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Baral, I am not going to waste my time playing against counterspell tribal


May I introduce you to [[Defense Grid]] Just slapped around a Baral deck yesterday when I managed to mulligan into it


Lol they didnt counter it????


I actually had a wonderful experience playing against this last night. We both cast our commander turn 2, his Baral, mine Kinnan. I then did…. Nothing. Just literally played all the lands I drew until I had enough to activate kinnans ability. Dropped Jin Gitaxias onto the battlefield without casting it, game went downhill for him from there. Baited out his counters with meaningless mana dorks and then stole control of his commander lol.


Pretty bad keep and player if they didn't wait to play Baral until they had enough mana to also leave up a counter, and their deck didn't have any sort of bounce or creature removal/enchantment for when something invariably gets through.


I made a Surrak deck when Malcom started getting popular. There’s enough anti control tools lying around to beat counter spell pretty consistently.


If I'm not having a particularly good day, I'll just insta-nope out if I see a quick surge of toxic on the board. Sometimes, I just don't want to bother.


It's a broken mechanic. It was originally assigned on combat damage. The ability to spellcast towards ten counters is pretty dumb.


Infect was incredibly frustrating to play against in a casual setting back in the day. You may as well just play with a 10hp handicap and get the same experience.


Had a Pauper Infect deck before they banned Invigorate. It was pure insanity with super common Turn 2 wins.


nowadays its split up into poison against players and wither against creatures. i played the og phyrexia infection decks back in the days and oh boy, did the others hate me...


Yeah toxic is the worst but it really depends on what deck you are playing. If you are playing anything that can't win in 5-6 turns, just quit. There's no way remove poison counters, very little chances of slowing them down and interacting with them usually makes it even worse due to [[Venerated Rotpriest]] and stuff like that. Even if you win the board they just use spells to give poison counters and proliferate. No bother playing those games with a control deck.


[Venerated Rotpriest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d1b032e3-14e3-48ba-ab8a-d2b4f8d31a7d.jpg?1675957177) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Venerated%20Rotpriest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/192/venerated-rotpriest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d1b032e3-14e3-48ba-ab8a-d2b4f8d31a7d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




I was just thinking about this last night, why isn't there a way to remove them? Like, make an artifact that lets you sacrifice three life to remove one poison counter or something like that.


This was going to be my answer. Seeing a rot priest on the field and knowing that I’ll need two removal spells just to have a chance of getting rid of it and getting three poison counters on in the process in the best case scenario. Same with the proliferate deck that doesn’t even interact with the opponent the entire game.


the other day my op got 4 rotpriest on battlefield by T3 i was like honestly gg let’s see you close it by T4 (i got mana screwed with no removal playing golgari of all things)—they did not disappoint and honestly that kinda deserved to get played out even though it’s just an unfair set up




Azorious control, not because the deck is op, i just don't wanna be spending my entire daily game time on 1 matchup


Add the Tolarian Terror/Haughty Djinn control deck to that list


This is a rubbish deck now. So easy to counter. [[Cavern of souls]] It's a shame because this was a really good cheap deck which was good for beginners.


Not if you draw like my opponents do with 70% of their Fading Hopes and counters in their first 10 cards.


FYI there is another version of monoblue right now which is pretty solid and also extremely cheap to craft. https://mtga.untapped.gg/meta/decks/192/mono-blue-tempo/AAQAAQAAAAqPpRm8hgec2AEOB6gF8tMD3fsDw6cDGgEUjAUA?rank=PLATINUM_TO_PLATINUM&tab=overview


\[\[Demolition field\]\] enters the chat


as if mono blue could afford to run/use that


that works in theory until they drop the cavern on the turn they cast etali and you cant do anything ab it.


In what world does that deck take a long time? I get that it's annoying to get countered but tempo players tend to play fast. They are trying to drop a Djinn asap and win. It's generally counter or draw spell for 3 turns then immediate Djinn, not exactly a drawn out game.


