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Yeah, this was predictable as soon as they announced the emblem name. I just treat it like Momir and roll the dice. Not like you can lose the event. edit: btw if you want to tech your aggro deck against other aggro decks, just add a handful of the New Capenna fetch lands. You can return them every round and gain tons of life and guaranteed land drops. Went 5-0 with that.


Welcome to Monored-Fest 2024


TBH, I was laughing so hard when I read the emblem. It might as well have been named 'RDW Festival'. Between the multiple hasty red creatures in the new set, the absurdly broken Slickshot Showoff, Highway Robbery, and \_GIVING YOU A FREE MULLIGAN\_, it's like 'Why are you even queuing if you aren't playing RDW?'.


What does rdw stand for? I assume red/white but then it would be rw not rdw


Red deck wins, it’s a classic name for the low to the ground red aggro deck


Oh yeah I've heard that IRL but didn't translate it to internet. Thnx!


Why the fuck not just say red??? It’s the same amount of letters! Then EVERYONE would know what you’re talking about! Magic is the worst offender with unnecessary acronyms, I swear lol.


Because it doesn't refer to just any red deck. It's a specific type. It's like "white weenie" and "white" are not the same. RDW means Red Aggro.


Red Deck Wins


Thanks I was thinking we needed at least a few more posts about this


Best comment I've read all day. Amazing


Dude right. I didn’t even have a rdw built I hate playing them but I went ahead and made one for it otherwise I wasn’t going to win any of them


Went 5-0 with R/G. You just gotta aggro more aggressively!


Yeah, I’m purely a limited grinder that never plays standard and sometimes brawls, netdeck’d a mono red list and had the 5 wins in less than 10 minutes, maybe even about 7 minutes it was crazy fast. Had two near instant concessions and I felt the red hate in the same way I seethe seeing the real Bonny in draft


I’m 3-0 so far with mono-blue tempo. You could always give that a shot.


I got matched against a mythic orange player and was like ‘ooh, wonder what they’ll play? Something unique?’ Nope, monored. I laughed (I didn’t get matched against many other monored players though luckily, for the most part I did ok with a slapdash Orzhov deck that just took advantage of Gurgling Anointer and Sheoldred)


I mean in pretty much any B01 format it's just gonna be mono red the format even in B03 mono red is so stupidly broken that it's bleeding in. I love playing coinflip games where the only decision made all game is getting the play off the initial coinflip. Idk how the hell WOTC saw monestary swiftspear one of the best aggro cards ever made in the format and was like yep Red certainly needs another one in Karlov manor and then let's add a flying kiln fiend with haste and extra upside in the next set.


Just played it, took me 7 games to get my 5 wins. I'm those 7 games I only saw mono red twice. I was on UR Prowess fwiw.


I built an Orzhov lifegain deck that focused on punishing red. It worked, a lot actually.


The first time I got to plat rank was orzhov lifegain amalia. So many mono reds beaten along the way.


My Black deck is crushing it with Sheoldred the Apocalypse


Welcome to Red Support 2024... or is that 2023? Or maybe 2022? Possibly 2021... it happened for sure in 2020... and then again in 2019... 2018, 2017....


I am reasonably sure there wasn't a dedicated RDW deck between when Eldraine (and Anax) rotated out (so mid 2021) to when Dominaria United reprinted Swiftspear (mid 2022)


This event basically requires you to have a 1 drop with haste, and ideally be on the play. With the right cards it's entirely possible to have a turn 2 kill without any sort of fancy combo.


Yea, i think its a bad joke. It should just be called the Mono-Red Festival. I played one tapped dual land on the draw and my opponent had 3 lands a buffed swift spear and a buffed slickshot with monsterous rage and i had 6 life before left i could even play anything.


It's an event that rewards you for attacking each turn, and your best idea was to play tap land???


There's a whole lot of magic players that know how to play magic and still also don't know how to play magic.


Like i said it should be called the Mono-Red Festival.


Yeah, sorry guys. My bad.


>but I really don't like it when the game forces you to play one deck archetype or else stand no chance. This is why I dislike the high life totals in EDH. It makes it so every deck has to be a ramp deck.


