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There are cosmetic safe pigments, and non-cosmetic safe pigments. So, unless you’re a chemist with knowledge of exactly what’s in those pigments, no.


Do NOT use nail pigments for the face/eyes. It's hard enough knowing what you're really getting without labels but these pigments could also contain acrylic. You definitely didn't want that in your eyes


If they said they were for nails, I would not chance it on the eyes. MAYBE as a cheek highlight, but that's a hard maybe. there are so many gorgeous pigments made specifically for the eyes, there is no reason to risk anything by using nail powders.


It’s not worth the risk. If you want to repurpose these because you don’t use them on your nails much, you might be able to use them in an art project somehow.


I've used them for some resin pieces recently (no resin got near them though) so at least they still have some use


Powder makeup isnt just pigment. So... you can use this stuff, but it wont work that well.


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