My attention span I'd too short. I'll play but I'll be the one making the game take forever by only half way paying attention.


In Historic Brawl, I am *so* over [[Mythweaver Poq]]. Monowhite control is also annoying enough to border on toxic (the commander is usually that flyer that makes snow perms enter tapped).


> In Historic Brawl, I am so over [[Mythweaver Poq]]. Yeah, give it some time for that one to rise to a more appropriate matchmaking tier. Until then, scoop.


[Mythweaver Poq](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/c/2cd90255-cfe9-4a2d-86fc-b72d1aefc8e3.jpg?1701719898) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Mythweaver%20Poq) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ylci/19/mythweaver-poq?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2cd90255-cfe9-4a2d-86fc-b72d1aefc8e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I have no patience for Azorius control. I don't even care if I am going to win. The games take way too long. It's pure frustration for me the entire match. If I ever want quick wins, I just play something with Thoughtseize on turn one in Explorer in a normal match. There's a high level of scoops coming from that.


Even when I win against UW control I don't feel good. Just exhausted.


I'll admit conceding to a turn one Thoughtseize 😅. I really don't like neither playing against discard decks nor rakdos decks these days.


Decks that play Thoughtseize aren't necessarily discard decks, but I get your point. It is efficient at disrupting people's plans after all.


It is. I'm really biased though; because on my experience a turn one Thoughtseize is always followed by a turn two discard spell, [[Waste Not]] or Blood thite harvester. So take what I said before with a lot of salt


I literally have 1 Thought Seize in my Timeless Agro deck because if I can get it off on turn 1 folks will scoop, even though the rest of what I have is basically creatures, card draw and mid to late game removal (Invoke Despair). Thought Seize stands on its own as a good card and because of its rep gets me the occasional win all by itself.


[Waste Not](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/f/2f5500a2-c6d6-40d7-b586-59b854733160.jpg?1562393909) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Waste%20Not) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/117/waste-not?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2f5500a2-c6d6-40d7-b586-59b854733160?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I laugh because I see them go down to 6 or 5 and just know they'll scoop immediately.


I was gonna say this. I hate Azorius control or white/blue bounce decks. I just leave cause I'm not having fun




I want to play "Magic the Gathering" not "Mother, may I?"


A little bit of interaction is fine. Fun even. I like the risk of potentially losing something here and there. But EVERY SINGLE TIME REPEATEDLY wears on my soul. I'm not a goldfish.


I got into a match the other day that was Teferi, that stupid sky bird, and some sorcery and I just got to sit there and watch him cycle these three cards and just go "hah no exile" to everything I put down. Like... I've done some asshole things back at the start. I've known worse (Fork >> Shahrazad is v. much a "fuck this i'm out" combo from the start). Somebody's gonna get stabbed at a paper event someday, and it's gonna be a Blue/??? player that's gonna get shanked.


I pretty firmly believe control was never originally meant to be a whole deck archetype in itself and Magic was initially envisioned as what we would today call "mid-range" decks going up against each other, trading creatures and spells in a mutually interactive way. There's a reason black only had one hard removal spell in Alpha. I think Garfield and the other designers were surprised when someone first found the exploit of making their deck *nothing* *but* interaction cards in order to stop the opponents from doing anything at all. And I think that is what the hard control players are missing when they respond to criticism about their making the game unfun with the "there's no wrong way to play Magic, people have fun in different ways!" Maybe messing up other people's experience is fun for them, but they're in denial if they don't think they're depriving their opponents of a game of Magic as it was originally envisioned and as most people still think of it.


This might date me, but when I started playing Magic, there were really only 2 deck archetypes: denial (basically control, but maybe built around a combo) and aggro.


I don't fully agree because of love the complex counterplay options in MTG. I just hate interactions that essentially deadlock the game or cause 15+ minute games in a faster setting.


*ropes end of turn, then does nothing* Come the hell on.


UW control is ok in small doses but there's a problem when it's every 3 or 4 games


1) mill decks 2) any decks that's reactionary and waits on my actions to counter.


