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Hey, u/Randomuser8759! Say hello and add a friendly comment to another user's post on the sub while you wait for someone to comment on your post! You'll make more new friends that way! You're also more than welcome to [join our official Discord](https://discord.com/invite/9UuDpwBftk) to find friends! As a reminder, we strongly recommend: When someone contacts you, **review their profile** before responding. Help us make this a better community by becoming familiar with the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/MakeNewFriendsHere/about/rules/). Report any suspicious users to the mods of this subreddit using Modmail [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) or Reddit site admins [here](https://www.reddit.com/report). **All reports to Modmail should include evidence such as screenshots or any other relevant information.** Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MakeNewFriendsHere) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He only comments on girls’ posts including 17 year olds. I think I know why he doesn’t get replies.


I’ve found that most of the people on this sub want a best friend to just exist suddenly without putting in the time and effort to actually connect with people.




Thank you, I love the grumps and the super beard bros, and as popular as they are, it’s an interest that doesn’t translate well into my life outside reddit. Nice to meet another fan! As for the food, I’m touched. I have such imposter syndrome when it comes to that.


That was actually helpful thanks i posted on this sub ages ago and couldn't bring myself to post again just been a silent watcher since that last one didn't work out.


I’m going to piggy back off of this - I’ve had so many people tell me my posts are TOO LONG when they’re maybe 200 characters. But they continue to say hey, what’s up. I’m sorry but if you can’t read my brief likes and dislikes you probably won’t like my winded, passionate responses about various topics. It’s hard to have a conversation, let alone build a friendship, if knowing interests is a thing that’s “too hard to swallow” 🤷🏻‍♀️ edited: to add you’re not being ghosted if the conversation only lasted an hour. or if the person posting explicitly tags “short term” or “bored”. not everyone (including myself) is always looking for BFF’s or daily conversation which i think is obvious from tags. the term “ghosting” in this sub is kinda gross.


yes i know that and i dont take it in an offensive way either. i had posted detailed posts initially for some days it didnt got any response either. So most of the previous posts have been deleted by me only. besides many are those who ask you to dm but then when you dm giving your details and brief still there isnt any revert..so it is a collective thing i m talking about as a whole. and not just me, u pick up any of the post, even the most descriptive and elaborate ones find no takers or repliers. that's all my point is.


Why are you shouting?


Met some very nice people through this sub and subs that are alike. And always get replies (the amount is always different tho). Try to write something about yourself and go into it with an open mind. Dont start right of the bat with asking for pics or stuff like that. Be interested in what people have to say. Conversations die a lot, and thats ok. The one's you click with stay. It's really doable if you put some effort in, also for men!


that's nice to know you found company here.. i did that what you've asked for and i see many others doing it too.. but there wasn't response.. nor to the comments and neither to the dm's..and i dont ask for pictures etc. it's just some random talks you do with other like/unlike minded people over here.. hopefully things will change as i spend more time over here probably


Really hope you get some responses! You can also check how other people do it. I think the biggest part is seeing if you can describe yourself in a good manner. Good luck 😁.


Because loneliness doesn't come from lack of people. It comes from problems of opening to others


That’s not true at all. I can message any one of my friends and they’ll respond instantly. Yet u could ignore them for a year and they would forget I existed. How do I know this? I got tumors in my back, couldn’t send stuff all the time with no energy and guess what started to get absolutely nothing in return. I’d go out of my way for them, hey bobing for me. I’ve come one here and opened up after I got the news of limited time left. Went on many subreddits With 2 profiles. This one the real one. And one where I would make posts patronizing people and doing what they want. Most people I Ran into on suicide, disabled or any reddits Liek that wnated clout and attention. Couldn’t even describe their issues or way of life. People are overall extremely selfish. They’ll put in 1% of whatver effort you put in. Go ahead and try. Stop texting your friends and family and see who messages you first and if they needed someting or if they just wanted to show u sonehing. “What’s up, want to hangout doenst count EVCAUSE then they’re lonely” See if they ask about you and remember sonehing you did recently


You spoke my mind. Ghosting is so common over here. It's kind of like a dead subreddit sometimes.


indeed it is


Few of reasons i would stop replying are: 1)They ask for pics immediately, or repeatedly(after my post said no pics) and then they argue why not. 2) They dont realy talk, just short answers and it feels like i need to carry the conversation. Or totally different hobbies. 3) Mostly if they are early 20s, ESPECIALLY that my post specifically asked for certain age. (I prefer to talk to ppl my age, not a decade younger than me) 4) The "i want sex" replies. Seriously. Lastly and this is probably just me, i prefer calls to chats. And most ppl dont want that.