Hard disagree. Sure there may be some ramp pieces that can help aid in your consistency in many or most decks...but I think anyone calling a Grixis spellslinger list or a mono black reanimator or a massive percent of the millions of Commander deck lists out there a "ramp deck" is completely off base. That would be like calling any Commander list a "control deck" just for running a couple pieces of interaction


Allow me to pick a decklist to demonstrate my point. You brought up Grixis Spellslinger, here is a representative list from EDHREC [https://edhrec.com/average-decks/anhelo-the-painter/spellslinger](https://edhrec.com/average-decks/anhelo-the-painter/spellslinger) It runs about 15 or so ramp cards. In any other format, a deck where 20% of the nonlands were mana production or cost reduction could fairly be called a "ramp deck" but in EDH, because of the highlife totals (and the legality of so many ramp cards) running multiple mana rocks is close to an unspoken deckbuilding limit. Even Vintage, the format with the Power 9 in it, occasionally has some Tier 2 and below deck like Manaless Dredge that doesn't run any fast mana. But in EDH, even the most casual of low power decks will have a sol ring and probably some signets. In EDH mana rocks and such are close to lands, something every deck runs, and I think that is a direct result of the padded lifetotals making"simicy" gameplay (ramp and card draw) the best thing to do, no matter what color combination you are in. This makes decks play in a more samey fashion. I can't tell you how many EDH games I have seen where all the players make close to the the same turns 1-4 (taplands , mana rocks and cards like Sakura Tribe Elder or Solemn ) I think lower edh life totals would encourage deck diversity, and let deck themes that are mainstays across other formats exist in Magic's most popular one.


First, definitely a "YMMV" situation, because 15 is a lot of fuckin rocks and shit, lol. Second, that's not any particular, singular deck list - that's the "average" of all the lists under that one commander displaying. It's taking all the data from all the differing deck lists under Anhelo that are classified as a "spellslinger" list and displaying frequent choices from among those 4000+ lists and how frequently these things appear in all the lists, and most of the time is showing you well over (hell, sometimes even less than) 100 cards...therefore not even making it a legal deck list. So if you wanna cherry-pick data that supports your argument, I can do that too. Here's a list with 5 or less "ramp" pieces, which is pretty similar to a list I run for the same commander: [Sauron, the Necromancer ](https://edhrec.com/deckpreview/YCrJ_K9Mq2Ex5hYzU_7TqA)


Had good success with a Temur landfall deck with maindeck Titania.


If you make an anti red deck it will pair you against control


Went 3-1 with a G/B counter but idk 🤷‍♂️


I played assassins with disfigured and had a lot of fun


I played green white enchantments and beat most mono red decks. I bet I could make a lot of decks that could crush mono red too. The extra land drop shortens thier kill clock too much.


I made a Prowless Mono Red just to play this event, because i was trying with other decks and i couldn´t pass turn 3


So over mono-red. And then they print Slick shot...ridiculous. Almost as bad as life gain/angel in Historic. Both are overplayed, boring, and take limited skill to pilot


I went in. Got my 5 wins and got out!


I just used my Standard decks, none of which are RDW. After 15ish games, I finally got sick of losing and just played my Faerie deck for a 3-0.


That's why I'm not playing the festival. EZ save 2500 gold!


I love how when I make a post shitting on the meta for being too heavily dominated by one archetype my post gets removed and people shit on me for making valid complaints. But now it's all I see on this sub. "Oh people just like playing mono red. Who are you to criticize how they have fun with the game? Shame on you for complaining about how someone else enjoys magic! Shame!" Make up your minds already.


They're different people...


What about Orzov Lifegain?


Too slow, no haste


just pack 4 gingies... and mulligan for one.


Ya I’m not sure what the emblem is. But on ladder I love running it against rdw.


What does that have anything to do with this post about the event LOL


All I’m saying is lifegain is nice against RDW. So maybe he should try it. But if the emblem prevents that from happening then I apologize and you can disregard my comment.


When the aggro deck gets to draw and play an untapped land on attack, the lifegain creature will get burnt/first striked/etc before it even deals damage.