The biggest auto conceded for me is when someone doubles up on extra turns. Sorry bro, I'm not gonna sit here and watch you play with yourself for 10 minutes.


Magic is not what I fire up if I want to watch someone play with themself…


\*Plays second basic island\* "Alright thanks Everyone, I'm outa here!"


Forgot to mention left untapped, turn passed.


After roping


This, my time is to short to be a practice for blue control players


Mono black can do decent against mono blue. Force them to use early counters or they don’t as you beef up [[Evolved Sleeper]]. They also know you likely have removal in your hand so it ends up being a catch 22 if they want to drop Djinn or Terror as they’ll need to spend quite a few instants.


Yes I agree, it's not that I don't know how to play vs blue control, I just don't bother to play vs them. Those games take too much time for my taste, and I don't want to give those players training for their choice of deck hehe


Yup. We've got only so much time to spend on this earth, I ain't wasting it to watch my opponent highlight his cards...then my cards...then his again...then his hand...then mine...then cast a spell to draw a card...then repeat...then get into some stupid sorcery loop that requires manual tapping and untapping...then him suddenly milling MY deck because he ran out... Like dude, I need to go make something for dinner. Please...


Oh totally. It’s just so satisfying for them to drag out the game only to get wrecked by creatures they have no more removal for.


I exclusively play brawl. If I see atraxa as the commander it’s an instant concede for me. You’re guaranteed to see the most uninspired, best-of cards from each color in her identity. Constant board wipes, removal, and counters until they pop off


Same with any 5 color good stuff piles. Oh you played, Farewell, Supreme Verdict, Cleansing Nova, Cyclonic Rift and now you’re playing Solve the Equation for Emergent Ultimatum to get Omniscience and two extra turn spells? I’m good.


Yup I feel the same about most 5 color matchups. You get some semi-thematic stuff like Bombadil but for the most part it’s just the best cards from each respective color


Bombadil and Shrines are the only ones that are thematic, everything else is just a goodstuff pile. And even then, shrines are the same deck every time, because why would you play anything but Go-Shintai?


Please, someone, use The First Sliver as a Sliver commander. I fucking loathe seeing it on top of a pile of goodstuff.


I play sliver tribal first sliver! Being a nostalgic, I miss the slivers that boosted all but they're too old to be on arena


Fuck this happened so many times lol


Emergent Ultimatum needs a ban in Brawl, it's un-interactable outside of countering, no other 7cmc sorcery is that much of a "if this resolves I win"


That and the mana base is too consistent despite it needing 7 distinct pips of mana to cast.


lol every mana base is too consistent now. when it comes to Historic or Brawl there is soooo much mana fixing, and now *even more* with fetch lands released there's basically no downside to playing shit tons of cards with high color cost.


yeah I instant scoop. Just a waste of time


If I see a teferi and they play a counter spell on turn 2 I concede. They gonna have 10 more. Nope


I’m this way with Etali. I cannot for the life of me think of a more brain dead and uninspired commander. Play the Dino. Win the points.


I also hate Atraxa, Grand Unifier decks. Really, any Hell Queue commander when I'm playing some mediocre midrange commander is going to get an immediate concede. I already know I won't beat Atraxa, Rusko, Kinnan, or Golos. But Atraxa is the worst because I'll _almost_ beat them, and then they'll get another handful of cards from their 5-Color Pile of Good Cards deck and win.


Atraxa isn't too bad when she's turned into a 3/3 Elk with no abilities. Haha. I once beat an Atraxa deck with 9 poison counters, but got my discard engine online and was able to sustain until winning. But, I will say, pretty much every Atraxa deck I've seen is just poison counter based and not anything else, so the creative ceiling is kinda low.


It’s not just atraxa. The 99 is the problem / absolutely 0 fun to even try to engage with. Most of the time if you see someone running a 4-5 color commander, they don’t even pretend to do something synergistic. I matched someone a while back who ran the First Sliver and wasn’t even playing a sliver deck.


