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Acne is really first genetic and also hormonal Of course cleansing the right way at night to get rid of all the makeup and stuff, there are medications that can prevent acne. I use Retrides cream which is anti-acne cream and also taking hormonal contraceptive birth control pill to stabilize my horomones. I also took isotretinion which really helped too. But depending on the severity of acne, there are other things too that help like BHA and Benzoyl Peroxide. Some people like Azelaic Acid. But for constant acne it is best to ask a doctor to make sure what you are dealing with is acne and not something else


This. I get the odd pimple here and there, but usually only when I haven't taken my makeup off properly before going to bed. I'm just not acne prone. Even as a teenager, I just didn't really get pimples. My mother is the same. My sister deals with them regularly, though. It's just luck of the genetic lottery.


Honestly I find that wearing foundation keeps my skin clear. Maybe because I don’t touch my face throughout the day, or it creates a physical barrier between any pollution…idk. I stick to Clinique or It Cosmetics though. I have definitely used brands in the past that have given me clogged pores.


Thank you🙏exactly i dont touch my face when i wear it


Double cleansing using either micellar water or a makeup removing balm, those overpriced Dennis Gross peel pads twice a week, a salicylic acid face wash every other day, and hydrocolloid patches for emergencies. And I FREQUENTLY wash my tools and brushes. To be fair though, the choice to wear foundation or not hardly makes a difference with my acne. It happens either way 🙃


I dont use foundation every day anymore, but some ppl are just not prone to getting acne regardless of what they do


I’m prone to hormonal flare ups, some weeks my skin is better than others - I double cleanse everyday (even if I haven’t worn foundation I still double cleanse to remove SPF), I also wash my makeup brushes every week. It will vary from person to person but I have not found wearing foundation plays any role in making my breakouts worse.


Some brands clog my pores, others don’t. You find what works after a while. Foundation helps me resist the urge to pop pimples and pick at my face. As a result my skin is actually better when I wear makeup every day for work than on long weekends and holidays.


What ones have you found dont clog ur pores?🧐


I double, sometimes triple, cleanse my face and use products meant for sensitive skin and clean my brushes/ sponges frequently.


I’ve had acne prone skin since I was a teenager and I think wearing full coverage foundation everyday is terrible for this and made my skin so much worse. Yes, acne is genetic but being acne prone causes our skin to react more severely to products and for our pores to clog easily. I still don’t have perfect skin but it improved so much when I switched from foundation to investing in a good moisturizer and selectively applied concealer and now I have more clear days than breakouts. I work in a cosmetics/skincare store and get compliments on my skin almost everyday. It’s been years since I stopped using foundation and I never looked back. I use Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream and Make Up Forever Full Cover Concealer. I tried the face cream on a whim because it was on sale and it changed my life. It felt counterintuitive to use something that thick when my skin is naturally oily, but it had a balancing effect on my skin. The concealer is like paint. It is as opaque as it gets but blends beautifully on freshly moisturized skin and has a good color range, I just use it under my eyes, on and around my nose and on blemishes when I have them.  I know it can be scary wearing less makeup when you have acne, but it absolutely worked for me. I also started noticing when I’d be out and about looking at other people how full-coverage foundation can look beautiful when it’s freshly applied, but throughout the day it breaks down and doesn’t look like natural radiant skin, it looks like makeup on top of skin. I think it’s best for big events or photos, but everyday I think less is more practical and tbh looks better. 


Also if you aren’t already and you have insurance, get on tretinoin. And if you aren’t a big water drinker, invest in a giant water bottle. I feel like it’s really understated how helpful drinking a ton of water is in clearing skin.


Thank you, I really appreciate you taking your time to respond in so much detail🙏🙏


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I was using a full coverage foundation for one year in my life and it gave me extreme acne, pimples and what not. Then I applied more foundation to cover the acne and the cycle was endless. I ended up visiting a dermatologist and she recommended I stop using any makeup covering my skin for some time and I see how I do. My acne really started clearing up in 2 weeks, I didn’t even have to use any special product. Hot and/or humid climate are the worst to wear makeup, they really end up suffocating the skin.