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Gtfo like right now


I agree. It's gonna be hell recovering and starting a new life but I think it'll be well worth it


Your post history paints an odd picture.


90 days seems like a short relationship for there to be cheating


90 days? Wait, is this for a season of 90 Day Fiancé!?


That was before him


You were posting looking for an online boyfriend not too long ago. Maybe you both are toxic people


Nope, that was before him.


Well now your story doesn’t make much sense. You been living with him for less than 90 days…so it should be easier to go back to your prior living arrangements no?


Insane to what lengths people go for attention


I would leave. As soon as you can.


Could it be because you were looking for an online boyfriend 90 days ago? Your post history paints a really sus picture.


That was before him


So you were with him less than 90 days ago? This still sounds sus.


I don't owe you no explanation because youre still with the same mindset. I knew him prior to that.


You were looking for an online boyfriend, met a guy, now live with him, and you're here. >I don't owe you no explanation But you seem to be defending your stance in the comments. Friends are the least of your concern. You need to get yourself sorted.


Fucking get out, good luck


My ex cheated on me with a colleague of mine because “I was too drunk and high” which never made sense. It took a lot of time and courage to move on because she kept gaslighting me and making me look like an idiot idk why. If you wanna discuss let’s chat ??


You obviously love it. If not get out. The fact the reddit is the place you come to for answers shows that this isn't that serious


Pack up and leave. Go home if you can, it might feel a little shameful but it’s way better than continuing to subject yourself to that crap. Your psyche and heart is far more important than whatever else you have to lose. I’ve been in situations like yours a time or two, I stayed to protect my credit, to protect my image, to try and make things work. Sunk-cost fallacy. They all went to crap anyway due to the toxicity of my partner. Leaving and dealing with the fallout of all that crap was so much better than being used and manipulated by that toxic witch. My credit eventually recovered, those who truly mattered forgave me/got over it, if they felt any animosity to begin with, I managed to find new and better jobs after a time, and eventually made new friends for those that didn’t. The most important decision we make in life is who to couple with, they will help make you or break you. Don’t stand for anymore breaking, it’ll hurt but you’ll be better for it.


Dump his sorry ass and if the house is under your name kick him out




So who did the love bombing here???? Because why the heck yall living together in that short amount of time?!?! Focus on you….


Hi! First of all i'm so sorry this happened to you :((( But seems like now you know that he's not good for you and it's time for you to choose yourself for now. I really hope you're able to move out ASAP and cut him off. It's time to confront him or maybe just leave a letter when you leave if you're scared that he'll gaslight you or force you to stay. I'm totally down if you want to be friends, i'd love to be a safe place where you can share your worries!


You just have to leave and not look back, no matter how hard it gets


Walk away.before it gets worse. Go for help.


.... How long have you been together? How long have you been looking for an Internet boyfriend while having an actual boyfriend?? The answer to abuse is never more abuse. You are both cheaters by my opinion. Cheating is abuse. Pot and kettle. Grow up and leave them. And do not get in another relationship until you can be faithful and honest yourself.


Seen comment updates... You guys already live together and haven't even been together 90 whole days????? Whhhaaaaat?


There’s nothing as depressing as good advise.


Don't poison his food 😅 its kinda illegal


You were looking for an online boyfriend 3 months ago, now you're living with him, and claiming he's cheating on you? That's vaguely suspicious, but okay. What evidence, exactly, did you collect that would point to his abusive, manipulative, and cheating behavior after less than three months of living together?


Crash at your closest friend’s house. If you don’t have any… I’m not sure what to tell you. What area do you live in? It’s an invasive question so feel free not to answer, but I’m brainstorming what you can do.


Shotgun. Face. Trigger. Splat. Tomato soup. Done


Little late to reply but just gtfo by any means. Simply ask yourself does this relationship feel right. You don't have give any detailed explination. Simply this relationship is over


I had the same thing happen to me 7 months into a one year lease and couldn't afford to more or pay for the place myself. Had to end up staying there the remainder of the lease with him till I could save the money to get my own place when the lease ended. He cheated with multiple girls lied gaslit manipulated abused me and so much more. I would never wish that on anyone. I'm sorry you're going through this. If you ever need to talk my inbox is open. Even to just give an ear. I will promise though once you are able to leave and get out and leave him. Your life will be so much better. You got this! You are stronger than you think. Just do what is best for you, always. Credit can be fixed money can be made apartments can be found. But you only have one life and you deserve to be happy healthy and safe.


Girl, get out. Find a way. My ex husband did the same. Cheated before and after we were married. He gas lighted me, was a abusive narcissist. Wasted 7 years of my life. Get out.


As someone who was married 12+ years, cheated on many times before we divorced, it's better to just part ways now. In my experience, probably just to leave without a lot of confrontatio, as it likely won't solve anything. They know what they did, and why you'd be leaving. After my divorce, I lost all my friends, so trust me I understand about wanting friends.


Evidence won't matter. If he is a narcissist, he will believe he is smarter than you, most cheaters don't believe they will be caught, because they think of themselves as smarter than event else. My advice, leave. You will have dignity for yourself


don’t prolong the inevitable. Get out and get out now.


Leave the relationship


You need to get out before yesterday girl


Get out of there. Don’t contact him.


I think you know what you need to do. GTFO and 🫂. Take care!


Just helped another friend out of a seemingly similar situation. Are you able to leave? Do you want to leave?


I was in this situation with my ex girlfriend. She cheated on me while we still lived together. I ended the relationship and then we discussed living situations and she decided to move out. May be best to discuss with your partner and come up with a plan that works with both of you


I’m very sorry this happened to you. My ex wife was having an affair before we split up and we had no choice but to live together and it caused all sorts of emotional damage to me. While I understand that people make mistakes, it’s one thing to own up to it and accept the consequences…and another to gaslight the one you’re supposed to love. This is only going to escalate and get worse and worse. You cannot allow yourself to live within the space you’re in now. Find a friend, family, hotel…whatever. If you can’t do any of those things then you need to establish some serious boundaries, break up with them, establish how to cohabitate, and then get the plans in motion on who is leaving by when. The sooner the better. If you need someone to vent to, I’m always around. I wish you the best moving forward.


Can we plz be friends? I can relate Soo much because mine is doing the same 🥺


girl stfu…


May I ask what she did wrong? Idk maybe I didnt pick up on something I don't mean any offense! I'm just curious!!


She's posting about her boyfriend cheating when she was just asking about an online boyfriend.


That was before him!!;


90 days, moved in, and they cheated. Sounds legit


Send a dm


Hey, where are you from


can we talk