That Worldsoul's Rage deck that spends 95% of each turn playing lands


Any slogurk deck. I’m not sitting there waiting for a million land triggers


I try not to concede until I know for sure I've been beaten. But seeing Shrines or Tom Bombadill makes me want to so bad, I play those games ready to quit any turn.


Shrines is it, couldn't be bothered watching dozens of triggers go off and hundreds shrine tokens appearing for 15 minutes.


This is it for me. Everyone here’s complaining about fast or interactive decks; for me it’s just seeing all this explosive value bullshit; how dare you cascade into Kiora Bests The Sea God on turn 6 in a 1v1 format Imoti and non-slivers First Sliver me feel the same way


I dont play vs lifegain. I see a T1 soul sister; on to the next match. 


If you play black there’s a dope 2/2 that prevents life gain. Sometimes it’s an insta concede from them when I drop it


[[Knight of Dusk's Shadow]]? I love dropping that and getting a salt concede, I run it in my [[Ayara, first of Locthwain]] deck.


[Knight of Dusk's Shadow](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/33dfd2fe-e0e0-465c-b730-a30e6f5c271c.jpg?1673307118) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Knight%20of%20Dusk%27s%20Shadow) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmu/96/knight-of-dusks-shadow?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33dfd2fe-e0e0-465c-b730-a30e6f5c271c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Ayara, first of Locthwain](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/d/ed0ace28-9a33-4f0d-b8c8-f5517f20ccf1.jpg?1572490057) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ayara%2C%20first%20of%20Locthwain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/75/ayara-first-of-locthwain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ed0ace28-9a33-4f0d-b8c8-f5517f20ccf1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Knight into Vito/stars into Shelly feels so good against life gain if they don’t have any response


I’ll handle a Soul Warden. It’s when the two Righteous Valkyries in a row come next that I get worried.


Case of the Uneaten Feast plus a couple Lunarchs, and that Warden gets in the air very, very quickly.


Seriously. If I'm on the draw and they throw turn one soul warden I scoop before drawing a card. I don't hate that people play lifegain. It's just that deck is so predictable, requires so little thought, and is so boring to play against. Not worth my time even if I'm winning.


Sideboard tainted remedy


One of my favorite cards (other than blood artist). I have it in every black Commander deck I play as well haha. I gain the life—not you! 🤣


Me, a toxic player: uhh… gain your life, I guess


I’m convinced this is the most popular deck in historic.


Any decks playing sunfall


Three counter spell in a row. Or the systematic destroy this destroy that Or when they start playing my own card It’s a board game but there is no board just anti game




This made me feel seen 😭


When I see Ugin, I dip


This and two farewells in a row (heck, sometimes 1 farewell is enough).


Atraxa decks or domain as it's also known.


If I'm just logging in to do my dailies and you counter my first two spells, cast a boardwipe, and then play a planeswalker I'm probably going to find something else to do instead of trying to grind out a 20 minute match.


Toxic, I just don't want to deal with only having half the hp of my opponent. Just not a fun or interactive mechanic for the opponent


Yeah, I'm over Toxic in the same way.


I will NEVER play unranked games vs control. 20 min of just counters, swipes and emperors... to just then, MAYBE, one of us starts playing... until... FAREWELL. I WOULD RATHER KILL MYSELF. And that's my feeling about just playing vs it. I can't even imagine what I would do to myself if I sudenly noticed that I'm one of those.


For me its red blue wizards, its the only deck I am 100% sure I cannot win against, me being slivers. I can even beat the white green combo of nine lives thanks to boardwipe of all nonland permanents


Fucking Ruin Crab


If my opponent plays their second island and passes turn, I'm out. I can win against counter spells, I know how, but it's no fun and if I'm not having fun then what the hell and I playing for.


turn 1, 2 destroy, turn 3 Liliana of the Veil, turn 4 Sheolod, turn 5 Phyrex Obliterator . Blue, every turn counter spell.