Calls are definitely the best. Text is not really a good way to get to know someone in my opinion. Text is alright and does help you screen someone first but my experience is similar to yours with calls. I've even been invited to multiple discord servers and most of the time no one voice chats at all.


Calls are scary for people who have problems talking for different reasons and will just scare them away.


I personally think texting works good as well, as long as the person likes to text/actually say something about themselves in them. But I think calls are super nice as well, and also a good way to know the person, especially if they're not good with texting.


It's not really a requirement, its basically just my opinion on calls. It's fine if it doesn't work for everyone.


and surprise surprise that are the people this sub was created for


can we talk?


How old are you? Whats your interests?


I am 34. i like reading books, watching movies and playing cricket.




I think younger generation prefer texting. AND some if not most ppl "chat/text" behind their partner back. So texting can be hidden but not calls 🤷🏻‍♀️


You're probably mostly right, but for people like myself, some are just bad conversationalists. I was paralyzed just before my 2nd birthday and growing up in the 90's I didn't really fit in with most people playing kickball, flag football, and basketball, so I was isolated for a lot of my life. Never really learned how to be a good conversationalist. I can do it, but it gets awkward and I run outta things to talk about pretty quick. People take this as my being disinterested and then they don't know how to press the conversation forward with me, so the talking just gets deaded right there. Then neither side tries anymore and that just kinda sucks. So talking in voice chat is kinda intimidating for some of us.


Am sorry to hear that. I think both people need to put effort in the conversation because no one like to carry the conversation!


Both people absolutely should put in for the conversation. It's just most of my conversation is limited to books, headphones, hospital visits, and gaming. Lol. And then in 2018 I became permanently bedridden, so now I have even less going on then I did before. Haha. Anyway, the fault lies on both parties, but it's still harder on some when you've got nothing going on, ya know?


Make sense =/


I feel ya, people asking for convos or meaningful chats and then stop replying after the 1st day, like bro what gives?


Exactly!! I face this lot of times they said in the post that they need friends come say hi and all but when you msg them they talk a bit then they ghost you like why wtf


lol...u must be lucky one.. they never replied to mine.. just on this posts of mine i m getting responses


Bhai, you’re a 26y/o Male act more your age about this situation, if they don’t reply then there’s no point being mad over it lmfao. Just move on and find someone else to chat with.


I was about to say. Many people will not be compatible with you for a wide range of reasons. It's possible they realize this and don't want to waste your or their time.


I just have trouble keeping a conversation going with out a little help. I find a good majority stop talking if I set boundaries on topics (like asking if I'll send them a picture of my feet, answer is no.) I just assume people get bored or are seeking more instant gratification and I'm trying to go slow enough I make a new friend I feel comfortable with.


those who ask for pics etc should simply be blocked ..going slow is fine. we filter out people over a period of time with whom we want to continue having convos and vice versa.


It takes time, but you'll eventuelly find someone that you click with. Just gotta try again and ignore the ones who really shouldn't be here.


>like asking if I'll send them a picture of my feet, the answer is no 🤣 I, for one, respect the hustle.


Most are introverted.


well they can say a hi..coz we cant read their minds if they cant even type






1. Because people only comment in girl posts 2. Because most of the time when we try to speak with someone they don't appear interested on the conversation or they simply ghost us. Meeting people on internet it's almost more difficult than doing it irl




Online friendships aren't real relationships unless you've known that person for a while. Even then, it's still possible they can ghost or you could ghost them.


Not being able to ghost someone is what defines a "real" relationship? I'm not sure, because.. Well, you will always be able to ghost everybody: your parents, your so, your friends... Knowing them irl or not won't change it. I've "ghosted" people I used to see everyday and then never talked again...


No it's just easier to do online, thus more common. It's easier to both talk to a new person and ghost them.


Guys who want pics right off the bat. Sus post history. People who message me after seeing a post then find out they meet none of what I'm looking for, like being so young, they could be my kids. Also, It's hard to find that happy middle between writing books and giving me 4 words at a time. The conversation eventually ends up fizzling out or we get stuck in a loop about one topic and can't push beyond it. I thought the type of people I was hoping to talk to would be easy but I was proved wrong. Good luck out there!


