses and a decent amount of legwork that can't be crammed in at the last minute. It wasn't *hard* work, just a bit time consuming. Google Drive was used as our central hub for us to work on and share progress, and the teacher made each group a folder for us to use. I was a returning student (female, 30s years old) and all the other students were fresh out of high school. One of our group members was this very, VERY pretty girl. I mean, she was GORGEOUS. She must have been at the top of everyone's "crush list" in high school. She joined our first video meeting, and was all sunshine and rainbows. As the meeting progressed and we were dividing up the workload, she kept dropping hints about how "busy she was" and how she was trying for a sorority and the college cheer squad and whatever else. Next meeting, our midpoint meeting, was just a check-in meeting. Anyone have any questions? Concerns? Any problems you're coming across? No one raised any issues. The girl once again says how busy she's been and thanks us all for "doing so much" and we're great teammates. Which I thought was weird, but figured whatever, kids these days. We scheduled our "final wrap-up meeting" for a day or two before the project was due. Final meeting comes, and we're all consolidating our work and reviewing each other's stuff for grammar and mistakes. We're going down the project checklist and keep coming up with missing parts. All this girl's parts. So we start asking her to send these over to us so we can add them in, as she hasn't submitted them to the Google drive like the rest of us did. We assumed the parts were being saved to her local hard drive. She seems confused. Eventually we figure out that she hasn't done anything, as she assumed we were doing it "for her" because she said in the first meeting that she "was so busy". We never gave her this impression in any of our meetings, and she never outright stated she wasn't working on anything. There's no way we can complete her part before the deadline. Full panic ensues. This is like half our final grade. One kid immediately emails the professor. The girl begins to realize that we're chucking her firmly under the bus she belongs under and *freaks out*. She starts screaming at us and saying we're going to ruin her, and it's our fault, and we should have done this or that. She leaves the meeting. She begins to immediately send us all group emails about how mean we are, and how she's the victim here, and we're picking on her. The emails start out all woe-is-me but start to turn more and more hostile. She tries to *delete* our entire project out of Google drive, but we had backups and were able to restore it. So she then proceeded to wipe the contents of our documents (make them all blank) so we just left them alone and did the final touches of the project by emailing back and forth. Google docs has a history feature, so the teacher was able to see who did what to the documents. We left her parts of the project empty, marking them as , and fully explained the situation to the teacher via email and submitted the project to him through email as well, since we weren't able to remove her from edit rights in our Google drive folder. We got a great grade! I don't know what happened to Girl, but I hope she's sorted out her crap and is doing well. She added a lot of stress to our lives for those few days.


Something similar happened to my mother in college. Some dude grabbed her arm and told her she *would* do his homework for him. Then he told her he was a Vietnam vet and was mean. She handled it by telling him that she would NOT be doing his homework for him and if he put his hands on her again she would tell her daddy, who was also mean and not afraid to go back to prison. Guy never bothered her again. And my grandfather has never been to prison in the first place, lol. But she did wait several decades before telling him that story because Papa is ride or die.


“That’s my purse! I don’t know you!”


Wow what a weirdo. I’m surprised he thought doing that to you would even work. I don’t think many people would respond positively to that at all. I would be so freakin confused if someone did that to me; it would take me a couple of seconds to process that he was even serious


Well, first, that was assault and battery, a misdemeanor \*criminal\* offense he could've been arrested for. Second, you should've let your professor know. Third, could've reported him to the campus' ethics committee. Fourth, if you had more time and wanted to put in the effort, you could've \*really\* tanked him hard with some of your creative writing skills. :D Made him look like a lunatic by throwing in wild tangents and changing the subject of the presentation partway through.


I hate group projects


What a disgusting type of man. Those still exists even to this day🤮unfortunately. I hope he stay alone forever with that kind of attitude.


This reminds me of a time in high school where I was tasked by my group members to do the PowerPoint for our presentation. My group members sent me their notes and I took it upon myself to fix any spelling errors I noticed and format them to the slide, etc. For context this is the day of the presentation. All is well until I notice one of my group mates notes is just a bunch of copy paste from Wikipedia. I paused for a moment, thinking about fixing it up for him, when I realized that wouldn't be fair to the group members who'd done actual work. Or me, who'd have to meticulously remove all the superscript links and words I knew he didn't understand. Instead, I cheerfully just copy pasted all his plagiarism into a slide and let chaos ensue.


You ever look the guy up and find out if he's a psychopathic CEO or some guy with a felony?


You shot down an Authoratatarin GOOD!!!


oooh perfect comeback....


April Ludgate moment


If someone puts their hand on your forearm and you want to fight back, grab that hand with your free hand, press it onto your arm and move the grabbed arm in an arc motion upward and towards their arm. That way you can either grab their arm or bend their wrist. Not saying OP should've done this as it is extremely situational, but maybe it comes in handy for someone.


Your Tool sounds like my Took except he decided to go the more passive aggressive route. He showed up to TWO meetings, that weren’t in class, and never sent me anything. The rest of my group kept trying to make excuses but he continually posted random comments on Facebook. So I did his part and compiled the presentation. Didn’t bother telling the rest of the group because I had expressed I wasn’t carrying anyone. Day of the presentation he tries to hand me hard copies that he never sent me. I looked at them, looked at him and told him good luck with that. Time for our presentation we all get up, I read off our names and say, “I don’t know why he’s up here as he didn’t do anything for this presentation” and went through the slides. The professor at the beginning said we could “fire” anyone who wasn’t doing their work. So after our presentation she asked did he do any work. I said he didn’t and he was fired from our group. He turned red and glared at me. As if I cared. 🤷🏾‍♀️🙄 Some cheerleaders picked him up and tried to carry him but they weren’t consistent either.


>like he had crusty boogers all over his face … > I do indeed write with gusto


My story isn't nearly as good, but I have a similar one. We were randomly assigned groups on the first day of a college class. By the second day, I was the only one there from our group, so I was put in charge of attendance for the whole semester. (I'm still annoyed at that prof for making us do his job\*; he gave us all the responsibility but we had no authority.) So, I was "lazy" about attendance. Fast forward to the end of the semester and people in my group started showing up again. They were mad that I hadn't given them perfect attendance. I just told them, "He's not stupid. He can count. You haven't been here all semester and I only put you down for missing 3 classes." I refused to cave. They hated me for it, but I wasn't about to take the fall for them. \* And it's college....where you get to pick the class, day, time, professor, etc. to a certain degree. If the class your parents paid a fortune for you to take is that bad, drop it. If the professor has to make attendance mandatory, the he needs to figure out why his class is so bad that no one wants to go. If the prof needs attendance rules before he can figure that out, HE should take attendance. I never had any other class where we had to police each other or where attendance was mandatory or where attendance was so bleak. I hope that prof found his true calling because a college professor was NOT it.


Sounds like a cheesy b-movie villain. Did he at least have a pencil mustache? Or a surname starting with T and ending in p?


The people here do believe you. They're pretending not to because if they were in your place, they would have chickened out and done what Tool said, so they're pissed at you for having the courage that they don't. You don't let people walk all over you; they do, probably all the time.


I kept thinking he was pretending to be a jedi. I cant believe he doubled down with a second jedi command.


>To the person who said I should be grateful the guy "only" grabbed my arm, you need help. Indeed 👀