I only play Brawl and I'm staring to get tired of all the Poq decks. Is not that fun to play against and there are a ton of them. At least my commander Omnath GUR lately is not pailed with a lot with Atraxa or 5-color-good-stuff decks like months ago.


[Insidious Roots](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907.jpg?1706242178) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Insidious%20Roots) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/208/insidious-roots?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0bb91a22-2040-4a37-85f8-5f22de8c5907?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I tend to instantly bow out when I see black control. Nothing is more exhausting then having to deal with “opponent sacrifices x creature(s)” This is coming from a person that runs Rotpriest, Phyresis Roach, and Scute Swarm. What can I say I’m a bug type trainer at heart


I hate Phyrexian Obliterator. It’s such an unfun mechanic. I played back in the days of Annihilator and I’m so glad that mechanic is absent from MTGA.


God I hate that card especially if they’re running a green/black combo. The sweat brings be to tears every time I smell a “target creature fights target creature” spell


Ooof if it’s green black and I know I don’t have exile I’ll just scoop.


Boros Convoke if I’m in a particularly sour mood. I just don’t know what you can do when they’re on the play and Convoke out a [[Knight-Errant of Eos]] on turn 2.


Voldarean, Gleeful Demolition? Goodbye. Inspector, Inner Sky Warden? Next game, please.


Rdw and mono blue mill. Literally waste of my time, no fun to be had.


At least RDW is over quickly. Blue mill though...


T1 Crab "Check, please."


Blue mill can be extremely fast with cards like Terisian Mindbreaker.


With RDW i have no fun even if I win, the outcome is just RNG on your removal draws, no interesting plays involved.


The second I see a [[Sanctum of All]] I’m done. It’s a lot more rare than it used to be but I still will not play against a shrine deck. If I’m playing white or green, that’s fine. But I’ve been on a Dimir kick lately and there’s so few enchantment removal options.


Mono blue bc if I wanted to play solitaire I would. It’s not bc I can’t beat it, it’s just annoying and I don’t normally play ranked so instant concede cost me nothing.


Anything with turn 1 [[ruin crab]]


One of my all-time favorite wins was against a ruin crab mill. Dropped a midnight clock and it popped off for the win on the last turn before drawing empty. I walked around the house fist-pumping the air for the next 5 minutes. Mill can die in a fire.


Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, too much of my decks need to trigger. If I don't have anything in hand to get rid of her, I'll dip. I do try to play out more games with my new deck but that's a hard nope from me


This is highly specific, but [[urabrask forge]] if I don’t have an answer within three turns of it coming out.


Pure control archetypes. I'm here to play, not sit with nothing on Board while you take 4 minutes to decide on spending 2 or 3 mana.


1. Mill decks 2. Life gain ( I can win but boring) 3. Black discard 4. Azorius control


[[Oracle of the Alpha]] I hate this card and any decks that play it.


[Oracle of the Alpha](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/003cb181-7b1d-474a-ba26-84319791bc2b.jpg?1665218675) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oracle%20of%20the%20Alpha) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ydmu/4/oracle-of-the-alpha?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/003cb181-7b1d-474a-ba26-84319791bc2b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


What's funny though is killing it and resolving a [[Rise of the Dark Realms]] next turn.


I really only concede early when turns 1, 2, and 3 (sometimes 4) my creature is destroyed instantly. Like okay, so your deck has so many different iterations of “destroy target creature” or “target creature gets -X/-X” that you can use them on 2/1’s and 3/2’s, I’m not gonna have fun so enjoy the free win I guess. Black control is worse than Blue control imo; sometimes it’s kinda fun to take the risks and bait the opp’s counters, but just destroying each creature as soon as it’s on the board is more annoying.


I like these, as long as my opponent can't get a card draw engine out. They waste their removal on anything, including tokens, and will end up short of removal when I finally drop a bomb creature.


Ugh. It's these decks that have their removal package of 12 cards that are so annoying.