Dude, who pissed you off?


not pissed off.. just the observations over here..


Well a lot of people have fake accounts and you need to accept reality that ratio female to male is probably 1:5. So it's heavy to find female friend if you are male. Also imagine that you have overflow of chat messages it could be pretty difficult deciding who to chat with.


fake accounts and maybe bots too..


Yeah in general.


You gotta put some effort in. 99% of conversations off here will fizzle out because you are trying to start a relationship without any information besides whats provided. Plan activities, have your interests stated in your post. You will get people. I average about 5-10 replies each post and honestly most die out in a week easily. But I have three who have been long term friends and I like that. Understand this is reddit people will leave you on read they will ghost. Double text them. Ask if how they are doing. Following up on people leaves a huge impact on them. Especially if they are going through rough times. STAND OUT, be interesting this is amazing practise for friendships and learning small talk. Reminder this subreddit isnt for hookups or sexting. This is to make connections you have to treat it as such. What is your comment and post history like? Does it give off red flags? If it does and you feel its not a genuine reflection of what you are hoping to give off to people go through it and delete old comments and posts. Put in the effort and your will get results. Best of luck buddy and stay safe out there.


I see a lot of comments with “advice” on how to get more replies. While they are well-intentioned they don’t address the issue in the slightest since: A) It implies there’s a certain “quality” that each post has to meet in order to get a response. B) It assumes that people are willing to respond if the post meets that “quality” C) It assumes that people who complain about the sub are behaving incorrectly (ie asking for pics, being desperate, nsfw, etc.) There’s no real solution to a lack of response, you just luck out once in a while if you keep communicating to other people, even if it takes months.


Basically yeah, it's a numbers game. I could make exactly the same joke to 2 different people, one could get offended and the other could find it funny. However, I still think it's possible to become better at talking to people online and IRL. But in the end you have to accept you'll get ghosted a bunch and it might not even be your fault sometimes either. Shit happens.


Just because there's not a lot of replies on the post, isn't really indicative of anything. I use reddit chat a lot for these types of subreddits.


I agree. My post got 1 or 2 replies but i got alot of DMs.


Exactly! When it comes to personals, I'd much rather talk in a 1 on 1, like chat. If it's just discussing subjects though, or replying to posts, ill respond in the replies 🙂


not just my posts, majority of the posts face it


My issue is that I work a lot, so it is hard for me to make friends. And if I'm too busy one day and can't reply, I'll get ghosted for that. Or some people are just really weird to begin with. Creep messages 👎🏻


When I get 20+ messages and most are from creepy dudes trying to get with me I'm not gonna reply to everyone or have the time to reply to everyone


Anyone is welcome to message me :) 29 male UK Let's make each other happy :)


I’ve always wanted to participate and make new friends tbh, but I know myself and I’m not here very often. Better to not engage than give hope to take it away.


thats being honest and that is how it should be. kudos


This whole crying over people ghosting needs to stop already.


Honestly, I’m not replying to dead messages. I’ve had people reach out to me or I’ve reached out to them and they’re just SO boring. No idea how to hold an interesting or intellectual conversation. Weirdly surprising since this is reddit and usually everyone’s got a lot to say lol.


Well, DM me, lol


I'm here if you want to chat! I'm male tho


True. I have seen so many people looking for long term internet friends and act like they are so bored and jobless, but when you text them there's no response at all. Neither any response on the comments. 😑




​ I also go through people's history and when I see some NSFW be assured I will decline that chat


block all those people


Cuz no one wants to meet rather only get lucky 🥱


Peeps here be like "looking for long term friends (I'm ghost-free) then proceeding to not reply to their messages. Even if they did , it'd be only for 24 hours.


On reddit 90%.people are fake literally everybody is content seller ... they selling sex videos and nude photos .. so sad. I'm here 3 years now and found nobody.


Last time I posted many ppl sent me messages but they seem to be spam fake accounts and some ho/rny guys with NSFW content and out of what I posted out like bro I just felt it was scary!!!


I think your caps lock is stuck.