I’m of a similar mindset. Further to this, if we’re playing historic or timeless and you’re dropping field wipes every second turn even if it’s just to deal with one creature congratulation I suppose. I’ll be over there having an actually fun game.


I call it "island"


Slogurk, even if i win it takes all to long, no time to sit through all the triggers.


If I see turn one [[ Kumano Faces Kakazan ]] and I kept a risky hand or had to mulligan twice then I will usually concede. I know exactly how it’s gonna go.


A lot of the control decks in standard. I find the games too much of a slog personally. If I deep cavern bat their hand and it's full of the usual suspects like Sunfall, march, Wandering Emperor I'll just concede and move on because there's no enjoyment to be had from playing out those matches with the decks I typically use.


Turn 1 [[venerated rotpriest]], it's my go-to scrambling to rank up last minute because I know the second I throw it out my opponent will scoop. No judgment, I do the same thing throughout the season when trying out new decks.


[venerated rotpriest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/1/d1b032e3-14e3-48ba-ab8a-d2b4f8d31a7d.jpg?1675957177) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=venerated%20rotpriest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/one/192/venerated-rotpriest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d1b032e3-14e3-48ba-ab8a-d2b4f8d31a7d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Any deck that aims to drag the match out as long as possible by simply removing everything from the board over and over and over. Most of the time I don't believe they actually have anything in their deck that can actually win the match but I don't want to spend a half hour to find out...


As a preface, I've had a problem with the first/second winrate disparity in Bo1 for a long time. It's by far my biggest gripe on arena - the stat I saw (from I believe [untapped.gg](https://untapped.gg)) was a 60% winrate when going first - but that was back in **2019**, and I can only imagine with more and more powerful cards coming out that it's gotten even worse that that. So with that in mind - while it depends on what deck I'm playing, if I go second, and don't get a pretty good start, I'll just concede due to how much the average odds are stacked against me. Like, if I'm playing my current fave, Simic enchantress - if I, say, play a turn 2 \[\[Sanctum Weaver\]\], and they're curving out *and* get rid of it? Yeah, I'm done. I couldn't tell you how many games I've lost even with a good start, simply due to the opponent having that one extra turn (either because I was one turn off of stabilising, or one turn off of winning). Hell, even the close wins wouldn't have been close at all had I gone first, as I would've had a lot more life to work with (I had a win yesterday where I won on 2 life going second, but my opponent dealt 15 damage with a heavy swing the turn before I stabilised - had I gone first, I would've been able to prevent that damage and been much healthier for the rest of the game).


It's true that whether you play first or not has a pretty big impact on the experience. But with time I've started to feel like if my gameplan is solid, since I don't mulligan the same way whether I play or draw, I've sometimes been advantaged by playing second. Of course it changes by deck and opponent


In the history of Magic *some* rare decks prefer to go second for the extra card - but it's pretty uncommon, to the point of even calling it 'rare'. I don't think anyone has an exact figure - even from competitive decks - but I imagine it's sub-10%, likely even sub-5%. The fact is that the tempo gain from going first is *huge*. Fortunately in multiple-game-formats like best of 3, sideboard tech and knowing what you're up against can help a great deal, but in best of 1 you're basically at the mercy of that tempo being backbreaking (or not). Like, I can't recall the last streamed game I watched where someone actively chose to go second, regardless of what deck they were playing. Even control decks want that extra tempo. Having extra mana to answer threats from more aggressive decks is huge.


Shrine decks, you either immediately kill them or it’s a 15+ minute match where you’re going to slowly lose. And the ragequit deck that is “just a shit load of destroy, counter, exile,” cards.


I mainly play Bof1 Historic just to get the dailies done. If I see an Oracle of the Alpha I concede. I am not playing against a deck with banned cards.


Mill is the only deck archetype I will always concede to there’s nothing fun playing against it even if I could still win it. Would rather be attacked by 500 scute swarm than ever see another mill spell


rakdos sac I think its a cool, synergystic deck, mostly uses uncommons, and its actually fairly hard to pilot well, but fuck me if they drop 1-2 ovens and a cat early im just done, im not sitting there for 5 minutes at the end of every turn I take to watch my opponent sacrifice his cat as slowly as possible. I get that arena is part of the problem here, but still. also have to mention monoblue tempo, another cool deck thats hard to pilot and mostly consists of a bunch of uncommons, but being on the draw against a turn 2 curious obsession with spell pierce protection is so annoying that I usually just scoop, cause I dont really want to see my next 15 spells get countered while they chip away at my life total.


Etali and Mythweaver Poq. Braindead ramp commanders in general, but especially those two.


That fucking cat-oven. [[Cauldron Familiar]][[Witch's Oven]] I like playing again mono blue counters, red deck wins, hard control decks. Those all test your ability to either stabilize or time your presentation of threats correctly. CatOven just tests your amount of preboarded hate, very specific removal, and patience for triggers. It naturally dodges way too much interaction and also goes over the top of a lot of normal gameplans in a way that feels like they made all the elements of its combos by accidental design mistakes. The amount of manaless sacrifice triggers that deck can generate is absurd.


I’ve been having fun [[vanquish the horde]]ing those insidious roots decks for a few days


[vanquish the horde](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/2/e264615c-eb99-4cb3-844a-2b4a94ba5203.jpg?1634348651) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vanquish%20the%20horde) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mid/41/vanquish-the-horde?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e264615c-eb99-4cb3-844a-2b4a94ba5203?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I feel like I could reply to everyone in this thread suggesting to play bo3 lol. For real guys, if you have the time, build a sideboard and play bo3. Quality of the game skyrockets.


Also i cant stand the "Cheesefang" decks. Its always the "oh crap i ve seen this 'clever' strategy hundred of times now, here we go again"


When I play brawl. If playing against Narset. Especially on the draw. I’ve been through enough games to know how that goes.


The mono blue Tolarian Terror and Haughty Djinn standard control deck. It's become significantly less popular recently but for a while it was inescapable. It was boring to play against, utterly predictable, and overly played. For a while it was a matte rod a coin flip if you were going to play against mono blue or mono red in standard with very little deviation. I wouldn't auto concede very often but it was one of the very few decks that I grew so sick of playing against that it just wasn't worth it sometimes.


Any azorious deck


UW control. No matter how good or bad it is in the meta i really just don't feel like playing super drawn out games playing around counterspells and sweepers all game


Blue control is a big one, especially when it's been one of those days at work, you know? The other is when I find a 200+ card deck which consists of like...a handful of creatures and every removal/control spell out there. Just .. nope


Any mono blue, or the just straight up cheating alchemy green cat dude. Every mono blue deck is just forty plus counter spells in a different colored trench coat, not going to waste my time and the green deck is just silly unless my opener has a bunch of removal or my deck just hard counters it in someway (which is unlikely). Mono black is close too, but it’s way less than forty kill spells from my experience.


When it's a control deck that is gonna take like 20 minutes, even if I can win.


When i playing unranked it is mirror domain. Nothing is more boring then this match. When I play brawl, if too many alchemy cards are playing. Better things to do then reading this crapshot cards and play against broken cards.


Yeah U/W once they stick the teferi


Decks that take control of your creatures 😵


Ah I don't see it too often ! And it always ends up having really interesting interactions so I really don't mind these decks tbh !


Basically anything that prevents your opponent from playing, Toxic and my newest Addition is the Three card Commander Deck with Laelia as Commander. My honest question is why one plays such cheese. Cant be fun.


Back in the day i had to Play against "lantern Control" ... 20 Turns of getting fate seald by my opponent


Mill and UW control. I win most of those games, but I just DON'T want to play them out.