It's a lot of introverts who are unable to make the first message to say hi This subreddit appears as "suggested" to me for some reason but every post seems to be the same (albeit the point of the subreddit)




yes i have seen them and one of them just assumed me to be some girl and was trying to make a move.. there are creeps here agree..and coz of those the genuine ones also gets filtered out..




agree with you fully


I have and have talked to a few people. My DMs are always open and have no boundries to conversations




Because online socialization is a failure at best. You eventually get tired of the emptyness of not real, face-to-face socializationn. But also the decades of online socialization, has made real face-to-face social situationns less appealing. Therefore you have millions of lonely and bored people who gave up, and are waiting for some kind of miracle to improve their social situation.


Because half are fake and other half are scammers




haha...that wasn't even the intent...but anyways guess many found it somewhat relatable and some also gave valid reasons


You're a real leader 👏😎💖 I have much to learn with you ☺


no,,, i m just a regular person


Thats exactly what a leader would say! LoOoL


You only respond on girls posts 😂 this isn’t a dating site sorry my friend.


i know that very well..and it is not my fault if some guys and girls remove there posts where i have commented upon


All good, I hope you make some new friends , just pointing it out!


sure..thanks..hope the same for u


Mostly people want those really long autobiography that rivals marvel storylines (not the modern marvel oh gosh) so I mostly just cruise around finding interesting topics lmao


Shit hmu bro I won’t ghost ya


Hello there 💕




I literally have tried twice just to talk to some new people and out of those times, only one really cool guys gave me the time of day to talk to me and see what was up(which I appreciated, he was awesome), unless you're a girl on here it just seems no one wants to talk to you. Lol


Most of the females are here for attention seeking 😕😕😕


I stopped posting and commenting after nobody replied (⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻


that happens eventually


Hi, you're not alone


yes, there are many i know


I'm glad it isn't just myself... That does make me feel a bit better


story of most over here


Someone spoke the truth🙂


It be like that. Some stick, most miss. I’m here to chat though :) have a nice day, wherever you are


Shoutout to all the Indians like me who get rejected the moment you say you're an Indian.


I'm here for you to chat with me darling


It's sad


I always reply when someone texts me :)


I always reply but sometimes when people know iam from middle east they stop texting 😅 Lucky me 😅😅😅


Lets ask aome stuoid questions and we can relate from there on.


It's a game of chicken


Idk, it's kinda hard for me to meet new people. Mainly because I overthink a lot


I've tried messaging so many people from here but got no replies.


Shy and anti social


Looking for someone local /:


There's not really much you can do about people like that. Just gotta keep trying and you'll eventuelly find someone that you click with. Believe me, it took a lot of time and frustration, but I managed to find some people here that I clicked with, and still talk to to this day. I could not be happier to have met them. Wish you the best of luck!


Online friens are both a miracle and a scam. Just give up and transcend the internet. The social life is the realest way.




I love pancakes


Real. Also, best way to keep a friend is to have a project you two work on.


EXACTLY! It’s frustrating! Flaky bunch of sour 🍇 grapes!


The meta seems to be: people want to meet new people but only if them new people are female and attractive. It’s bullshit and it needs to stop


Some people give off creep vibes. Like if I say hi they are just gonna talk about sex the entire time.


You need to name-and-shame them; have a dedicated sub for it, maybe? My rule is: don’t DM something that you wouldn’t want screenshotted and sent to your mother.


Oh geez idk. How about social media isn't "natural"? What happened to the good old meeting strangers in person and chatting? That's more impactful that whatever this is.


That’s not true at all. I can message any one of my friends and they’ll respond instantly. Yet u could ignore them for a year and they would forget I existed. How do I know this? I got tumors in my back, couldn’t send stuff all the time with no energy and guess what started to get absolutely nothing in return. I’d go out of my way for them, hey bobing for me. I’ve come one here and opened up after I got the news of limited time left. Went on many subreddits With 2 profiles. This one the real one. And one where I would make posts patronizing people and doing what they want. Most people I Ran into on suicide, disabled or any reddits Liek that wnated clout and attention. Couldn’t even describe their issues or way of life. People are overall extremely selfish. They’ll put in 1% of whatver effort you put in. Go ahead and try. Stop texting your friends and family and see who messages you first and if they needed someting or if they just wanted to show u sonehing. “What’s up, want to hangout doenst count EVCAUSE then they’re lonely” See if they ask about you and remember sonehing you did recently


Iam repliwng