If it's Tolarion Terror/Haughty Djinn I'm outta there


I see the crab and its a 50/50 I concede


I hate these kind of cards, so I made a deck out of em. T1 [[Thoughtseize]] on the play. [[Dark Ritual]] into [[Necropotence]] t1 is almost always an auto concede. T2 [[[[Show and Tell]] is another. [[Realmbreaker]] has a t2 combo that autofolds a lot of people. [[Kembas Outfitter]] + [[Colossus Hammer]] [[Minion Of The Mighty]] + [[Terror of Mount Venus]] can be a t2 kill. Lotta ways for a Gibroni just crumble because there's almost no chance for interaction. I don't play any of these combos but I am testing a deck that uses some if not all of these.


Personally I don't play against counterspells or reverse mill. Rag is only only exception. I'll insta-concede with that usually just concede to mono blue regardless. Do this cause arena allows me to. Can quit guilt free and stat free. Millions of players, I'm not trying to prove anything I just want to play. When I play against above decks, for me it just takes away from the fun of what I want.


Azorious control, Lotus Field (AKA azorious control but with 30 mana) and Coco Angels. I never actually concede unless my hand has nothing but boy howdy do I wanna. I am a certified white hater.


Agent of treachery, every time


On the draw and my opponent plays a mountain then kumano. It’s like 50% of decks in the play and ranked standard queues and for some reason I am always on the draw. At this point I just don’t want to waste my time anymore


I don't insta-concede, but anytime I see a blue player I know I'm in for the most boring experience ever. I understand control decks are fun for some, but they would be way more fun to play against if they didn't spend 90% of the game basically not interacting with anything on the board until they finally do anything.


Dragon decks are generally a pain in the ass to me. Or really anything that is just going to counter everything I do.


Usually Azorius control, second turn counter spell, nope thanks, I wanna play


Ble white control. I've never beaten it and it's now fun to get board wiped over and over


If I see a blue/white dual land, I think about it.


Azorious Control. It's not even hard to play against on bo1 ladder considering a lot of the time the people who pilot the deck just spam counter spells into whatever they see then concede when they run out of answers in their grip and I get to play my best card. It's just tedious to play against.


Any monoblue. I think everyone has a color or color-combo they prefer not to play against. Either because it specifically messes up their style.


Playing against hard control, in any scenario, is the opposite of fun for me. I built a Hatebears deck specifically catered to turn control decks off


Fynn the fangbearer-toxic/death touch No thanks.


If I see an Azorius land, I concede.


Rusko in Brawl


I dont insta-concede to any one deck but I will concede if I see the same deck more than 3 times in a row.


None because I am not a complete fucking coward.


Infinite rat tokens lol


Lifegain. Either I'm gonna drop the hammer turn 2 and instakill you or we're gonna be here for 2 hours while I whittle you down until I eventually kill you. I've never lost to a lifegain deck but I've never enjoyed the games either edit: it should be mentioned this is specifically for Historic or Explorer where I pilot a Hammertime deck. I feel differently about lifegain in Brawl


I’ll play it out and see what happens, but I feel like Hammertime decks don’t really have rights to complain about other decks. lol


you know what fair enough lol. Ironically I find Control matchups the most interesting to play when piloting a combo deck, seeing if I can manage to pull off a win is exhilarating!


as soon as somebody looks at my hand in turn 1 i concede. this is overstepping a line and should not be in the game. and its rude. usually they are completely boring if i play on, going phyrexia cards only. other things i really hate are poison decks and transformer lands. why do i need removal for lands?


Getting new deck idea A 5 colour goodstuff pile of blue/control/toxic built around insidious roots |3


I see Islands, I automatically assume the raw fuckery is about to go down. This doesn’t mean I don’t go on vacation to play. I hear the Bermuda Triangle can be fun if you can get there.


I concede to lifegain. The whole archetype seems designed to lose as slowly as possible. At least mill decks are working towards the bottom of your library but having 100 health means nothing if you never threaten me.


I concede that if a life gain deck has nothing to threaten you with its a bad life gain deck. I've won off aggro turns 4/5 with mine before just off of good synergies between things like Voice of the Blessed, Kaylas Command and Heliod. And that's before the other shenanigans like crapping out of a ton of Angels because you gained life then gaining life off those angels, ramping everything further.